Read The Room with the Tassels Page 10

  CHAPTER X Was It Supernatural?

  Late that afternoon Braye returned from New York. He looked weary andexhausted, as if under hard and continuous strain.

  Norma and Eve had both been watching for him from different windows andmet on the stairs in their sudden rush to meet him in the hall.

  It was easily apparent that both girls desired to see him first and tellhim the further awful development of the disappearance of Vernie's body.

  "What!" he exclaimed, "more horrors! Wait a minute, till I get off thisdust coat."

  Before Eve or Norma could say more, the others, hearing Braye, cametrooping to the hall, and all began to talk at once.

  "I can't understand----" and Braye wearily passed his hand across hisbrow,--"tell me all that happened after I left last evening."

  "Nothing especial," said Tracy, quietly. "We all went to bed early, atleast, we went to our rooms. Professor Hardwick and I sat up half thenight, talking. But we left Thorpe on guard in the hall here, and ofcourse, it never occurred to any of us there was need of furtherprecaution."

  "Nor was there," said Eve, fixing her great eyes on Braye. "Nobody couldpossibly come in from outside and take that child away. The house is toosecurely locked for that, as we all know."

  "Why should any one want to?" queried Braye, his face blank withamazement.

  "No one did want to,--no one did do it," returned Eve. "You must admit,Rudolph, that the whole thing is supernatural,--that----"

  "No, Eve, I can't do that." Braye spoke positively. "When I'm up herewith you psychists, and in this atmosphere of mystery,--and Lord knows'Black Aspens' is mysterious!--I get swayed over toward spiritualism, butwhen I go down to the city and talk with rational, hard-headed men, Irealize there's nothing in this poppycock!"

  "Oh, you do!" and Eve's penetrating glance seemed to bore into his verysoul, "then, pray, how do you explain the fact that Vernie--isn't there?"

  "I don't know, Eve,--I don't know. But some fiend in human shape musthave managed to get into the house----"

  "And get out again?" said Tracy, "and carry the body with him,--whenThorpe sat right here in the hall----"

  "Where was Thorpe?" asked Braye, suddenly.

  "In a chair there, by that table," and Eve indicated a position well backin the great hall.

  "Then he couldn't see the doors of both rooms----" began Braye, butProfessor Hardwick interrupted: "Nonsense, man, both doors were open, ifany move had been made, Thorpe must have heard it."

  "Both doors open," said Braye, "Norma, you said they were closed when youcame down to breakfast."

  "I asked Thorpe about that," said Tracy. "He told me that at daybreak, orsoon after, he closed the doors, without looking in the rooms. He wasscared, I think, though he won't admit that. He says, he thought theladies would be coming down and the doors better be closed."

  "That's all right, but it's strange that he didn't glance into therooms."

  "I don't think so," said Landon. "Thorpe was in charge, but he had noreason to think there had been any disturbance, and he is pretty wellscared up over the whole matter. And I don't wonder."

  "Nor I," said Braye. "It's all inexplicable. What's Crawford going to donext?"

  "I'm not sure," said Tracy, "but I think he'll hold an inquest. Ofcourse, _he_ thinks it's a case of murder----"

  "How absurd!" cried Eve. "What more does the man want in confirmation ofthe supernatural? First, those two deaths, impossible of humanachievement, and now, the taking away of poor little Vernie, incircumstances that deny any mortal hand in the matter!"

  "If that's true, Eve," Braye spoke in a matter-of-fact tone, "it will dono harm to let the coroner proceed along his own lines. He can't convicta murderer if there isn't one,--and if there is one, we all want himconvicted, don't we?"

  "Of course," said Landon, "but suppose they pitch on an innocent man?"

  "It's _all_ supposition," declared Braye. "I never heard of such a moil!I can't see how it _can_ be murder, or body-snatching, yet I can't standfor ghost-work, either. Say it's murder,--where's a motive, for anybody?"

  "I think you ought to know, Rudolph," Eve said, slowly, "that thatCrawford person asked who would inherit Mr. Bruce's money, and----"

  "And we owned up that you were the next of kin, old chap," put in Landon,smiling grimly. "Any remarks?"

