Read The Rover Boys on Land and Sea: The Crusoes of Seven Islands Page 3



  "Hullo, what does this mean? Here is a key in the door."

  It was Dick Rover who spoke. He stood in the hallway of the hotel,and beside him were Tom and Sam. They had eaten rather heartily atthe restaurant and taken more time than they had anticipated.

  "I didn't leave the key there," came from Tom. "Here it is," and hebrought it out of his pocket. "I meant to leave it at the desk, butit slipped my mind."

  Dick found the door open and walked into the room, followed by hisbrothers. Baxter had extinguished the gas and they stood in the darkuntil Sam found a match and lit up. Then a cry went up from all three:

  "We have been robbed!"

  "This is some sneak thief's work," came from Dick. "Run down and tellthe hotel clerk at once."

  Tom bolted from the room and went down the stairs three steps at atime. The clerk sat dozing in his chair and was roused up withdifficulty. But as soon as he realized that something was wrong hewas wide-awake.

  "A robbery, eh?" he queried. "What have you lost?"

  "We've got to find that out," answered Tom.

  In less than a quarter of an hour they knew the extent of theirloss--three diamonds and a pair of cuff buttons, in all worth overtwo hundred dollars, and two hundred and seventy-five dollars incash--not to mention a ruined valise and one missing, and the lossof a light overcoat, some silk handkerchiefs and some underwear.

  "A total loss of over five hundred dollars," said Tom.

  At this the hotel clerk gave a long whistle. "As much as that?"

  "Yes," said Dick.

  "We must get on the track of the thief, and without delay."

  "I reckon I know the thief," said Sam.

  "You think it was Dan Baxter?" questioned his elder brother.

  "I do."

  "Perhaps you are right. But there is no proof that he did it."

  The hotel clerk found the windows closed and locked.

  "The thief came in and went out by the door," he said. "The hall boysor somebody else must have seen him. This key is stuck in the lock,which proves that it is not a regular hotel key."

  Without delay the story of the robbery was telephoned to the nearestpolice station, and soon two detectives appeared. By this time someof the servants noticed that something was wrong, and the waiter whohad seen Dan Baxter come in and go out told his story, to which theboys, the hotel clerk, and the detectives listened with interest.

  "Tell us just how that fellow looked," said Dick, and the waiter gavea very good description of the person he had seen.

  "I imagine Sam is right," said Dick. "If it wasn't Dan Baxter it washis double."

  Upon hearing this the hotel clerk and the detectives insisted uponknowing who Dan Baxter was, and the boys told as much of the bullyas they deemed necessary.

  "Of course, if he is guilty the chances are that he will leave SanFrancisco as soon as possible," said one of the detectives. "The bestwe can do is to try to head him off."

  "And we'll do our best to find him, too," added Tom.

  "I think the hotel ought to be responsible for this robbery," said Dick.

  "You didn't leave your key at the desk when you went out," cried thehotel clerk, struck by a sudden idea.

  "What of that?" asked Tom.

  "That makes the guest responsible."

  "What!" cried Tom, aghast.

  "We are responsible only when the key is left at the desk. And jewelsmust be left for keeping in one of our safes," went on the clerk."There are our rules," and he pointed to the printed form tacked onthe inside of the door.

  "Don't let us talk about that just now," said one of the detectives."I think we can get hold of this thief, and if we are quick about itwe'll get everything he took, too."

  The matter was talked over for a quarter of an hour longer and thenthe detectives went off to make their report and to follow on thetrail of Dan Baxter, if such a thing was possible.

  It must be confessed that the three Rover boys slept but little thatnight. The loss of the cash was something of a serious matter tothem, even though they still possessed a hundred odd dollars in cashbetween them, and could easily telegraph home for more. More thanthis, the diamonds and cuff buttons had been gifts of which they werevery proud.

  "And to think that Dan Baxter should get them," said Tom. "I wouldn'tfeel half so bitter if it had been just some ordinary sneak thief."And the others said the same.

  Two days went by and nothing was learned concerning Dan Baxter furtherthan that he had put up at the Montgomery Hotel for one night andhad left early in the morning.

  "He is hundreds of miles away from here by this time," said Dick sadly.

  "He said he would get square, and I guess he has done it," returned Tom.

  But Dan Baxter had not gotten as far as they supposed. He was inhiding in Oakland, across the bay, having pawned the diamonds at apawn-broker's of shady reputation for seventy-five dollars. This gavehim three hundred and fifty dollars in cash, which made him, for thetime being, feel quite rich.

  But he was afraid to take a train to some other town, and so remainedin the boarding house for nearly a week, under the assumed name ofRobert Brown.

  At the end of the fifth day Dan Baxter became acquainted with aseafaring man named Jack Lesher. Lesher was a rough fellow, who hadsailed to many ports on the Pacific Ocean. He had now obtained theposition of first mate on a large schooner which was to sail in afew days from San Francisco to several ports in Australia.

  "I'd like to go on that trip to Australia," said Baxter, thinking ofhis distant relative. "Do you want a passenger?"

  "I'll see about it, my hearty," replied Jack Lesher, and on thefollowing day said that Captain Blossom would take him for an evenhundred dollars. A bargain was struck at once, and Dan Baxter wenton board of the schooner _Golden Wave_ that afternoon.

  "I'm glad I am out of it," he told himself, when snug on board ofthe craft. "I'll get to Australia after all, and I'm considerablyricher than I thought I would be. More than that, I've got in onthose Rover boys in a way they won't forget in a hurry."

  While the detectives looked for the thief, the boys had small heartto go sight-seeing. Every time they, went out they looked for Dan Baxter.

  "If only I could meet him!" cried Tom. "Oh, but wouldn't I just punchhim good before I passed him over to a policeman."

  During those days the lads received several letters from home, andalso three communications from the Stanhopes and the Lanings.

  "The Stanhopes have gone to Santa Barbara," announced Dick, afterperusing an epistle from Dora. "And she says her mother is slightlybetter."

  "Nellie Laning is coming out, and so is Grace," said Tom.

  "When?" questioned Dick.

  "They have already started, according to the letter I have," put inSam. "Boys, I think we can have just the jolliest time ever was whenthe girls are all together."

  "Right you are," came from Tom. "What a pity we had to have thatrobbery to darken our fun."

  "I am not going to let it darken my fun," said Dick. "Don't worrybut what some day we'll get the best of Dan Baxter. That stolen stuffwill never do him much good."

  The very next morning came word from the detectives. One of themcalled at the hotel.

  "I am afraid the case is queered," said he. "We tracked the rascalto Oakland, and now it looks as if he had given us the slip for good."

  "Can't you find any trace of him?" questioned Sam.

  "Oh, yes! but he has shipped on a vessel which is bound for Australia,and as she is already two days out of port he is out of our reach."

  "You are certain he went on that vessel?" cried Tom.

  "Yes. He went as a passenger, under the name of Robert Brown."

  "And did he take the jewels and money with him?"

  "More than likely. At any rate, we can find no trace of the jewels."

  "Then that chase is done for," said Dick, "and we shall have to pocketour loss."

detective was chagrined to think that he had tracked Dan Baxteronly to lose him, and promised to see if anything more could be donein the matter.

  But nothing could be done, as there was no telling when the GoldenWave would arrive at Australia, and what port the craft would first make.

  "We have seen the last of Dan Baxter," said Sam.

  But the youngest Rover was mistaken. They were to meet the bullyagain, and under circumstances as astonishing as they were perilous.