Read The Secret of the Silver Car Page 11



  Lord Rosecarrel opened his town house in Grosvenor Place at thebeginning of May for the London season. Lady Daphne observed that he hadshaken off the gloom and apathy which had engulfed him for the last fewyears. He began to take a more vivid interest in the internationalsituations which grew out of the Peace Conference. He began to talk tothe girl again about the aims of nations with respect to Persia andindirectly with the future of India.

  The earl was waiting impatiently for her one night when she came backfrom an opera party given in her honor by Rudolph Castoon.

  "Daphne," he began abruptly, "Do you believe absolutely in the _bonafides_ of Anthony Trent?"

  The girl felt herself coloring.

  "Absolutely," she said steadily, "Why?"

  "I have had a long cable from him," he returned. "A cable soextraordinary that I can hardly believe he sent it. Here it is. It isonly partly in cipher for the reason the cipher code I made was notintended for a message such as this. What you would not understand Ihave decoded."

  The girl took the slip of paper eagerly.

  "At once," she read, "allow papers to announce you have decided to come from retirement and accept public office. If Temesvar wires for confirmation persist in your statement. If he threatens tell him he has not got treaty. Tell him if he has it to bring it to the prime minister. Follow these instructions implicitly otherwise I can never succeed."

  "And will you?" Daphne demanded breathlessly.

  "I don't know," the earl said slowly. "It seems rather a desperate thingto do. You must have heard rumors that I have been offered theenormously important position of Secretary of State for Foreign Affairsin the cabinet that will be formed when the present government goes outof office. There will be two men there who are my enemies. There is, forinstance, Rudolph Castoon whose guest you have been tonight and Buchananwho will be Home Secretary. Castoon knows I do not trust him wholly.There is always a danger in making a man of his kind Chancellor of theExchequer. He has a brother in every great country and some of them havebeen our bitter enemies in the past. Buchanan, of course, exercisesenormous influence through his newspapers and seems to feel a personalgrievance against me."

  "It was because you never would invite him here or to the castle," sheanswered, "although he was forever spelling for an invitation. Those_nouveaux riches_ are very sensitive."

  "If I accepted office," the earl went on slowly, "I should have thesetwo men against me. And if by any ill chance it should become known thatI did not destroy the draft of a treaty which was entrusted to meBuchanan would see his opportunity and use his wretched papers to thefull. I should be forced out of public life. I have always beenintolerant of breaches of faith and that would be remembered against meas a mark of hypocrisy."

  "But Mr. Trent says Count Michael Temesvar hasn't got the treaty," shecried, "and that means _he_ has it."

  Her father shook his head.

  "That's just what it doesn't mean," he returned. "Mr. Trent says I am totell Count Michael he has not the treaty. If Trent had it he would havetold me so. I am to do this risky thing in order that he may ultimatelysucceed. You see, Daphne, my statement to the press that I have decidedto take office is part of a move in the game that another man isplaying."

  "But he's playing it for you," she cried.

  The earl smiled.

  "Is he?" he returned, "I'll admit at all events that I am the one mostto be benefited if he succeeds."

  "But he will succeed," she persisted. "Does he look like the kind of manto be beaten?"

  "Did Captain Hardcastle look the kind of man either?" Lord Rosecarrelasked. "And you remember poor Piers Edgcomb the best fencer in Europe,a man with nerves of steel? I firmly believe some of the count's menkilled him."

  It cost the girl an effort to say what she did.

  "But, dad," she reminded him, "they had no experience at, at that sortof thing."

  "And this one has? That, alone, comforts me. But the odds are sotremendously against him."

  "He went there knowing it."

  "I am not sure that it would not be safer for you for Arthur and for meif I did go back permanently to private life. If Mr. Trent shouldfail--"

  "You won't be implicated," she reminded him. "He has gone just as acockney chauffeur."

  "But don't you see," the earl said patiently, "that I am here invited tothrow down the gauntlet to the man who has in his power what candisgrace me? Hardcastle and Sir Piers failed but their failure did notdrag me into it as this scheme will do."

  "Who will be foreign secretary if you refuse it?" Daphne asked.

