Read The Rover Boys in New York; Or, Saving Their Father's Honor Page 29



  "Stop him!"

  "He must not get away'"

  Such were some of the cries that echoed through the apartment as JessePelter ran for the rear room.

  He knew there was a fire escape there and thought he might reach theground from that.

  But Dick was at his heels, determined that the broker should notescape if he could possibly prevent it.

  The window to the fire escape was open, for a maid in the kitchen hadjust set out some cooked dish to cool.

  Pelter made a leap for the window, nearly scaring the maid into a fit.She screamed loudly, and as she did so Dick made a wild leap andcaught Pelter by the foot.

  "Let go, Rover!" yelled the broker, hoarsely.

  "I won't! You are not going to get away, Pelter."

  There was a struggle, and the broker aimed a blow at Dick's head. Thenthe oldest Rover boy suddenly caught the rascal by the neck and bangedhis head vigorously against the window casing.

  "Ouch! Don't!" groaned the broker. "Oh, my skull is broken!"

  "Then keep still," answered Dick, grimly, and he continued to hold theman. Soon one of the policemen came up, and then, much against hiswill, the head of the firm of Pelter, Japson & Company was handcuffedlike his partner in crime.

  "You'll suffer for this, Rover; see if you don't!" growled JessePelter, after the excitement was over. "I have done nothing wrong, andI can prove it. This is all a plot on the part of you and your familyto get our firm into trouble."

  "You can do your talking when you are in jail," answered Dick,briefly. "I know what I am doing."

  "Maybe you got Crabtree to hatch up a story against us," came fromJapson.

  "Never mind what Crabtree confessed," said Dick. "You'll get what iscoming to you, never fear."

  "I guess I had better send in a call for the patrol wagon," said oneof the policemen. "Can you watch 'em, Jake?"

  "Sure," answered the second bluecoat. "I guess the young fellows willhelp."

  "I will," said Dick.

  "So will I," put in Dan. He turned to Dick. "I'm mighty glad to be ofservice to you. It kind of helps to--to--pay off old scores, eh?" hefaltered.

  "Yes, Dan; you are doing us a great service, and I shan't forget it,"returned Dick, with warmth.

  A number of tenants in the apartment house had been alarmed by whatwas going on, and among them were the girl Baxter was engaged tomarry, and her mother. Dan quickly explained matters to them, andintroduced Dick, and the latter told of the service Baxter had done.Then the police patrol wagon came along, and the prisoners and theothers went below.

  "Maybe I had better go to headquarters with you," suggested Dan toDick.

  "Yes, you'll have to go," put in one of the policemen.

  The ride was not a long one, and as soon as the prisoners were broughtin, Dick explained the situation and asked that the authorities inBrooklyn communicate with those in New York. This was done, and thenPelter, Japson, and Fogg were held for a further hearing.

  "Can't we get bail?" demanded the lawyer.

  "Certainly, if you wish," was the reply. And then the amount wasfixed, and the prisoners sent out a messenger, to see if they couldnot get somebody to go on their bail bonds.

  Dick's parting with Baxter was very cordial. The oldest Rover boyrealized that the former bully of Putnam Hall was greatly changed andthat he had done him a great service.

  "I wish you all kinds of luck, Dan," he said. "You've got a niceposition and a fine girl, and you ought to do well."

  "Do you like her, Dick?" and Dan blushed a little. "We expect to bemarried soon."

  "Well, I am going to be married myself before long."

  "Is that so? Good enough! I guess I know the girl," and Dan grinned.

  "You do, Dan."

  "Give her my best regards, and tell her I think she is getting thebest fellow in the world!" said Baxter, and shook Dick's hand. Andthus the two former enemies parted.

  Dick had already called up Mr. Powell on the telephone, telling thelawyer of what had occurred. Now he engaged a taxicab to take him tothe place which he had started out to visit when coming to Brooklyn.It was rather late, but the lawyer had persuaded the people he hadcome to see to wait.

