Read The Satin Sash Page 17

  For him, for Grey, for her.

  Moving her hips, she mapped his chest with her hands, her eyes dilated and heavy on his face. She was wild, free, untamed, and moving over his cock like crazy. And he was loving the feel of her fingers, her palms as they made love to his skin, loving the dewy patches she left on his abs, his pecs. When she flicked his small brown nipple, he groaned, and his hands went to her hair.

  He rubbed his fingertips through the silky tendrils and pitched forward, sheathing himself up to the balls in her, and still it wasn’t quite enough. “Damn, I want you so much.” He raised his head to nibble on a rosy breast.“I want to kiss you all over.” He laved it with his tongue and imagined he was tonguing her mouth—that mouth she’d offered so openly at the party hours earlier. “I want to kiss your mouth, your breasts, your belly button, your feet.”

  Her grip was blazing tight around him, and she was such a sight to behold. Her features were mellow with arousal, and her shoulders were shaking, as were her thighs draped over his hips. The adrenaline of her ride and the lust—they were galvanizing things. “Toni.”


  “Oh, fuck,Toni.” He moved in her with single-minded purpose, making a rumbling sound deep in his throat. Sensations ricocheted inside his body.The sight of her over him seared into his brain.

  Their skin scraped as they fucked, the bed rocking, her breasts jiggling for his eyes. She mewed in relief when he gave a jarring thrust that stretched her vagina to the limits. He set a wild, animalistic rhythm.

  Her pussy was soaked and burning around his penis, the juice falling like a drizzle of rain to coat the curls under his cock. Her hand groped the air nearby for Grey, and Heath sensed she needed him.

  Grey stood by the side of the bed with his juice-slicked dick in his hand, his eyes alight with fever.

  Heath knew, all of a sudden; Grey would have given him anything for having made Toni smile the way he had.And Heath would have granted Grey anything for allowing her to ride him like this. Heath had hungered to have her; now he hungered to be included in what she and Grey had. Something palpable in the air, something that charged their looks, their touches. And he felt part somehow, right now. He was not the addition, he was . . . among. The thought was stimulating as hell.

  Grateful, hungry, he reached out at the same time Toni did, and their hands simultaneously enveloped the veined column of Grey’s cock.

  Grey was everything that was strong, everything that made Heath bold; if he screwed up, Grey would fix it. Grey would make it happen, if Heath took the risk.And Grey was also everything that made Toni vulnerable; she was open and soft and giving of love to him.They needed Grey in this.

  “I’m starved for you, baby. Let me drink you up.”Toni’s plea to Grey brought him a step closer. And he let his head fall back as her lips enveloped him and she took him in her mouth.

  Heath could see Grey’s contorted expression; the man was in nirvana. He was gone as he dipped the crown into her mouth, swiveling his hips, his abdominal muscles tightening and loosening. He was being sucked by the woman he loved, and in all the times he and Heath had shared, Heath had never seen Grey surrender like this. He was lost to her mouth, to his lust and his feelings for her.

  Heath had never known sex could be like this. Something emotive. Something that moved not only your body, but your soul.

  As Toni grabbed the base of that penis and bumped her lips along the head, kissing it with a tenderness only a lover could kiss with, Heath reached under Grey’s glistening, sliding cock and began to stroke his balls. Grey hissed out a breath but didn’t stop him; instead he reached for the back of Toni’s head to hang on to. Heath and Toni began to move their hips, mating hard as they worked Grey. They fucked until the sounds in Grey’s throat began to spill out without control, until Heath’s eyelids fell shut and he was whipped into a storm, until Toni’s hoarse cry of ecstasy exploded in the room, bringing them all to orgasm.

  Chapter Nine

  “But you did notice it wasn’t just me.Touching you?”

  Inside the dimly lit kitchen, wearing one of Grey’s long-sleeved button-down shirts,Toni was draped against his sweat-coated torso, drawing figure eights along the back of his biceps. She stood between his thighs as he sat atop the kitchen island, where they’d been feeding each other cheese and fruit.

  “I noticed,” he replied evenly.

