Read The Rover Boys in New York; Or, Saving Their Father's Honor Page 18



  When the boys returned to the Outlook Hotel they found several lettersawaiting them. There was one each from the girls and also acommunication from Songbird, written partly in verse, and telling ofmatters at Brill.

  But the letter that interested them most just then was one from theirUncle Randolph, in which he explained something of the financialmatters mentioned in the telegram. Their uncle was not a good businessman, and often got his statements mixed, but from the communicationthe boys learned the truth.

  There were two matters of importance--the irrigation scheme and thepurchase of a large tract of land which would be benefited by the flowof water, when the irrigation plant was put into operation. In both ofthe schemes the Rovers held large interests--that is, they held whatwere called options, for which Anderson Rover had put up large sums ofmoney, and he had likewise induced some friends to let him put upmoney for them. In order to clinch their hold on the two businesspropositions Anderson Rover must sign certain papers and have themdelivered to the right parties inside of the next three days. Shouldhe fail to do this, then his options on the property would terminate,and Pelter, Japson & Company would be able to step in and gaincontrol. The brokers had at first tried to gain control by gettingAnderson Rover to assign his interest in the options, but this theboys' father had refused to do.

  "And now that father wouldn't turn the control over to them, they havehad him kidnapped, so that he can't sign those papers and serve them,"said Dick. "The case is as plain as day."

  "And they got old Crabtree to manage the kidnapping," put in Tom.

  "But how did they know about Crabtree?" asked Sam.

  "Most likely he has been mixed up in some of their shady transactionsof the past," replied Dick. "When he got in jail, he sent for Japsonand made him fix it up so he could escape. That fire helped therascals. Then both came down to New York, and all hands hatched theplot to put dad out of the way."

  "Poor dad! If only we knew he was safe!" murmured Tom.

  "That's just it--he may be suffering terribly!" added Sam.

  "I think we'll find out something definite to-morrow--when we followPelter," said Dick. He, too, was greatly worried.

  The evening proved a long one to the boys, even though they spent sometime in penning letters to the girls and to the folks at home. Dickhad received a most sympathetic letter from Dora, in which the girlstated that she wished she was with him to help him.

  "Dear Dora!" he murmured, as he placed the letter in his pocket. "Iwish all this trouble was over, and we could be married and go off onour honeymoon!"

  The boys had found out from the hotel clerk how to reach the addressin the Bronx, as the upper portion of New York city is locally called.They could take a subway train to within two blocks of Pelter's home.

  They were up bright and early, and after a hasty breakfast went out toa nearby store, where all purchased variously-colored caps of theautomobile variety, and also some automobile goggles.

  "We'll pass for chauffeurs in a crowd," said Dick. "The goggles willchange our appearance, even if we only wear 'em on our foreheads."

  They were soon on a subway train and being whirled northward. Thetrain was an express, making but few stops, and almost before theyknew it, the guard called out their station.

  Dick had consulted a street map at the hotel, so he knew exactly howto turn. They easily located the apartment house in which Jesse Pelterresided, and then stopped at a nearby corner to await his appearance.

  "We have got to be very careful how we follow him," said Dick. "If hespots us, it will be all up with us. I think Sam had better go first.I will follow, and Tom, you can bring up the rear. And let us all actas if we were perfect strangers to each other."

  Then came a wait of nearly half an hour. At last they saw the frontdoor of the apartment open and several men came out. Two of the menturned in one direction and the other man hurried off alone.

  "There he is--there's Pelter!" cried Dick, in a low voice. "Now, Sam,see to it that he doesn't get out of your sight."

  "I'll do my best," answered the youngest Rover, and walked off afterthe broker.

  As Jesse Pelter hurried along he consulted his watch. Then he hastenedhis steps, making his way to the nearest railroad station. He boardeda train, and the boys followed, Sam getting in the same car with thebroker and Dick and Tom entering the next car, but keeping in sight oftheir brother.

  A number of stations were passed and then the broker left the trainand the boys did likewise. On the street Jesse Pelter called a cabthat was handy and entered it.

  "Say, this looks as if we might lose him!" cried Dick, in alarm. Thenhe chanced to see another cab, and hurried to it, waving for Tom andSam to do the same. He ordered the driver to keep the first turnout insight, but not to get too close.

  "I can do that with ease," said the driver, with a broad grin. "It'sJerry Dillon's cab, and Jerry's horse is no good at all."

  The two cabs rolled on for several blocks, and then the first turnedin the direction of the Hudson River. It halted near the railroad, andJesse Pelter sprang to the ground. He paid the driver of the cab anddismissed him. Then he hurried along the railroad on foot.

  "I guess he is going up to the dock yonder," Said Tom, while the boysgot out.

  "Looks like it," answered Dick.

  All left the cab and hurried after Jesse Pelter, who was now all butout of sight. He passed between two buildings and the boys followedhim slowly.

  "Wait!" cried Dick presently. "Look!"

  "Why, it's Crabtree!" exclaimed Sam, as another figure came intoview--that of a heavily-bearded man with a slouch hat.