  "That impossible nonconformist person Muir who has never been fartherafield than Paris and has no knowledge of Eastern affairs at all. Hewill undo everything I have striven for. He will play into CountMichael's hands as a child might."

  "Then isn't the chance worth taking?" Daphne asked, pointing to thecable.

  "I've taken it already," the earl said, "I wanted you to reassure me. Ifelt a confidence utterly without logical foundation as to the abilityof your Anthony Trent."

  "That's splendid," she cried.

  "I am not so sure," her father returned, "Daphne, you know what I meanwhen I say I hope Arthur's action in saving his life was not like thoseother actions of the poor lad which have brought dire trouble to us all.You must know that there can be no attachment between you and him."

  "You'd better know it," she said quietly, "but there is what you call anattachment. As to marriage--he says like you it is impossible so Isuppose it is. That's all over." She patted his gray hairaffectionately. "I'm not going to marry anyone. I shall have my handsfull in looking after the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs."

  "My dear," he said, "you are taking this wonderfully well. I'm grateful.I ought never to have let the thing drift along as I did. I blamemyself."

  "I'm glad," she whispered, "You couldn't possibly understand it, buteven if I never see him again I shall always be thankful to have knownhim."

  The earl looked at her and sighed. His daughter was one of the loveliestgirls in England, highly accomplished, allied to some of the greatfamilies of her own land and continental Europe and had been soughtafter since her coming out ball. He had hoped to see her married to somehonorable man of her own class and instead she had fallen in love withan adventurer whose past--according to his own admission--made amarriage impossible.

  Of late he had suffered much. The death of his wife, the loss of twosons, the many troubles Arthur's past had brought, his enforcedretirement and now Daphne's hopeless attachment. The only thing thatoffered him any relaxation was the possibility of getting into harnessagain. And that would only be attainable if Anthony Trent, thatmysterious American he had grown to like, succeeded in a forlorn hope.At least he must do his part. A little wearily he took up the telephoneand called a number in Downing Street where was the official residenceof the prime minister, the man primarily in charge of the destinies of agreat empire.

  * * * * *

  There was no telephone in Castle Radna. Every morning some one of CountMichael's men went to Agram and brought back letters and telegrams. Itfell to Anthony Trent to fetch the mail that came twenty-four hoursafter the conversation over the telephone with the prime minister. Amongthe many pieces which the postmaster placed in the double locked mailbag was a trans-continental telegram. It was the function of this bigletter pouch to guard its contents from the inquisitive by locks towhich only the postmaster and Hentzi had keys.

  When once Trent had established this he came by night to the room wherethe secretary snored and made impressions of the keys and so was able toopen the pouch without any forcing of the locks.

  Instead of going on to Radna direct Trent turned his car into a byroadof the oak forest and steamed open the wire. It was as he feared, incode which he might be able to decipher after long study. But if thelanguage should be Croatian or Hungarian he
would still be in the dark.

  It chanced that the count was near the garage as he drove in. It was afrequent habit of Count Michael's to walk over to the great stables whereformerly his thoroughbreds had been housed and now only a few ridinghorses remained. He greeted "Arlfrit" with the manner that proved him tobe in a good temper. Hentzi was at his side and opened the mail pouch.Instantly he passed the telegram to his master. Tinkering at somepretended indisposition of his engines Trent watched the count's face ashe read.

  The man fell into a sudden and roaring rage. He gesticulated, he sworeand he pummelled the cringing Hentzi. His talk was in Croatian but hismeaning was plain. Suddenly he turned on Trent.

  "Do not put your car away," he ordered him, "You must return to Agram."

  No mail was ever entrusted to the Temesvar servants. Even what was sentto Agram was sealed so that the post master alone or his assistant couldunlock the bag.

  In the same secluded dell of the forest Trent opened the bag a secondtime and read the message addressed to the Earl of Rosecarrel. "I aminformed," it said, "that you have accepted office. Deny this rumorinstantly. Affirmation means danger to you. Michael Temesvar."

  Trent chuckled. Things were beginning to move. Of late he had found hisoccupation boring. It seemed he was always acting as a mail carrierchosen over Sissek because he made so much better time. He had no chanceat golf. Pauline was away. Hentzi told him so one day when he had driventhree ladies up from Fiume and learned they were all high-born and thatfor a time the company at the castle was distinguished.

