Read The Secret of the Silver Car Page 14



  A fast destroyer is a wet and uncomfortable craft but Anthony Trent hadnever enjoyed a voyage so much. Life in Castle Radna had been a greaterstrain than he knew. He felt the need for relaxation. The trout streamcalled him, the golf links tempted him. He felt very much as he had doneyears before at Dartmouth when the rigors of the training period werefinished with. He was safe. He was free; and he was speeding northwardho with the paper in his pocket which had seemed impossible ofattainment.

  "I dare not run into Portsmouth," Maitland confided in him, "as I'd haveto report to the Admiral commanding and this news of yours is not forhis ears yet."

  "Can't you get nearer London than Portsmouth?" Trent asked.

  "We're headed for Sheerness at the mouth of the Thames. I can liequietly off Canvey Island and then train it to town. Later on when myirregular proceedings are dilated upon I can get the First Lord of theAdmiralty to back me up. By the way," he said later, "Do you know theGrenvils well?"

  "Very well," Anthony Trent answered, "Why?"

  "Then you probably know Rudolph Castoon. One of my sisters who knowsLady Daphne says an engagement is rumoured between them."

  "Nothing to it," Anthony Trent said confidently. "She doesn't even likehim as a friend. Does your sister know her well?"

  "Next door neighbours in Cornwall," Maitland answered. "She married LordPolruan."

  So it was Maitland's sister who had dubbed him an American adventurerand indirectly warned the earl against the danger of having him on suchintimate terms! And this unassuming young naval officer was of course ason of an earl, and would rightly be described as the HonourableWilloughby Maitland. Anthony Trent smiled. He could not help thinkinghow gratified his old housekeeper in Kennebago would be to think hemoved in such company.

  The two men reached Liverpool Street station at ten o'clock at night andtaxied westward to Lord Rosecarrel's town house in Grosvenor Place.

  The butler, that stern functionary who disapproved of democracy and theambitions of the new rich, beamed a welcome when he beheld AnthonyTrent. In a sense he felt the young American was one of the family. Hisgreeting to Trent's friend as the son of an earl was respectful, but toAnthony he vouchsafed especial courtesy. It was very grateful to thewanderer. It was like coming home to a man who has no abiding place.

  "His Lordship is attending a cabinet meeting," he said. "Her Ladyshipis at an Albert Hall concert and Mr. Arthur is out of town."

  It was plain from his manner that he expected Anthony Trent to make hisquarters in the Rosecarrel town house.

  "I must see his lordship instantly," Trent said. "Tell one of your mento whistle for a taxi."

  "You seem to be very popular with old Barlow," Maitland said.

  "I have spent the happiest hours of my life at Rosecarrel Castle,"Anthony Trent said, Maitland thought with some little reserve.

  At Downing Street the prime minister's butler could not conceive of sucha thing as an interrupted cabinet meeting.

  "It is business of state," Anthony Trent said loftily. "If you feel youhave a right to dictate terms very well. But," he continuedimpressively, "I will promise you one thing. From tomorrow on, you willbuttle for someone else."

  It happened that the cabinet meeting, which had to do with domesticfinance, was already ended.

  The prime minister glanced at the card sent in, and turned to theprivate secretary of the Earl of Rosecarrel who had just entered theroom.

  "That splendid young man Willoughby Maitland who did so well atZeebrugge is demanding an audience. I am rather tired. Do you mindseeing if it is of importance?"

  "Certainly not, sir," said Colonel Langley.

  He stopped short when he saw who accompanied the naval officer, andlearned that it was Anthony Trent who had business with the premier.

  "The last time I saw you," he said stiffly, "was under circumstanceswhich give you no right to expect me to plead your cause."

  "That may be," Trent said equably, "but I am here not to converse withyou but your superiors. By the way who is prime minister now?"

  "Llewellyn Morgan," Maitland said. "His third term."

  It was Llewellyn Morgan Trent had met in Cornwall. Things lookedbrighter. "The premier knows me," he said to Colonel Langley, "and youare no doubt aware I am privileged to call Lord Rosecarrel my friend."

