Read The Rover Boys Down East; or, The Struggle for the Stanhope Fortune Page 19


  The announcement that Josiah Crabtree had come to see Dan Baxter filledthe Rover boys with interest.

  "Did he have much to say?" asked Dick.

  "He had a great deal to say," answered Dan. He looked around at severalwho had entered the reading room "Come up to my room and I'll tell youall about it."

  "We will--after we have notified the clerk where we will be," said Dick."We are waiting for a message from our father."

  The boys engaged their rooms and had their dress-suit cases taken up. Afew minutes later the whole crowd entered the apartment Dan Baxteroccupied. They noticed that it was well-kept and that on the bureaurested a photograph of Dan's father.

  "How is he, Dan?" asked Dick, motioning to the picture.

  "Fairly well. He is getting old, you know."

  "When you see him next, give him our regards."

  "I will," answered Dan, and then he motioned the Rovers to seats and sankdown on the edge of the bed with something of a sigh. In spite of hissuccess as a commercial traveler Dan could not help but think of his ownpast and of his father's past. How his father might have prospered, evenas the Rovers had prospered, had he followed the path of fairness andhonor! He had reformed now, but this reform had come too late in life toenable him to make another start in the business world. Dan wassupporting him, and father and son were glad enough to have the Roversdrop their many just causes of complaint against them.

  "I can tell you I was much surprised to see Josiah Crabtree," said Dan,after a pause. "I ask him how he happened to be out of prison, and hesaid he was let go because of his good behavior."

  "That would make me laugh," interrupted Tom. "Think of old Crabtree onhis good behavior!"

  "He said he had been following me up for nearly a week," pursued Dan, andthen he paused and his face grew red.

  "Following you up?" cried Sam. "What for?"

  "Well--er--I might as well make a clean breast of it, fellows--although Ihope you will keep it to yourselves. You'll remember how thick Crabtreeand I once were?"

  "Yes," answered all of the Rovers in a low tone. They could realize howpainful the remembrance of it must be to Dan, now.

  "Well, he had an idea that I was the same old Dan and ready for newschemes for making money. He had a scheme, and he wanted me to help himwork it."

  "What was it?" asked Dick.

  "Well, you'll remember that he was always crazy after Mrs. Stanhope."

  "He was crazy after her money, and Dora's money."

  "Exactly. Well, he wanted me to help him in a scheme against Mrs.Stanhope--the same old scheme he tried years ago. He wanted to get her inhis power and force her to marry him."

  "What! Marry that jailbird!" cried Dick, and his eyes flashed fire. "Whata father-in-law Josiah Crabtree would make!"

  "That's it, Dick. He talked around the bush a good deal at first, and Iled him on, wanting to know what he had up his sleeve. He talked abouthis affinity and all that, and said that Mrs. Stanhope really wanted tomarry him--that she had said so a score of times----"

  "The scoundrel! He tried to hypnotize her!"

  "I know all that as well as you do, Dick. Well, he said she wanted tomarry him, but that her daughter wouldn't let her, being influenced byyou and the Lanings. He wanted me to aid him in getting Mrs. Stanhopeaway from Cedarville, and he said that as soon as they were married hewould give me five thousand dollars for helping him to get her."


  "It is true, every word of it. I pumped him all I could, just to get thedetails of his plot. But he wouldn't give me the details--in fact, Idon't think he had the details worked out. When, at last, I flatlyrefused to assist him he went off the maddest man you ever saw. He warnedme not to say a word to anybody, stating that if I did, he would put thepolice on my track on some old charge. But I made up my mind that I wouldwrite to you, and I'd write to Mr. Laning, too--he being Mrs. Stanhope'snear relative."

  "Where did he go to?" asked Sam.

  "I didn't see him the next day, until late in the evening. Then I wasover to Grapeton, to see a jeweler there, and when I was coming away anautomobile passed me driven by a fellow in a regular chauffeur's costume.On the back seat was Crabtree and a fellow who used to go to PutnamHall--the fellow who tried to do the Stanhopes out of that fortune incourt, Tad Sobber."

  "Sobber and Crabtree!" burst out Dick. "They surely must be together inthis deal!"

  "It certainly looks like it," added Tom.

  "I guess Crabtree is bound to have a part of the fortune, even if hecan't marry Mrs. Stanhope," said Sam.

  "Is Sobber after that fortune again?" questioned the young commercialtraveler.

  "We are afraid he already has it in his possession," answered Dick. "Nowthat you have been kind enough to tell your story, Dan, we'll tell ours."And he related the particulars of what had brought them away from thecamp at the lake.

  "I guess they are both after that fortune," said Dan, after listening tothe recital. "It seems to me it all fits in. Sobber wanted to get hold ofthat cash. He couldn't do it by force, so he had to use cunning. He isnot an overly-brilliant fellow, I take it, so he had to get somebody toaid him. In some manner he fell in with Josiah Crabtree. He knew thatCrabtree was as smart as he was unprincipled. The two fixed up the plotto get the fortune--and got it."

