Read The Sea Explorer Page 2


  Kim, "I thought we were on the Sea Explorer."

  Carrie, "You are. Your on the planet Celest."

  Kim, "Fine. We got on a elevator, which is a time machine in disguise and, went to a ship. The Sea Explorer. On a planet called Celest."

  Carrie, "The elevator is not a time machine. A dimensional overlap occurred while you were on the elevator and you went to a different universe. This one."

  Kim, with unbelief, said, "A different universe."

  Carrie, "Yes. A different universe. Gravity works different here. Celest is shaped like a cube not a sphere. The crossover was going from one face of Celest to an adjacent face."

  Kim said, while looking at Matt, "That's nice. We're on a square planet."

  Matt asked Carrie, "How can a planet be shaped like a cube?"

  Carrie said, "It is because of the way gravity works in this universe."

  There was silence for a moment, then Carrie said, "What we need to do now is make sure you two do not talk about being from Earth."

  Then Carrie looked at Kim and talked sternly to her, "Your lucky. You were talking to Shan. If you would had mentioned Earth to anyone else, you would be in the logistic center being questioned right now. Instead of a store room.

  Kim, "So we're some kind of fugitives here. Hiding and stuff."

  Carrie, "Don't hide. You are like anyone else on the Sea Explorer. If you try to hide you will be found. Just stay here with Shan and I'll get a room for you and get a card for each of you."

  Carrie left the room.

  Kim said to Shan, "What's her problem?"

  Matt never waited for Shan to answer. He said to Kim, "Just take it easy."

  Kim, "Take it easy. We're some kind of criminals. Hiding in a store room on a square planet."

  Shan spoke, "It's simple. On Celest there is a theory. It's called the Theory of Frank. The Theory of Frank says there is only one universe, this one. Earth is in a different universe. That proves the Theory of Frank is wrong. On Celest, you don't say anything that contradicts the Theory of Frank."

  Kim, "Oh. Yeh. That's simple."

  Shan, "Both of you should take a ship tour. They will explain what happen went we crossed over. Then go to The Theory of Frank lecture. Between them, you'll see what I'm talking about."

  Then Carrie returns, Shan leaves, and Carrie walks with them to room 137297. Carrie lets herself in using one of the cards and lays both cards on the dresser.

  She explains. "The cards are needed for each place you go to. All the restaurants, entertainment, and everything else. Your activities will be place on a list for each of you in the computer. With these cards you are officially on the ship. You don't need to be concerned about the computer keeping track of you. If you do nothing out of the ordinary no one will ever know either of you are on the ship. Just go about the ship like any other passenger. Your not to say anything at all about Earth or make no remarks about the Theory of Frank. And never mention the overlap. These things aren't done on Celest. Then you'll be ok. In two days at 5:07 pm there will be another dimensional overlap and you both can go back to Earth then. I'll be working on deck 5 in the front of the ship. I'll keep in touch."

  An hour later Matt and Kim are on tour of the Sea Explorer. The leader of the group is explaining as they walk down a corridor, on the lowest deck, "It's both a vacation cruise boat and a sea research boat. The sea Explorer has 27,329 passengers."

  The tour leader, stops outside a door and said, "The ship uses the density rod developed from the Theory of Frank to crossover safely."

  He opens the door and they enter the deck. They can see all the way to the front of the ship. The only thing in the deck is the density rod. The rod has a one foot diameter and extends the entire length of the ship.

  The tour leader explains by saying, "The center of density of the density rod is normally at the center to make the ship more stable. As approaching, the adjacent face, the bands of green light keep the atmosphere on the ship. The ship moves directly toward the edge and as the front of the ship moves into the no gravity field area between the faces, the center of density of the density rod shifts to the center of the ships' remaining length in the gravity field. After the ship reaches half way into the no gravity field area, the center of density in the density rod shifts slowly to tilt the ship onto the adjacent face safely. Then, the center of density in the density rod shifts back to the center of the ship as it completes the crossover to the new face."

  After the tour, while Matt and Kim are going to the Frank lecture.

  Matt said, "Wonder how Carrie knows about Earth?"

