Read The Rover Boys in Camp; or, The Rivals of Pine Island Page 13



  Inside of a week the newly-elected officers felt perfectly at home intheir various positions. Captain Putnam's idea of allowing only suchcadets to be candidates as could fill the positions properly had bornegood fruit, and the battalion was now in better condition than everbefore.

  Contrary to general expectations, Larry Colby, as major, proved astrict disciplinarian when on parade. In the playground he was as"chummy" as ever, but this was cast aside when he buckled on his swordand took command.

  "This is as it should be," was Captain Putnam's comment. "And it is thesame throughout life: play is play and business is business."

  As a captain Dick was equally successful and Tom also made a goodsecond lieutenant. Company A was speedily voted superior to the others,when drilling and when on the march, and consequently became the flagbearer for the term.

  "This is splendid!" said Dick, when the announcement was made. And thenhe went at Company A, to make the cadets drill and march better thanever.

  But though the students gave considerable time to military matters,they were not permitted to neglect their regular studies, and to theirhonor be it said that the three Rover boys pitched in with a will.

  "If I can't be an officer I'm going to be a high grade student anyway,"said Sam, and kept his word. Books suited him better than did militaryglories, and soon he was at the top of his class in almost every branchof learning.

  Many of the cadets were anxious to know where the annual encampmentwould be held, but for the time being Captain Putnam declined todiscuss the subject.

  "We will talk about that as soon as lessons are done for the term,"said he.

  "I don't believe we'll go to Brierroot Grove again," said Powell toDick. "A farmer has built a house up there and is clearing off the landas fast as he can."

  "I wish we could go to some place at a distance," returned Dick. "Allof us know this territory pretty well. I like to visit new localities."

  "So do I."

  During those days the Rover boys received a letter from their fatherwhich proved unusually interesting. Anderson Rover wrote, in part, asfollows:

  "You will be surprised to learn, at this late day, that something hadbeen heard about Arnold Baxter. A man who knows him fairly well met hima few nights ago in Owego. The news was telegraphed to me at once, andthe local police were informed, but since that time nothing more hasbeen seen or heard of the rascal. The man said he was well dressed andhad been stopping at a leading hotel. Evidently he is using what wasstolen."

  "In Owego!" cried Sam. "Why, that city isn't over fifty miles fromhere."

  "This is his old stamping ground," put in Tom. "For all we know he maynow be hanging around Ithaca or Cedarville."

  "I don't believe he'll come here," said Dick. "He is too well known."

  "Oh, if only we could lay hands on him, Dick!"

  "Wish we could, Tom. But Arnold Baxter knows enough to keep out of ourclutches."

  "Wonder if he knows what became of Dan?"

  "Like as not our story was in all the newspapers, and they mentionedDan too."

  "If that is so, it's more than likely he thinks we are responsible forDan being left behind on the island."

  "I'm not going to bother my head about Arnold Baxter," put in Sam. "Ifhe shows himself I'll have him arrested, that's all."

  One day after another slipped by and all of the boys continued to studywith a will. Once they received long letters from Dora Stanhope andNellie and Grace Laning, and sent long letters in return.

  "Wish the girls were back here," said Dick. But this could not be, asthey had decided to remain in California for a while longer, and theboys had to content themselves by sending the girls keepsakes by whichto be remembered.

  On the Friday afternoon preceding the final week of the term Tom andSam walked down to the lake, intending to go out in a boat for a shortrow.

  As they drew close to the boathouse they heard loud talking and then acry of pain.

  "Please don't," came in the voice of a young cadet. "Please, pleasedon't, Flapp!"

  "But I just will, you little imp!" came in Lew Flapp's harsh voice."I'll teach you to play the sneak!"

  "But I--I didn't mean to do anything, really I didn't," answered theother. "But I felt so sick, and I--"

  "Oh, I know you, Moss. For two pins I'd break your head for you!" Andthen came the sounds of several blows in quick succession.

  "It's Flapp!" cried Sam. "He is beating somebody most shamefully."

  "It's little Harry Moss," returned Tom, leaping to the front. "The bigbully! Why can't he take a fellow of his own size?"

  He rushed around the corner of the boathouse and there beheld a scenethat aroused his warmest indignation. Harry Moss was crowded into acorner and over him stood Lew Flapp, beating him with a heavy boatchain.