  When the two reached the simply furnished room Lord Rosecarrel looked atthe American with wide open eyes.

  "My dear boy," he said affectionately, gripping both his hands. "I donot think you can believe how glad I am to see you."

  "Isn't this the young man who had the presumption to outdrive me fortyyards every time we stepped to a tee?"

  The Right Honourable Llewellyn Morgan greeted him in so friendly afashion that Colonel Langley was astounded. But there was another man,of cabinet rank, who scowled when he beheld it. Rudolph Castoon hadattained his desire. He was now Chancellor of the Exchequer. And Castoonknew in his heart that it was because of Anthony Trent Lady DaphneGrenvil had refused him.

  "Do I understand," he said, with a show of friendliness, "that you havenews of such importance that it justifies, shall I say breaking in uponus here?"

  "It is for the premier to decide," Trent said. Then he looked at ColonelLangley and took his revenge. Trent addressed the pleasant and amiablepersonage who sat at the head of the table. "Have I your word for itthat this gentleman is entirely to be trusted?"

  "He is my private secretary," Lord Rosecarrel said quickly.

  "By all means let him remain," the premier decided.

  Lord Rosecarrel was vaguely disturbed. So far as he knew there wasnothing Trent could have learned at Castle Radna which justified this.To tell the assembled members of the cabinet of his errand and itssuccess would spell disaster to the one who had sent him.

  "Briefly it is this," Trent began, "Prince William, of Misselbach, wasnot drowned although a real corpse was buried. He is at the present timehiding and Count Michael Temesvar is planning to put him upon the throneof Hungary. I have seen him with my own eyes a dozen times although hewas not aware of it. I had the luck to get a list of names of the primemovers in it. I could not keep the paper so I memorized them and wrotethem down while on the destroyer which brought me from Fiume."

  Trent passed it across the table to the prime minister.

  "This is exceedingly important," he declared after reading it quickly."Mr. Trent you have performed a service to this government and your ownwhich entitles you to a reward of no mean character. Now have thegoodness to answer these questions."

  They were fired at him quickly and embraced a variety of subjects. Itwas only because of his retentive memory and trained powers ofobservation that he was able to satisfy the premier.

  "It is unfortunate," said Rudolph Castoon, "that Mr. Trent was not ableto bring us the original document. One's memory, even when one'sintentions are of the best, can play off tricks."

  He said it so obviously to discredit the American that Trent flushed anddisclosed something that he had not meant publicly to announce.

  "Do you know Baron Adolf Castoon?" he asked.

  "Naturally," Castoon answered, "One does not easily forget to know one'seldest brother."

  "Then I have news of your eldest brother which will cause you infiniteconcern," Trent said, with sympathy in his voice. "Baron Adolf isfinancing this revolutionary movement. I brought him up from Fiume oneday and being assured I did not understand a word of German he wasindiscreet enough to talk about it."

  "It is a lie," Rudolph Castoon cried. "Adolf is loyal to the interestsof the Allies. His public speeches are evidence of it."

  "But I am speaking of private speeches," Trent said smiling.

  "What were you doing that you came to drive him?"

  "Acting as chauffeur," Trent replied. "I stored many interesting factsin my brain during that four hour ride."

  "Of course," Castoon said turning to his chief, "you do not believe thissir?"
  "I can only say that Baron Adolf's printed speeches, a copy of which yousent me, did not interest me greatly. I am much more eager to hear whathe said in private."

  "First of all," Castoon said, "may I ask why it was this young man wentto the trouble of acting as chauffeur. It may be, of course, that it ishis profession."

  "That's interesting," Colonel Langley commented, "Why did he go there atall?"

  "I went," said Anthony Trent, "because Lord Rosecarrel, who knows CountMichael and mistrusts him, asked me to go. He had an idea that I might beuseful. I went and I think I can assure him I have succeeded in what hedesired me to do."