  Kim, "That's easy to know. She's been to Earth."

  Matt replied, "She hasn't been to Earth. If she has been that would be the first thing she would tell us."

  Kim, "She's lying. Hiding something."

  As arriving at the Frank Lecture Hall, Kim said, "Let's see what Frank has to say about all this."

  They enter the lecture room. Mostly children and some young adults are there. A three dimensional video is showing. It shows how gravity works by illustrating how the other cube planets and the cube sun react with each other to make motions. The motions have days and years. They make a long irregular looking cycle and then the cycle repeats.

  The voice on the video said that the unusual movements of Celest have a repeating pattern. This is known and is used to make their calendar. From the calendar, the current year is 207.

  As the solar system of Celest appears on the video, the voice continues," The smallest particle that exists is called a Frank. Franks assembled together to cause gravity. Gravity causes all matter to form cubes. Increased density of Franks causes increased mass which causes increased gravity."

  The voice stopped, and a line diagram appeared, and the voice continued," Gravity lines are parallel to each other with their equal forces in the same direction. Matter will go in that direction. The lines are of an exact length. The length is longer with a large mass and shorter with small mass. Any matter, outside of the gravity caused by a mass, is not affected by the masses gravity lines.

  A Gravity Line Group which creates a planet face ends at a plane that passes through the center of a planet which is parallel with one of the planets' faces. There are six separate Gravity Lines Groups, one for each face on the planet. The six separate Gravity Line Groups do not interact with each other.

  The Theory of Frank leads to the development of the density rod, which allowed ships to safely cross over the edge of Celest. As exploring the six faces of Celest, six separate civilizations were found. The blending of the six societies created the marvel of Celest.

  To show their gratefulness, the people of Celest dedicated the planets' calendar to Frank by declaring year 1 as the year the Theory of Frank was received."

  Then the lecture ended and the crowd left the room.

  As Matt and Kim left, Kim said, "I guess there's no sea monsters here. There's a Frank instead."

  They started walking to their room.

  As they approach their room Carrie met them in the hallway and went into the room with them. Carrie explains the flaws of the theory by saying," The Theory of Frank works only for things that are not living. The worlds' leaders have made attempts to show that the Theory of Frank does work on living things. In doing this it has been proven that the Theory of Frank does not work. This is kept secret because nothing can be spoke of that contradicts the Theory of Frank.

  The persons researching the Theory of Frank lost their positions and were told not to speak of their findings. They started the group, which is called, "The Believers", by the planets' leaders. It's not known how many believers there are.

  The former research people, after being forced underground, found that the calendar predicted the time for overlaps. They also found the locations of the overlaps. This shows that there are other dimensions. Earth is in one of these other dimensions. The leaders of the planet know that the believers have a theory that shows there is an Earth. Anyone speaking
of an Earth is taking in for questioning.

  Several people from Celest have been to Earth. These people are hidden by the believers from the population. The believers, over the years, have theories of how to go from Celest to Earth and Earth to Celest, but sometimes they work and sometimes they don't."

  For their second evening they had dinner and went to the theater. After the musical they went to the late night music and dance entertainment called DJ Place.

  After dancing most of the evening, both were sitting at a table beside the dance floor. They watched an older male wearing a white suit on the dance floor. He had been there for the entire evening.

  Kim looked at him and said to Matt, "Someone should tell the guy in the white suit it's Monday night and it's 207 and it's a different universe."

  Matt was looking at a guy a few feet away, with security written on his shirt, watching and listening to them.

  Matt said to Kim, "We better call it night."

  Kim said, while pulling Matt onto the dance floor, "The night's still young. Let's dance."

  Later, after they have left the DJ Place and returned to the room, Carrie called. Matt picked up the phone and said, "Hello."

  Carrie recognizes it's Matt and said, "You better tell Kim to be more careful about what she is saying. The security guy at the DJ Place wasn't happy with what he heard."

  Matt answered, "I will.", and hung up the phone.

  Kim asked, "Who was that?"

  Matt answered, "That was Carrie. She said you should be more careful about what you say.