  "Don't be flippant, Wynne," said Braye, seriously, "of course, I'vethought of that. I can't very well be charged with the murder, as Iwasn't here at the time, but I do feel deeply embarrassed at the thoughtthat I am, without a doubt, the next heir. That can, I suppose, drawsuspicion on me, as I may be said to have motive. But I am not afraid ofthat, for there's no possible way I could have turned the trick. But, ifit _was_ murder, if there's the slightest indication of foul play, I'mready to devote all of Uncle Gifford's money, if need be, in bringing thecriminal to justice."

  "Of course, there's no sense in tacking the crime on you, Braye," andLandon sighed. "If it was a crime, and if anybody here committed it,they'll more likely suspect me, for I'm the next heir after you, and if Icould despatch two intervening heirs, I could also bump you off, Isuppose."

  "Don't talk like that, Wynne," implored Milly. "It's not like you, andI----"

  "I'm only preparing you, Milly, dear, for what may come. Thatmutton-headed coroner can't rest till he fastens murder on somebody,--andit might as well be me."

  "I want to go home, Wynne,--I want to go back to New York," and Millybegan to cry.

  "You may, dear, just as soon as you like. But I must stay and see whathappens up here. For me to run away would be, to say the least,suspicious."

  "Talk sense, Wynne," broke in Braye; "I wasn't here, you know, when thosetwo people died. Tell me again, just where were you all?"

  "Mr. Bruce and Professor Hardwick sat in those two chairs, confabbing,"Wynne explained; "I was passing things round, so was Mr. Tracy. Eve wasrunning the tea things, Vernie was jumping about here and there, andNorma,--where were you, Norma?"

  "I was near Mr. Bruce and the Professor, listening to their talk," shereturned. "I was greatly interested. Mr. Landon had just given me a cupof tea, and I was sipping it as I listened. There was nothing wrong aboutthe tea, of that I'm certain."

  "Of course there wasn't," agreed Braye, who had heard the scene rehearsedmany times. "There's nothing wrong anywhere, that I can see, except thata dreadful thing has happened, and we must find out all we can about it.I've been to see Uncle Gif's business friends, he has a few in New York,and they're flabbergasted, of course. One of them, a Mr. Jennings, issure it's a desperate murder, cleverly contrived by some people inChicago, who are enemies of Uncle's, and who, he says, are diabolicallyingenious enough to have brought it about. He holds that Vernie's deathwas accidental,--I mean that they only intended to kill Uncle Gifford. Ican't believe in this talk, for how could it have been brought about? ButJennings thinks it was through the servants,--and that they're reallyenemies in disguise."

  "Why, they're all natives of this section," exclaimed the Professor, "howcould they be implicated?"

  "I told Jennings that, but he thinks they've been bought over, or--oh,Lord, I don't know _what_ he thinks! I don't know what to think myself!There's _no_ solution!"

  "Don't think now, Rudolph," and Eve came over to his side, and took hishand in hers. "You're all tired out, and I don't wonder. Let's havetea,--we mustn't dread tea because of its associations,--if we do that,we'll all collapse."

  With a determined air, Eve went away to order tea served as usual, thoughMilly had declared she never wanted to have it in that hall again.

  But Eve's idea found favour with the rest, and they gratefully acceptedthe refreshment, which, until that awful afternoon, had been such apleasant function.

  "We must settle some things," Braye said, looking at Landon. "I arrangedto send the bodies to Chicago,--of course, I didn't know----"

  "Isn't it terrible!" exclaimed Norma. "What shall you do now?"

bsp; "I think I'll send Uncle Gif's body, at once, and hope to find Vernie'slater. It _must_ be found----" Braye looked about wildly. "I wish I hadbeen here last night! Oh, forgive me, I'm not casting any hint of blameon you others, but,--well, you know I wasn't here when--when it happened,either, and I can't sense it all as you do. Professor Hardwick, what doyou think about it all?"

  "I'm an old man, Braye, and I've had wide experience, also, I'm a hardone to convince without strong and definite proof, but I'll state now,once for all, that I'm a complete convert to spiritism and I believe,--Iknow,--these deaths of our friends were the acts of an inimical spirit, aphantasm, incensed at our curiosity concerning the occult, and ourfrivolous attitude toward the whole subject."

  "You really believe that, Professor?"

  "I really do, Braye, and moreover I am convinced that the disappearanceof--of little Vernie, is the work of the evil spirit. What else canexplain it?"