  An interview lasting over an hour followed. The lawyer had alreadyexplained many things, and now Dick told of others.

  "You have opened our eyes, Mr. Rover," said one of the men present,when Dick had finished. "We rather suspected Pelter, Japson & Companyand we were bewildered by what your father proposed to do. Now all isperfectly clear, and, if you wish us to do so, we'll stand by yourfather to the end."

  "Thank you very much!" cried the youth, in delight.

  "Your father is not very well, you say," said another of the men. "Inthat case----"

  "I am going to transact his business for him, after this," answeredDick. "He is going to place it in my hands."

  "You are rather young, Mr. Rover. But the way you handled thosebrokers shows you can do things. I wish you success."

  "I shall rely upon Mr. Powell for assistance," said Dick.

  "And I'll do what I can," put in the lawyer.

  When Dick got back to the Outlook Hotel it was quite late. But he hadtelephoned to his father, so Mr. Rover was not alarmed. The youthfound his parent smiling pleasantly.

  "Good news all around!" cried Anderson Rover.

  "Then you've heard from Sam?" asked Dick, quickly.

  "Yes, he sent in word about an hour ago. Tom is doing very well, andthe specialist says he will soon be himself again."

  "That's the best news yet!" cried Dick, and his face showed hisrelief.

  "Yes, it is even better than this news you sent me--that Pelter andJapson have been captured."

  "Well, I am mighty glad we rounded up those rascals," said the son.

  "So am I."

  "Did Sam say anything about Crabtree?"

  "He said Crabtree was about the same. The doctors are doing what theycan for him. But he will most likely be a cripple for life."

  "That's bad. But he has nobody to blame but himself."

  After that Dick had to sit down and tell his father the details of allthat had occurred. Then he got a late supper, and some time after thathe and his parent retired. The youth was thoroughly tired out, buthappy.

  The next few days were as busy as those just past had been. Dick andhis father ran up to where Tom lay in the hospital. They found thesufferer had come to his senses. Sam and a nurse were with him.

  "Oh, I'll be all right again, in a few days!" cried Tom, with a braveattempt at a smile. "I guess I fared better than old Crabtree. Theytell me he'll limp for life."

  "Limp for life!" cried Dick.

  "That is what they say."

  "What a terrible affliction!" murmured the oldest Rover boy. "But hehas nobody to blame but himself."

  "Tom, are you quite comfortable here?" asked Mr. Rover, anxiously.

  "Oh, yes, they do all they can for me, Dad," was the answer.

  "We must send you home as soon as we can."

  "Well, I'll be willing to go," returned Tom. He thought of the quietfarm, and of his Aunt Martha's motherly care, and gave a deep sigh.

  "He can be moved in four or five days--the doctor said so," put inSam. "I've figured it all out. We can take him to the train in anauto, and I'll see that he gets to Oak Run all right. There Jack canmeet us with our own machine, and the rest will be easy."

  "I can go along," said Dick.

  "It won't be necessary, Dick," said Tom "You stay in New York and getDad's affairs straightened out."

  The matter was talked over, and it was at length decided that Samshould remain with Tom and take him home, while Mr. Rover and Dickreturned to the city.

  Four days later the youngest Rover got permission from the specialistwho had attended Tom to take him home. An easy-riding automobile wasprocured, and in this the two brothers drove to the nearest railroadstation. A compartment in a parlor car had already bee
n engaged, andTom was placed in this and made as comfortable as circumstancespermitted. The ride was a long and tedious one for the youth, and bythe time he had made the necessary changes to get to Oak Run he waspretty well exhausted, and had a severe headache.

  "Poor boy!" murmured the hired man, who had brought the family touringcar to the station.

  "Dis am de wust yet, de werry wust!" came from Aleck Pop, who had comealong. Both men aided Sam in getting Tom into the car, and then Jackstarted for Valley Brook farm, running the machine with the greatestpossible care.

