Read The Rover Boys in Camp; or, The Rivals of Pine Island Page 20



  About an hour after Lew Flapp and his cronies left camp, Dick Rover andhis brothers received permission to do likewise.

  "Let us go to the village," suggested Tom. "I want to buy some coughdrops. My throat is raw from the wet weather."

  "And I want to get some reading matter," added Sam. "A good story ofsome sort would just suit me."

  "I wouldn't mind a magazine or two myself," came from Dick. "But Idon't know if Oakville can supply them."

  They were soon on the way, each in the best of spirits. Tom began towhistle and his brothers joined in.

  "Feelin' putty good," queried a farmer, who chanced to be leaning overhis garden gate as they passed.

  "Why not?" retorted Tom. "It's better to whistle than to cry."

  "Right you are, young man. When one of my hands is whistling I alwaysknow he is pitchin' in."

  The way lay over a hill and around a bend where a number of apple treeslined the road. The apples were within easy reach, and soon each waschewing on the juicy fruit to his heart's content.

  "Wonder where Flapp and his crowd went," came presently from Tom.

  "If they went to Oakville they most likely visited the tavern,"answered Dick.

  "It's a shame!" declared Tom. "Drinking and smoking and playing cardswill never do them any good."

  Another bend in the road was passed and they came within sight of IsaacKlem's farm.

  "Hullo!" ejaculated Sam, pointing ahead. "What's the matter?"

  "Those girls are running for all they are worth!" said Dick.

  "A bull is after them!" came from Tom. "My stars! but he seems to meanbusiness!"

  Tom was right, Helen and Alice Staton were running along the highway atall the speed they could command. Behind them, less than fifty feetdistant, was the enraged black bull, bent on doing all the mischiefpossible.

  "Those girls will be hurt!" said Dick, running forward.

  "Can't we do something?" asked Sam.

  "We can try," said Tom. "Get a rock, or something," and he picked up asharp stone which lay handy. Sam did likewise.

  By this time the twins were almost upon the boys.

  "Chase the bull away!" panted Helen, who was ready to drop fromexhaustion.

  "Yes! yes!" gasped Alice. "Please don't let him touch us!"

  "Jump the fence!" said Dick. "Quick, I'll help you over!"

  He caught each girl by the hand and turned toward the low stone fence.At the same time Tom and Sam let fly the two sharp stones. One took thebull in the nose and the other struck the creature in the eye.

  With a snort the animal came to a halt and viewed the boys curiously.He had evidently not expected the attack, and the wound in the eye hurtnot a little. Tom and Sam lost no time in providing themselves withmore stones.

  By this time Dick was at the wall and in another moment he hadassisted the girls over. Both had lost their hats and also dropped themarket basket filled with things from the store.

  "Oh, be careful," said Alice. "That bull will try to kill you."

  "We'll look out for ourselves," answered Dick, and picked up a bit offence rail lying near. "Did he chase you far?"

  "From that lot yonder," answered Helen.

  The bull had turned toward the fence, and watching his chance, Dickstruck out with the bit of rail. His aim was good and the animalreceived a sharp blow directly across the nostrils. Then Sam and Tomlet fly more stones, and the bull was hit in the mouth, the leg, andthe side. He stood his ground for a moment and then began to retreat.

  "Hurrah! we've got him on the run!" cried Tom. "Give it to him!" and helet go another stone, which hit the bull in the tail and made him throwup his rear hoofs in a most alarming fashion.

  "You had better come over into the lot!" said one of the girls. "He maycome back."

  "Here comes Mr. Klem with a pitchfork," said the other.

  A farmer was rushing down the road, with a pitchfork in one hand and arope in the other. He ran up to the bull and slipped the rope over theanimal's neck. Then he tied the creature to a tree.

  "Pretty savage animal you've got," observed Tom as he came up.

  "Is them gals hurt?" demanded the farmer.

  "I don't think so. But they are pretty well out of breath and scared."

  "Don't know how the pesky critter got loose," said Isaac Klem. "Firstthing I see he was after them gals lickety-split. I was out hayin', andI didn't wait, but picked up a pitchfork and a rope and run."

  "The girls lost their hats," said Sam, who had also come up.

  "Yes, they're in the road up yonder, along with a basket o' stuff theyhad."

  "Let us get the things," said Sam, and he and Tom started after thehats and the basket. The things which had been in the basket werescattered in all directions, and the boys picked them up.

