Read The Royal Instantaneous Transporter Page 2

  Chapter 2

  He started thinking about a place that there was nobody in. He got there and started searching about another advertisement, then he found one about a missing puppy, He was small and brown. And he is a dog from the German shepherd. His name was Rex. He said to himself “It's okay he is a small puppy he won't get me in a trouble.”

  Dave went to a place that has no one in, then he imagined the dog's place, He found him detained in a Garage. The dog was panicked, then Dave thought about getting to the Garage. He tried to hold the Puppy but the Puppy did not calm and kept moving. Dave heard someone coming down the stairs. So he tried to hold the puppy quickly. The man opened the garage but he did not find anything. No footprints, no modern effects and no car effects.

  He went up to his house and searched everywhere in every corner. But there was nothing. “Did the Puppy evaporated or what!” Said the man while his face was turning red.

  Dave brought the dog to his house, although that the puppy was not panicked. Dave gave the dog to his owner. Who is a young woman and she felt so happy to see Rex again.

  But rex was scanning and smelling everything, He was not normal and after more than half an hour the dog started cooling down and went to his owner and turned normal.

  The woman gave Dave $10 thousand dollars, He was very happy and told her “You have to be more careful from the thieves they can steal him again.” “I will guard him with my teeth!” The woman said. “I hope so, See you later.” Dave replied.

  Then he went to a place where no one can see him, and went to his house. He started jumping and singing “$15 thousand dollars in 2 hours! I love my job! This is the best job ever!”

  Dave moved to a place near a Chinese restaurant. Because he loves Chinese food. He ordered chicken pieces, Noodles, Juice and some desserts. Although he knows that this food is not healthy, but he was very happy and wanted to have some fun. The chicken was very delicious, so the Noodles were. And the desserts were in a very beautiful shapes.

  He finished his lunch, and went to a video games store, He played a Basketball game, He had so much fun although he lost 3 games and won only one. And then he went back to his house and got in by the door this time.

  He opened the TV and watched the news, it was all about an earthquake in Chicago. And it killed 30 persons, and tens got wounded, a lot got out from the debris, but others still under them. And people are doing their best to help them get out of the debris.

  Dave wanted to help them so he thought about the place and went there. He searched well then he found a Woman, Man and 2 children, they were all unconscious and their heads were bleeding. He took them far away from there where he drove them to the paramedics so they took them to the hospital.

  He tried to find other ones and he found a lot of them, they were not injured but they could not get out of the debris, Dave could not help them because they could see his power so he called the rescuers to them.

  Everybody were saved. They all thanked Dave for his help. Because He saved 50 lives.

  Dave went back home, and decided to evolve his job and be an award hunter to help innocent people. He then remembered hearing before days that 5 ambassadors got kidnaped by a gang to swap them with 200 prisoners. They were a mafia gang.

  Dave searched in the internet about the details, and found out that the reward is 3 million dollars. He said to himself “I found the best deal in my life”.

  He imagined the place but he found there a tight security around the captives, and if he got in very quick he will be shouted, and even if he survived his secret won't be safe. He waited till the night while they will be asleep.

  When he went back there he found another guards around the 5 ambassadors, He moved and checked the road and the street and the places where they can be hid.

  Because, when he will take them they have to be innervated, and he has to take them to a car that is 2 miles away from there, and from there they will walk till they will arrive to the police station that is 300 miles away from the car.

  Dave tried to find one hiatus to come inside and move the captives away without being them injured, but without a result. He stayed scanning their actions for a week, He searched about the time that one of the jailor will go to the bathroom and he found out that in the same room that the guards are guarding in there is a small bathroom and it within a camera watch.

  And, the exchange of the guards did already happened. But it was longer a little bit than before, and although that, Dave could not move inside.

  He tried to know the reason of the delay of the Guards, but he could not understand because it was fast and misunderstanding.

  He was watching the place by his mind a lot, and he was also moving his car and changing its place from time to time.

  Dave has prepared a plan. And after a period, He imagined the place within the building that the captives are in, he did not find anyone there.

  He was disguised, he put sunglasses and a mustache. With big beard and long hair. Then he wore a formal suit like the members of the Mafia there. His look has been completely changed.

  Then after an hour it was the perfect time to start Dave's plan, because the changes of the guards beaded this time too.

  Dave discovered the reason after he moved there by a Vent to the inside. He saw one of the guards waiting for someone from the gang to come to pay him a debt, and that person was always delaying it to another day, and when the debate rages, they end up fighting each other, and the other guards came in to stop them and that's why they were getting out of the room.

  The guard started fighting the owing man. “I gave you 2 weeks to give me back my money but you always was delaying it!” He said.

  “Excuse me but I needed the debt to by a shipment of contraband.” The owing man replied.

  “I want my money back!” The guard took out his gun and completed “Will you give me my money or my gun will teach you how?”

  The other guards came and tried to stop the guard saying “Stop, Mark! It is just a $10 thousand dollars you will get another! The man needs it now and he will repay you the money after some time!”

  Dave went to the door of the room and got in there and nobody saw him. He covered the eyes of the captives and whispered to them that he is with them and will bring them out.

