Read The Rover Boys in New York; Or, Saving Their Father's Honor Page 3



  "Say, that's the talk!" cried Tom, quickly. "I hadn't thought ofthat,--but it's just what we ought to do."

  "It won't be easy, Tom," said his younger brother. "The chances arethat Crabtree has made good use of his time. He may be hundreds ofmiles away--bound for the West or the South, or Canada or Europe."

  "Well, we can have a try at finding him, anyway," put in Dick. "Sometimesa criminal sticks close to the jail until the excitement is over, Lookat those fellows who escaped from jail in New York City not long ago.The detectives thought they had gone to Chicago or St. Louis, and allthe while they were on the East Side, right in New York!"

  "Oh, my! but wouldn't I just like to land on old Crabtree!" mutteredTom. "I think I'd be apt to put him in the hospital first and jailafterwards! He certainly deserves it--for all the trouble he hascaused us and our--er--friends."

  "'Friends' is good, with Dick engaged to marry Dora and you as good asengaged to Nellie," snorted Sam "Precisely, and you and Grace makinggoo-goo eyes at each other," added Tom, with a wink at his youngerbrother. Then he quickly changed the subject. "Dick, do you think youcan strike a straight course for Plankville?"

  "I'll try it," was the answer. "I don't think I'll go much out of theway."

  The Dartaway had a powerful motor, and once on the right trail theeldest Rover advanced his gasoline and spark, and they went rushingthrough the air at express-train speed. The boys were provided withface guards, so they did not mind this. They did not fly high, and sokept the railroad and other familiar objects fairly well in view. Theypassed over several villages, the inhabitants gazing up at them inopen-mouthed wonder, and finally came in sight of a big church spirethat they knew belonged in Plankville. Then Dick slowed down theengine, and soon they floated down in an open field close to the mainstreet and not a great distance from the sheriff's office and thejail.

  "Well, it certainly didn't take long to get here," cried Tom, as heconsulted his watch.

  A man who lived close by was approaching and he readily agreed, for asmall amount, to guard the biplane.

  "Have they caught those men who escaped from the jail?" asked Sam, ofthe man.

  "Got two on 'em," was the reply. "Dacker and Penfield."

  "What of Crabtree?" asked Dick.

  "Nuthin' doin', up to an hour ago. The sheriff is out with about tenmen, lookin' fer him."

  "Then there is no use of our going to the sherif's office," said Dickto his brothers "We'll go right to the jail."

  "Will they let us in?" asked Sam.

  "In the office, yes. We won't want to go to the cells," answered Dick,with a short laugh.

  When they reached the office of the jail they found several menpresent, including the head keeper and one of the State detectives.The keeper had seen the Rover boys at the time of the capture ofCrabtree and the others and he smiled a little as he shook hands.

  "Bad business," he said, in answer to a question Dick put. "But Ican't exactly blame my men for what happened."

  "Weren't you here at the time?" asked Tom.

  "No, I was out of town--calling on my mother, who is very old andquite sick. There was a fire in the pantry off the kitchen, and for afew minutes it looked as if the old jail would burn to the ground. Ofcourse the guards got excited, and all they thought of was to put outthe blaze--and it's a good thing they did that. That's how theprisoners got away. I suppose you've heard that we rounded up two ofthem."

  "Yes," answered Dick. "Have they any idea what became of Crabtree?"

  "I haven't. If the sheriff knows anything he hasn't told it. By theway, boys, I'll tell you something, now you are here. That man is ahypnotist!"

  "We know it," said Dick "I thought I told you."

  "He tried to hypnotize one of the men one day,--almost got away,doing it!"

  "Did he hire any lawyer to defend him?" asked Tom, curiously.

  "I don't know about a lawyer. He had a man out to see him, severaltimes. The two were very friendly."

  "They were?" cried Dick. "I never knew Josiah Crabtree had anyfriends, outside of the rascals he associated with. Who was the man?"

  "He gave his name as John Smith. But I guess that was false, for heacted as if he didn't want to be known."

  "What kind of a looking man was he?" asked Sam.

  "Why, he was a tall, thin fellow with a very pointed chin, and bushyblack hair and heavy black eyebrows. When he spoke his voice had aregular rumble to it."

  At this description the Rover boys shook their heads. They could thinkof nobody they had met who would fit the picture.

  "When was that man here last?" asked Dick.

  "A couple of days ago. I didn't like him for a cent, but as theprisoners haven't been convicted of any crimes as yet I had to let 'emsee their friends," explained the jail keeper.

  "What of Sobber, Larkspur and the others?" questioned Tom.

  "All safe enough. Nobody else is going to get out of here if I canhelp it," and the keeper shook his head decidedly.

  The boys remained at the jail for a while longer, and heard theparticulars of how the fire had originated and of how the prisonershad gotten away. Two of the men had kept together, but Crabtree hadgone off by himself, and the last seen of him was when he was runningfor the river, which flowed some distance back of the jail.

  "Let us go down to the river and take a look around," suggested Dick,at last, and bidding the jailer good-bye, they hurried away.

