Read The Rover Boys in the Jungle; Or, Stirring Adventures in Africa Page 3



  "That was certainly an odd dream," said Dick, after a short pause."I am sure I never want to meet Josiah Crabtree under suchcircumstances."

  "It was silly, Dick--I'd forget it if I was you."

  "And she never mentioned the man at any other time?"

  "No. But I am certain she is glad he has left for parts unknown.I never, never, want to see him again," and the girl shivered.

  "Don't be alarmed, Dora; I don't think he will dare to showhimself," answered Dick, and on the sly gave her hand a tightsqueeze. They were warmer friends than ever since Dick hadrescued her from those who had abducted her.

  The kite-flying was now in "full blast," as Sam expressed it, andthe boys had all they could do to keep the various lines frombecoming tangled up. His own kite and Fred's were side by sideand for a long time it looked as if neither would mount above theother.

  "Run her up, Fred! You can win if you try!" cried several of thecadets.

  "Play out a bit more, Sam; you haven't given your kite all theslack she wants," said others. So the talk ran on, while eachcontestant did the best to make his kite mount higher. In themeantime the wind kept increasing in violence, making each kitepull harder than ever.

  "It's a dandy for flying," panted Tom, who was holding his kitewith all the strength he possessed. "Something must give waysoon," and something did give way. It was the string he washolding, and as it snapped he went over on his back in such acomical fashion that all, even to the girls, had to laugh.

  "Torn! Tom! What a sight!" burst out Nellie Laning. "You shouldhave brought a stronger cord."

  "If I had I'd a-gone up in the clouds," answered Tom ruefully."That's the last of that kite, I suppose; if I--"

  "The string has caught on Sam's kite!" interrupted Grace Laning."Oh, my! See both of them going up!"

  "Now you can win, Sam!" laughed Dora. "Fred, your flying isnowhere now."

  "He didn't calculate to fly one kite against two," answered Fred."Hold on, Sam, where are you going? The cliff is over in thatdirection!" he yelled suddenly.

  "I--I know it!" came back the alarming answer. "But I can'tstop myself!"

  "He can't stop himself!" repeated Dora.

  "Oh, stop him somebody, before he goes over the cliff!"

  "Let go of the line!" shouted Dick. "Don't go any closer to thecliff!"

  "I--I can't let go! The line is fast around my wrist!" gaspedpoor Sam. "Oh, dear, it's cutting me like a knife!"

  "He's in a mess," came from Frank. "If he isn't careful he'll goover the cliff, as sure as he's born!"

  "Throw yourself down!" went on Dick, and, leaving his kite in HansMueller's care, he ran after his brother.

  By this time Sam had gained a few bushes which grew but a dozenfeet away from the edge of the cliff, that at this point wasnearly forty feet in height. With his right hand held a painfulprisoner, he clutched at the bushes with his left.

  "I've got the bushes, but I can't hold on long!" he panted, asDick came close. "Help me, quick!"

  Scarcely had the words left his mouth when the bushes came up bythe roots and poor Sam fell over on his side. Then came anotherstrong puff of wind, and he was dragged to the very edge of therocky ledge!

  "I'm going!" he screamed, when, making a mighty leap, Dick caughthim by the foot.

  "Catch the rock--anything!" cried the older brother. "If youdon't you'll be killed!"

  "Save me!" was all poor Sam could say. "Oh, Dick, don't let me goover!"

  "I'll do my best, Sam," was Dick's answer, and he held on likegrim death.

  By this time half a dozen boys were running to the scene. DoraStanhope followed, and as she came up she pulled a tiny penknifefrom her pocket.

  "Can't I cut the line with this?" she asked, timidly, as shepushed her way to Dick's side.

  "Yes, Yes; cut it!" moaned Sam. "Oh, my wrist is almost cut intwo!"

  Stooping low, Dora sawed away at the kite line, which was as tautas a string on a bass fiddle. Suddenly there was a loud snap andthe cord parted. Sam and Dick fell back from the edge of thecliff, while the entangled kites soared away for parts unknown.

  "Thank Heaven you cut the line, Dora!" said Dick, who was thefirst to recover from the excitement of the situation. He sawthat Dora was trembling like a leaf, and he hastened to hersupport, but she pushed him away and pointed to Sam.

  "Don't mind me--I am all right, Dick," she said. "Go care forpoor Sam. See how his wrist is bleeding! Oh, how dreadful!"

