Read The Rover Boys at School; Or, The Cadets of Putnam Hall Page 8



  In the meantime Dick, Sam, and Fred had been having quite adifferent experience. George Strong, the second assistant atPutnam: Hall, was not only a first-class teacher, but a calm andfair-minded gentleman as well; and in addition, and this washighly important, he was not so old but that he could rememberperfectly well when he had been a boy himself.

  "Come this way, my lads," he said with a faint smile. "I trustyou will soon feel at home in Putnam Hall. It is Captain Putnam'sdesire to have all of his boys, as he calls them, feel that way."

  "What will Mr. Crabtree do with my brother?" asked Dick anxiously.

  "I cannot say, Rover. Probably he will place him in the guardroomuntil Captain Putnam arrives."

  "I am sure he didn't do much that was wrong."

  "We had better not discuss that question, my boy. Come this way;I will conduct you to your room."

  "George Strong showed them into the main hallway and up the stairsto the second story. Passing through a side hall, they entered alarge, bright dormitory overlooking the parade- and theplayground. Here were eight beds, four on either side, with asmany chairs, and also a table and two washbowls, with runningwater supplied from a tower on the roof, the water being pumped upby the aid of a windmill.

  "This room has not been occupied this year," said the teacher."Captain Putnam and Mrs. Green, our housekeeper, thought it mightbe as well to put you in here together, along with Lawrence Colbyand Frank Harrington, when they come. I believe you are allfriends, at least Harrington and Colby intimated as much in theirletters."

  "They told the truth," cried Sam. "This just suits me, and we oweCaptain Putnam and Mrs. Green one for doing it."

  George Strong smiled. Then the smile faded as he remembered howJosiah Crabtree once told Captain Putnam that he did not believein letting chums room together. "Place each boy among strangers,"Crabtree had said. "It will make him more reliant." But CaptainPutnam had not listened to the crabbed old fellow, and Strong wasglad of it.

  "Here is a closet, in which each of you can stow his clothing whenit is dealt out to him. Your ordinary suits will, of course, beplaced away for you, for during the academy term, you will ascadets wear only your uniforms."

  "When will I get my uniform?" asked Fred, who was anxious to donhis "soldier fixings," as he put it.

  "Tomorrow, if we have any suit on hand that fits."

  "I don't want a second-handed suit," put in Sam.

  George Strong laughed. "Don't worry, my boy; every pupil gets newclothing. But, many boys are so nearly of a size that CaptainPutnam always keeps a dozen or more suits on hand."

  "Oh, that's different."

  "The beds are all numbered, and to avoid disputes we always putthe eldest boy in bed No. 1, and so on. You can arrange thisbetween yourselves, and I feel certain you won't get into a dispute."

  "We won't quarrel," said Dick. "I don't how exactly how old Frankand Larry are, though."

  "Then arrange to suit yourselves until they come," concluded Mr.Strong.

  Having shown then their dormitory he conducted them through thebuilding and exhibited the various class- and drill-rooms, andthen ended up by introducing them to several other pupils,including Bart Conners, the major for the term, and Harry Blossomand Dave Kearney, the two captains.

  "Welcome to Putnam Hall!" cried Major Bart Conners, a tall youthof nearly seventeen. He shook hands all around, and so did thetwo captains; and then the assistant teacher left the party.

  "Oh, it was a shame the way Crabtree treated your brother!" saidCaptain Harry to Dick. "It's a wonder to me that Captain Putnamkeeps him here."

  "I was in for getting up a petition to have Crabtree removed," put inCaptain Dave. "I think every boy in the academy would sign it."

  "I hope Captain Putnam is not so severe," said Fred.

  "Not by a jugful, Garrison," came from Captain Harry. "He'sstrict, and makes everybody toe the mark, but you couldn't find abetter all-around man."

  "Then he'll suit me."

  It was now quite late, and presently a loud, clear bell rang outin the belfry.

  "Six o'clock," said Captain Dave Kearney. "That is to bring inthe boys from the playground. They have fifteen minutes in whichto wash up for supper. Excuse me, I'll be needed in ten minutesto form my company," and soon the newcomers found themselvesalone with several others who had just arrived at Putnam Hall.

  The cadets were rushing from everywhere to the lavatories, to makethemselves presentable on parade. Soon they began to form on thegrounds before the building. Dick and the others saw them divideup into two companies, with Harry Blossom at the head of the firstand Dave Kearney leading the second. The two companies, called abattalion, were commanded by Major Bart. In addition to theofficers, there were two drummers, a bass-drummer, and two fifers.

  "Companies, attention!" came the command, and the lines becamerigid. "By column of fours--march!" The drums struck up, andaway went the columns of each company, to the front of the paradeground. Then they wheeled to the right, the fifers started up alively air, and the cadets marched around the hall three times,and at last into the door nearest to the mess-hall or dining room.

  "By Jinks, that's fine!" cried Sam. "Cadet life will suit me, I'msure of it."

  The cadets had hardly disappeared before one of the waiters in themess-hall came forward. "Please come right in, gents," he said."Mr. Strong will give you places at the tables." And they wentand soon found themselves seated among as jolly a set of boys asthey had ever encountered.

  Of course there were exceptions; where would there not be in acrowd of nearly a hundred? There were pupils there who weremorose by nature, those who seldom or never smiled, and there werelikewise half a dozen of the Dan Baxter order--bullies andworse. We shall see more of all these characters as our taleprogresses.