  Aunt Martha stood on the piazza ready to receive the boys, and whenshe beheld Tom's pale face the tears streamed down her cheeks.

  "My boy! My poor boy!" she cried. "Oh, what a terrible happening!" Andshe bent over and kissed him.

  "Oh, don't worry, Aunt Martha; I'll soon be myself again," answeredTom, as cheerfully as his spirits permitted.

  "I've got the front room all ready for you," went on the aunt. And sheled the way into the house and to the apartment in question. Here thesufferer was put to bed, and his aunt did all in her power to make himcomfortable. The local doctor had already been notified, and soon heappeared, to read a note written by the city specialist and listen towhat Sam had to tell him. Then he took charge and said Tom must bekept very quiet.

  "It shall be as you say, Doctor," said Mrs. Rover. And after that, fora number of days, nobody but the members of the family was allowed togo in and talk to the youth.

  In the meantime, Dick and his father had several interviews with theirlawyer, and also with a lawyer who represented Pelter, Japson, andBelright Fogg. The brokers and Fogg were anxious to hush matters up,and promised to do whatever was wanted by the Rovers if they woulddrop the case against them.

  "I think we had better arrange matters, Dick," said Mr. Rover, with asigh. "I am tired of fighting. If they will do the fair thing allaround, let them go."

  "Just as you say, Father," replied Dick. "But they must give upeverything that belongs to us."

  "Well, you can see to it that they do--you and Mr. Powell," answeredAnderson Rover. "I am going back to the farm to rest, and after that Ithink I'll travel a little for my health."

  "All right, Dad. But--but----" Dick stammered and grew red. "You--er--youwon't go away until after my wedding, will you?"

  "No, Dick, I'll stay home until after you and Dora are married,"answered Mr. Rover, with a quiet smile.



  "The day of days, Dick!"

  "Right you are, Sam! And what a perfect day it is!"

  "Oh, I had this weather made to order," came from Tom Rover, with agrin.

  "How do you feel, Tom?" questioned his big brother kindly, as heturned away from the window to look at the lad who had been hurt.

  "Oh, I'm as chipper as a catbird with two tails!" sang out thefun-loving Rover. But his pale face was not in keeping with his words.Tom was not yet himself. But he wasn't going to show it--especiallyon Dick's wedding day.

  All of the Rovers had come up to Cedarville and they were now stoppingat the home of Mr. Laning, the father of Grace and Nellie. As my oldreaders know, the Stanhopes lived but a short distance away, andnearby was Putnam Hall, where the boys had spent so many happy days.

  Dora had left Hope as soon as it was settled that she and Dick shouldbe married, and she and her mother, and the others, had been busy forsome time getting ready for the wedding. Nellie and Grace were alsohome, and were as much excited as Dora herself, for they were both tobe bridesmaids. The girls had spent several days in New York,shopping, and a dressmaker from the city had been called in to dressthe young ladies as befitted the occasion.

  Tom was to be Dick's best man, while Sam was to head the ushers at thechurch--the other ushers being Songbird, Stanley, Fred Garrison,Larry Colby, and Bart Conners. A delegation of students fromBrill--including William Philander Tubbs--had also come up, and werequartered at the Cedarville Hotel.

  The wedding was to take place at the Cedarville Union Church, a quaintlittle stone edifice, covered with ivy, which the Stanhopes and theLanings both attended and which the Rover boys had often visited whilethey were cadets at Putnam Hall. The interior of the church was a massof palms, sent up on the boat from Ithaca.

  Following the sending out of the invitations to the wedding, presentshad come in thick and fast to the Stanhope home. From Dick's fathercame an elegant silver service, and from his brothers abeautifully-decorated dinner set; while Uncle Randolph and Aunt Marthacontributed a fine set of the latest encyclopaedias, and aspecially-bound volume of the uncle's book on scientific farming! Mr.Anderson Rover also contributed a bank book with an amount writtentherein that nearly took away Dora's breath.

