Read The Rover Boys at School; Or, The Cadets of Putnam Hall Page 19



  The wind had been with the racers thus far, but as one afteranother of the skaters turned the mark they found the wind nowfull in their faces, and it was blowing freshly.

  "Mumps will win beyond a doubt!" was the cry, as the lad from theHudson River forged still further ahead.

  "My skate is loose!" cried Larry, and a second later the skate cameoff and flew fifty feet away.

  By this time Dick and Fred were coming up, slowly but surely. Itseemed to be nip-and-tuck between them, and the friends of eachcheered wildly.

  "Go it, Dick; you can come in second anyway!"

  "Make him follow you, Fred! You can do it if you try!"

  On and on went the racers, Mumps still ten feet ahead, Fred andDick side by side, and the others in a bunch just back of them.

  But the strain was now beginning to tell upon Mumps, who hadpushed himself too much from the start. Halfway to the finishfrom the turning point Dick and Fred began to crawl up, until theywere less than a yard behind him, one at either hand.

  "Go it, Mumps! They are catching you!"

  Mumps did try to increase his speed, but his wind was gone and hecould hardly strike out. The finish was now in sight, and theboys began to shout on every side:

  "Go it, every one of you!"

  "Hurrah! Mumps, Dick, and Fred are a tie!"

  It was true the three boys were side by side. But presently bothDick and Fred made extra efforts and forged ahead.

  "It's your race, Fred!"

  "It's yours, Dick!"

  But it was neither's race--for with a shout both whizzed overthe line at the same instant.

  "A tie!"

  "And Mumps ain't in it!"

  "Three cheers for Dick and Fred!" shouted Frank Harrington, andthe cheers were given with a will. By this time the play hour wasover, and all of the skaters rushed back to the Hall, to get readyfor the drill previous to supper. It is needless to add that eachlad brought an extra big appetite with him.

  All of the Royer boys noticed that Dan Baxter did not turn up atroll call, nor did the bully put in an appearance that night."Got a day off," said Mumps, but that was all he could tell.

  Late on the following day Tom was walking toward the gymnasiumwhen he caught sight of Baxter just entering the school grounds.He at once ran toward the bully.

  "Baxter, I want to have a talk with you," he said sharply, as helooked the bully squarely in the face.

  "Do you?" was the uneasy answer. "All right, fire ahead."

  "Hadn't you better come up to the dormitory? We can have it allto ourselves, for the others are either in the gymnasium or on thelake."

  "Well, I was going up to our dormitory anyway," answered Baxter,and stalked off, leaving Tom to follow him. Once they were in thedormitory occupied by the bully and his set, Baxter locked thedoor.

  "Now out with what you have got to say, and be quick about it," hegrowled.

  "I want to know who that man was, you met in the tavern inCedarville."

  "Didn't meet any man in particular. Met half a dozen in general."

  "You know the man I mean--the tall fellow, with a scar on hischin."

  "Oh, that fellow? I think his name is Nolly. He's a book agent,and I promised to buy some histories from him," and Baxterpretended to yawn, as if he was not especially interested.

  "You are not telling the truth, Baxter," answered Tom, undauntedby this show of nerve.

  "Do you mean to say I lie, Rover? Take care, or you may be sorryfor what you say!"

  "You can't pull the wool over my eyes, Baxter. That man's name isno more Nolly than mine is George Washington or yours WilliamMcKinley."

  "Isn't it? Then perhaps you know his real name."

  "I do. His name is Arnold Baxter."

  Had a bomb exploded at Baxter's ear he would not have appearedmore astonished.

  "Say, who told you that?" he demanded fiercely and caught Tom bythe arm.

  "Let go of me, Dan Baxter."

  "I say, who told you that?"

  "I heard his name in the woods. He was with the man who robbed mybrother Dick of his watch, when we were at home."

  "Stuff and nonsense!" growled the bully, but he was very pale, andhis voice shook with emotion. "That man's name is William Nolly.He used to know my father. That is why I helped him along bygiving him an order for the histories. I don't really want thebooks."

  "If you was helping him, how is it that Sam and I saw you taking aroll of bills from him down at the tavern?"

  Again Baxter started. "You didn't see no such thing!" he roared,regardless of his grammar. "I--that is--he gave me somechange, that is all. Here are the books I bought," and he pointedto a package he had been carrying.

  "It's a made-up story," retorted Tom. "He gave you money, and myopinion is that that man is your father, and that he is no betterthan the man with whom he associates."

  The words had scarcely left Tom's lips than Baxter leaped uponhim--like an enraged animal and hurled him to the floor. "I've a goodmind to--to kill you for that, Rover!" he hissed. "Take it back, orI'll choke you to death!" and his strong hand sought Tom's throat.

  "Will you!" came in a gasp, and now Tom turned over and threw thebully to one side. "I guess two can play at this game. Takethat!" and he struck Baxter a heavy blow on the side of the face.In a moment they had clinched and were trying their best to throweach other.

  Suddenly came a rattle of the door knob. "Boys! Boys! What doesthis mean?" It was George Strong's voice. "Open the doorinstantly."

  "Keep your mouth shut!" whispered Baxter, as he again shook hisfist in Tom's face. "Not one word--on your life!"

  Then he disengaged himself, adjusted his collar and tie, which hadbecome rumpled, and unlocked the door. At once the head assistantstrode into the dormitory.

  "Have you two been fighting?" he demanded.

  "We were only boxing a bit, sir," answered Baxter, before Tomcould speak. "No harm intended, sir."

  "You were making a good deal of noise," answered George Strongdryly. "What have you to say, Rover?"

  "I have this to say, Mr. Strong," answered Tom boldly. "I wouldlike to interview Captain Putnam without delay."

  "Don't you dare--" began Baxter, when a wave of the teacher'shand cut him, short.

  "About what, Rover?"

  "About this affair, and about Baxter, sir. I am not a telltale,but certain things have happened which I think Captain Putnamshould know for his own sake and for the reputation of hisschool."

  "You--you imp!" hissed Baxter. He wanted to spring at Tom, butnow George Strong caught him and held him fast.

  "Baxter, you had best come with me--and you too, Rover."

  "To see Captain Putnam?" queried Tom.


  "I don't want to go," blustered the bully. "Let Rover tell hisyarn--I don't care. It will be only another of his lies."

  "Then you shall go to the guardroom," said the teacher. "Rover,you may go to see the captain alone."

  "I will sir--at once," and Tom made away. He had no soonerdeparted than George Strong marched Baxter off to the guardroompreviously described. As the pair passed down the stairs theyencountered Mumps coming up.

  "Hullo, Dan, what does this mean?" asked Mumps in wonder.

  "I'm under arrest," laughed Baxter bitterly. "And for nothing,too."

  "Silence!" commanded George Strong. "If you have done nothingwrong, you will soon be released."

  "You bet I will," rejoined Baxter insolently, and then, watchinghis chance, he made a sign which Mumps well understood. The signmeant "Come and help me if you can."

  Mumps nodded to show that he understood. Then he pretended to goup to the dormitory, while the head teacher conducted Baxter tothe guardroom, locked the impudent one in, and walked away withthe key.