  “And?” she encouraged, ignoring the sound of Heath’s knowing chuckle in the background. With heavy- lidded eyes, like those of a man who’d just spent hours in his woman’s bed, Grey gazed into her face with a combination of indulgence and amusement. He’d slung on his khaki shorts but hadn’t bothered to zip them up. Through the parted zipper, she could see the damp arrow of hairs dipping into his crotch. It took an effort not to insinuate her fingers inside and take him out, touch him with her hands, her mouth.“So you noticed,” she repeated, “and you liked it?”

  “I was too hot to care.” His lips curved as he feathered them across the length of hers. “All I knew was your lips were on me.”

  A tremor ran down her spine. Lust rampaged inside her even when she had just had the best sex of her life. She simply could not erase the memory of Heath’s hand around Grey’s thickened, slick ened cock.The sounds of pleasure Heath had made when Grey let him touch him . . .

  Grey, I want you to do that again, she thought wantonly. It was embarrassing to think it, maybe even to want it this bad, but she was certain nothing in her entire life had made her so out- of-her-mind horny as that scene she’d witnessed.

  “Toni here has been curious about male-on-male action,” Heath said from behind her, shoving the fridge shut with his hips. Privately, Toni still couldn’t get over the amount of food that man ingested. She doubted there was a slice of ham left in the refrigerator for a sandwich.

  “Has she?” Grey cocked a brow, and she felt a telling heat swamp her neck and cheeks.

  “I was just asking,” she admitted, dropping her lashes under his intent scrutiny.What would he think if he knew?

  But something odd had happened today. It was as though Grey and Heath had become one. Whatever tension they had brewing between them had ebbed away, and suddenly their strengths seemed magnified as they united forces.The sex they’d shared had been so agonizingly delicious, so complete between the three of them. It was almost surreal.

  For the first time it had felt like a threesome—not two gorgeous hunks having their way with her at once.

  “What is it that makes you curious?” Grey asked as he fed her an apple slice.

  The juice exploded in her mouth as she munched. She swallowed before admitting, “I don’t know. It’s sexy.”

  He bit off half a slice and then popped the rest into her mouth, watching in lazy male interest as she nibbled. “You think so?” he asked.

  He seemed only mildly curious, but she was fast to nod. Oh yes, she thought it was sexy. Grey being done by a man was so, so sexy. Heath’s long, blunt- fingered hands on Grey were so damned sexy!

  Rising on tiptoe, she framed his jaw in both hands. “You’re beautiful, Grey Richards.” You’re so beautiful when you let go. I want Heath to help me suck your cock, and I want to watch you love it....

  “Why do you do that?” Heath interrogated.“Say your names like that. Grey Richards, Antonia Kearny. It’s Grey or Toni. Period.”

  Grey lifted her up to his lap and shifted her sideways to face Heath, his arm curling possessively around her waist. “She is Antonia Kearny,” Grey said.

  Studying her with a dark-eyed look that felt almost as possessive as Grey’s arm around her, Heath propped an elbow on the closed fridge door. “Will you take Grey’s name when you marry? Toni Richards?”

  The blow was so unexpected,Toni actually heard the air whoosh out of her lungs.

  Heath had not just said that.

  She tried to summon a giggle in order to laugh off the words.

  She couldn’t.

  The warmth deserted her face and a co
ld wind slid across the back of her neck. She felt horribly, horribly humiliated for some reason, as though the seconds she sat there—speechless, stunned, perplexed—were telling Grey more than she’d ever wanted to let on about her evolving thoughts.

  “Grey and I don’t believe in marriage,” she said with an impressive attempt at self- recovery. She breezed away from Grey. “We think it’s . . .” She seemed to have forgotten all the bad things they thought about the institution, so she waved a hand and said, “We just don’t believe in it. So I am Antonia Kearny, and I will continue to be Antonia Kearny until I die.” She patted Heath’s raspy, stubbled cheek, her chin up and haughty. “Satisfied, Heath . . . Solis?”

  It took her every ounce of willpower and then some to meet Grey’s gaze head-on. He sat in the very spot she’d left him in, thoroughly quiet. He was smiling, but he didn’t look amused.

  She shot him a brave smile, and when it faltered on her face, she knew she needed a moment to herself. “I’ll be back.”

