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  The Seasons May Drift


  Jess O’Connell

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  All images designed and created by Jess O’Connell

  Copyright 2012 by Jess O’Connell

  All Rights Reserved


  Over the years I have been inspired creatively by so many people. Some have inspired me to paint or to play music. But in all of my life I had never known so much joy, love, laughter, happiness and so much inspiration as I have but from one man whom I have been truly blessed to have known.

  Throughout the many years I had known Carl, there was always an abundance of creativity. He was a digital media specialist and involved with many companies on a creative level over many years. His enthusiasm for what he did always shone through. His passion for creativeness, research and always seeking fresh ideas, instilled in me the same. He always encouraged me, was very supportive of my writing and when my first book was published.

  He was not only a great friend but also someone who had always remained close to my heart. This is my thank you to him.

  It is with the greatest respect that I dedicate this book ‘The Seasons May Drift;’ for, to and with, in loving and in fond memory of

  Carl Cropley

  ...’And Relax’

  The Seasons May Drift by Jess O’Connell


  1. The Lost Island of Nobody!

  2. A Crowded Room.

  3. Expect the Unexpected in Unexpected ways!...

  4. When all else fails...

  5. New Directions.

  6. Tomorrows Dream...

  7. Destiny, Fate or Whatever...

  8. Finding Foundation...

  9. From Now On

  10. Loves Reverie

  11. Falling

  12. Non

  13. Returning

  14. Rambleback

  15. Down to Earth

  16. Musing

  17. Epoch

  18. Recollection of Pieces

  19. Times Essence

  20. At Kroyton

  21. Source Illuminate

  22. Stationary

  23. Core Mending

  24. Recall

  25. Restoration



  It was a memory of gazing at the night sky some nine years ago, that I got the idea for this story. That night, the sky was crystal clear as were the stars shimmering in their multitude.

  My imagination was set on fire and although I didn’t get to write the story then, I have now, and am I delighted to present this, my first novel ‘The Seasons May Drift’ and my first indulgence in fantasy romance.

  I hope you will enjoy reading it, every bit as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

  ‘Through the clouds of the sky, by the stars of the night, she could see only one light!’

  Chapter One

  The Lost Island of Nobody!

  She sat gazing out the window, pressing her forehead against the cool glass. It was raining; the droplets pattered against the glass, trailing their way down in tiny streams. It was just another rainy day in Forest Glen.

  The window was misty from the fog of her breath on the cool pane. Wiping the moistness with the palm of her hand, she could just make out the low lying clouds over the mountain in the distance. The dark waters of the inlet bay and the tiny dotted houses nestling in the curve of the lands edge near the shore line, out further on from the bay was the ocean.

  Ems was her on a break, a break with her ex's mother. A time when she wanted to forget the past, move on. A time for her own healing. Even though she enjoyed Mo's company and loved her dearly, she was still her ex's mother. Mo a woman in her seventies totally amazing for her age, hardy and headstrong, a woman with set old fashioned values. She had tightly curled short hair, wore glasses and always a gold cross necklace, and flat American shoes. She cooked country style too!

  Over the course of the time at Forest Glen, Emma realised how much more there was too life. How she enjoyed running along the small country side roads, often these would take her to the small beach, where sometimes she would cry, as she couldn't figure her place in the world.

  A lost island of nobody in a world full of others who knew her not...but where was...where was love in all of this?! Was it out there among the hills, the mountains, beyond the sea, beyond the horizon, beyond the sunset? Her dreams would carry her to beyond what she could see in front of her, the small inlet bay, the distant town, the rolling sea to beyond the shores line. The horizon was out there! She moved away strands of hair that were blowing in her face, as she looked out across the bay to the sea as it kissed the ocean and drifted away to beyond the horizon. ''If only!'' she said out loud... She was a bit startled by the loudness of her voice and quickly looked around to see if anyone was about who may have over heard her and mistake her for someone who had ‘lost their marbles,’ but no one was about. She stayed there for a while, having lost track of time only realising how late it was getting when she saw the rotation of light, from a distant lighthouse, shining brighter than before. As she made her way back to the cottage, she looked out across the bay one more time and saw Riverville's town lights twinkling in the distance. So lovely!

  A few days later, Ems would be returning home. It was her last night and it would be back to the city, away from the peace and tranquillity she had found here. From her bedroom window she would gaze out nightly, tonight was extra special as this would be the last time she would see this view. The moonlight casting its magic on the water, the sparkling lights of Riverville, the disappearing and reappearing car lights as they travelled across the mountain in the distance. The lighthouse, and above...the night clouds parting as the stars emerged. One bright star twinkled. Ems closed her eyes and wished upon it, as a tear trailed down her cheek she didn't want a life of nothing, she wanted a life of something, but she didn't know what exactly. She let go the curtain, it fell back into place, climbing into the cool cotton sheets. The moon light streamed through, breaking the curtains block. She closed her eyes and drifted away to dream of something, something nice maybe...