  "Nothing that I know of, but I can't swallow the idea of a disembodiedspirit making off with a real, material body! I _wish_ I'd been here!Didn't _anybody_ see or hear _anything_?"

  "No," declared Landon, but Norma gave a quick glance at Eve, who returnedit with a defiant toss of her Titian-coloured head.

  "Why do you look at me like that, Norma?" she asked, shortly.

  "Why do I?" Norma repeated in a soft significant tone. "I think you know,Eve."

  "Well, I for one, shall stay up here for a time, and see how matters goon," said Braye, with sudden determination. "Who else wants to stay?"

  "I do," said Professor Hardwick, "I think we've by no means seen the lastof the manifestations, and though I feel there is a danger, I am ready tobrave it for the sake of investigating further."

  "I don't want to stay," and Milly shook with nervous apprehension. "Can'twe go home, Wynne?"

  "Very soon, darling. You can go at once, and I'll follow as soon asthings are adjusted up here. I think none of us ought to seem to runaway."

  "Certainly not," Tracy agreed, promptly. "The whole affair is soastounding, I can scarcely get my wits together, but I see clearly, noone must leave this house, until we are all exonerated from suspicion."

  "Not even me?" asked Milly, tearfully.

  "That's for you and Mr. Landon to decide," returned Tracy, gently. "I'mnot dictating, not even advising, but I have strong opinions on thesubject. What say, Braye?"

  "I quite agree with you, Tracy. But, I'm sure if Mrs. Landon prefers togo down to New York and stay at her mother's no one could possiblyobject."

  "But I don't!" Milly surprised them all by saying, "if you put it thatway,--if it's cowardly to go away, I don't want to go. I want to stay, ifWynne does, and if Eve and Norma stay."

  "That's my brave girl," and Landon smiled at his wife; "I'll guaranteethat Milly won't make any trouble, either. Once she's awake to a duty,she's bold as a lion. Now, see here, if Crawford stirs up suspicion ofany of us, we'll have to deal with him pretty roughly, I fear. He's apig-headed sort, and he will move heaven and earth to gain his point.Moreover, we can't expect him to subscribe to spook theories, any morethan those men Rudolph talked to in New York. One has to go through somesuch experiences as we have, to believe in them. You, Professor, wouldnever have been convinced by hearsay evidence, would you?"

  "No, sir, I would not! It took these otherwise inexplicable happenings toprove to me that there is but one way to look. Even a coroner can'tproduce a human criminal who could kill those two people the way theywere killed, and who could get into and out of this house and take ahuman body with him! The thing is preposterous!"

  "You know the doors and windows were all locked?" asked Braye,thoughtfully.

  "I looked after them, myself," said Landon. "I always do. After the lastone goes upstairs for the night, I invariably look after the locking up.And the house, properly locked, is impregnable. The servants' quartersare shut off and locked; there is absolutely no way of getting in fromoutside."

  "Going back to Jennings' theory," mused Braye, "could we suspect oldThorpe?"

  "Not for a minute," declared Landon. "And, too, he wasn't in the hallwhen they died. No, I'd trust Thorpe as far as I would any of ourselves.But, there's Stebbins. I've never felt sure that he's entirelytrustworthy."

  "Even so," said Braye, "he wasn't here when--when they died."

  "No, he wasn't. I can't see any way he could have arranged things unlesshe poisoned the cake----"

  "Rubbish, Wynne!" cried Eve, "you know we all ate that cake. Do berational."

  "But Mr. Bruce was poisoned, Eve, we can't get away from that."

  "Of course he was," broke in Hardwick, "and doubtless Vernie was too, butit was not done by human agency."

  "Well, there we go, reasoning round in a circle," murmured Norma; "Ithink our talk is useless, when we surmise and speculate about it all.Let us decide on our immediate plans. Shall you send Mr. Bruce's body toChicago, and stay here yourself, Rudolph?"

  "Yes, as I look at it now. I can't see anything else to do."

  Nor was there anything else to do.

  For Doctor Crawford persisted in treating the case as a criminal one, andrequested that all concerned remain at Black Aspens for the present, witha hint that unless they did so, the request might become a command.

  "Then you think the two people were murdered?" asked Landon of the countyphysician.