  "Here is my handkerchief; he had better bind it up with that,"said Grace Laning, as she offered the article.

  "We'll wash the wound first," put in Frank, and raced off for somewater. Soon he returned with his stiff hat full, and the cut onSam's wrist was tenderly washed by the Laning girls, who thenbound it up with the skill of a hospital surgeon.

  The kite-flying continued for the balance of the afternoon. ButSam and Dick had had enough of it, and, along with Tom, they tooka stroll along the lake front with Dora Stanhope and Grace andNellie. Of course both boys and girls talked a whole lot ofnonsense, yet all enjoyed the walk very much.

  "This is the spot where they abducted me," shivered Dora, as theycame to the old boathouse. "Oh, what a dreadful time that was, tobe sure!"

  "I don't believe our enemies will bother you any more, Dora," saidDick. "It's not likely that old Crabtree Will try the same gametwice; and Mumps has really turned over a new leaf and gone towork for a living."

  "Yes, I was glad to hear that, for I don't believe he was such abad fellow at heart. He was under Dan Baxter's influence, justas--as--"

  "As Josiah Crabtree tried to influence your mother," whisperedDick, and Dora nodded slowly. "Well, let us forget it, and--Mygracious!"

  Dick stopped short, to stare in open-mouthed wonder at a smallboat shooting down the lake at a distance of several hundred yardsfrom the shore.

  "What's up?" came simultaneously from Tom and Sam.

  "Don't you see that fellow in the boat?" demanded Dick, inincreased wonder.

  "Of course we see him," answered Tom.

  "Don't you recognize him?"

  "No; he's too far off," came from Sam..

  "It's Dan Baxter!"

  "Baxter!" cried Dora. "Oh, Dick!"

  "Nonsense!" said Tom. "How could he be am here?"

  "It does look a little like Baxter," was Sam's slow comment. "Yetit seems impossible that he could be here, as Tom says."

  "I say it's Baxter," affirmed Dick stoutly, "I'll hail him andmake sure."

  "Oh, don't bring him over here!" interposed Dora, becomingalarmed.

  "Don't be alarmed--he shan't hurt anybody, Dora." Dick raisedhis voice. "Hi there, Baxter! What are you doing here?"

  At first there was no reply, and the boy in the rowboat kept onpulling. But as Dick repeated his call, the rower threw up hisoars.

  "You mind your own business," he growled. "Guess I can row on thelake if I want to."

  "It is Baxter, sure enough!" ejaculated Tom.

  "The rascal! We ought to recapture him."

  "That's the talk," added Sam. "I wish my wrist wasn't so sore--I'dgo after him."

  "There's a boat below here," said Dick.

  "Let's put out in that."

  "He may--may shoot at you," faltered Dora. "You know how wickedhe can be at times."

  "Indeed I do know," answered Dick. "But he ought to be handedover to the authorities. It is a crime to let him go free."

  "Hi, Baxter. Come over here; we want to talk to you!" yelled Tom.

  "Not much!" growled the former bully of Putnam Hall.

  "You had better come," said Sam. "If you don't come we'll bringyou."

  "Hush, Sam, or you'll make a mess of things!" cried Dick softly,but the warning came too late.

  "Will you bring me back?" roared the bully. "Just try it on andsee how I'll fix you."

  "Come on for the boat," said Tom. "We'll show him he ca
n't scareus."

  He started off and Dick came after him. Sam was also about tofollow, when his elder brother stopped him.

  "You can't do much with that sore wrist, Sam," he said. "Betterstay with the girls until we come back. You can watch events fromthe shore, and run for assistance, if it's necessary."

  Sam demurred at first, but soon saw the wisdom of Dick'sreasoning and consented to remain behind.

  By this time Tom had shoved out the rowboat Dick had mentioned--aneat craft belonging to a farmer living near. A pair of oarslay in a locker on the lake bank; and, securing these, Tom leapedon board of the craft, and soon Dick came after.

  Dan Baxter had watched their movement with interest, whichspeedily gave way to arm when he saw the other boat come out, andbeheld Dick and Tom each take up an oar and begin to pull for allthey could.

  "I was a clam to come up here, when there is no real need forit," he muttered. "Two to one, eh? Well, I reckon I can put up apretty stiff fight if it comes to the worst." Then he caught uphis oars once more, and began to row down Cayuga Lake with allpossible speed.