Read The Rover Boys in New York; Or, Saving Their Father's Honor Page 8



  "Say, I've got to have some fun or bust!"

  It was Tom who uttered the words. For over a week everything had runalong smoothly at Brill College. The boys had settled down to theirstudies. They had sent letters home, and to the girls, and hadreceived several communications in return. They had been congratulatedon their escape from the wrecking of the biplane, and Dora had writtento Dick urging him to give up flying.

  "I'm going to give it up for a while, at least," Dick had answered.During those days the search had been kept up for Josiah Crabtree, butso far nothing had been heard of the fugitive from justice. That theman had left the neighborhood was quite probable.

  "What sort of fun do you want, Tom?" asked Sam, throwing down the bookhe had been studying.

  "Oh, anything," was the answer. "I feel as if I was getting musty andrusty, and I've simply got to do something. Wish there was a hazingon, or something like that," and the fun-loving Rover gazed moodilyout of the window.

  "Now don't you get yourself into trouble, Tom," warned Dick. "Betterget at that theme you've got to write on 'Educational Institutions ofthe Revolutionary Period'."

  "Hang the themes, Dick! I've got to have some fun--and I'm going outfor it!" answered Tom, and catching up his cap he passed out of thedormitory.

  "Guess I'll go, too," added Sam, and quickly followed. Soon Dick camealso, not wishing to be left behind if anything unusual was to takeplace.

  In the lower hallway the boys found several men at work, cleaning andoiling the hardwood floor. They had a box of wax polish with them, andthis immediately gave Tom an idea.

  "I'd like to buy a little of that," he said, to the head workman, anda bargain was quickly struck, and the fun-loving Rover walked awaywith half a box of the wax polish.

  "What are you going to do with it?" asked Sam.

  "Don't know yet--but I'll do something," was the reply.

  "Looks like maple sugar candy," said Dick, gazing at the wax.

  "Wait! I've struck it!" cried Tom. "Just the thing! Hurray!" And hisface brightened.

  "What is it, Tom?" asked both of his brothers.

  "I'll make William Philander Tubbs a present of this," was the reply."Come on, and watch how I do it."

  "William Philander has gone to see that new, girl of his," answeredSam.

  "Not just yet--but he'll be on the way soon. I'll have to hurry, if Iwant to do something."

  Tom led the way up a back stairs and to the room occupied that term byTubbs and some other students. They met the dudish student, halfdressed, going to the lavatory to wash up.

  "Quick!" cried Tom. "I hope I can find the box."

  "What box?" asked Dick, as he and Sam followed Tom into Tubbs' room.

  "The box of candy he bought for Miss Ruggles. It was a dandy--butmaybe we can improve it just a little," and Tom grinned broadly.

  All looked around and presently found the box of candy on a dresser.It was tied up with a blue ribbon, but this Tom slipped off with ease.Inside of the box were chocolates and bonbons and some candied fruit.

  "Hold the box, Sam," said Tom, whipping out his knife. "We've got tomove mighty quick!"

  On the instant he was at work with his pocket-knife, cutting the floorwax into various shapes to resemble candy. He took out some of thecandied fruit and substituted the wax. Then he felt in his pocket.

  "This will help," he said, bringing forth a soapstone slate pencil,which he cracked into tiny lengths. "The candy that lasts!" he criedsoftly, as he dropped the bits into the box.

  "Rather rough on the girl," declared Dick.

  "Not at all, Dick," said Sam. "I was introduced to her last week andthe very next day she passed me on the road with a stare as if she hadnever seen me."

  "And Stanley says she is stuck up to the last degree," added Tom."Maybe this will take her down a peg--anyway I hope so."

  Sam was searching his pockets. He brought out several dried beans anda heavy rubber elastic.

  "The remains of a slingshot and ammunition I confiscated from a Freshywho was taking shots at me," he explained.

  "Drop the beans in--they'll look like jelly beans!" cried Tom. "Andcut up that rubber band into pieces for jujube-paste!"

  Dick was at the door on guard, and presently he gave a low whistle, tonotify the others that Tubbs was coming back. Instantly Tom shut thecandy box, put back the paper covering and ribbon; and then he and Samslipped out of the dormitory by a side door, so that the dudishstudent might not see them.

  Such a joke as had been played Tom could not keep to himself, and whenthe Rovers went downstairs he told Stanley, Songbird and Spud Jackson.

  "Fine!" cried Stanley. "That Miss Ruggles deserves it, too. Shethinks, just because her father has rocks, that she is too good toeven recognize any of us. The only fellow she tolerates is Tubby--Iguess because he's such a dude."

  Tom wanted to follow William Philander Tubbs when he went to see theyoung lady, who was stopping with an aunt who lived not far fromBrill. The others were willing, and all hung around the campus untilthe stylish student made his appearance.

  "She's crazy for candy--Tubby told me so himself," said Spud. "Eatsabout a barrelful a week, so I understand. That's why he got her thebox, I guess."

  "If she eats that boxful she'll be a good one," was Tom's dry comment.

  It was not long before Tubbs appeared. The stylish student wasfaultlessly attired, in light trousers, dark Prince Albert coat, whitevest, spats, and a silk hat. In one hand he carried a cane and in theother the box of candy.

