Read The Search for the Silver City: A Tale of Adventure in Yucatan Page 4



  It was a long while before the boys could close their eyes in slumber onthis first night aboard the Sea Dream, owing to the novelty of thesurroundings. It seemed as if Teddy would never cease admiring the snugquarters with the guns and fishing rods hung where they could be seen tothe best advantage, and Neal had very much to say regarding the plans heproposed to carry into execution during the cruise.

  Despite such enchanting topics of conversation they were not able toremain awake all night, and when finally the journey into dreamland wasmade, neither returned to a full realization of the situation untilquite late in the morning.

  Teddy was the first to open his eyes, and in a very few seconds thethrobbing of the screw, as well as the invigorating draught of cool airwhich came through the open port-hole, told him that the voyage hadreally begun.

  "Neal, Neal," he cried, shaking his friend vigorously. "Wake up; I thinkwe are at sea."

  Neal was on his feet in an instant, and after one glance through thetiny window he replied with a laugh:

  "There's no question about our being under way; but we sha'n't see thesea to-day."

  "Why, we are on it now."

  "If you have forgotten your geography as soon as this you'll be obligedto do some mighty hard studying when we get back to school. The SeaDream must go through the sound before we reach the ocean, and mostlikely we shall make harbor at Martha's Vineyard to-night."

  "Of course I knew about the sound; I had forgotten, that's all," andTeddy looked just a trifle ashamed at having displayed so muchignorance.

  Never had the boys made their toilets more quickly. Both were eager tobe on deck in order to extract the greatest possible amount of pleasureout of this first day of the cruise, and when they finally emerged fromthe companion-way an exclamation of surprise and delight burst fromTeddy's lips.

  The yacht was steaming at nearly full speed over waters as placid as apond, and here and there were craft of all kinds darting back and forthlike active fish.

  "I tell you there's nothing in the way of sport to beat sailing," Teddysaid enthusiastically.

  "There are times when it isn't quite as nice as this. When it storms,and the yacht dances around so that it is impossible to come on deck youwill think camping in the Adirondacks is much better."

  "I thought vessels always went into a harbor at such times."

  "If you are at sea it is necessary to take whatever comes in the way ofweather, but there is no reason why we should speak of such things now.Let's have a look at Jake and his engine before breakfast."

  During this first day of the cruise the boys were very busy.Considerable time was spent eating three decidedly hearty meals, andwhat with inspecting every portion of the steamer and watching thepassing vessels, they managed without much trouble to find something inthe way of amusement until the Sea Dream arrived off Cottage City, whereMr. Emery proposed to stop a day or two.

  The wind had come up quite strong toward night, and when the littlecraft swung to her anchors some distance from the shore Teddy wasfeeling decidedly disagreeable.

  There was not sea enough to trouble the greenest fresh-water sailor thatever "caught a crab;" but to poor Teddy, who had never been on thewater save when crossing from New York to Brooklyn or Jersey City, itseemed as if the Sea Dream was very like a hideous nightmare.

  She danced lightly on the long swell as if courtesying to the craft inher immediate vicinity, and each graceful movement caused Neal's guestto fancy his stomach was turning somersaults.

  "You are not going below now?" the former said as Teddy staggered towardthe companion-way.

  "I am if it is possible to get there," was the impatient reply.

  "But we shall have a chance to see the town. Father is going ashorepresently."

  "In one of those little boats?" and Teddy pointed to the davits wherefour polished tenders hung glistening in the sun like some articles ofadornment.

  "Of course. How else could he get there?"

  "That doesn't make any difference to me. This boat is bouncing aroundenough for a fellow to wish he'd never heard of such a thing as a yacht,and in one of those egg-shells I'm certain it must be terrible."

  "But it isn't. Try not to think of being sick, and come on shore withme."

  "How can I help not thinking about it when I feel as if I was dying?"

  Then, as if unable to prolong the conversation, Teddy ran below, whilehis friend followed more leisurely.

  Neal could offer no inducements sufficiently strong to tempt hiscompanion out of the berth, and there he remained until next morningwhen, in half a gale of wind, Mr. Emery decided to take a party offriends to Nantucket.

  Only this was needed to give Teddy a severe attack of seasickness duringwhich, when he spoke at all, it was to repeat over and over again hisintention of going home as soon as the Sea Dream arrived at CottageCity.

  Probably he would have carried this threat into execution if theexcursion had not been prolonged; but it was four days before the yachtreturned to Martha's Vineyard, and by that time he had, as Jakeexpressed it, "found his sea legs."

  Now no matter how much the little craft tumbled around he remainedundisturbed, and the sight of food was no longer disagreeable, but verypleasing to him.

  Therefore it was that when the Sea Dream left Cottage City for theBahamas, the delightful portion of the cruise, so far as Teddy wasconcerned, had but just begun.

  Inasmuch as there was no especial reason why they should arrive at anycertain time, and the owner wished to remain at sea as long as possiblewhile making the voyage, the yacht was run at half speed, thus not onlysaving considerable coal; but unnecessary wear and tear of themachinery.

