Read The Scepter of Namiss (The Books of Braenyn 1) Page 3


  The forest grew dense as Braenyn made his way, cutting a path with his sword because no trails seemed to exist. Melon-sized insects buzzed about him but he paid them no mind. A haunting mist drifted in the trees and reached for him with phantom fingers.

  He thought of Tarrow and the warm fire of their tent. He thought of Windstar and all the times he had shared with the animal, his companion long before anyone else had come into his life. His mind wandered until he grew angry with himself. He smashed his sword against the nearest tree and screamed. He would feel no remorse! He would carry on and best his emotions. They served no purpose now except to distract him from his quest.

  A flock of bat-like creatures escaped the trees in a clatter and vanished into the murky sky. Braenyn looked up and cursed himself for making so much noise. There were many things out for blood in this forest. He didn’t need all of them locating him at once.

  In the distance firelight twinkled. He drew himself slowly to it as the sound of crackling flames grew in his ears and the smell of long devoured, roasted flesh filled his nostrils.

  He spied a clearing from the other side of some thick bristle bushes and saw six ogres sleeping off their meal around a campfire.

  Jugs of water lay at their sides as well as pouches of gemstones. He knew he had to have it all. The water would help him get through the end of his journey and the gemstones would come in handy if he needed to purchase more supplies.

  Braenyn was one of the best thieves of the land and he could pull off a sly robbery without so much as the snap of a twig. Like a shadow the elf slipped into the campsite, his footsteps masked by the loud snores that erupted from the slumbering ogres.

  It would be better to avoid a confrontation any way, the ogres outnumbered and outweighed him. They were hulking masses of brawn, not very smart but stronger than most creatures of the land. They crushed victims with their spiked clubs and mauled with their massive clawed hands and coarse teeth.

  The elf stepped deftly over the biggest ogre and slipped the sack of gems from beneath his arm. He then snatched up several water jugs and slid over to the next creature lost in its own dreamland.

  He stopped to combine his water containers and secured them to his belt. Braenyn looked at his cache of gemstones and smiled. Sometimes his pride and ego were his downfall. He didn’t even hear the bola fly through the air as he prepared his retreat from the clearing.

  The rope swung around his ankles and entwined his feet. Braenyn stumbled and went down hard. His sack of gems tumbled to the ground spilling its contents.

  “Wake my brothers, wake!” One of the ogres called. “We have a thief in our camp!”

  The ropes held tight as Braenyn struggled to free his legs of the trap but it was no use. He reached for his sword but the ropes had snagged it too and he was having a bit of trouble unsheathing it. All the ogres were now fully awake. They grabbed their spiked clubs and prepared for the kill.

  “Crush the elf!” The biggest one howled. “He will make a fine lunch!”

  They stomped towards him like a herd of wild animals, clubs smashed against trees sending bark and leaves into the air. Braenyn glared at the trees, watched the leaves fall to the ground and realized his next move.

  It was time to give the ogres a taste of their own medicine.

  “Enjoy hurting defenseless trees, foul beasts?” He wove his hands at the trees as his eyes glowed. Ancient language spilled out of his lips and his words reverberated with mystical authority.

  The tree roots around the ogres sprang to life like serpents and lashed at the advancing creatures. Within seconds they slithered around gnarled, bare feet and sent the beasts crashing down to the ground just out of reach of the prone elf.

  Their angry roars filled the clearing as they struggled in vain. They drove down their clubs but the blunt weapons were not even to sever the ever-tightening tree roots.

  Finally Braenyn was able to untie his legs and get back to his feet. He gathered up his stash and bowed to the ogres as they flailed. “Your generosity in this matter will be sung by the bards for ages, my friends. Farewell!” He jumped over the surrounding bristle brush and was out of sight.

  Braenyn laughed heartily as he fled until the angry yells of the ogres dwindled from his ears. He found an enormous hollowed out tree to rest within and recharge his magic. He pulled out his map and made sure he was following the right direction. He wasn’t sure how long he’d be in the forest, but it was clear he needed to cross the entire length of it before the next part of the trail revealed itself.