  "My, but we are some swell!" murmured Sam.

  "He ought to pose for a fashion magazine," returned Tom. "Keep back,fellows, or he'll spot us!" And he pulled those nearest to him behindsome shrubbery.

  William Philander passed them and they followed at a safe distance inthe darkness. The dudish student headed directly for the house atwhich Miss Clarabel Ruggles was stopping, and the others saw himascend the front piazza and ring the bell. A servant ushered him in,and the boys saw the light turned up in a parlor.

  "Come on and see the fun," said Tom, and led the way across a lawn.The curtains to the parlor windows were half up, so they could lookinto the room with ease. One window was partly open for ventilation.

  They saw William Philander sitting in a chair, the box of candy on hislap. Presently Clarabel Ruggles came in, attired in an elaborateevening gown. Tubbs at once arose to his feet and, bowing very low,accepted her hand, which was held on high. Then the dudish studentsaid something and offered the box of candy.

  "Oh, is this really for me!" those outside heard the young lady cry,the words coming through the partly open window.

  "No, he bought it for the cat!" murmured Tom, and at this the othershad to snicker.

  "A--er--a slight token of my regard, don't you know," said WilliamPhilander, with a flourish.

  "So kind of you, Mr. Tubbs!" The girl gazed hungrily at the box."Shall I open it now?"

  "If you wish to," answered the dudish student, gallantly.

  "I will--and you shall have a share of the candy," said the younglady, and quickly drew off the ribbon and paper. "Oh, my, howperfectly delicious!" she murmured. "Oh, Mr. Tubbs, how could youguess just the kind I like!"

  "Help yourself, my dear Miss Ruggles," said Tubbs, as the box was heldout. "Ladies first, don't you know," and he smiled sweetly.

  She took a candy and he did likewise, and as they ate they talked ofvarious things. Then the box was passed back and forth.

  "Yes, I came to see if you would go to the--er--to the--er----"stammered William Philander, and then he came to a dead halt. "Oh, mytooth!" he gasped, suddenly.

  "What is it, Mr. Tubbs?"

  "I--er--I really think I've broken one of my--er--teeth, don't youknow!" gasped the stylish student. "Oh, dear, that candy is awfullyhard!"

  "I didn't find it so, Mr. Tubbs. Here, try another piece," answeredthe young lady, and helped both him and herself. "As you were going tosay," she
added, with a smile. "Was it that concert that----" She,too, stopped short. "Oh, my!" she gasped.

  "Wha--what is it?" stammered William Philander.

  "This piece of candy I have! It tastes awfully queer!"

  "So does this piece I have!" groaned the dudish student.

  "Oh, Mr. Tubbs, what kind of candy is it anyway? My teeth are--arestuck fast in it!"

  At this moment the aunt of the young lady came in. She looked inwonder at the others, for both were making wry faces.

  "It's the candy, Aunt Mabel!" cried the young lady. "It--it tastes soqueer!"

  "Ha! Let me see that box?" exclaimed the aunt, who was a portlyperson. "I read in the newspaper only yesterday of some folks beingpoisoned by eating cheap candy." And she looked severely at poorTubbs.

  "This is--er--not cheap candy, my dear Mrs. Garlett," splutteredWilliam Philander. "It is some of the best to be had in Ashton, Iassure you."

  By this time the lady had taken something from the box and wassampling it. As it chanced to be a piece of the rubber band she madeslow progress in chewing it.

  "I never saw such candy!" she declared, with vigor. She took anotherpiece. "That was all right," she added, a moment later. "But thispiece! Why, I declare, it tastes like wax! And it is wax, too," shecontinued, inspecting the lump more closely.

  "Wax!" gasped poor William Philander, hollowly.

  "Yes, wax, Mr. Tubbs."

  "Oh, you must be mistaken, my dear Mrs. Garlett!"

  "Humph! I think I know wax when I see it. And this is rubber--nothingbut rubber!"

  "Oh, Aunt Clarabel!" murmured the young lady.

  "Let me look at that box!" cried the lady of the house. She commencedto make an inspection, holding the box close to a lamp. "Humph! Rubberbands, beans, slate pencils, and polishing wax!" she declared. "Mr.Tubbs, do you call this a box of candy?"

  "Upon my word, Mrs. Garlett, I----" gasped the dudish student. He didnot know how to finish.

  "It's just some old horrid joke!" declared Miss Ruggles, haughtily."One of your college jokes, I presume!" And she gazed scornfully atpoor Tubbs.

  "No, no, I--er--I didn't--I really----" gasped William Philander.

  "You can have your box of candy back, Mr. Tubbs," went on the girl,sarcastically. "I do not wish it. And allow me to bid you goodevening!" And with a stately bow she passed out of the room.

  "I'll keep this box of so-called candy and have it investigated," saidMrs. Garlett. "I don't want to be poisoned. Good night, Mr. Tubbs."

  "But, my dear Mrs. Garlett----"

  "I said good night," interrupted the lady of the house. "Mary willshow you to the door," she added, and then, in complete bewilderment,poor William Philander rushed out of the residence, and along thegarden walk in the direction of the road leading to Brill.