  "I don't say that, for sure; but when a man drops dead, and a trace ofpoison is found in his stomach, it looks mighty like an intention ofdeath on some one's part,--maybe the man himself. There's a show ofsuicide, you know."

  "But Gifford Bruce never would commit suicide!"

  "If only those committed suicide who are expected to do so, there'd bemighty few of them. Now, I hold that poison was taken into Mr. Bruce'sstomach while he was eating that cake, or whatever he did eat."

  "We agree to that," Landon spoke slowly, "but some of us think the poisonwas put in by supernatural means."

  "Now, ain't that nonsense,--for reasonable, rational men!" and Crawford'sfine scorn nettled Landon.

  "Professor Hardwick doesn't think it nonsense," he returned.

  The two were alone, Crawford having asked an interview with the man whohad rented the house.

  "Professor!" and Crawford fairly snorted. "For fool theories, commend meto a college professor. They can't see two inches either side of theirnoses!"

  "We have had reason to believe in spiritual manifestations," went onBraye.

  "Yes, and who gave you those reasons? Who rented this house to you folks,for the sole purpose of supplying you with a ha'nted house! Who knew thatghosts must be forthcoming, if you folks was to be satisfied? Whoperformed ghost doings himself, in order that you might not bedisappointed?"

  "What are you implying? That Mr.--that the owner tricked us?"

  "That's for you to find out. You came up here to investigate, as Iunderstand it. Well, why _don't_ you investigate? You swallow all themghosts and ha'ntings, and never look around to see who's fooling you!"

  "But, Doctor Crawford, what you insinuate is not possible. All thestrange things we have seen or heard have occurred at night,or,--yes,--occasionally in the daytime, but always when Mr. Stebbins wasat his home in East Dryden."

  "How do you know he was?"

  "Why, he has never been to the house at all, except two or three times oncommonplace errands, since we've been here. The supernaturalmanifestations we have observed had no more to do with him than they hadwith you!"

  "That's as may be. Only I advise you to investigate with a little commonsense and not too much blind faith in your spook visitors. Now, Mr.Landon, I take it you're boss around here."

  "I'm responsible for the house rent, if that's what you mean."

  "Well, that'll do. Now, sir, there's got to be an inquest. I expected, ofcourse, to hold it on the two bodies, but since one's gone, we'll have todo what we can without it. I don't deny that this case is beyond all myexperience. I've sent for a detective from New York, and I'll get all theother help I need. But I'm all
at sea, myself, and I make no secret ofthat."

  "I thought you suspected Eli Stebbins."

  "Not of murder! No, sir! Me'n Eli, we ain't good friends, haven't beenfor years, and I wouldn't put it past him to play ghost to scare you citypeople, but murder! Land, no, I wouldn't ever accuse Eli Stebbins ofgoin' that far!"

  "Have you any definite suspect?"

  "I don't say as I have, and I don't say as I ain't. Truth is, I'm allafloat. I don't know which way to turn. Every thing's so awfulunbelievable,--as you might say. Now, there's them two Thorpes. Good,steady-going New England people, they are, and yet, if I had any reasonto suspect 'em, I can see myself doing so. But, land, there ain't a shredof evidence that way. Why, they wasn't even in the room when the two of'em died!"

  "Wait a minute, Doctor Crawford. Nobody was in the room at the time ofthose two deaths, but our own party. You don't suspect one of us, doyou?"

  "No, Mr. Landon, I don't. You ain't a gay crowd, nor yet a fast or acommon crowd. You're all high-toned, quiet, law-abiding citizens,--as Isize you up. To be sure, decent citizens have committed murder, but Ican't connect up any one of you with crime in this case. I know Mr. Brayewill inherit the money that old Mr. Bruce left, and I know that you'rerelated there, too, but I haven't seen one iota of reason to suspect anyone of your crowd. If I do, I'll let you know mighty quick! Nor can Ihang it on the Thorpes; nor yet on those girls they have in to help. Andthat's what the inquest's for. To bring out, if possible, some evidenceagainst somebody, so's we can get a start."

  "I fear you can't get that evidence, Doctor, for if there were any wewould have found it ourselves. You have my good wishes, for if it is acase of murder, committed by a living, human villain, we most assuredlywant him apprehended."

  "He will be, Mr. Landon, take it from me, he will be!"