Read The Rover Boys in Business; Or, The Search for the Missing Bonds Page 26



  Dick was at his desk sorting out his morning mail. He was ratherdowncast, for the past two days had brought no news regarding themissing bonds. On the other hand, he had received word from his unclethat the investment in the Sharon Valley Land Company was a perfectlylegitimate one, and that Mr. Aronson's claim would have to be met.

  "And how we are going to meet it, I don't know," said Dick, inspeaking of the matter to his brothers. "It certainly is tough luck tohave these obligations pouring in on us at just this time."

  "Well, there is one bright spot in uncle's letter," returned Sam. "Hesays dad is feeling somewhat better. I am mighty glad of that."

  "I guess we all are," broke in Tom. "Just the same, I agree with Dick.The financial outlook is mighty gloomy."

  There were other letters besides business communications for the boys.Songbird had written, and so had Spud; and Dick had likewise a longepistle from Bart Conners, who in years gone by had been the youngmajor of the Putnam Hall cadets. But just now Dick had no heart toread these communications. He felt that he must give his entireattention to the business in hand. One letter in a plain envelope wasin a handwriting entirely unfamiliar to him. He cut open the envelopehastily to see what it might contain. A glance at the single sheetinside, and his face showed his interest.

  "Look at this, boys!" he cried; and then read the following:

  "'Look over your safe very carefully. You may discover something to your advantage.'"

  There was no signature.

  "Who sent that?" came from Sam and Tom simultaneously.

  "I don't know. It isn't signed."

  "'Look over your safe very carefully. You may discover something toyour advantage,'" repeated Tom. "Say! that looks as if somebody knewsomething about the robbery!" he went on, excitedly.

  "We have looked over the safe a dozen times," returned Sam. "It hasn'tfurnished the slightest clew."

  "We'll go over it again," broke in Dick, who had already left his deskand gone to the strong-box. He worked at the combination for a fewmoments, and pulled open the safe door.

  "Maybe we ought to have a light here," suggested Tom. "It is ratherdark in this corner."

  "Wait, I can fix that," said Sam, and reaching for a droplight thathung over the desk, the youngest Rover commenced to unfasten the wireby which it was held in position. By this means he was able to shiftthe light so that it hung directly over the opening of the strong-box.

  "Nothing unusual about the door or the combination that I can see,"said Tom, after all had made a careful inspection.

  "And the sides seem to be all right," added Sam. "Maybe it's the backor the bottom."

  "If it wasn't so heavy we might be able to swing the safe around awayfrom the wall," said Dick. "But wait, hold that light closer, Tom, andI'll see if I can find out anything from the inside."

  Dick was now on his knees and feeling around the back of the safe withhis hand. Presently he found a crack, and inserting his fingers hegave a push. Much to his astonishment a portion of the safe back slidupward.

  "Hello, I've found something!" he ejaculated. "There is a hole in theback of this safe!"

  "You don't say so!" cried Sam; and he and Tom peered into the steelbox.

  Then Dick continued to work around with his hand, and presently wasable to slide another section of the safe back upward. He now foundthat he could touch a piece of board which evidently took the place ofsome plaster that had formed part of the office wall.

  "There must be a small trap door there, leading to some placeoutside," said the oldest Rover boy. "We'll go into the hall and havea look."

  It did not take the eager youths long to reach the hallway of thebuilding, and once there, all three hurried to the spot where theythought the opening might be located. Soon they came to the littlecloset which the janitor had once mentioned to them--a small place inwhich was located a sink, and also a number of brooms, brushes, andcleaning cloths.

  The closet was dark, but Dick had brought along a box of matches, anda light was quickly made. A corner containing some brooms and clothswas cleaned out, and the boys soon located a piece of board abouteight inches square, covered with a sheet of tin painted the samecolor as the wall.

  "It's as plain as daylight!" cried Tom. "The thief didn't have to openthe safe door at all. He simply came in here, removed that board, slidup the back section of the safe, and took out what he wanted."

  "And the fellow who did it----" broke in Sam.

  "Was either Pelter or Japson," finished Dick.

  "Then you think this letter came from----" Tom started to say.

  "That young fellow whose life you saved--Barton Pelter," answeredDick.

  "By the rudder to Noah's Ark, I think you are right!" burst out Tom."Why, it's as plain as the nose on your face! Don't you remember howworried Barton Pelter looked when we told him the bonds were missing,and how he asked us at the moving picture show if we had gotten themback yet? More than likely he knew how this safe was fixed--he usedto come here, you know, to see his uncle----"

  "I believe you're right, Tom," came from Sam, "because if he didn't doit, who did?"

  "I think I can make sure of this," returned Tom. "Let us go back tothe offices."

  Tom had taken possession of one of the desks in the place, and in oneof the pigeonholes he had placed a number of letters, including theone received while at college from Jesse Pelter's nephew. This he nowbrought forth, and compared the handwriting with that of the letterjust received.

  "It's the same hand," he affirmed. And after an examination thebrothers agreed with him.

  "If Barton Pelter wrote that letter we ought to locate him withoutdelay," was Sam's comment. "He may know just where the missing bondsare."

  "Or else where we can locate his uncle and Japson."

  "Wait a minute!" cried Dick. "You forget that Japson has been awayfrom New York for some time. The detective told me that, and said itwas positive. So that would seem to put the thing off on Pelter'sshoulders; and I think Pelter is just the man to do such a thing.You'll remember how bitter he was against us when we exposed him."

  "Then let us locate Jesse Pelter without delay," broke in Tom. "Itought to be easy, unless he is in hiding."

  "If he's got our bonds he'll certainly do his best to keep out of ourway," returned Dick, grimly. "I think the best we can do first of allis to locate Barton Pelter and make him tell us all he knows."

  "He said he had a chance of a position as a traveling salesman."

  "Did he say for whom?"

  "He mentioned 'The Consolidated Cream Cracker Company,' whatever thatis."

  "Let us call them up and find out," said Dick.

  By consulting the telephone directory, the boys were soon incommunication with the cracker company in question. They were informedthat Barton Pelter had been taken on as a salesman the day before, andhad left that evening for a trip through the Middle West. It was notknown on what train he had departed.

  "Nothing doing here," said Tom. "They don't even seem to know whattown he is going to stop at first."

  "I think we had better call up Mr. Bronson, and tell him about thisand put him on the trail of the Pelters," answered Dick.

  The detective was as astonished as the boys had been when he saw thehole in the back of the safe.

  "This is certainly one on me," he confessed, frankly. "I looked thatsafe over very carefully, too. I should have discovered that;" and hisface showed his chagrin.

  Then he was told about the Pelters and about Japson, and he agreedwith the Rovers that he had best try to locate Barton Pelter and hisuncle without delay.

  "I'll put a man on the trail of the young fellow who went West," hesaid, "and as soon as he sends me any word regarding Jesse Pelter I'llgo after that fellow, and I'll also let you know what I'm doing;" andso it was arranged.