  The captives were shocked and wanted to get out but they could not believe him. They thought that the gang wanted to have fun of them before they will kill him because the USA was not serious in the negotiation.

  Then everybody heard a sound of shooting, the captives were very scared. That sound was Mark killing the man. Then everybody stayed scared for minutes. And the guards took the man to see if he died or not.

  Dave imagined the place of the car and he moved there with the captives and they got in the car and Dave drove very quickly.

  After fifteen minutes the guards discovered that the captives are not inside the room so they told the boss of the gang.

  The boss told them to look around they will be somewhere near there. But they did not find them, they watched the Cameras but they did not find anything. Then, he demanded of them to search out with their cars and helicopters.

  The boss called another gangs who they work with them to search about the captives and that they escaped before less than an hour.

  They searched about footprints or a vehicle or effects of a personal plane but they found nothing.

  After they moved 2 miles, they found a new car effects. The helicopter followed the effects, while they were searching someone from a gang told them that he saw a car pulling up and he saw the ambassadors with Dave.

  He told them about Dave that he was disguised. Dave was driving very quickly and he was so scared. He drove 100 miles then he stopped the car for a little bit.

  He opened the lid so the ambassadors won't see him, He wanted to know if there was someone who is following him. The ambassadors started screaming “What are you doing!! They will arrive to us!!”

  “I'm havi
ng a trouble with the motor” Dave replied while he was pretending to repair it.

  Dave imagined the place under him, He saw a Helicopter moving toward him and it was some miles away. So he went up to the car quickly and changed his direction to a wood.

  The floor was not straight and there was a lot of plants and barriers, and the car was sometimes going down and in another roads going up. Dave called the Police. “I freed up the captives, But the Mafia is following me” he said.

  “Where are you now?” said the cop.

  “I'm 150 miles away from the police station, I'm in a forest and the gang is following me by Helicopters and sportive cars.” Dave replied.

  “Okay, We are on our way to you, Keep your life and the life of the ambassadors.” The cop said.

  The cop pursued Dave's call so he knew where exactly Dave is.

  Dave completed his way, and when he went to a turning point he got out a little bit from the wood. So the helicopter saw him and started shooting him. He decided to go back to the forest but he found the sportive cars there in his back.

  He knew immediately that he is boxed. So he decided to continue forward and go full speed.

  Dave started driving winding so the car won't get shot. But some bullets hit the wheels. And although that, He kept driving with perforated wheels.

  He reached the 220-mile distance, but the engine was burned so the car stopped. The cars surrounded Dave's car from all the sides, and from the top by the Helicopter.

  A gagster yelled: “Go out with your hands on your heads!”

  Dave then decided that there is no solution but moving instantaneously with the ambassadors to the police station otherwise he will die and the ambassadors will be captured again.

  And maybe the government will change its opinion and let the 200 prisoners go out and his plan will be destroyed and he will lose everything. The gagster started counting 10, 9, 8, 7 if you don't go out we will be forced to harm you. 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. Dave then got out with his hands on his head. The Gang's boss Johnson decided to kill Dave.

  He directed his gun into him, while Dave wanted to move instantaneously, he thought about a place he will go to, then the gang's boss fell down and he was bleeding. And a bullet set out from his gun to Dave's shoulder. Dave got numb by the pain and the shock. He thought that he was dying.

  Then he realized that the bullet was in his shoulder, and also he heard the Police's cars and helicopters sounds. The mafia ran away, and the police drew near Dave while they were carrying weapons saying

  “Put your hands up!" he raised one hand and barley the other one.

  The ambassadors went out saying “He is the man who helped us”

  “Oh sorry!” The police said.

  “It is okay, the important thing is I succeed. Finally!” Dave replied then he fell and passed out.

  The police took him by the ambulance to the hospital where they removed the bullet and treated his shoulder. When Dave woke up he found a cop near him.

  Dave said “Hello!”

  The cop called his mates saying that the hero woke up! Then they all came to him.

  “How are the ambassadors?” Dave asked.

  “They are all fine and the US all owes you!” The cop replied.

  “What about the Mafia?” Dave said.

  “We caught 20 of them, with the helicopter owner, the rest escaped.” The cop replied.

  “This is an amazing news!” Dave said.

  After a day, the police decided to honor him in front of the TV but Dave did not accept because this can put his life in danger, even the mafia did not see his real face because he was disguised.

  The Police honored him in the Police station. The news spread that the ambassadors were rescued by The Police. And the plan of the mafia failed to release the prisoners, and the police caught another gangsters.

  The Police celebrated with Dave. And Dave was very happy. The Police wanted to know how could Dave get the ambassadors away from the gangsters.

  Dave felt that he is in a trouble but he smiled and said “This was the result of hard work that lasted for weeks. I put some eavesdropping devices to know when and where they go. And although that, I risked my life.”

  Then he whispered to himself “Now I say a part of the truth, I did not completely lied!”