  "You would not understand what I meant," Hentzi said, loftily, "if Itold you many important things are going on. When our guests have gonethere may be those of Pauline's sort you may drive from Fiume. Then theair is different. For myself I prefer such company as we have atpresent."

  "The lords and ladies?" Trent said remembering that he had seen Hentziacting as a sort of upper servant at such a dinner.

  "Exactly," Hentzi agreed. "Pauline had been ill advised enough todisobey the count. There is a guest who admired her."

  "Why didn't the guv'nor biff him one same as he does you when he's mad?"Trent demanded.

  "There are some to whom even Count Michael may offer no violence," Hentzireturned in a shocked voice. "But you would not understand."

  On the whole Anthony Trent was glad that the prince had been the causeof the temporary removal of Pauline. She was a menace to him. Also herejoiced to think that the arbitrary Michael Temesvar had his own uneasymoments.

  Because Anthony Trent was more concerned in the successful outcome ofhis present design than any other of his adventurous career he deniedhimself the pleasure of those nocturnal wanderings in the castlecorridors and rooms. So that he might make Daphne happy by deliveringher father from bondage he decided to take no risks which might lead tohis capture. Particularly he wanted to secrete himself among the treesin green tubs and flowers of the courtyard. Although it was not to hisimmediate advantage to learn of the plotting which was going on underthe roof which sheltered him a knowledge of it promised some interestingdevelopments in the future.

  But now that the exchange of telegrams commenced between the two oldadversaries he found excitement enough in going to Agram and opening thewires. Lord Rosecarrel, he found, had acted on his instructions. Heaffirmed his intention to take office and when he received another morethreatening telegram from Count Michael declared that he knew the treatywas not in his possession.

  Count Michael's anger was reflected in the face of each scurrying servantof the many with whom Trent came into contact. Hentzi visited itvicariously upon one Alfred Anthony until that bellicose chauffeurreminded him that the fate of Peter Sissek was his for the asking. LaterHentzi grew confidential. He had the impression that this humble memberof a dominant people looked up to him for his world knowledge and inorder to impress Alfred Anthony the more made indiscreet revelationswhich were duly stored in the careful retentive memory of AnthonyTrent.

  It was from Hentzi that Trent learned of the sudden trip of their commonemployer to London.

  "It is most inconvenient for us both," said the secretary. "For thecount that he should have to leave his guests and for me that I shouldhave to entertain them in his absence."

  "I thought you liked the company of lords and ladies," Alfred Anthonysaid in simple tribute to his companion's parts.

  "There is responsibility you could not comprehend," Hentzi returned, andleft Trent to think over his plans.

  So far things had travelled evenly. The test was now to come. He wasreasonably certain that when Count Michael set out for London he wouldhave in his possession the draft of the treaty. With this he wouldconfront a prime minister and possibly the entire cabinet. He knew wellof Buchanan's dislike of Lord Rosecarrel. Had Anthony Trent been in thecount's place he would never have committed the error of taking soimportant a document with him. Trent invariably mailed what he had takento himself and breathed freer when the responsibility was on another'sshoulders. This, of course, only when a long journey was to be made.When he had stolen the Mount Aubyn ruby in San Francisco he had mailedit to his camp in Maine and thus confounded detectives who had searchedhis apartment.

  That Count Michael had not adopted this plan he knew because for the pastweek he alone had fetched and carried mail matter. The time he hadtaken in opening the mails had to be made up by faster travelling andthe Lion engine never failed him. The peasants used to point out theracing car with pride and give him road room gladly. On those tablets ofmemory he inscribed many interesting details that occurred in letterswritten by other than the count. He could read in French, German,Italian and Spanish and the letters which most interested him were inGerman.

  Sometimes in the lonely night he wondered whether or not this knowledgemight not be sufficiently important to at least three governments to winhim a pardon should he ever be found out for crimes of other days. Andif there should come a time when he were free from the ever hauntingfear of arrest might there not be the fulfilment of his dearest wishes?He was sure Daphne would drop her title if he thought it best.

  Then he put the thought from him resolutely. That was in the future andhe was immediately concerned with the success of this thing he had swornto accomplish.