  "Oh, Dick, just look at the sum!" she cried.

  "It sure is a tidy nest egg," smiled the husband-to-be. "I knew dadwould come down handsomely. He's the best dad ever was!"

  "Yes, Dick, and I know I am going to love him just as if I was his owndaughter," answered Dora.

  Mrs. Stanhope gave her daughter much of the family silver and jewelry,and also a full supply of table and other linen. From Captain Putnamcame a handsome morris chair, and Songbird sent in a beautifully-boundvolume of household poetry, with a poem of his own on the flyleaf. Thestudents of Brill sent in a fine oil painting in a gold frame, and thegirls at Hope contributed an inlaid workbox with a complete sewingoutfit. From Dan Baxter, who had been invited, along with the younglady to whom he was engaged, came two gold napkin rings, each suitablyengraved. Dan had written to Dick, saying he would come to the weddingif he had to take a week off to get there, he being then in Washingtonon a business trip.

  The wedding was to take place at high noon, and long before that timethe many guests began to assemble at the church. Among the first toarrive was Captain Putnam, in military uniform, and attended by abouta dozen of the Hall cadets. George Strong, the head teacher, was alsopresent, for he and Dick had always been good friends. Then came thestudents from Brill, all in full dress, and led by William PhilanderTubbs, bedecked as only that dudish student would think of bedeckinghimself.

  The Lanings and Mrs. Stanhope came together and the Rovers followedclosely. Soon the little church was packed and many stood outside,unable to get in. The organ was playing softly.

  Suddenly the bell in the tower struck twelve. As the last stroke diedaway the organ peeled forth in the grand notes of the wedding march.Then came the wedding party up the middle aisle, a little flower girlpreceding them. Dora was on her uncle's arm, and wore white satin,daintily embroidered, and carried a bouquet of bridal roses. Aroundher neck was a string of pearls Dick had given her. The bridesmaidswere in pink and also carried bouquets.

  Dick was already at the altar to meet his bride, and then began thesolemn ceremony that made the pair one for life. It was simple andshort, and at the conclusion Dick kissed Dora tenderly.

  The organ pealed out once more, and the happy couple marched from thechurch, everybody gazing after them in admiration.

  "A fine couple," was Captain Putnam's comment. "A fine couple, truly!"

  "Yes, indeed!" echoed George Strong. "I wish them every happiness."

  "A perfectly splendid wedding, don't you know!" lisped WilliamPhilander Tubbs. "Why, I really couldn't run it off better myself!"

  "It was all to the merry!" was Stanley's comment. "She's a dandy girl,too--wish I had one half as good."

  "Dick Rover deserves the best girl in the world," was Songbird'sconclusion. "He is the finest fellow I know, barring none."

  "I suppose you'll get up a poem about this, Songbird," suggested oneof the other students.

  "Perhaps," was the answer, and the would-be poet smiled in a dreamyfashion.

  "It seems only yesterday that the Rover boys came to the Hall,"remarked Captain Putnam, to one of his friends. "My, how the yearshave flown!"

  "But they are still boys--at least Tom and Sam are," was the readyreply. "And Tom is just as full of sport as he ever was--I don'tbeli
eve he'll ever settle down."

  "Time will tell. But with all his fun he is a good lad at heart--andthat is what counts."

  "Right you are, Captain Putnam. I wouldn't give a rap for a lad whodidn't have some fun in his make-up."

  "All of them had plenty of fun while they were at my school. They cutup a good deal sometimes. But I liked them all the better for it,somehow," concluded the captain, with a twinkle in his eyes.

  Carriages and automobiles were in waiting, and Dick and his bride,along with their relatives and many friends, were quickly whirled awayto the Stanhope home. Here followed numerous congratulations,interspersed with not a few kisses. Mrs. Stanhope's eyes were stillfull of tears, but she smiled at her newly-made son-in-law.