  "I hope they haven't got Mrs. Stanhope, too," murmured Dick.

  "I think Crabtree would rather have the money than have the lady," saidDan.

  "Well, we'll know all about the case tomorrow," said Sam. "I am deadtired now and am going to bed," he added, looking at his watch.

  "What time is it?"

  "Quarter to twelve."

  "Gracious, Dan, I didn't think we were keeping you up so late!" cried theeldest Rover boy.

  "Oh, that's all right, Dick. I'm glad you came--it saved me the troubleof sending that letter."

  "You can go to bed," went on Dick, to his brothers. "I'll stay up a bitlonger and see if any message comes from dad."

  The Rovers left Dan Baxter's apartment, and Sam and Tom retired, bothworn out from their day's exertions. Dick went below, to interview thehotel clerk.

  "No message yet, sir," said that individual. "If any comes in I will callyou."

  Dick was about to turn away, when the telephone bell rang. He waitedwhile the clerk listened for a moment.

  "Yes, he's here now," he heard the clerk say. "Wait a moment." The clerkturned to Dick. "There's your party now. I'll switch you into the boothyonder."

  Trembling with anticipation, Dick hurried to the booth, shut the door andtook up the telephone receiver. The wire was buzzing, but presently hemade out his father's voice.

  "Is that you, Dick?"

  "Yes, Dad. Where are you?"

  "At the hotel in Cedarville. I just got here a few minutes ago from a runacross the lake."

  "Across the lake? What for? Did you go after the fortune?"

  "No, I went after Mrs. Stanhope."

  "Then she is--is gone?" faltered Dick. He could scarcely speak the words.

  "Yes. But how did you guess it?" And Anderson Rover's tones showed hissurprise.

  "Tell me first where she went, and how?" demanded Dick, impatiently.

  "We don't know how she went, or just when. It is most mysterious all theway through. Dora is nearly frantic, for she did not know her mother wasgoing. We followed her up and learned that she had crossed the lake incompany with some man who wore a heavy, black beard and dark goggles."

  "It must have been Josiah Crabtree," cried Dick, and then, in as fewwords as possible, he told of the meeting with Dan Baxter and what theyoung commercial traveler had revealed.

  "Yes! yes! that must be the truth of it!" said Anderson Rover. "AndCrabtree must have been the one who aided in getting the fortune from thebank where it was being kept."

  "Never mind the money, dad, just now. Tell me about Mrs. Stanhope."

  "I can't tell yo
u any more, Dick. I went across the lake in a launch, butI could get no trace of her on the other side. Now I am going back to theStanhope house, and send Dora over to the Lanings. I want you to come uphere the first thing in the morning," added Mr. Rover.

  "I'll be up, and so will Sam and Tom," answered Dick, and then after afew words more the telephone talk came to an end.

  Dick slept but little that night. His one thought was of Mrs. Stanhope.What had become of her? Was it possible that Josiah Crabtree had in someway used his sinister influence to get her to leave her home, and wouldhe be able to hypnotize her into marrying him?

  "If he does that it will break Dora's heart!" he groaned. "Oh, it's anoutrage! We don't want such a scoundrel in the family!" And he grated histeeth in just indignation.

  The first boat for Cedarville left directly after the breakfast hour. TheRovers dined with Dan Baxter and then bade the young commercial travelergood-bye.

  "I'll keep my eyes open for Crabtree and Sobber," said Dan. "And if I seeeither of 'em I'll let you know at once."

  "Do," said Dick. "Send word instantly--at my expense."

  The boys boarded the same little steamer, the Golden Star, which hadfirst taken them up Cayuga Lake, when on their way to become pupils atPutnam Hall. The captain remembered them and spoke to them cordially. Butnone of the lads was in the humor of talking to outsiders.

  As soon as Cedarville was reached they rushed ashore at the well-knowndock. They were going to look around for a public carriage to take themto the Stanhope residence, some distance away, when a voice hailed them.

  "Why, boys, I am glad to see you!" came in hearty tones, and the nextinstant they were shaking hands with Captain Putnam, the owner of theschool which they had attended so many years.

  "We are sorry, Captain, that we can't stop to talk," said Dick, "but weare in a tremendous hurry."

  "Yes, and I know why," answered the owner of the school. "I met yourfather yesterday. Want to go to the Stanhope place?"


  "Then come with me. I have my carriage here, and my best team, and I'lltake pleasure in driving you there."

  "You are very kind," answered Tom. "My! I almost feel as if I was goingback to the school!"

  "I'd be glad to have you back, Thomas."

  "In spite of my pranks, Captain?" and Tom grinned.

  "Yes, in spite of your pranks," answered Captain Putnam, promptly.

  "And to think we are after Josiah Crabtree!" murmured Sam. "How timechanges things!"

  "I trust you catch him, and catch that Tad Sobber, too," answered CaptainPutnam, gravely.

  The team was a spirited one, and the captain knew well how to handlethem. Away they flew, through the village and then out on the smooth roadleading to the Stanhope place. Dick relapsed into silence. He wasthinking of Dora and of the girl's missing mother.