  Hentzi told him that Count Michael would travel by night to Fiume thereto board a Venice bound boat and catch the continental express forParis. As none but he drove the Lion and the count preferred it and itsdriver the assumption was that Alfred Anthony would take him. It was onthis hypothesis that the success of Trent's scheme depended. He wouldprobably be alone. At most some servant or valet would be chosen totravel with his master and he would of course sit next to thechauffeur.

  Trent had long ago picked out a suitable spot where such a lucklessperson could be dumped. There was a steep grassy bank some twenty milesalong the road where a man hit sufficiently deftly would roll out ofreach with small possibility of injury. A little stream ran at thebottom which would revive him if stunned or drown him as the fates sawbest. Stored in the Lion car was a change of apparel, some food andother necessaries.

  It was Hentzi who broke the bad news. The secretary came upon the eagermechanic tuning up his engine lovingly. So engrossed was he that heneither saw Hentzi nor noticed that Peter Sissek was polishing the brasswork on his Panhard.

  "Getting things shipshape and Bristol fashion," Trent said, when he sawHentzi.

  "It is Peter who takes the count," the secretary said idly, "You are togo to Budapesth tomorrow. You see what it is to be considered soskillful that Count Michael offers you to his guests and goes more slowlyhimself."

  Then Trent noticed the grinning and triumphant Sissek. It was a blackmoment for him.

  "Yes, Peter takes the count," Hentzi repeated.

  "I think he'll have to," Trent said slowly, "for the second time."

  This alteration in the schedule which for the moment promised utterdisruption to his plans might have been brought about by reasons otherthan those suggested by Hentzi. It was
curious that at just thiscritical moment Sissek should be entrusted with his master's safety andTrent given a mission which Peter Sissek with his wider knowledge of thecountry could better have filled.

  But it was time wasting to ponder on this now. In three hours Trentwould have started with his Lion. Sissek a slower driver and using anolder and less speedy car must get away earlier. Almost frightened outof his accustomed calm Trent learned that the count was leaving in alittle over an hour, just as the darkness would set in. What plans hecould make must be made instantly. Failure was now almost at his side.

  Failure! Anthony Trent groaned at thought of it; Lord Rosecarrel wouldbe publicly humiliated. Daphne would blame him for it. With whatassurance and headstrong confidence he had plunged into an adventurewhich had brought death to those other men! He could never face her ifhe failed and failure was in sight.

  For a moment he thought of forcing a quarrel on Peter Sissek. BeforeHentzi or others could intervene he could with his boxer's skill mostcertainly damage one eye if not two of a man who, to drive down dark anddangerous roads, must possess unclouded vision.

  But he hesitated. If Count Michael had chosen Sissek because AlfredAnthony was under suspicion an assault on the Croatian at the presentmoment might tend to confirm these doubts and he might find himselfoverpowered and under guards he could not overwhelm. To put the car outof commission was hardly possible with Sissek guarding it and anotherman cleaning it. And these two, it seemed to Trent, were watchingsuspiciously.

  By some trick of fate it was Sissek himself who contributed to Trent'ssuccess. Peter was arrogant now and motioned to Trent to aid him inlifting some baggage to the top of the Panhard limousine. Like most ofthe continental cars it had a deep luggage rail around the top on whichtrunks or lesser baggage could be carried. There was a cabin trunk, abundle of rugs and a dressing bag. Peter Sissek was astonished whenTrent cheerfully obeyed him and even helped to strap the cabin trunksecurely.

  Hentzi was amazed at the sudden change that had taken place in theEnglish chauffeur's attitude. He was now lively who had been gloomy, andloquacious when he had been taciturn.

  "Why do you laugh," he asked.

  "At the idea of Peter taking the count," said Trent. "Someday you'llknow what that means."

  "I know now," Hentzi insisted, "I speak perfectly and my Englishvocabulary is wider than could be that of a man of your position."

  * * * * *

  As Peter Sissek unaccompanied by valet or assistant drove down the hill,after leaving the pavilion at the first tee on his left, he washorrified to find a tree across his path. He dismounted, moved it asidewith difficulty and proceeded on his way.

  But this time he carried two passengers.

