Read The Rome Express Page 19

Quadling toldher that she was an eye-witness, and could take him to theguillotine,--she also must die.

  "Witness at last prevailed on him to spare her life, but only oncondition that she would leave the car. He indicated the window asthe only way of escape; but on this for a long time she refused toventure, declaring that it was only to exchange one form of deathfor another. Then, as Quadling again threatened to stab her, shewas compelled to accept this last chance, never hoping to win outalive.

  "With Quadling's assistance, however, she succeeded in climbingout through the window and in gaining the roof. He had told her towait for the first occasion when the train slackened speed toleave it and shift for herself. With this intention he gave her athousand francs, and bade her never show herself again.

  "Witness descended from the train not far from the small stationof Villeneuve on the line, and there took the local train forParis. Landed at the Lyons Station, she heard of the inquiry inprogress, and then, waiting outside, saw Quadling disguised as theItalian leave in company with another man. She followed and markedQuadling down, meaning to denounce him on the first opportunity.Quadling, however, on issuing from the restaurant, had accostedher, and at once offered her a further sum of five thousand francsas the price of silence, and she had gone with him to the HotelIvoire, where she was to receive the sum. Quadling had paid it,but on one condition, that she would remain at the Hotel Ivoireuntil the following day. Apparently he had distrusted her, for hehad contrived to lock her into her compartment. As she did notchoose to be so imprisoned, she summoned assistance, and was atlength released by the police."

  This was the substance of Hortense Petitpre's deposition, and itwas corroborated in many small details.

  When she appeared before the Judge, with whom Sir CharlesCollingham and Colonel Papillon were seated, the former at oncepointed out that she was wearing a dark mantle trimmed with thesame sort of passementerie as that picked up in the sleeping-car.


  Quadling was in due course brought before the Court of Assize andtried for his life. There was no sort of doubt of his guilt, andthe jury so found, but, having regard to certain extenuatingcircumstances, they recommended him to mercy. The chief of thesewas Quadling's positive assurance that he had been first attackedby Ripaldi; he declared that the Italian detective had in thefirst instance tried to come to terms with him, demanding 50,000francs as his price for allowing him to go at large; that whenQuadling distinctly refused to be black-mailed, Ripaldi struck athim with a knife, but that the blow failed to take effect.

  Then Quadling closed with him and took the knife from him. It wasa fierce encounter, and might have ended either way, but theunexpected entrance of the woman Petitpre took off Ripaldi'sattention, and then he, Quadling, maddened and reckless, stabbedhim to the heart.

  It was not until after the deed was done that Quadling realizedthe full measure of his crime and its inevitable consequences.Then, in a daring effort to extricate himself, he intimidated thewoman Petitpre, and forced her to escape through the sleeping-carwindow.

  It was he who had rung the signal-bell to stop the train and giveher a chance of leaving it. It was after the murder, too, that heconceived the idea of personating Ripaldi, and, having disfiguredhim beyond recognition, as he hoped, he had changed clothes andcompartments.

  On the strength of this confession Quadling escaped theguillotine, but he was transported to New Caledonia for life.

  The money taken on him was forwarded to Rome, and was usefullyemployed in reducing his liabilities to the depositors in thebank.

  The other word.

  Some time in June the following announcement appeared in all theParis papers:

  "Yesterday, at the British Embassy, General Sir CharlesCollingham, K. C. B., was married to Sabine, Contessa diCastagneto, widow of the Italian Count of that name."


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