  Along the river bank they found several men and boys, all looking forCrabtree, some thinking there might be a reward offered for thecapture of the criminal. The Rovers joined in the hunt for the bestpart of an hour, but without success.

  "It's worse than looking for a pin in a haystack," grumbled Tom,presently. "We might as well give it up."

  "Let us walk around the town and see if we can learn anything,"suggested his big brother.

  They walked down the main street of Plankville from end to end,questioning several people they knew. At last they got word that amysterious automobile had passed through the town about midnight ofthe day Josiah Crabtree had broken from jail. But who had been in thetouring car nobody could tell.

  "He may have escaped in that," declared Dick.

  "And if he did, that man who came to see him at the jail had the car,"added Sam.

  "Just what I think," cried Tom. "Well, if he got away in an auto thereis no use of our looking for him here," he added, with a sigh.

  Nevertheless, the boys hung around Plankville for an hour longer. Thenthey got aboard of the Dartaway, and with Tom at the wheel, and Dickwith a pair of field glasses to his eyes, swung in several circlesabout the neighborhood.

  "No use," declared the oldest Rover boy, at last. "It is getting late.We might as well return to college. We can do nothing here."

  "Haven't we got time to go to Hope?" asked Sam, a bit wistfully.

  "Well, I don't know," answered his big brother, just as wistfully.

  "Let us take time--Doctor Wallington didn't want us to hurry back,"put in Tom. "I think the girls ought to know about this, so as to beon guard, in case old Crabtree tries to molest them again."

  As the lads were all of one mind, the biplane was headed in thedirection of Hope. As before, the flying machine swung through the airat a good rate of speed, and half an hour before sundown they came insight of the Seminary buildings.

  "Wonder where they are?" mused Dick, as the biplane came to earth atthe spot where they had landed before.

  "If they are around they must have heard us," answered Tom. "Theengine makes noise enough to wake the dead." And this was wellexpressed, for the motor, like many of the flying machine kind, had nomuffler attached, and the explosions were not unlike the firing of agatling gun.

  Some girls had seen them come down, and presently the boys saw threefigures hurrying towards them.

  "Oh, what made you come so late?" cried Grace, as she rushed up andshook hands with Sam and then with the others.

"We thought you might come to-day," put in Nellie, as she beamed onTom, and extended both hands.

  "I heard the machine first," declared Dora, and came straight to Dick,who did not hesitate to give her the hearty kiss to which he thoughthis engagement entitled him.

  "We have been to Plankville," came from Tom and Sam, in a breath.

  "Have you heard the news?" questioned their big brother, and he lookedanxiously from Dora to her cousins.

  "What news?" cried Dora, quickly. "We have heard nothing unusual."

  "Josiah Crabtree broke out of the Plankville jail and ran away."

  "Oh, Dick!" and Dora grew suddenly pale. "Do you really mean it?"

  "When was this?" demanded Nellie.

  "Tell us all about it," supplemented Grace.

  "We can't tell you any more than what we have heard," answered Sam."We just got word ourselves this morning."

  Then the boys told their story and answered innumerable questionswhich the girls put to them.

  "This will be bad news for mother," said Dora, to Dick. "She is afraidof Josiah Crabtree, and always has been--because of his strangehypnotic power."

  "I don't think he will dare to show himself--at least, not for awhile, Dora," he answered. "He knows only too well that the jail iswaiting to receive him."

  "That strange man with the bushy eyebrows and the pointed chin musthave helped him to get away," was Nellie's comment.

  "So we think," answered Tom.

  "But who was he?" questioned her sister.

  "That's a conundrum we can't answer," returned Sam. "I think he waswaiting around with that auto, and as soon as the fire startedCrabtree saw the chance he wanted and got out."

  "Maybe Crabtree started the fire?" suggested Dora.

  "No, that was purely an accident--so the jailer says. The wind blew acurtain against a lamp and the burning curtain fell into someexcelsior in a box of new dishes. The excelsior made quite a blaze anda lot of smoke, and everybody in the jail was badly frightened for awhile."

  After that the talk became general, and quite unconsciously Dick andDora strolled off by themselves, down towards a tiny brook that flowedpast the campus grounds.

  "You must be very careful, Dora, now that Crabtree is at liberty,"said the eldest Rover boy. "I wouldn't have him run off with you againfor the world," he added, tenderly.

  "I shall watch out, Dick,--and I'll make the others watch out, too."And then, as he squeezed her hand, she added, in a lower voice: "Howis that other matter coming along?"

  "Not very well, Dora," and Dick's face became more serious than ever.

  "Can't your father manage it?"

  "I don't think so. You see, he isn't in very good health--he breaksdown every once in a while. Those business matters worry him a greatdeal."

  "Can't your uncle help him?"

  "No, Uncle Randolph means well, but he is no business man--he showedthat when he allowed those men to swindle him out of those bonds,"went on Dick, referring to an event which has been related in detailin "The Rover Boys on the Farm."

  "But what can you do, Dick?" questioned the girl, earnestly.

  "I think I'll have to quit college and take up the matter myself,"answered Dick Rover.