  The motor had come to an abrupt stop under a big oak tree whosespreading arms reached across the mountain road.

  Lying along one of those rigid oak limbs Anthony Trent, after nicelyadjusting the fallen tree so that Peter Sissek's eyes would see it atthe proper moment, had waited anxiously for the approach of the Panhard.

  He was not sure that the powerful headlights would not pierce his leafyshelter and discover him to the watchful driver. He could imaginevividly the chauffeur warning his employer. And as Count Michael alwayswent armed and might even now be suspicious of his cockney servant hewould very likely have no hesitation in picking him off the boughs asAnthony Trent, years before in his New Hampshire hills, had shotsquirrels. If by any chance he could get to the ground, only twelve feetbeneath, before he was aimed at he would have to trust to the moment'sinspiration for his next move. He knew almost certainly that CountMichael carried the document he wanted in a flat leather case whichfitted into his breast pocket.

  If by any chance the men did not see him and the car passed him on itsseaward way his errand would be unaccomplished, his boasts vain and thehumiliation of his friends certain. He had determined if this happenedto send a telegram to the earl admitting defeat, and warning of thecount's visit.

  The Panhard came to a grinding stop a foot from the barrier. Sissekremoved it as quickly as he could but it was heavy enough to have taxedAnthony Trent's superior strength! and the count grew so impatient atthe time taken that he sprang down to the road and urged his man togreater activities.

  The two were jabbering in Croatian when Anthony Trent lowered himself tothe top of the limousine and nestled down in the shadow of the baggage.

  Trent had often been incensed in reading newspaper accounts of hisexploits to find that their success was so often ascribed to mere luck.He supposed it would be so this time if it were known. People would saythat owing to two boulders in the side of the road Sissek pulled up sothat Trent could drop directly down on to the car. In most cases thegreatest luck comes to the best player and Anthony Trent had placed therocks on the road with the same care that he would play a stroke in golfor cast along the edge of lily pads where the big trout lay in gracefulease. There was only one place where Sissek could halt his machine.

  It was while the car travelled along a poor and rough section of theroute before reaching the Marie Louise road that Trent unstrapped abundle and selected a dark travelling-rug to cover him from observanteyes in the infrequent towns through which they must pass.

  Half a hundred schemes raced through his quick, fertile brain only to berejected. He wondered, for instance, if it were possible to cut throughthe top of the car and get at the count who was certain to be sleeping agoodly portion of the journey. He decided that to lean over the railsand try to peer through the oval glass window in the rear would also beunwise. At most he would only catch a glimpse of the count and mightjust as easily be seen himself. Then he wondered if it might not bepossible to drop down on Peter Sissek's shoulders and strangle him intoquietness.

  But Peter Sissek was taking his car along at a steady rate oftwenty-five miles the hour and with his hands off the steering wheel--acertain contingency if Trent's strong fingers closed around histhroat--a bad accident was inevitable. A precipice on one side and awall of rock on the other, he would be between the deep sea and thedevil.

  He saw that Sissek must be eliminated at all costs. A match for eitherof them singly Trent would certainly be overpowered in a tussle withboth; although they lacked the cat-like quickness of the American theywere both of uncommon strength. The immediate problem was to get rid ofSissek and leave his master none the wiser.

  There was a part of the road through which they must presently passwhich promised aid to the schemer. It was a gentle rise through a verydense section of beech forest and Peter would go slowly fearing that theuneven surface would jolt his lord into unwelcome anger.

  Peter Sissek, straining his eyes to see that his way was clear, wasstartled when one of the pieces of baggage on the top of the car wasjolted off. It fell on the Panhard's bonnet and then bounded into theside of the road. He had run past it fifty yards before he brought hismachine to a stop.

  When he backed up to the fallen bag Count Michael was aroused fromslumber and ascribed the accident to Peter's carelessness. In thechauffeur's apology Anthony Trent heard his assumed name brought in.Plainly Peter was making him the culprit. He had pitched the bundle fromthe roof with some skill. It bounded far into the shadow. Finally PeterSissek stumbled over it. And as he stooped to retrieve it, AlfredAnthony swung at him. For the second time Peter had taken the count. Tohit a defenceless, unsuspecting man was not a thing to give Trent anypleasure, but it was not a moment in which to hesitate. With Peter'slivery cap and duster on, Trent took the bundle on his shoulder andcarried it at such an angle that in case of scrutiny his face would beshielded from gaze.