  Chapter Two

  A Crowded Room

  The train chugged its way into the station. The heat of the seat stuck through her jeans. She retrieved her luggage from the rack and was relieved to get out into the cool crisp September air. There won't be much food in the fridge, she thought, on the bus on the way home. The house was in such a state when she left for her break with Mo. Her bed would still be full of clothes and the dishes needed washing...she could not be bothered since she was too tired that to do them. She slept on the sofa that night, with a plan to tackle them the following day.

  The day after she came home, she had thought of going back to class and finishing up her photography course.

  Was it something to look forward too? Maybe! She gathered together the equipment and was ready for first day back to college. Tom at the office welcomed her and so did Kelly. The class was as always fun and friendly, but also had an atmosphere of competitiveness! Challenges and weekly home assignments were the order. A, Mrs Devon presided over this bunch! Ems fellow students fell into varying age groups. Ben and Alice were the friendliest, often going for some brunch after class with Ems. All in competitive spirit of course! The topic of conversation was usually the next assignment, and this week’s assignment, photographing the night

  ‘That means a trip out in the dark somewhere!' Alice mused, as she took a sip of white wine, ‘and on a clear night!'

  'Yeah,’ Ben followed on, 'probably some spooky forest with evil magic in it!’ With that he got up and made some ghost like actions near Alice’s face! Alice wasn't amused, as she never liked dark secluded forests even if it was for college assignments taking a field trip to such a place late at night to do photography of the moon or other scenery was definitely not her thing!

  Ems was getting tired, bid her excuses and left for home. She had to think what would be the best place for the assignment. She looked up some local maps and came across, The Honadas Lake. The drive to Honadas Lake would be not easy as it involved driving through dimly lit secondary roads, which led to a small wooded area and just beyond that was the lake. It was a secluded spot, rarely disturbed, which was perfect for what she had in mind!

  Chapter Three

  Expect the Unexpected in Unexpected ways!

  Ems stood looking up at the crescent moon. It had been a dull night but the sky was clearing. She noted the chill since her breath fogged the air momentarily before dissipating. She looked up and saw some twinkling stars. It was amazing! The moon reflected its glow on the rippling waters of the lake. It was such a picture of perfect serenity, tranquillity, a haven away from her daily life.

  A World away!

  She took some more photographs of the sky, moving the tripod for the seventh time. As she focused the lens, she noticed through the viewer, one star in particular shone more than the rest. She focused the zoom closer. Through the viewer she could see it was in some motion but she could not figure out why that

  would be! It showed no signs of traversing the sky like a shooting star, or a comet even! All ideas were not tangible. It didn't make sense. It just defied logic!

  Over the next few nights, during her photographic sessions, she noticed the star, still shining brightly as ever, and still moving! She did ask some fellow students about it, and if any had noticed it. No one had!

  Looking at the developed prints, nothing appeared out of the ordinary.

  Sitting at her desk, for a few minutes she looked out the window, gazing up at the sky. Wondering what it was like to be beyond the clouds! She was always the dreamer, the romantic dreamer, and was always brought back to earth by some unkind remark from some people who used to say bad things about her when she was young.

  The temperature of the class room seemed warmer than usual for this time of the year despite the heating being turned off and the cold frosting in the air made it seem all the more stranger. Putting on her coat, she signalled to Ben that she was leaving. He waved back. Catching the bus home was a difficult thing at the best of times, mostly because she left the college when everyone else seemed to be heading home at the same time. The queues were always to the corner of the path. Finally reaching home, she placed her bags on the kitchen table and opened the fridge door; the coolness of the bottled water was welcoming.

  ‘How is this in the middle of September?! Perhaps a weather fluke or global warming!!

  Computers and the internet were just like everything else stubborn, and prone to meltdowns! She had planned a piece to write a piece about the art of taking photographs and some of her assignment when no page would load for her! The online notebook draft was not cooperating.

  'Argh!' she bellowed out!

  The wind chimes outside began to make their music, it reminded her of fairies and magical powers. She smiled to herself, remembering wearing a fairy pink party dress when she was six and making a mess with some glitter pots all over the house. She would dance her way around waving her magic wand. And the old magic fairy hallow oak tree stump that she stood in and made a wish, closing her eyes tight, crossing her fingers, wishing with all her might! The tree bark was rotten and full of tiny bug holes but it was so magical back then when she was a child.

  Deciding the online notebook was taking far too long to sort out; she couldn't decide what to do, except sign up to an online global chat service just for this once, just for now. It was all pretty straight forward! It wasn't long before she got some messages from people she didn’t know, but every once in a while she checked to see if she could access the online notebook she had been using on and off for assignments and found it very handy, but it was still down and still taking ages!