  That it could be very warm on the water had never entered the minds ofthe boys; but as they journeyed southward the heat became intense.During two days it was almost a perfect calm, the only air stirringbeing that caused by the motion of the steamer, and the cabin seemedlike an oven. There the thermometer stood at 84 degrees, while in thegalley it was twenty degrees higher, and in the engine-room itfrequently rose to 130 degrees.

  Neal and Teddy could do little more than lie under the awning aft,working hard but unsuccessfully to keep cool by the aid of fans and suchiced drinks as the steward prepared.

  The novelty of yachting had passed away in a measure, and they werealready counting the days which must elapse before the Sea Dream wouldbe in a less torrid climate.

  Jake had assured them that when the yacht came to an anchor and thefires were drawn it would be much cooler on board, therefore both theboys were delighted when Bridge Point at the entrance to the N. E.Providence Channel was sighted.

  There was a light breeze blowing off the banks, and the yacht wasrunning slowly as she passed within a quarter of a mile of the low lyingland, when suddenly a most disagreeable odor from the shore caused Nealto say impatiently:

  "If such perfumes as that are common to the Bahamas I had rather endurethe heat than stay a very long while, no matter how cool it may be whenwe cease steaming."

  "What is it?" and Teddy covered his nose with his handkerchief.

  "I don't know; but I wish Jake would put her ahead faster, for it isabsolutely sickening."

  His desire for more speed was not gratified. To the surprise of both theboys the engine-room gong sounded for the machinery to be stopped, andas the headway was checked Mr. Walters, the sailing master, came fromthe wheel-house to where Mr. Emery was sitting.

  The boys could not hear the short conversation which followed; but theirsurprise increased as the order was given to lower away one of the portboats.

  "What are we stopping here for?" Neal inquired of his father.

  "Doesn't the odor give you any idea?" Mr. Emery asked with a smile.

  "None except that the sooner we get away the more comfortable I shallfeel."

  "When I tell you that we are likely to find as the cause of yourdiscomfort something nearly as precious as gold, it may be a trifle moreb

  Both Neal and Teddy looked perplexed, and the latter said laughingly:

  "It is strong enough to be worth a good deal; but do you really meanwhat you say, sir?"

  "Every word. Mr. Walters thinks he can find ambergris which has beenwashed up on the rocks, and that is quoted at ten dollars per ounce. Nowyou boys have been at school long enough to know exactly why it is sovaluable."

  "I have heard of it as being the base of the finest perfumes," Neal saidslowly; "but that must surely be a mistake if it smells anything likethis," and he did violence to his stomach by inhaling a long breath ofthe disagreeably laden air.

  "It is true, nevertheless. Ambergris is believed to be the product of asort of ulcer or cancer which has formed in the bowels of a whale. Aftera certain length of time, or because a cure has been wrought by changeof feeding place, the mass is dislodged. It floats, and is often foundfar out to sea; but more particularly among the cays in the Turksislands. It is the foundation of nearly every perfume, and in ancienttimes was used for spicing wine."

  During this conversation the boat had been lowered, and, with Mr.Walters as steersman, was being pulled toward the land. Now Neal andTeddy were sorry they had not accompanied the sailing master; but it wastoo late for regrets, and the odor did not seem to be nearly asdisagreeable since they knew from what it proceeded.

  "Never mind how much the stuff is worth," Teddy said, as he and Nealleaned over the rail in company with Jake, who had come on deck toascertain why the yacht had been brought to a standstill, "it isn't anice thing to smell of, and I shall remember this afternoon whenever Isee perfume."

  "It isn't always the most agreeable things which are of the mostservice," Jake replied with an air of wisdom; and then as a loud shoutwas heard from the shore, the boat having reached the land some timesince, he added, "It's ambergris for a fact, or they wouldn't be makin'such a fuss."

  Five minutes later the little craft was seen approaching the yacht, andeach instant the odor became stronger until both the boys were forced tocover their organs of smell.

  In the bow of the boat was a black mass looking not unlike coke, andweighing, as was afterward ascertained, forty ounces.

  "I thought I couldn't be mistaken, although I never run across anythingof the kind but once before," Mr. Walters said triumphantly, as hehanded the precious substance up to one of the sailors, who took it veryunwillingly.

  "We shall be driven out of the yacht if you try to carry it home," Mr.Emery replied, moving aft as far as possible.

  "It won't trouble us many hours. We will sell or ship it at Nassau, andI reckon all hands can manage to live until we arrive there."

  The valuable substance was wrapped carefully in several thicknesses ofcanvas, and placed in the hold where it is not probable any odor from itcould have been perceptible on deck, although both the boys were quitepositive the yacht was thoroughly permeated.

  After this short delay the Sea Dream continued on her course at a higherrate of speed, for now that she was so near land the heat seemedunbearable, and when night came Neal and Teddy stretched themselves outin the hammocks which had been slung under the after awning, wishing,not for a glimpse of Nassau; but that they were off the New Englandcoast instead of being so near the tropics.

  Then, despite the profuse perspiration, both fell asleep, not to wakenuntil the rattling of the cable through the hawse-holes told that theywere in the harbor.