  A quick backward glance a few minutes later on showed the new driverthat the count had resumed his broken slumbers. So well indeed did thelord of Castle Radna sleep that he did not know the Panhard had left themain road or that any danger threatened him until he was suddenly hauledfrom his springy seat to look into the clear, hard eyes of AlfredAnthony.

  Then he realized that his revolver w
as in the cockney's hand and theprecious wallet gone from his pocket. Count Michael was no coward and hethought quickly with that intriguing, plotting brain of his. A greatdiamond still sparkled upon his finger and the money in another pocketwas untouched.

  "I should have been wiser," he commented. "I thought my lord Rosecarrelhad become suddenly mad. Now I see that he was saner than I. FirstCaptain the Honourable Oswald Hardcastle, then Sir Piers Edgcomb and nowyou. May I ask your name and rank? You have been my servant andsucceeded so far where they failed?"

  Anthony Trent was not expecting this attitude. He had been so used toseeing the count fly into stupendous rages that this calm, collectedmanner was disturbing. It might be the man's natural attitude in momentsof real peril or it might merely mean he knew he was ultimately to bethe victor.

  It was a curious scene. The Panhard had come to rest in a clearing ofthe woods and a brilliant moon gave the place almost the clarity of day.

  Count Michael sat down on a log and lighted a cigarette. Almost he wasusurping Trent's _role_ under such circumstances.

  "This interests me," said Count Michael, "let us discuss it."

  "I've no time," Trent said smiling. "I am due at Fiume or Trieste orZara as the case may be at a certain hour and as I haven't the Lion hereI must push on."

  "Have you thought that I shall certainly pursue you and assuredlycapture you?"

  "You may pursue later when you are found but by that time I shall begone."

  "You can never escape me," the count said. "I have a long arm and I donot forget. And my vengeance is a bad thing for those against whom it isdirected."

  "It's not altogether healthy to have me for an enemy," Trent remindedhim. "I have my own likes and dislikes."

  The count sneered.

  "You," he cried, "Who are you? What have you done that men should fearyou? For a moment you have a little luck, the little luck that willbring you blindly to greater danger."

  "I'm strictly _incognito_," Trent answered. "Once I was unwise enough toanswer such a challenge, but you may believe me that I, too, have aname. Now count, it won't help you a bit to put up a fight. It will saveyou trouble if you'll back up against that tree and let me tie you up."

  "You would put this outrage on me?" the other cried, his calm leavinghim, the veins standing out on an empurpled forehead like raised lividridges.

  "Get up!" Anthony Trent snapped.

  "It is because you have a pistol," the count said. "Put that down if youare a man and then see what you can make me do."

  "You may believe it or not," Trent retorted, "but it hurts me to have todecline the offer. If I dared take time I would return several littletendernesses of yours. As it is I can't, having a weapon, strike a manwho hasn't one. You are luckier than you know. Back up there and do itdamned quick."

  Trent was certain that Count Temesvar could never unfasten his bonds.And as he was gagged he could not cry for help. Some swineherd orpeasant would discover him later. Meanwhile the discipline would begood.

  "Good-by," said Trent genially, "Give my love to your guest the princeand all his high born companions."

  If Count Michael had looked angry before his face now was doubly hideouswith rage. His hold over Lord Rosecarrel was gone and he could not doubtbut this stranger who had posed as a chauffeur had learned somehow ofthe presence of the prince. If it were known in the chancelleries ofEurope all his carefully matured plans would go for naught. UnlessAlfred Anthony were captured Michael, Count Temesvar could never againmake his pleasant little trips to the great houses of England, Franceand Italy. There he was known as one who had abandoned all politicalambitions to become merely the country magnate interested in cattle andcrops. Never again could he gather useful information over friendlydinner tables or hobnob with prime ministers over golf or auction bridgeif it were known he was giving sanctuary to one who threatened the worldpeace.