  Flapp had just raised the chain for another blow when Tom ran in andcaught his arm.

  "Stop!" he cried. "You let Harry Moss alone!"

  Startled at the interruption Lew Flapp turned. When he saw both Tom andSam his face fell.

  "What do you want here?" he asked sulkily.

  "I want you to leave Harry Moss alone," answered Tom.

  "Oh, Rover, please make him stop," pleaded Harry. "He's trying to killme!"

  "No, I ain't," retorted Flapp. "I'm only giving him a whipping that hedeserves."

  "It's an outrage to strike anybody with that chain," said Sam.

  "You needn't put your oar in, Sam Rover!"

  "But he just will, and so will I," said Tom. "Give me that chain," andhe tried to pull it from Lew Flapp's hand.

  "Let go!" screamed Lew Flapp, and began a struggle to keep the chain inhis possession. He struck at Tom, hitting him in the shoulder. Then Tomgot mad, doubled up his fist, and Lew Flapp received a blow in the lefteye that made him see stars.

  "Oh!" he howled and dropped the chain. "Tom Rover, I'll get even forthat, mind that!"

  "What do you mean by attacking Harry Moss in such a disgracefulfashion?"

  "Because he's a sneak, and you know it."

  "I know nothing of the kind."

  "Didn't he go and blab on me to Captain Putnam?"

  "About what?"

  Lew Flapp paused and eyed Tom and Sam curiously.

  "I reckon you know well enough," he remarked slowly.

  "But I don't know anything. Do you, Sam?"

  "Not a thing. So far as I know Harry is all right."

  "Is he?" sneered Flapp. "Well, I don't think so."

  "What was the trouble about, Harry?" asked Tom, turning to the smallboy.

  "Don't you say a word!" shouted Lew Flapp, in alarm. "If Tom and SamRover don't know already they needn't know at all, so there."

  "Evidently you don't want Harry to talk," said Sam suggestively.

  "He's a sneak, I tell you."

  "And you are a big, long-legged bully," retorted Tom. "For two pins I'dgive you a good drubbing."

  "Humph! Do you think you can lick me?" blustered Flapp, who feltcertain he could best Tom at fisticuffs.

  "I don't think so--I know it," said Tom coolly.

  "Don't you fight him, Tom," said Sam, in alarm. "He only wants to getyou into trouble. He'd like nothing better than to see you lose yourposition as lieutenant."

  "He's afraid," sneered Lew Flapp. "All of you Rover boys are mere bagsof wind."

  "I don't think you found Dick a bag of wind, Flapp."

  "Yes, I did. Now you clear out and let Moss and me settle this affairbetween us."

  But this was not to be, for Harry Moss was already at the doorway ofthe boathouse and now he retreated to a safe distance.

  "If you hit Tom Rover, or Sam, I'll call Mr. Strong?" cried the littlecadet.

  "Don't you do it," said Tom. "I am not afraid of Flapp."

  "But he's so big, Tom."

  "I don't care for that."

  Tom had scarcely spoken when Lew Flapp, watching his opportunity,leaped forward and plante
d a blow on his chin that sent him staggeringback into Sam's arms.

  "Now come on, if you dare!" he cried.

  "All right!" came from Tom, as he recovered. And like a flash he flewat Lew Flapp, before Sam could do a thing to stop him. Blow after blowwas taken and given by each of the cadets, and Tom was hit in thechest, on the shoulder, and in the left cheek. In return Flapp got onein the right eye that almost closed up that optic and then came a blowon the nose that made the blood spurt in all directions.

  "Good for you, Tom!" cried Sam, dancing around, forgetful of what hehad just said about his brother getting into trouble. "That's the timeyou did it. Now give him another!"

  Again the two boys went at it and once more Tom was struck in theshoulder. Then Lew Flapp aimed for Tom's face, but the latter duckedand, recovering, hit the big boy a heavy blow in the chin that made histeeth rattle and sent him staggering over the side of an upturned boatand flat on his back.

  "Hurrah!" cried Sam. "That was almost a knockout, Tom. Now give him tounderstand--"

  Sam broke off short, as a warning cry from Harry Moss reached his ears.All eyes turned toward the doorway of the boathouse and a second laterGeorge Strong, the head teacher, stepped into view.