Read The Rover Boys in the Air; Or, From College Campus to the Clouds Page 17



  "Oh, Dick, how lovely!"

  "Weren't you afraid, Sam?"

  "What a big flying machine, Tom!"

  Such were the exclamations from Dora, Grace and Nellie, as all rushedforward to where the boys were alighting from the _Dartaway_. Soon theywere shaking hands all around, and soon other girl students were comingup, to learn what the arrival of the flying machine meant.

  "Well, we certainly had a great trip," said Dick.

  "The wind was pretty strong," put in Sam.

  "Strongest wind you ever saw!" declared Tom, stoutly. "Turned us overabout 'steen times and rolled us into a regular ball."

  "Oh, Tom, what an idea!" exclaimed Nellie, and began to laugh. "Butweren't you afraid?" she went on anxiously.

  "What, me? Never! But Sam was so afraid he shook off his shoes, and oneof 'em dropped right on a cow, and----"

  "Tom Rover!" burst out Grace. "What a story-teller you are!"

  "Well, Grace, if you don't believe it, go and ask that cow," went on thefun-loving Rover, soberly. "It's lucky Sam has elastics on the shoes--topull 'em back by. If he hadn't had----" Tom did not finish but shook hishead mournfully.

  "I am so glad you got here safely, Dick," said Dora, in a low voice."But oh, do you think it is quite safe?" she went on, anxiously. "I--Idon't want you to get hurt!"

  "I guess it is safe enough, Dora," he replied, not wishing to alarm her."It's like an auto--you've got to get used to it."

  "I don't think I'd ever get used to a flying machine."

  "Maybe you would. Some day I'll take you up and you can see how you likeit." But Dora shook her head at this.

  The boys had hoped to have a quiet time with the three girls, but thiswas not to be just then. The students of the seminary gathered around,and the lads were kept busy explaining about the biplane, and how theengine and the steering gear worked. Then, to show that they could runthe _Dartaway_ as well as Dick, Tom took the machine up and Samfollowed him, each making several circles around the campus.

  "Any girls want to go up?" questioned Tom. "Now don't please all speakat once." There was a general giggle, but nobody accepted theinvitation. Then the Rovers turned to those they had come to visit, and,taking the hint, the other girl students sauntered away.

  "Wouldn't you like some refreshments?" asked Dora. "We might get somehot coffee and some cake."

  "No, we'll have to get back before dark," answered Dick. "So we'll juststay and talk awhile. Any special news from home?"

  "No. Mamma is going away for her health, and Mrs. Laning is going withher."

  "I hope they go where old Crabtree and Sobber can't find them."

  "That is what they are going to try to do, Dick. Oh, dear, I wish thosepeople would never come near us again!"

  "They are up near our home now," answered the eldest Rover boy, and toldabout the old mill.

  "Whatever are they up to now, do you think, Dick?"

  "I can't imagine. We are all awaiting developments."

  "Your folks ought to be on guard."

  "They are on guard--and dad has hired a detective to keep his eye onCrabtree and Sobber."

  "What about your father, Dick? You wrote that he was worried over somebusiness matter."

  "He is, and Uncle Randolph is worried, too, Dora. It's some business youwouldn't understand--something about some western investment. You seedad and uncle are getting old and they can't watch things as they usedto--and Uncle Randolph is all wrapped up in scientific farming, just ashe always was. I sometimes think it's time I took hold of businessmatters and helped them."

  "Then you'd have to leave Brill, wouldn't you?"

  "Yes; but I'd not mind that--I have a pretty good education even now,and I could study in my spare moments. I could take a short course,instead of one of the long ones. And then, Dora, that would help outanother way," went on Dick in a lower voice, and looking over hisshoulder to make sure that the others were not listening. But the othershad walked off to the rear of the big biplane.

  "Another way? How?" And Dora looked at him wonderingly.

  "Oh, you know well enough."

  "No, I don't," she replied; but two bright spots began to show in herpretty cheeks, making her prettier than ever.

  "Well, I made up my mind that as soon as I left college I was going toget married," Dick went on, looking her full in the eyes.

  "Oh, Dick!" And now she cast her eyes on the ground.

  "Sure. Don't you think it's a good idea?" he went on, and he caught herhand and held it.

  "Oh, I--I----" She blushed more than ever and could not go on.

  "I know we are not so very old, Dora, but, on the other hand, we are notso very young either, and I think your mother would approve, and I amsure my father wouldn't object. I know he thinks you are just the finestgirl in the whole world,--he said so."

  "Well, mamma likes you, too, Dick,--she's told me that many times."

  "Then I'm sure she won't object. And, besides, when I'm her son-in-lawI'll be able to do a good deal more than I can now--about helping herwith her financial affairs, and all that, you know."

  "Yes, I know that, too."

  "And so I think we ought to get married. But, of course, if you object,Dora----"

  "Did I object?" And she smiled just a little--a smile that set his heartbounding.

  "Then you'll consent?" he asked eagerly. "Will you? Say yes, won't you?"And now he had hold of both of her hands and was looking her full in theeyes. "I want you so much, Dora,--I've wanted you ever since I first metyou--on that little steamboat, on the way to Putnam Hall."

  "Oh, Dick, what an idea! Why, you hardly knew me then!"