  Grey reached into the fruit bowl and thwacked Heath with a flying banana.

  “What the . . . !”

  “The next time you have an idiotic thing to say, don’t say it in front of Toni.”

  Heath swept the fruit up from the floor and wiped it across his T-shirt. “You mentioned marrying her, so I thought you’d at least discussed it with her. Sheesh. What were you planning?”

  Grey crossed his arms, his forehead furrowed in annoyance.“It’s called a surprise, Heath.You’re fairly good at them yourself.”

  Casually peeling the banana, Heath took a bite and leveled him a look. He said nothing. But he didn’t need to. He’d fucking said enough already.

  Grey glared. “And now that you’ve fed her stories of Heath’s Life as a Bi, she wants you and me to go at it—is that it?”

  “How should I know?” He ate the last of the banana in one big mouthful and crossed the kitchen to toss the peel into the trash. “Toni’s just curious about men.”

  “Good. She can watch me screw the devil out of you. I can think of a lot of ways to shut up that big mouth of yours.”

  “And I can think of one very good way to make you squeal like a girl.”

  “Who’s going to squeal like a girl?”

  Appearing through the hall, Toni steered around the kitchen island, still wrapped in Grey’s shirt. She had rolled the cuffs up to her elbows, and the cotton fabric was wrinkled across her hips. Grey had thoroughly disliked it when women he’d slept with had taken the liberty of wearing his clothes, but the sight of Toni in his shirts had the opposite effect on him. It stirred a wildness in him, made him want to sniff himself on her, made him want to brand her with his tongue.

  With a quirked brow, she directed a questioning look in Grey’s direction, then at Heath. “Who’s going to squeal like a girl?”

  “Grey is,” Heath said.

  Grey caught her before she could pass, flanked her between his thighs, and wrapped his arms around her shoulders from behind. “Antonia Kearny,” he said. “Who would want to change such a pretty name?”

  Grey would. Fuck, he was dying to. But all of a sudden, Toni didn’t seem too thrilled. Her words were as stiff as her back. “Nobody. I like my name just fine.”

  He fell silent, and part of him wished he could see her face to gauge her expression. It had never occurred to him that she might not want to marry him.The possibility perturbed him. No, it ate at him. It would kill him. Not having her. Not making her entirely, irrefutably his.

  “Toni Richards isn’t pretty?” he asked uneasily, and to that he got a shrug in reply. Heath’s intentional smirk didn’t help matters. Heath’s presence here didn’t help matters. Grey wanted to turn Toni around and go searching in her eyes—he thirsted to find the answer he needed, craved seeing her yes to that unspoken question in his gaze.

  He couldn’t have asked for a more inopportune moment to seek it.

  Now, in all honesty, he could not stop wondering whether she wanted to be his wife or not.

  It would all have to wait.

  Leaning close to the top of her head, he twined a hand through the soft coil of hair at her nape, caressing the curve that led to her shoulder. “Do you want to play?” he breathed into her.

  “Like Monopoly?”

  She tipped her head way back to meet his gaze. He smiled down at her, and his lower lip met with her top one when he huskily confessed, “A grown-up game, baby.” One where I’m all over you, sweetheart. Where you moan my name over and over and show me I’m your man . . .

  “What’s it called?” she asked.

  “It’s called, Heath Watches While I Take You Like a Caveman.” She laughed, and Heath sauntered forward, his eyes smoldering with intent. “Or we can play Let’s Watch Grey Take It Like a Man. Doesn’t that sound like fun?”

  Laughing once more, she turned in Grey’s arms to regard him. “Does the idea disturb you?”

  “Sex between guys?” He met Heath’s gaze over the top of her head, then admitted, “I’ve seen Heath with men. We had an orgy once.”

  “Oh, really?” Toni gnawed at her lower lip, not quite successfully hiding her enlightened smile. “You have been around, Mr. Richards.”

  Chuckling, he kissed the tip of her nose. “To hell and back, sweetheart.”

  “And what did you think about . . . what you saw?”

  “I think I wouldn’t want to be the unfortunate bastard on the bottom,” he said, pretty severely.

  Her soft, quiet laugh faltered when her eyes snagged on his erection that was starting to swell for her. She wet her lower lip as her eyes lingered on the flesh exposed through the V of the zipper.