  "I wonder if Tom is going to get any supper?" said Dick to hisyounger brother.

  "If they don't give him any, I'll raise a kick, Dick."

  "So will I."

  "Silence at the table!" came in the sharp tones of JosiahCrabtree, who presided over the particular board at which theRovers had been placed.

  "I was only wondering if my brother was going to get any supper,"returned Sam boldly.

  "Silence! I will take care of that."

  In the midst of the meal a newcomer appeared at the doorway to themessroom. It was Dan Baxter.

  "Well, Baxter, how is this?" asked Mr. Strong, the teacher nearestto him.

  "I--I was carried to Bar Landing," answered the bully sheepishly.

  "Bar Landing? Then you were on the afternoon boat from Ithaca?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "How did you come to be carried past Cedarville?"

  "I--er--fell asleep on the trip."

  "Indeed! Well, when next you travel you had better try to keepawake," was George Strong's comment, and a titter passed along thetable, which made Dan Baxter very angry.

  "Sit down here. Alexander, help Baxter to some supper."

  "Yes, sah," came from the waiter; and no more was said. PresentlyBaxter caught sight of Dick at the table opposite, and he lookeddaggers at the youth. "He's got it in for me," thought Dick; andhe was right.

  The supper at an end, the pupils were allowed two hours tothemselves--one hour outdoors if they wished it, or both hoursin the reading room, which was well supplied with books and all ofthe best magazines. The newcomers went out in a bunch, andCaptain Harry Blossom accompanied them.

  "I'll show you the gymnasium, if you wish to see it," he said.

  "I would like to know something about Tom," replied Dick. "Wherehave they placed him?"

  "Undoubtedly in the guardroom."

  "Where is that?"

  "Do you see that window over there?" and Captain Harry pointedwith his hand.

  "Yes," came from Dick and Sam together.

  "Well, that's the window to the place."

  "I wonder if I can't talk
to my brother?" went on Dick.

  "It's against the rules to talk to a prisoner."

  "Well, I'm going to talk anyway," said Dick with a recklessnesswhich was unusual to him. "I want to find out just what they aredoing with him."

  "I guess I had best leave this crowd," remarked the young captainof Company A.

  Dick was about to ask why, when Sam nudged him on the arm. "Lethim go," whispered the younger brother.

  In a moment more Captain Harry had walked away.

  "Don't you see what he meant?" asked Sam aloud.

  "Well hardly."

  "Then you are losing some of your wit, Dick. He didn't want tosee us break the rules. I suppose if he had seen us he would havefelt it was his duty to report us."

  "That's so, Sam. How thick I was! Well, I'm going over to thewindow now."

  "So am I."

  "And I'll go too," added Fred.

  Off the three hurried across the parade ground, the other newcadets watching them curiously, for all had heard of what Tom haddone and how Josiah Crabtree had treated him.

  The window of the guardroom was but five feet from the ground. Infront of it, however, was an iron fence, placed in the form of asemicircle, at a distance of about ten feet from the opening. Thefence was higher than Dick's head, and the iron pickets weresharp-pointed.

  "The window to the room is shut," announced the elder Rover, afteran inspection in the semi-darkness. "It's a shame, in this warmweather. Poor Tom will be half smothered to death!"

  "Wait till I attract his attention," said Sam. Catching up a clodof grass and dirt he threw it against one of the window panes.

  A minute of suspense followed, but no face appeared at the window.

  "That's queer," said Fred. "It seems to me he would show himselfif he was there."

  "Perhaps he, can't," said Sam. "He may be chained up in the otherend of the room."

  "I'm going to make sure," said Dick determinedly. "Sam and Fred,both of you give me a boost up."

  "But how will you get back?"

  "You can give me another boost through the pickets."

  "Hurrah! so we can!" cried Sam. "All right; up you go!"

  And up Dick did go, so rapidly that he almost fell over the top ofthe iron barrier.

  "Now, who has a match?" he asked.

  "Here you are," said Fred, and passed over several.

  Stepping to the window, Dick tapped upon it, and at the same timestruck a light, for the room within was pitch-dark. The nextinstant he muttered a cry of disgust. "Sold!"

  "What's that?" came from Sam and Fred.

  "The room is empty."

  "Then there must be some mistake," said Fred. "Can you see allover inside?"


  "Sure Tom isn't asleep in a corner or on a couch--if there isone?" put in Sam. "He would go to sleep if he could."

  "He isn't here--no doubt of it," answered Dick, after striking asecond match and making another inspection. "Oh!"

  Dick blew out the match in a hurry and started back for the fence.He had seen the door of the guardroom open and Josiah Crabtreecome in.

  The head assistant of Putnam Hall saw the light of the match andby it obtained a good view of Dick's face.

  "Ha! that youth has come here to assist his brother to escape!"was the conclusion he reached. He darted for the window and threwit up.

  "Come back here, Master Rover!" he cried, as he saw Dick trying tomount the fence.

  "Don't you go!" whispered Sam, and tried to assist Dick from theother side, while Fred did the same.

  Josiah Crabtree would have leaped from the window, but the barsheld him back.

  "I'll get you yet!" he ejaculated wrathfully, and, turning, ranfrom the guardroom, with the intention of capturing Dick on theparade ground.