  On the main chat channel she was laughing at the silly things people were saying, then she got direct messages from two men, who had daft user names, she closed each one down...She checked her online notebook, it was up and ready. She was about to close the chat website when...

  'Hello there, how are you?'

  She looked at the name, rolled her eyes at the name of’ Bold as Brass,’ she decided to just look at his profile same as she had done with the others. But for some reason...she saw something...something different...something... She smiled at the confusion. His profile picture was of him sitting in a park on a sunny day, with a big smile on his face, which Ems thought was nice. He had written a lot of things on his profile page. Ems considered whether to chat with him or not, she had wanted to get on with her writing but seemed held back by her quizzical curious nature.

  ‘Oh what the hell!'... and hit the keyboard a reply to him.

  ‘I'm good thank you. How are you? ...she waited for a reply.’

  ‘I'm great. Did you have a good day? he asked.’

  ‘Yes I did thanks and how about yourself?’ She didn’t wait for his reply, just added. ‘Well I must be going as the website is up and running now!’

  ‘Ok!’ he said seemingly surprised at her seemed sudden words of departure.

  ‘Well have a good day and chat again soon.’

  ‘Thanks you too, have a good day’...

  ‘Bye’ she said


  That was it...she closed the chat site down ...and sat not moving but rather staring at the screen for a few seconds, shrugged her shoulders and then went about tackling the project.

  Chapter Four

  When all else fails...

  College was as busy as ever with some surprise assignments, mostly filling her diary up. She had met Alice on her own for lunch that Tuesday, they had all noted Bens absence from class.

  'Oh he’s down with the flu!’ Alice blurted before taking a huge bites out of the double cheeseburger, 'just’s not doing the rounds!' she said, speaking between chewing!

  Taking a napkin and placing it on her lap Ems, took a small sip of the fizzy watery orange. She looked up at Alice with her long curly gingery hair all neatly held together in high chignon. The glasses she wore made her look older then she was, perhaps that's why she wore them, Ems thought.

  'So what’s been happening with you?' Alice asked as she took another mouthful of burger.

  ‘'Oh nothing much it’s been the same really but the only thing I did different in the last two weeks was joining an online chat room.'

  Alice sat upright with a quizzical expression.

  'I never thought I would do it!' Ems added.

  'It’s typical though when I am trying to do something I always seem to get side tracked, but there were some weird guys on there, except I think, perhaps one, maybe, I dunno!’ Ems shrugged her shoulders. ‘He seemed kind of niceish I suppose!'

  Alice looked surprise, 'Are you thinking of going into the chat room again?'

  'I don’t know, maybe,’ Ems giggled. ‘Well I haven't been on it for two weeks now since I joined. We'll see!'

  Over the next few days she attended college, wrote out reports and finished daily assignments. Though one evening instead of watching television, she switched her laptop on and was beginning to write out a report on photography when she thought about the chat room again.

  '....Oh what harm can it do!' she spoke out loud as she keyed in her username and password.

  She wasn't a minute in the chat room when 'ding!' a new tab opened ...and there he was 'BoldasBrass!!'

/>   ‘Hello. How are you? Haven’t seen you on here in a while!’

  ‘Oh! I have been busy,’ she replied.

  ‘That’s good. It is good to be busy!’

  ‘Yes it is.’

  ‘My name is Max! What is yours?

  ‘Ems short for Emma of course!’

  He sent a ‘laughs out loud’ and then added. ‘That’s a nice name.’ She thanked him

  ‘Where are you from?’ Ems queried.

  ‘Flowing Green, Ravelham.’ ‘What about yourself?’

  ‘Veorina, Marlin City.’ She replied.

  ‘Oh very nice!’ he exclaimed.

  ‘How are things there?’

  ‘Fine and you?’

  ‘Good. Thanks.’

  Ems looked at the clock on her laptop and cringed. It was way too late to write the report now and right now, she just wanted to continue the conversation, for some reason!

  ‘What do you work at?’

  ‘I work at The Architect’s Place,’ was his reply.

  ‘Oh my. Really?!’

  ‘Yes’, he said.

  'Awesome!’ She exclaimed excitedly. She loved his type of job, one she had always admired.

  ‘What do you do?’ he asked

  ‘I’m currently in college at the moment studying photography. I am hoping to attain a degree masters in it!’

  ‘Very nice! Do you enjoy college?’

  ‘Yes, I have a lot of projects and assignments to do on a daily basis. It is fun.’

  ‘Hey that’s good. Do you like music?’ he replied.

  ‘Love it. I like lots of genres, so throw me a few artists you like and I will tell you.’

  ‘Hee hee!’ How’s about the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s bands?’

  ‘Love them all. Brilliant! Got some in my cd collection. I particularly like the 80’s!’

  ‘Same here’ he replied.

  ‘What about movies?’ she asked

  ‘Love them! Got lots of favourites and a multitude of videos!’