  "Never mind, I knew you well enough."

  "What a long time ago that was," murmured the girl. She was still gazingfully into his eyes.

  "Yes, it was a long time ago, and yet, somehow, it seems an awfullyshort time, too. But, Dora, you haven't said yes yet. Won't you pleasesay yes?" he pleaded, in a lower voice, as Tom and the others started torejoin them.

  "Yes," she murmured, her face becoming a rosy red. "Yes. Any time yousay, Dick, if mamma is willing."

  "You dear, dear girl!" he cried softly. "Oh, I just wish I had you allto myself for a moment!" And he gave her a look that spoke volumes.

  "Well, we've got to get back, that is all there is to it," came from Samloudly. He could not help but notice how confidential Dick and Dora werebecoming.

  "I'd like to stay, but we've got to make the trip before it gets toodark," added Tom.

  "Just as you say," answered Dick, although he did not, just then, seehow he was going to tear himself away.

  But the boys did not leave for a good quarter of an hour, and duringthat time, Dick and Dora somehow managed to walk to the end of thecampus, where there were big clumps of rose bushes and lilac shrubbery.Once in the shadow of these Dick pulled something from a pocket and heldit out to Dora.

  "If we are going to be regularly engaged, you must have this," he said.

  "Oh, Dick, a diamond ring!" she cried, as the glint of the jewel caughther eyes.

  "Hold out your hand, dear," he said, and when she held it out he placedthe ring on her finger. Then he took her in his arms.

  "Mine, Dora, mine, always and forever mine!"

  "Always, and forever, Dick!" she answered. And then they kissed eachother.

  When they rejoined the others each felt as if walking on air.

  "But the ring--they'll be sure to see it, Dick!" whispered Dora.

  "If they don't I shall be disappointed," he answered.

  It was Grace who espied the glittering circlet first and she uttered aslight shriek. Then she pointed it out to her sister.

  "A diamond ring--an engagement ring!" she cried.

  "Oh, how lovely!" exclaimed Nellie.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, the future Mrs. Dick Rover!" said Dick, just abit awkwardly, while Dora blushed the color of a peony.

  "Oh, Dora!" cried Grace and Nellie, in c
horus, and then each kissed her.

  "I thought I smelt a mouse," murmured Sam.

  "Hail to the bride!" cried Tom. "Say, Dick, isn't it proper to saluteyour future sister-in-law?" he went on, with a broad grin.

  "I don't know--better ask her," replied Dick, good-naturedly, and thenTom kissed Dora, and Sam did the same thing. After that Tom declared heought to kiss the "bride-to-be's cousins," and started in, and Samfollowed.

  "Here, you kids break away!" cried Dick finally. "I thought you said wehad to get back before dark."

  "'Kids' indeed!" snorted Tom. "My, how old we've gotten since we'reengaged!" And then he grinned more than ever. "But never mind," he wenton to Nellie, in a whisper. "Just you wait and see the diamond ring Iget you one of these days." And this remark made Nellie blush asdeeply as had Dora. Sam said something, too, to Grace about a ring, atwhich she laughed merrily and slapped his face. But when the boys werein the biplane and ready to sail away, and he held up a finger with aring on it and looked at her questioningly--and longingly--she gave aquick little nod of her curly head.

  "OH, DICK, A DIAMOND RING!" SHE CRIED.--_Page_ 161.]

  "All ready?" asked Dick, at last.

  "All ready!" replied his brothers.

  "Then start her up!" cried the oldest Rover boy, and the others gave aturn to the propellers. Bang! bang! bang! went the engine, and Sam andTom rushed to their seats.

  "Come again soon!" cried the girls.

  "Just as soon as we can!" was the answer.

  "Be careful!" pleaded Dora. "Please, please be careful!"

  "We'll look out--don't worry," answered Dick. He had to shout, to makehimself heard above the noise of the motor. Then came the usual whizzand rush, and a few seconds later the Rover boys were once more in theair and bound for Brill.

  Dick would have been pleased could he have allowed his mind to linger onthe conversation he had had with Dora, but he soon found this out of thequestion. The wind had come up again, and was now blowing as strongly asever, and he had all he could do to manage the _Dartaway_. Soon the bigbiplane commenced to pitch and toss like a small boat on the bosom of anangry ocean.

  "Say, this is getting something fierce!" was Sam's comment, after aparticularly thrilling dip. "I thought we were going right down thattime."

  "You hold tight!" yelled Dick. "Don't let go for an instant."

  "I'm as tight as glue," was the reply.

  "Hadn't you better go up a bit, Dick?" came from Tom.

  "Just what I thought of doing," was the answer.

  The rudders were shifted, and swiftly the biplane mounted through space.It was now growing dark, and presently the panorama that had been belowthem, vanished from view.

  "Huh! This won't do!" cried Dick. "I can't see how to steer."

  "Steer by the wind for awhile," suggested Sam.

  A minute later came a fierce gust of wind, followed by a second and thena third. Around spun the biplane and then tilted up as if about to goover. Then came an unexpected ripping and tearing sound.

  "It's the left plane--it's torn loose!" yelled Sam. "Let her down, Dick,before it is too late! If you don't, we'll drop to our death!"