  When Anthony Trent had satisfied himself that the document he had takenwas the one Arthur stole from his father, he knew, in order to beabsolutely safe, it should be destroyed. Its destruction would give theearl immunity. But Trent hesitated. Once already Lord Rosecarrel hadbelieved it was demolished and had suffered terribly for his trust.Inevitably there would be a seed of suspicion if a comparative stranger,confessedly one who had profited by unlawful operations, should ask himto take as true that the treaty had again been destroyed.

  A man in Trent's position was doubly sensitive in a matter of this sort.He had no long and honorable record to back his assertions; and althoughin the present instance he was actuated by no motives ofself-aggrandizement he was not sure others--Daphne alone excepted--wouldbelieve him. He thanked God that with her it was different.

  So he put the paper in an envelope already stamped and addressed andplaced it in his pocket. Then he started for a port of safety.

  It seemed impossible that he should miss the way in the bright moonlightbut he realized a few minutes later that he was only circling around theclearing where the count was tied to a tree. His headlights showed himinnumerable roads like those by which he had come but there was nodistinctive sign to guide him to the road to the coast. A group ofpeasants going incredibly early to their work could not understand him.He repeated the word Fiume but even that did not help. Their little lifewas bounded by the confines of a few square miles; and the troop trainswhich had taken them to the battle lines of a year or so back had onlyconfused them as to topography.

  Among the big oaks and beeches Trent could not easily find one tallenough to bear his weight on branches that would let him see over thetops of the others. When dawn came he was in no better plight.

  The position in which Anthony Trent found himself was by far the mostserious of his career. Hitherto he had faced imprisonment at most. Nowcapture meant without doubt--death. He had, without thinking of thefolly of his utterance, told Count Michael that he knew of the presenceof the guests unsuspected by the great powers.

  Count Michael had probably staged the supposed escape of the prince andsupplied a convenient corpse for his interment. Unrest was in everyportion of what had once been the dual monarchy. Beggars on horsebackwere riding to a fall and the Balkan volcano was near eruption. AndAnthony Trent, alone of those opposed to Count Michael's party, knewwhere was hidden the man whom the count was coaching for his big _role_.His escape would mean disaster. By this time no doubt passing countrymenhad recognized their overlord and released him. But for lack of acompass Anthony Trent should even now have been at a port where he couldescape to a friendly vessel.

  He remembered what Lord Rosecarrel had told him of Count Michael'scharacter and autocratic power. Although theoretically shorn of hisformer absolutism it was unlikely that peasants who worked on his landsand still felt their dependence upon him should question Count Michael'sactions. World news which spreads rapidly among the herded workers infactories crept slowly among these land tillers. They had enough to eatand drink and were grateful for that after their years of fighting.

  Now that capture was imminent Trent knew that the document must bedestroyed. But even in this he delayed hoping his usual luck might clingto him and make the sacrifice unnecessary.

  He abandoned the automobile. Its wheels were embedded in black viscidmud and to extricate them the engine would have to run on low speed andannounce the car's position to such as might already be seeking him. Ifhe could pass the day uncaptured he might at night be able to free thecar of its imprisoning mud and make his escape. He had woodcraft enoughto be able to mark down the spot where the Panhard was hidden.

  It was high noon when Anthony Trent came in sight of a farm. A big dogcame toward him with sharp, staccato inquiring barks. He had a way ofmaking dogs his friends and soon the animal was wagging a welcomingtail. Trent satisfied his hunger and thirst with a meal of early plumsand lighted his last Woodbine. The Croatian farmers of the district inwhich he found himself were horsebreeders to a man. It was an industrywhich the government had always approved and encouraged. Without a doubtin the distant ba
rns there was some favorite animal which might bearTrent to safety if his car had been discovered. The watch dog, nowsatisfied that the stranger was one to be adored, would prove noobstacle.

  Trent nestled back in some drying hay, well out of sight, he supposed,of observers and dropped into a profound sleep. It was the unusualspectacle of the watch dog sitting by the mound of hay that attractedthe notice of the farmer. He supposed that the animal--part hound andpart draft dog--had run some animal to earth. When the farmer saw thatthe stranger slept there for whom he had, under Count Michael'sdirection, scoured the forest since dawn, he wisely brought assistance.Thus it was that Anthony Trent, rudely brought back to an unsympatheticearth, found himself seized, bruised and bound before he had time torecover his senses or put up a fight.

