Read The Rover Boys in Southern Waters; or, The Deserted Steam Yacht Page 13



  The Rover boys and their friends from Putnam Hall had never been asfar south as New Orleans before, and they viewed the city and itsapproaches with deep interest. The levees were piled high with cotton,molasses, and other commodities, and more activity was shown thanthey had witnessed since leaving the Ohio.

  The small steamboat had a regular landing-place, but under ordersfrom Dick and Harold Bird the captain took her up and down the leveesand also to the other side of the stream. All on board kept theireyes open for a possible view of the launch, but nothing was seen ofthe _Venus_.

  "It is possible that she has gone further," said Tom. "Wonder if wecan't find out from some of the rivermen?"

  "We can try anyway," returned Sam. "It doesn't cost money to askquestions."

  They spent the remainder of that day in hunting for some trace ofthe launch and then put up at one of the leading hotels over Sunday.They rested soundly and after dinner felt, as Tom put it, "a hundredper cent. better and some extra." Then they took another walk andmade more inquiries.

  The captain of the small steamboat had no charter for the next fewdays, so he was anxious to remain in their employ, and he took themalong the waterfront again early Monday morning. During this tripthey fell in with another captain who told them he had seen the_Venus_ on Sunday afternoon, with four men on board, puffing downthe river.

  "I was interested in the launch, so I noticed her particularly," saidhe. "Two of the men had quite some liquor aboard and I was thinkingthey might fall overboard, but they didn't." Then he described howthe party was dressed, and our friends came to the conclusion thatthey must be Pold, Todd, Jackson, and Baxter.

  "Where could they be going to next?" asked Fred.

  "That remains for us to find out--if we can," answered Dick. "All Ican think of to do, is to follow them."

  "Can't we telegraph ahead to stop the launch and arrest those onboard?" questioned Songbird.

  "Yes, we can do that."

  The authorities were consulted and the telegrams sent. Then off ourfriends hurried, and were soon on the way down the Mississippi once more.

  About ten miles below New Orleans is the entrance to Lake Borge Canal,an artificial waterway connecting the Mississippi with Lake Borge,which opens, through Mississippi Sound, into the Gulf of Mexico. Thecaptain of the small steamboat had an idea the men who had stolenthe launch were making for this canal, and he was not mistaken.Arriving at the canal entrance, our friends learned that the launchhad been taken through very early in the morning.

  "Well, this ends the search so far as I am concerned," said thesteamboat captain. "I suppose you want to go on somehow."

  "Can't we send word to the other end of the canal?" asked Sam.

  "Yes, we can telephone to the station there," answered Harold Bird,and this was done without delay.

  "Want the launch _Venus_, do you?" came back over the wire. "She wentthrough some hours ago.

  "Where did she go to?"

  "Somewhere on the lake."

  This was all the satisfaction they could get, and bidding the steamboatcaptain goodbye after paying him off, the Rovers and their friendslooked around for some means of getting to Lake Borge, a distance ofseven or eight miles.

  A barge was going through, and they were soon on board. They urgedthe owner to hurry and offered him big pay, and as a consequencebefore noon they reached the lake. Here they ran into an old fisherman,who told them that the persons in the launch had had a quarrel withtwo officers of the law and had sailed off in the direction of BaySt. Louis.

  "This is certainly getting to be a long chase," remarked Tom. "Firstthing we know we'll be following them all the way across the Gulf ofMexico."

  "Well, I am willing," answered Dick, promptly.

  "And so am I," added Harold Bird. "I intend to bring them to justiceif I possibly can."

  Again there was a consultation, and the old fisherman told them howthey might reach Bay St. Louis, a town of considerable importance onMississippi Sound. The trip took some time, and on the way they lookedaround eagerly for some sight of the launch, but the craft did notappear.

  At Bay St. Louis came a surprise. The launch had entered the harboron fire and those on board had had to swim for their lives. The crafthad been running at full speed, had struck a mud scow and gone under,and was now resting in eight feet of water and mud.

  "Was she burnt very much?" asked Harold Bird, of the person who gavethis information.

  "I don't think she was," was the answer. "She went down before theflames got very far."

  "And what of the rascals who ran, or rather swam, away?" asked Dick.

  "They came ashore, went to a hotel, where they dried their clothingand got something to eat, and then went off to get the launch raised."

  "I don't believe they intended to raise the launch," said Sam,promptly. "That was only a bluff."