  "It's all right, Dick!" she whispered. "I'm not a bit sorry. But--buta woman can't help crying when she sees her only girl gettingmarried."

  "You are not going to lose Dora," he answered, tenderly. "You aregoing to get a son, that's all."

  A long table had been spread, from the dining-room to thesitting-room, with another table in the library, and soon a grandwedding dinner was in progress. Dora sat at her husband's side, andnever did a pair feel or look more happy. Close at hand was Tom,paying his attentions to Nellie, and at the smaller table Sam wasdoing his best to entertain Grace. Mr. Anderson Rover sat beside Mrs.Stanhope, and not far away were the others of the families.

  "Well, they are married at last," said Mr. Rover to Mrs. Stanhope. "I,for one, am well satisfied. I think they will get along welltogether."

  "Yes, Mr. Rover, I think they will get along finely," answered Mrs.Stanhope. "I liked Dick from the first time I met him--and Dora--well,there was nobody else after he came into view," and she smiledfaintly. Then her eyes traveled over to where Tom and Nellie weretalking earnestly, and his followed. "I think that is another pair,"she whispered.

  "I shouldn't wonder," was the reply. "But they can wait a while. Tomis rather young yet."

  "He looks rather pale."

  "Yes, that blow he received on the head was a severe one. I am worriedabout it," went on Mr. Rover, soberly.

  It had been arranged that Dick and Dora should depart on a honeymoontrip to Washington late that afternoon. The dinner over, the roomswere cleared, and the young folks enjoyed themselves in dancing, anorchestra having been engaged for that purpose.

  "How perfectly happy they all seem to be!" remarked Aunt Martha toAnderson Rover, as they sat watching the dancing.

  "Yes," he answered. "I trust that nothing happens to make it otherwiseafter this."

  "Oh, something is bound to happen to those boys!" murmured the aunt."You simply can't hold them in!" And something did happen, and what iswas will be related in the next volume of this series, to be entitled:"The Rover Boys in Alaska; Or, Lost in the Fields of Ice." In thatbook we shall learn how Tom suddenly lost his mind and wandered awayfrom home, and what strenuous things happened to Dick and Sam whenthey went after their brother.

  But for the time being all went well. The young folks danced to theirhearts' content, and Tom kept them roaring over the many jokes he hadsaved up for the occasion. His head ached a good deal, but he refusedto let anybody know about it.

  Then came the time for Dick and Dora to depart. An auto was at thedoor, gaily decorated with white ribbons, and bearing on the back asign painted by Tom which read, "We're Just Married." Another auto wasin the backyard, to take some of the guests to the steamboat dock.

  "Good-bye!" was the cry, as the pair came down the stairs, ready forthe trip. "Good-bye and good luck!" And then came a generous shower ofrice and several old shoes. Dora kissed her mother for the last timeand she and Dick hurried to the auto. Away they went, and the otherauto after them, Tom and Sam and some others tooting horns and thegirls shrieking gaily.

  "To the steamboat dock, I suppose," said the driver of the auto, toDick.

  "Not much!" cried the newly-married youth. "Here is where we foolthem. Straight for Ithaca, and as fast as the law allows!"

  "I get you," replied the chauffeur, grinning.

  "We want to catch the seven-forty-five train for New York," went onDick.

  "We'll do it, sir," was the answer, and then the auto driver turned onthe speed, made a whirl around a corner of the road, and in a minutemore was on the way to Ithaca, with the second car far behind.

  "Hello! he's given us the slip!" cried Sam, in dismay.

  "Never mind, let them go!" whispered Grace.

  "Yes, we've had fun enough," added Nellie. "Oh, what a grand weddingit has been!" she added, with a sigh. And then, when Tom squeezed herhand, she blushed.

  In the other automobile, Dora and Dick sat close together on the backseat. Under the robe her hand, the one with the wedding ring upon it,was clasped tightly within his own.

  "Glad?" he whispered.

  "Perfectly," she answered.


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