  Dick remained with the girls, doing what he could to quiet them. Theywere so exhausted they could not stand and each sat on a rock pantingfor breath.

  "It was simply dreadful!" declared Helen. "I thought every moment thebull would catch me and toss me up into the air."

  "He didn't like the sight of your red shirt-waists," was Dick'scomment.

  "That must be it," put in Alice. "After this, I don't think I'll gonear him when I have a red waist on."

  "Perhaps the farmer will be more careful and keep him roped up."

  When Tom and Sam came up with the hats and the basket Isaac Klemaccompanied them.

  "All right, Helen?" he asked. "And you too, Alice?"

  "Yes, Mr. Klem," said the tall girl. "But it was a narrow escape. Thebull would have gored us if it hadn't been for these young gentlemen."

  The girls thanked Tom and Sam for what they had brought.

  "Who be you young fellows?" asked Isaac Klem curiously.

  "I am Dick Rover, and these are my brothers Tom and Sam. We belong tothe cadets of Putnam Hall."

  "The young sodgers up to Bass Lake?"


  "I see. Well, it was gritty o' you to face my bull, and I give yecredit for it. My name's Isaac Klem, and thet's my farm over yonder.These gals is Helen and Alice Staton, and they live down the road apiece."

  The boys tipped their caps and the girls smiled.

  "We are very thankful to you," said Alice and Helen, almost in abreath.

  "You are welcome to the little I did," returned Dick.

  "It was fun to pelt the old bull with rocks," put in Tom. "I'll do asmuch for you any time," and this caused a laugh.

  Isaac Klem went off to drive his bull home and the girls also preparedto depart.

  "When you are coming back this way you can stop at our house if youwish," said Alice Staton. "It's the yellow one with honeysuckle growingover the porch."

  "I remember it," said Sam. "Thank you," and the others also gave thanksfor the invitation. A moment later the two parties separated.

  "What a difference between those cadets and the ones we met at thestore," said Helen to her twin sister when they were out of hearing.

  "Yes, indeed," said Alice. "The Rovers are gentlemen, while those atthe store were--were rude."

  "Two nice girls," declared Tom. "How much alike their faces are!"

  "Tom is smitten," cried Sam. "Going to forget all about Nellie Laning,Tom?" he went on quizzically.

  "Oh, you needn't talk!" cried Tom, growing red in the face. "You werejust as attentive as a dancing master yourself."

  "Don't quarrel about it," put in Dick good naturedly. "You can bepleasant to them without forgetting all about Grace and Nellie Laning,I think."

  "Or Dora Stanhope either," put in Sam slyly. "Shall we stop at thehouse on the way back?"

  "Why not? They may offer us a piece of pie," said Tom.

  "I don't know. We can walk by slowly. They may be on the lookout forus, you know."

  Once again the boys set their faces toward Oakville, and soon reachedthe outskirts of the town.

  They were passing some of the stores when Lew
Flapp caught sight ofthem.

  "Hullo!" cried the tall boy. "I declare! there are the three Roverbrothers. What brought them to Oakville?"

  "We had better not let them see us with this stuff," said Penderhurriedly. "We'll get into hot water if they do."

  They lost no time in putting their purchases out of sight. Then theywalked out on the street and stood leaning against the posts of awooden awning.

  "There is Flapp and his crowd now," said Tom, catching sight of thetrio.

  "We want nothing to do with them," said Dick. "They are not our kind atall."

  "Hullo, Rovers!" cried Pender as they came up.

  "Hullo, yourself," returned Tom coldly.

  "What brought you to town?" asked Rockley.

  "My feet."

  "Thanks. I thought it might have been your ears. They're big enough."

  At this sally both Flapp and Pender began to laugh.

  "That's a good one," said Flapp.

  "I suppose you used your tongue for a walking stick when you cameover," said Tom. "It's long enough."

  "Bah!" cried Rockley, and turned away in disgust.

  "Those Rover boys have got the swelled head," muttered Flapp. "Butwe'll turn 'em down before the encampment is over, eh, fellows?"

  "That's what," replied Rockley.

  While the Rover boys were making their purchases Lew Flapp and hiscronies turned back into the tavern. There was a billiard room in therear and here they began to play billiards.

  "We'll let the Rovers start for home first," said Rockley. "It will besafer."