  “And . . . the one on top?” she ventured, trailing a hand up his knee.

  “Do you want us to get it on? Is that what you’re saying?”

  She turned bright scarlet at his directness, and he knew right then that she did.Want it. A hell of a lot.

  “Would you enjoy it?” she whispered.

  He wasn’t entirely sure, but while he weighed the matter, he countered, “Would it be enjoyable to you?”

  Her breasts pressed into his shirt at each of her rapid breaths. Just the thought of it seemed to have her verging on a climax. Grey had never seen that particular shade of red on her cheeks. “This is embarrassing,” she murmured under her breath.

  He angled her face up and stared directly into her gaze.“I’m not sensitive.Tell me. Is this something you fantasize about?”

  Her eyes flared wider with hopefulness, and the forest green around the pupils was the darkest he’d seen them. “Would you like to, Grey?” she asked, almost in a plea.

  “Not without you,” he admitted. But with her it was anything, everything, anywhere, anytime.

  “But . . . with me?”

  A little arrogantly, he signaled down at the thickening flesh rising up against his abdomen, the head stretching, the veins filling darkly. “This cock is yours. If you play with me and if you touch me, then tell me where it goes. Do you want me in your mouth? In your pussy? Where do you want me? Do you want me to push it into Heath’s mouth? Maybe he’ll stop breathing if I push hard enough.”

  Heath chuckled, watching their exchange with eyes that were alight with interest. “Grey, your sadistic side is very amusing.”

  “I own you?”Toni baited, dragging a fingertip around the sensitive folds that circled the crown.

  “I’m yours,” he agreed.

  She pulled the zipper farther aside, edged it under his balls. “Every inch of you.”

  “Every inch.”

  “These nine inches of the most beautiful cock I’ve ever seen?” she continued, and folded her right fist around the middle of the stalk.

  “All yours.”

  He was thrumming for her caresses, his blood boiling as it coursed through his veins. “So if I tease you,” she began, fluttering her hand up and around his cock in a way that had his teeth clenching, “you and Heath would have some fun . . . with me?”

bsp; “If Heath’s a good boy.” When Heath inched closer, an arm stretched out with purpose, Grey barked, “Wait up, asshole. We haven’t decided.”

  Heath engulfed her in his arms, shifting so he stood behind her. “Bah, discuss, discuss. Do I get to vote?” he asked her.

  “Yes!” she said.

  Heath’s hand came down and in a clean, easy stroke, he ran his fist up Grey’s erection. Grey sent his arm flying.“You touch me before I say so and your teeth are going to collide with my knuckles. We’re discussing here.” He spread his legs wider apart, then grabbed the base of his cock. “This fine apparatus is Toni’s.”

  She shot Heath a crooked smile. “Maybe I’ll share.” At Grey’s scowling look, she laughed. “I’ll share all of him you want, Heath.”

  “Nobody wants Grey—he’s a wuss.” His hands delved under the hem of her shirt and Grey watched him massage her delectable cheeks. “It’s your little dent here I’m craving, kitten.” He nipped her earlobe. “I promise you you’d love it.”

  “You’re not getting that this weekend. I’m not kidding,” Grey warned.

  “Look at her.Toni’s all squirmy and blushy.” Heath sampled the spot behind her ear as he reached out to palm Grey’s crotch.“Don’t even pretend this isn’t turning you on, Richards, ’cause I’ve got cum all over my hand to prove it.” He brushed up nice and swift, and Grey’s cock jerked. “Your dick wants my hand. It likes my stroke just fine.”

  “Then shut up and let me enjoy.”

  Grey closed his eyes, aware and aroused that Toni watched him. As his dick expanded in Heath’s hand and those big fingers slid down to stroke his sac, Grey considered what it would take to push his dick into Heath’s mouth. Not very much, actually. He could ram Heath’s face down into his hips and order him to eat him, then sit Toni over his face and have her sluice her juice all over his mouth as she came.

  “I know it turns you on,” Heath murmured to Toni as he slid a finger under Grey’s nuts and stroked into his seat. “You want Grey on all fours, don’t you? Do you want him to be the woman?”