Read The Sacrifice: Chronicles of Sunset Valley Page 3


  Sam and Maggie exchanged glances. The exchange was quick, their eyes were wide. The chocolate bar dropped from Maggie’s hand. She had never taken this kind of call before. She had no idea how to respond.

  ‘Ask him where he is,’ Sam said to Maggie.

  Maggie stood still, silent and shocked by what she just heard. Sam realised the chill of fear tingling in the spine of her friend. She was feeling it too. But she had to be strong. She grabbed the receiver from Maggie’s hand and brought it closer to her ear.

  ‘Tom, where are you?’

  Sam knew Tom and she knew Tom would not play a prank like this.

  ‘Sam, I am in my apartment. I saw Trish. She was in her apartment across the road.’

  Sam knew Trish. She knew where Trish lived. Her disappearance was the most widely spread gossip in town. Sam had met her as well. Memories of that visit flashed in front of her eyes. Trish’s words echoed in her mind:

  ‘We share the same cursed blood.’

  Sweat ran down the side of her face. She did not doubt Tom. He was a responsible guy and she liked him. But she had to be sure.

  ‘Are you sure you saw Trish?’

  Maggie heard the victim’s name and jumped. Tom confirmed Sam’s biggest fear. The description of the female he gave fit her profile. Maggie stared at Sam with a puzzled look.

  ‘All right, I am coming down,’ Sam said to Tom, ‘And do me a favour - don’t tell anybody until me and George get there.’

  Sam hung up and looked at Maggie. Maggie gulped and asked,

  ‘What are we going to do?’

  ‘I’m going to Sunset Apartments block B. Ring George and tell him to meet me there.’

  Sam ran out of the reception area. A lot of thoughts were going through her mind.

  I thought she left town after we talked. If what she said two years ago is true then…No, it can’t be.

  She ran out of the police station. Her patrol car was parked in the parking area. She ran towards it. She pulled the keys of her car out from her pocket and unlocked the door. She sat in, shut the door, fired up the engine and screeched off from the station.

  It took Maggie a minute to take everything in. This is the real deal. She had seen this kind of situation in movies but she had never dealt with one. She picked up the receiver. She dialled George’s number as fast as she could. The phone rang on the other side. She waited anxiously to hear George’s voice.


  ‘George, we have a seriously big problem.’