  “Necessarily you are either very reckless or very brave! But you are a hero, and overcoming the Mafia in their turf alone is unbelievable only if you had a lot of Special Forces and a lot of equipment like a Helicopter and many weaponry. And a long and hard work and maybe you won't succeed. But you succeed alone you have to be the luckiest person on Earth!” Said the cop.

  Dave said to himself “If only they knew the truth, they will know I am the most freaked and luckiest man!”

  “This man risked his life and worked very hard. We have to reward him!” A policeman said.

  Dave smiled and whispered “Yes!”

  “$3 million dollars!” The policemen said together.

  “That is what you are waiting for, Right Dave?” A cop said.

  “What do you think?” Dave replied

  Then everybody laughed.

  The cops brought 3 bags, each bag has a million dollars.

  Dave did not believe and put his hands up so his injured hand hurt him. The police helped him and took him to the hospital. Dave stayed 2 months and 15 days in the hospital. He called the person that he rented the house from, and told him that he was in an accident and he cannot get out from the hospital now, so he will pay him for 2 months in advance so his things will stay there.

  The man accepted, then he went to the hospital to reassure him.

  “Are you okay Dave? When will you get out?” The man asked.

  “Yes I am fine thank you. I will get out after 2 months and 15 days.” Dave replied.

  “Did you call your parents?” The man asked.

  “No I do not want to make them worry about me like before, as you know I was in the jail” Dave replied.

  “That is okay, the most important thing that you are fine” The man said.

  Dave told the man to come to him after each month's end to pay him. And the man accepted.

  After more than a month, Dave has recovered so he got out from the hospital. He started searching about houses to buy. He searched in the web sites, he found a lot of houses but he chose a house by $200 thousand dollars.

  Then, he called the house's owner to meet him, Dave ordered of his friends of the Police to take him by a car. So the Police took him with a civilian car and normal clothes so the House's owner and people won't feel like there is something wrong.

  Dave debated with the house's owner about the price then they agreed, Dave signed in the paper and paid the house's owner.

  The seller told Dave that he will get the furniture out of the house after some hours.

  “The house is good right?” Dave asked.

  “Yes it is!” The seller replied.

  “And the furniture and the devices are good too right?” Dave asked again.

  “Yes they are!” The seller replied.

  “So I will buy everything!” Dave said.

  They agreed about the price and Dave bought everything there. Then the seller went out.

  “Have a nice day!” He said.

  “Thanks you too!” Dave replied.

  Dave took his money and put it in his house and thanked his Police friends for their help. Then he went to his rented Flat. He met there the lessor.

  “You are in a good health! Thank God.” The lessor said.

  “Yes, Thanks!” Dave replied.

  Then after they had a conversation about how life is going on with them, Dave told him that he will move to another place.

  Dave went up to his flat. He found it very dirty and it was full of spider's grids, He cleaned up everything and took his stuff and saw off the lessor.

  Dave decided to buy a beautiful car, so he started searching in the internet. He found a lot of cars, then he decid
ed to buy a Porsche car by $220 thousand dollars. He said to himself “Have fun Man, life is short!”

  Then he took the phone number from the web site and ordered of them the look at the car and its accessories, then he went by a Taxi to the store. They agreed to each other, then Dave paid them and rode in the car and went out from the store.

  He was very happy, because he never thought that he will one day buy a car like this.

  Dave decided to go to a free road which is very far from the city, he tried to drive very quickly. He felt like flying, that was an amazing feeling. And with the strong sound of the motor of the car he felt like he is driving a space shuttle, it was a good feeling.

  Then, Dave wanted to travel and to visit a lot of places and cities in the United States, He imagined places like Las Vegas, Chicago, Los Angeles, Hawaii, Alaska and Seattle and the other states.

  He dove by the car until he became in a place where there was no cars in, He thought about a far place and he moved there instantaneously and he kept moving instantaneously until he became in a place where he cannot move like that anymore.

  And because of that he continued moving normally, he arrived to Chicago and got in it. He saw a city of Chicago, he arrived in a record time, just 35 minutes.

  He was wandering by his car, he saw the milestones: Buildings, airports, trains, sports clubs, swimming pools and concert venues, clothing stores and restaurants.

  Dave got in a restaurant and chose a local pizza it looked beautiful and it was very delicious and very idealistic. He ordered a Soda, then went out.

  He went to a Library and red about the history of Chicago and he really liked the state, and he found a lot of things in it where he did not see in the TV or the Internet.

  Then, Dave decided to go to Las Vegas, he was not going to the closest states in order but he was going to the states that he wants to go to first.

  Dave rode the car and went until the road became free so he moved instantaneously and continued moving instantaneously then he drove normally as he did to get to Chicago.

  Then, He get in the state and it looked totally gorgeous. Dave was driving until he get to a clothes store in front of a poor neighborhood. Dave went down from the car and got in the store. He found a lot of clothes, but he chose elegant formal suit, beautiful shoes and a luxury tie, he brought them to the car.

  When he arrived he did not find the car. He was shocked how did his car been stolen. He searched about his keys but he did not find them. Then he remembered that he left them in the car, the strange thing is that he left the door opened.

  But after Dave's shock he cooled down because he can identify where the car is.