Read The Rover Boys Down East; or, The Struggle for the Stanhope Fortune Page 27


  For a moment there was silence. Dick looked at Alfred Darkingham and thenat Captain Wells.

  "What do you think of this?" he asked of the captain of the tug.

  The captain shrugged his shoulders.

  "You do as you think best, Mr. Rover," he said slowly. "He can certainlyhave us arrested if we land without permission. And the authorities havebeen pretty strict lately--so many folks landing where they hadn't anybusiness to."

  "But if Mrs. Stanhope is here?"

  "He says there is nobody but his crowd on the island."

  "They may be in hiding," suggested Tom.

  "If they are, they'll take good care to keep out of your way--if such athing is possible."

  "Let us leave!" put in Sam, in a low voice. "I've got a plan that maybring results."

  "What?" demanded Dick.

  "I'll tell you as soon as we are out of hearing," returned the youngestRover.

  The steam tug was backed away from the dock. Koswell and Larkspur grinnedin triumph.

  "Don't you think of coming back!" shouted Koswell.

  "If you do, remember we are armed," added Larkspur.

  "We'll remember what you have done--don't forget that," answered Dick,with some bitterness. It worried him greatly to have the search for Mrs.Stanhope delayed.

  "Now, what is your plan?" asked Tom of Sam, as soon as they were a goodlydistance from the island.

  "I propose we sail away and pretend to be going back to Portland. Then wecan turn and come up on the other side of the island."

  "They'll watch for us," said Dick.

  "We might land at night."

  "Yes, we could do that. But if we wait, we may be losing valuable time."

  "I'll run for the next island and sail around that," said Captain Wells."That may throw them off the scent."

  It took the best part of half an hour to gain the next island and round aconvenient point. Here the tug was stopped, that they might decide ontheir next move.

  "Oh, come on, let's do something!" cried Tom. "Let us sail for the otherside of that island and chance it! If they come after us, we can easilysteam away again."

  So it was decided, and rounding the island they were at, they set a newcourse, so that they might reach Chesoque Island at a point directlyopposite to where the dock was located. In the middle of the island wereseveral rocky hills, so that the view from one side to the other wascompletely shut off.

  "I'll have to be careful here," said Captain Wells, "I can't afford tostrike on the rocks. Those chaps would let us drown before they wouldcome to our assistance."

  The steam tug came in slowly. It could not reach the island proper, butstopped at the first of a series of rocks.

  "Let me have one of those pistols," said Dick, to the captain, and theweapon was handed over. Then Tom and Sam also armed themselves.

  "You had better stand off," went on Dick to Captain Wells. "If we wantyou we'll fire three shots, or wave a handkerchief."

  "Say, don't you want me along?" asked Larry Dixon. "I'd like a scrap, ifit comes to that."

  "Come along if you want to," answered Dick. He saw that though the sailorwas old he was strong, and not afraid to take his own part.

  The boys and the tar lost no time in jumping from one rock to anotheruntil the main portion of the island was gained. Then they ran for theshelter of some bushes. In the meantime the steam tug moved away to sucha distance that those aboard could be seen with difficulty.

  "Now, if the others didn't see us land, we are all right," cried Tom.

  "We don't want to make any noise," cautioned Dick. "Remember, they may beon the watch for us--Koswell and his cronies, and the Sobber crowd too."

  "Do you think Koswell and Larkspur would give aid to those otherrascals?" asked Sam.

  "I think they'd do almost anything to make trouble for us, Sam. You cansee how bitter they acted at the dock."

  With caution the party of four began a tour of the island. They movedfrom the shelter of the bushes to a thicket of pines, and then climbedalong a ridge of rough rocks.

  "I'll crawl to the top," said Dick. "Then I'll have a pretty good chanceto look around."

  At the top of the ridge, however, he found the view somewhatdisappointing. There were other ridges, and several thickets of pines andhemlocks, and at one point what looked to be a cliff with some cavesbeneath.

  "It will take some time to explore this island," said he, as he camedown. "I don't wonder that the smugglers used to use it. It's got anumber of dandy hiding places."

  "How in the world did the Sobber crowd learn of it?" asked Sam.

  "I think I can answer that," said Tom "Josiah Crabtree once taught in aPortland school and he used to put in his summers on an island in thisbay. More than likely, in cruising around, he heard of this island, andwhen he plotted to abduct Mrs. Stanhope he made up his mind it would bejust the spot to bring her to."

  "All providing she is here," added Sam. "We haven't proved that yet."

  They moved on, and passed another ridge of rocks. Then they came to awell-defined trail, running from one end of the island to the other.

  "Let us follow this," said Dick. "If there are any buildings near thecentre of the island they'll likely be on this road."

  "Here is a spring!" exclaimed Sam, a minute later. "Say, that water looksgood. I am going to have a drink."

  All stopped to quench their thirst, for the day had been warm in spite ofthe breeze that was blowing.

  "Look!" cried Dick, as he pointed at the wet ground. "Somebody has beenhere before us."

  "That's so!" returned Tom. "Now, if we were only Indians, we would knowwhose footprints those were and would follow 'em."

  Dick and Sam got down to examine the footprints. The majority of themwere of good size, but a few were small, the heel marks especially so.

  "I believe those marks were made by a woman's shoes!" murmured Dick. "Andif so----"

  "They were made by Mrs. Stanhope!" finished Sam. "Dick, I think we'vestruck the right trail!"

  "This proves that what that young fellow of the motor boat said was nottrue," said Dick. "Other folks are on this island."

  "Let us follow up the footmarks!" cried Larry Dixon. "Come on, messmates,to the rescue!" And he waved a stick he had picked up.

  To follow up the footmarks was not easy, for they led from the dirt tothe path and then to some smooth rocks. But they managed to get thegeneral direction, which was something.

  "I wonder if it would do any good to set up a yell," said Tom. "MaybeMrs. Stanhope would hear it, and answer it."

  "If she got the chance." said Sam. "If she didn't, all the yelling woulddo would be to let our enemies know we were here."

  "No, we had better go ahead as quietly as we can," said Dick. "Ifpossible, we want to take them unawares."

  Much to their surprise, at the other side of the smooth rocks was anotherpath, running between a thick growth of pines. Here the going wassomewhat uncertain, and they had to proceed slowly, for fear of steppinginto a crevice and twisting an ankle.

  "If they brought Mrs. Stanhope this way, it must have been very hard onher," murmured Tom.

  "Listen!" exclaimed Sam, suddenly, and held up his hand.

  All became silent, and listened with strained ears. But the only soundsthat reached them was the breeze through the trees, and the washing ofthe waves on the rocks.

  "What was it, Sam?" asked Dick, in a whisper.

  "I thought I heard a call."

  "You must have been mistaken."

  "Maybe I was, but--There it goes again!"

  "That's so!" exclaimed Tom. "Somebody is calling from the other side ofthis patch of trees."

  "It is Jerry Koswell," said Dick.

  "Who is he calling to?" asked Sam.

  "I don't know. Keep still and maybe we'll find out."

  And then all listened with bated breath for what might follow.