  "Exactly," returned Dick. "Now keep back, or we may spoil everything,"he continued, cautiously.

  The three boys saw Pelter and Josiah Crabtree converse earnestly forseveral minutes. The man who had escaped from jail pointed to a bigbundle he carried and Pelter nodded. Then both walked slowly acrossthe railroad tracks to a dock jutting out into the Hudson.

  At the dock lay a rowboat, with a man who looked like a sailor at theoars. Pelter and Crabtree climbed down into the boat, which wasquickly shoved away. Then the sailor took up the oars and commenced torow out into the broad river.

  "Now we are stumped!" murmured Tom, as he and his brothers watched thedeparture of the rowboat from behind a shed at the inner end of thedock.

  "Let us watch that rowboat as far as we can," returned Dick. "I don'tbelieve they intend to row very far."

  "Maybe they are going to one of the vessels anchored out yonder,"remarked Sam.

  "More than likely."

  The sailor was pulling up the stream, close to the shore, and thebrothers could watch him with ease. The tide was running out and theoarsman had all he could do to make any headway.

  "If he is going to keep to the shore, we might follow him on foot,"suggested Tom, after several minutes had passed, and while the rowboatwas still clearly in view.

  "He is turning out now!" cried Dick. "See, I think he is making foryonder two-masted schooner."

  The rowboat had turned out and in a few minutes more the boys feltcertain it was headed for the schooner.

  "Oh, if we only had a rowboat!" groaned Tom.

  Dick did not reply. He was watching a steam tug that had come up theriver. A line had been thrown from the tug to the schooner and madefast.

  "The steam tug is going to tow her down the river!" exclaimed Sam."Oh, Dick, what shall we do?"

  "Dad may be on that schooner!" supplemented Tom.

  Dick gazed up and down the stream. A rowboat was coming along, mannedby two boys. Dick gave the lads a hail.

  "Hi! want to earn a dollar quick?" he asked.

  "How?" questioned both lads, in a breath.

  "See that schooner? We want to get on board of her as quickly aspossible."

  "All right--but let us see the dollar first," answered one of thelads, shrewdly.

  The rowboat came to the dock and the three Rove
rs leaped on board.Dick produced a dollar bill, and the boys commenced to row with allthe power at their command.

  In the meantime the first rowboat had reached the schooner's side andthe men and the sailor had gone on hoard. The boat was tied fast tothe stern and orders were given to the captain of the tug to go ahead.

  "Stop! stop! You rascals!" cried Tom, as the schooner commenced tomove down the Hudson. And in his anger he shook his fist at those onthe vessel.

  At first the actions of the boys attracted no attention. Then therewas a stir on the rear deck of the craft.

  "Somebody in a rowboat, calling to you," remarked the captain of theschooner, to Josiah Crabtree.

  "To me?" exclaimed the former teacher, in surprise. "I will see aboutthis."

  He hurried to the stern of the schooner. The rowboat with the Rovershad now come quite close. Josiah Crabtree gave a start.

  "Can it be possible?" he gasped.

  "What is it?" asked Jesse Pelter, who had stepped up.

  "Those young men in yonder boat! Unless I am mistaken they areAnderson Rover's sons!"

  "Is it possible!" ejaculated the broker. "Oh, there must be somemistake."

  "No, no! I know them well! And see, they are motioning to us! Theywant us to stop!"

  "They must have seen and followed us!" said the broker, and his mannershowed his sudden fear.

  "Want to take those fellows on board?" questioned the captain of theschooner.

  "No! no!" cried Josiah Crabtree. "Tell the captain of the tug to hurryup! That we er--that we must make better time!"

  "I will, sir," said the captain of the schooner, and hurried forwardto give the necessary order.

  A big steamboat was passing up the river and the wash from this sentthe rowboat containing the Rover boys dancing up and down. The lads atthe oars headed the craft to meet the rollers, and the schooner passedfurther and further away.

  "They are leaving us!" groaned Sam. "Oh, what luck!"

  "Mr. Rover!" yelled Dick, at the top of his lungs. "Are you on board?Rover! Anderson Rover! It's Dick! Dick!"

  For fully a minute no answer came back. Then there was a commotion onthe deck of the schooner and a man appeared, clad in a torn suit ofclothing and hatless.

  "Dick! Where are you?" was the exclamation, and the man rushed to thestern of the craft. "Dick! And Tom and Sam! Help me!"

  "It's father!" yelled Dick. "Stop that schooner! Stop her, I say!"

  "Get back there!" exclaimed Josiah Crabtree, catching Mr. Rover by thearm. "Get back, I say! Help me, somebody! This man is crazy!"

  He and Jesse Pelter hustled Anderson Rover back, and then the boys sawtheir father disappear from view. Swiftly the tug and the schoonergathered headway. The boys shouted in vain. They looked around forsome other boat to come to their aid, but none was in sight. Then theschooner passed down the Hudson River and the Rover boys were left inthe rowboat, gazing at each other in dismay.