Read The Rover Boys in Southern Waters; or, The Deserted Steam Yacht Page 27



  The three Rover boys could scarcely believe their senses. Here theywere once more in full possession of the _Mermaid_ so far as the deckand cabin were concerned--and those who had sought to make themprisoners were prisoners themselves.

  "This is where the biter got bit," remarked Tom. "Say, I feel so goodI could almost dance."

  "Sack Todd got shot," said Dick. "I'd like to know if it is serious."

  "Well, I am not very sorry for him," said Sam. "He's a thoroughlybad egg."

  "We want to make certain of Dan Baxter," went on the eldest Rover."He may fool Hans."

  They walked toward the cabin and ran down the companionway. At thelower doorway they paused and then Tom grinned.

  On one side of the room was Dan Baxter with his hands in the air. Onthe other side was Hans, with a pistol in each hand.

  "Ton't dare to mofe," Hans was saying. "Of you do I vos put oxactlyfourteen shots into your poty, ain't it!"

  "I am not moving," grumbled Baxter. "Didn't I tell you I am sick ofthe whole thing, Dutchy? I don't want to fight, or anything."

  "Tan Paxter, you chust remember dot old saying, beoples vot lif inglass houses ton't got no right to tell fish stories," answered Hans,gravely.

  "Hans, that's a good one!" roared Tom, coming forward. "Say, you'rea whole regiment in yourself, ain't you?"

  "Yah, I vos so goot like ten or sefenteen soljers, alretty!" answeredthe German youth, proudly. "Paxter, he ton't got avay from me, not much!"

  Hans lowered his pistols and Dan Baxter was glad enough to put downhis hands. Dick glanced into the staterooms and saw that the twosailors were still sleeping heavily.

  "We'll throw them down into the hold," said the eldest Rover. "Thatwill keep them out of mischief, when they awake."

  "Vot apout dem men?" asked Hans, anxiously.

  "All prisoners," answered Sam.

  "Prisoners!" ejaculated Dan Baxter.

  "Yes, Dan, they are prisoners, down in the engine room," answeredDick. "We've given them the same dose they gave us."

  "Then you are in possession once more?"

  "Yes--as far as it goes. And I want to talk to you as soon as we'vedisposed of these sailors," added Dick.

  "Shall I help you carry them out?"

  "Do you want to?"

  "If you wish it."

  "Mind you, I don't want any trick played, Dan."

  "I won't play any trick, Dick--I give you my word."

  "This is a serious situation and we don't propose to take any morechances. We are on top and we mean to stay on top," added the eldestRover.

  While Hans held a lantern, the three Rovers and Dan Baxter carriedthe two sailors through the cabin and out on the deck. Tom was workingwith the former bully of Putnam Hall and declared afterward that henever felt so queer in his life. But Baxter worked with a will anddid his full share of lifting.

  The hatch to the hold was not far off and the men were put downwithout great trouble. Then the hatch was closed and fastened.

  "Now, Dan, you are the only enemy we have who is at liberty," saidDick, turning to the big youth. "I want to know exactly what youpropose to do."

  "What I do will depend a good deal on what you do," was the somewhatlow answer. "I know I am in your power. But I'd like you to rememberone thing--about how I warned you not to drink the drugged water andhow I brought you some good water."

  "I am not going to forget that."

  "That's a point to your credit, Dan," said Sam.

  "If it hadn't been for that I--er--I don't know where you'd be now.As I said before, I've been pretty bad--but not quite as bad as that."

  "Do you think we ought to let you go for what you did for us?" askedTom, who never wanted to beat about the bush.

  "I don't know as you ought to do that--but I'd like you to do it.I'd like to have the chance to go away--far away--and strike outfresh. My father wants me to do it--he's written me three lettersabout it. He wants me to go to the Hawaiian Islands, or the Philippines,or to Australia. He says--but I don't suppose you are interested inwhat he writes."

  "I am," answered Dick, promptly.

  "He spoke of what you did for him and he says I--well, I ought to beashamed to keep up the old enmity after what happened--after yousaved his life. I--er--I guess he's right--and I am sick of it all."

  "Well, I hope you stay sick of it--I mean sick of doing wrong," said Sam.

  "Maybe I will--I don't know and I am not going to promise. But I amsick enough of being here, among such rough men as Sack Todd andGasper Pold and that crowd of counterfeiters that was captured. Ihaven't had any real comfort for months."

  "I don't believe a criminal ever feels real comfortable," said Tom."How can he, when he knows the officers of the law are constantlyafter him?"

  "There is something in that. When I go to bed I generally dream ofbeing caught and dragged to prison. And those men always wanted meto drink, and I don't care much for liquor."

  "Then cut it out--cut it out by all means," said Dick. "You can't dobetter."

  "And there is another thing," went on Dan Baxter. "I don't feelwell--everything I eat lately goes against me, and sometimes I'm ina regular fever. I ought to rest somewhere, I suppose, and have agood doctor attend me. But I can't do anything to make me feel betterchasing around like this."

  After that Dan Baxter told a good deal more about himself--how hehad been knocking around in all sorts of questionable places and howthe dissipation had grown very distasteful to him. It had certainlyruined his health, and his eyes had a hollow, feverish look in themthat made his appearance rather pitiable.

  "You are certainly run down," said Dick, "and unless you take extragood care of yourself you'll be flat on your back with some seriousillness. But the question still is, Dan, What are we to do with you?"

  "I know what I'd like you to do."


  "Let me land somewhere where I am not known, so that the officers ofthe law can't get hold of me. Do that, and I'll promise to go faraway and never trouble you again."

  "I don't think that would be right," said Tom. "We might be willing,but we can't assist a criminal to escape--that's a crime in itself."

  "Then you won't let me go?"

  "Tom is right, we can't do it, legally. Personally I'd be willing tolet you go," said Dick.

  "So would I--if you really wanted to do better," came from Sam.

  "Yah, I ton't stand in nopody's vay," added Hans. "I vos glad to seea man make a goot poy of himselluf!"

  There was an awkward pause. Twice Dan Baxter started to speak andchecked himself. They almost looked for one of his former wildoutbreaks, but it did not come. He hung his head low.

  "All right--have your way," he whispered, hoarsely, and dropped intoa chair. "I am done fighting. I'll take my medicine, no matter howbitter it is."

  "Perhaps we can make matters a little easy for you," said Dick, ina gentle tone. "I am sure none of us want to see you suffer--if youwant to reform."

  "Of course we'll be easy," said Sam, and Tom and Hans nodded.

  "Well, if you'll do--What's that?"

  Dan Baxter broke off short and all in the cabin listened. There wasa thud and a crash, followed by another crash.

  "They are trying to break out of the engine room!" yelled Dick."Come, we must stop them!" And he started for the deck, and all ofthe crowd went after him.