  Peter Sissek it was who carried him to the recovered Panhard and threwhim violently to the floor. And for every blow that Trent had struckSissek in fair fight the Croatian returned with interest now that hisconqueror was bound and hopeless. One of Peter's assistants sat on theseat brandishing the revolver which had been the count's. He talkedincessantly, threatening no doubt and insulting the captive, andpunctuating his invective with kicks that bruised the American's ribssorely.

  He was carried past a mob of jeering servants when the castle wasreached and put in a room which had been used as a dungeon for fivehundred years. As he looked about the stone walled cell with its narrowwindows through which his body could scarcely pass even though the heavybars were sawn through, he knew his professional skill would avail himnothing.

  There was one safeguard for gaolers which he sighed to see. Inside thedoor was a cage of iron where a keeper might stand and be protected fromthe sudden onslaught of a waiting prisoner. Thus the most usual form ofescape was taken from him.

  Hentzi was his first visitor, poor rotund, posing Hentzi who had likedAlfred Anthony largely because he supposed it was a semi-educated Londoncockney who listened to his worldly wisdom. When he had learned from hismaster that this pretended chauffeur was the third of the Rosecarreladherents who had made desperate attempts he supposed him to be of highdegree. With amusement Anthony Trent saw the change in his manner.Although disgraced and in prison Hentzi paid the respect that heinvariably accorded to birth. He told himself that it was because henoted the instincts of blue blood that he had found pleasure in talkingwith Alfred Anthony. Trent's careless manner which had sometimes seemedoverbold in a chauffeur was now explained.

  "I grieve very much to see the marks of violence inflicted upon you by aclod like Peter Sissek," he began.

  "I knocked the same clod out when he wasn't looking," Trent returned,"so he had a kick coming. You didn't come to be merely polite Hentzi,what is it? Torture? Boiling oil?"

  "It will not be boiling oil," Hentzi answered seriously.

  Anthony Trent looked at him searchingly. Of course Hentzi had hispurpose in coming here; and that he did not deny the possibility of aCroatian third degree convinced the American that the danger heanticipated was real and near. So far as Count Michael's power went inhis own castle of Radna his prisoner might be in medieval times. Trentwas a danger to be nullified and a single life was hardly worthy ofconsideration in the game the count was playing.

  To lose his life was bitter enough; but to lose it after failing and sobe denied another chance to make good was agonizing. Hentzi gatherednothing from his scrutiny of the other man's battered face. He saw thatthe forced and rather vacuous grin which Anthony Trent had worn when helived another part was gone. Only the powerful, brooding, hawklike lookwhich he had occasionally seen for a flash now remained. He did notdoubt but that this was the true character of the man a great Englishnoble had chosen for a dangerous mission.

  "You will remain here until the count returns," Hentzi announced.

  "How long?" Trent snapped.

  "A week certainly; more likely two."

  "What will happen then?"

  Hentzi sighed. His master's violence often frightened him. He came of apeaceloving family.

  "That I cannot say."

  "I can't go without a daily shave," Trent said yawning. "And I needcigarettes and the London papers. You can get them for me?"

  "The razor I dare not," Hentzi said. "The rest you shall have."

  "Afraid I shall commit suicide? You ought to be glad if I did. It wouldsave Count Michael a lot of trouble. That cage there prevents my slittingthe throat of a keeper. A child with a gun could poke the barrel throughthe bars and put me out of business. Come Hentzi, be human. I will notlive with whiskers. I swear to do myself no damage or anyone elseeither."

  "You give me the word of a man of noble birth?" Hentzi inquiredanxiously. "You cannot conceal your origin from me. You may not wish itknown but I know."

  Anthony Trent kept a straight face. Hentzi had always amused him.

  "Hentzi," he said seriously, "I must preserve my _incognito_ at allcosts. That you appreciate, but if it will make you more comfortable Iwill tell you that in my own country there is not a man who has theright to call himself my superior or go in to dinner before me."

  Hentzi's bow was most profound. He had known it all along. This wasassuredly the venturesome holder of an ancient title, a man of highbirth and born to great honor. Hentzi's own Sheffield blades were at hisdisposal.