  "Exactly what I think," put in Tom. "Those fellows know they'll befollowed sooner or later, and they'll try to make themselves scarce."

  What to do next our friends scarcely knew. They went to several pointsalong the sound front, but could gain no information of value.

  "We've lost them," said Songbird, dismally. "All our long chase fornothing."

  They were moving from one dock to another when they saw a man sittingon some bales of cotton, sleeping soundly and snoring lustily.

  "Why, isn't that the carpenter who was going to repair the _Dora_?"cried Sam.

  "Sure it is!" answered Tom. "Here is luck!"

  "I wonder if those other rascals are near?" questioned Fred.

  They looked all around, but soon reached the conclusion that SollyJackson was alone. Then they shook the fellow and roused him. He hadevidently been drinking, but he was now almost sober.

  "What's the matter?" he demanded, sleepily. "Lemme alone, Pold."

  "Wake up, you rascal!" cried Dick. "You're not on the launch."

  "What's the reason I ain't?" stammered Solly Jackson. "Oh, she goton fire, didn't she? Well, let her burn!" And he attempted to go tosleep again.

  "You'll wake up!" cried Harold Bird, and between them he and Dickshook the fellow until he was thoroughly aroused. When he realizedhis position he was greatly alarmed.

  "Oh, gentlemen, it's all a mistake," he whined. "I--er--I didn't runoff with the launch, or the houseboat either. All a mistake, I tell you!"

  "It was a mistake," answered Dick, grimly. "And you'll find it sowhen you are behind the prison bars."

  "Whe--where are the others?"

  "That is what we want to know," said Tom. "Where did you leave them?"

  "Ain't they here?"

  "No. Where were you with them last?"

  Solly Jackson scratched his head thoughtfully.

  "At the tavern. I had several drinks, and that's the last I knew."

  "Did they bring you here and leave you?" asked Sam.

  "I reckon they did--I don't know exactly. But, gentlemen, I didn'tsteal the boats and things, really I didn't. It was Gasper Pold didthe trick."

  "You aided him," said Tom.

  "He said at first he had bought the houseboat and was going to takeher to New Orleans. He wanted me to go along and finish the repairs,and I didn't find out what was really up till we got to the Lake Sicobayou. Then he told me that if I didn't stick to him he'd shoot me."

  "When did Sack Todd and Dan Baxter join you?" asked Sam.

  "Just before we left. I don't know where they came from, but Poldknew Sack Todd well and Todd brought in the young fellow. Then theyhid the houseboat in the bushes and stole what they could, andafterwards ran off with the launch."

  "Yes, but you helped the others to make us prisoners," came fromSongbird, severely.

  "I did it because I had to--Pold said he'd shoot me if I went backon him. Mr. Bird,"--Solly Jackson turned to the young Southerner,--"youknow I ain't no bad man like Pold an' that sort."

  "I know you are weak-minded and weak-kneed," answer
ed Harold Bird,in disgust. "But you stood in with those rascals and you must takethe consequences."

  "It's mighty hard on a fellow as ain't done nothin'!"

  "Where did the other fellows go?" demanded Tom.

  "I don't know--reckon they left me when I went to sleep here."

  "Didn't they mention any place?" demanded Dick, sternly. "Come, ifyou expect us to be easy on you, you must tell us all you know."

  "They did," answered Solly Jackson, after scratching his head again."Gasper Pold said he thought of going to Tampa, Florida, where hehas several friends. That young Baxter said he'd like to go to Tampa,and Sack Todd said he might go along. Then they talked of going overto Mobile, to get a steamer there for Tampa, but Pold said it wouldn'tdo, as all the steamboat landings and railroad offices might bewatched. So then Pold said he would look around and see if he couldn'tfind some boat that was going to Tampa from here."

  "A steamer?" queried Harold Bird.

  "Either that or a sailing vessel, he didn't much care which. He saida sailing vessel might be safer, especially if they could ship withoutthose on shore knowing it."

  This was practically all that Solly Jackson could tell them. As hegrew more sober he seemed truly repentant of his misdeeds. He saidGasper Pold had plied him with liquor before running away with the_Dora_, and that had he been perfectly sober he should never haveaided in such a rascally bit of work. That he had been nothing morethan a tool from start to finish there could be little doubt. Heagreed to go with them and do all he could to locate his formercompanions, and also do what he could towards having the gasolinelaunch raised and put in order.