  Lord Rosecarrel breathed a sigh of relief. So, after all, thismysterious American had freed him from bondage.

  Mr. Llewellyn Morgan looked at his friend reproachfully.

  "And to have kept it from me," he said.

  "The credit belongs to Mr. Trent and not to me," said Lord Rosecarrel."To give merely a hint and have it followed to successful conclusion byanother is not the lot of many. For my part I can never cease to feelunder obligation to him."

  "What we have heard," said the premier, "is under the seal of the mostabsolute secrecy." He turned to Castoon. "I am sorry for the news youhave heard but it was not a matter of surprise to me. I have long heardunpleasing rumours as to the baron's sympathies. You understand that hemust not be apprised in any way of this?"

  "Certainly sir," Castoon returned stiffly. "I can hardly see thenecessity of reminding me of it."

  When the meeting had broken up Anthony Trent was amazed to see ColonelLangley's outstretched hand.

  "I must apologize," he said frankly, "I did not know that you wereworking for my chief or that he regarded you so highly. You shoot Isuppose?"

  "Crazy over it," Anthony Trent admitted.

  "I wish you would be one of the guns next September the first. My placeis at Dereham Old Hall in Norfolk. You have never been to that part ofthe world I imagine?"

  Anthony Trent looked at the tall colonel and understood.

  "Never," he said, "but I shall be delighted to come."

  * * * * *

  Maitland remained after the others left. It was necessary that thepremier should endorse his conduct with his own chief. Britishdestroyers are not designed as passenger boats.

  "Of course you are going to make your headquarters with us?" LordRosecarrel said and pointed to his waiting limousine.

  "I think not," Trent returned. He had not forgotten that when he plannedto go to Castle Radna he gave his word that he would seek no reward. Togo back to Grosvenor Place would seem as though he had forgotten this.

  "But I insist," the earl said.

  "You are asking me to put myself in torment," he returned.

  "Fiddlesticks!" the other cried, "How youth exaggerates."

  Anthony Trent felt it was weak of him but he climbed into the car. Thethought of seeing Daphne again was intoxicating. He was grateful thatthere was silence during the five minute ride.

  The butler informed his master that Lady Daphne had come in and was nowin bed.

  "Did she know I was here?" Trent asked him.

  "No, sir," said the man, "I did not see her ladyship."

  The earl pushed a silver cigarette box over the table of his library.

  "I don't want to talk of politics," he said, "until tomorrow."

  "Nor I," Trent answered and passed the draft of the treaty to the other.

  The earl held it in his fingers until the flame reached them. The paperwas now ashes and a memory.

  "Anthony Trent," said the earl, "No matter what you have done or whatthings have conspired to make your life unfortunate, you are achivalrous gentleman. Let me smoke in silence for a little. My heart istoo full for speech."

  "Now," he said later, "Let me tell you about Arthur. He is splendid. Heis my own lad again. The years that the locusts have eaten are stillblotted from him. He has confidence in himself. He is marrying one ofthe dearest of girls next month. You are back in time. It is no secretthat you are to be his best man."

  "That's good news indeed," Trent said heartily.

  "It has made me very happy," the earl said slowly, "and incidentallymade me examine my conduct rather more severely than I had ever thoughtof doing."

  "I'm afraid I don't see what you mean sir," the younger man said duringthe long pause.

  "I will tell you. Here was the girl. Young, beautiful, of a greatfamily. She had everything to offer and my son loved her. Here was theproblem. Had I the right to let her marry him when there lay behind himthose misspent years? I wondered whether I was not bound to tell herfather of what he had done. It was true he was not responsible butnevertheless he had done them. In the end I persuaded myself that wherelove existed as it did between my son and the woman he is to marry,pasts counted for little."

  Anthony Trent looked at him for a long time in silence.

  "Had you any especial reason for telling me this?" he asked.

  Lord Rosecarrel smiled.

  "I am tired and must sleep," he said, "and my wits may bewool-gathering; but you know me well enough, I hope, to be sure that Ihave my reasons for making confidences."

  "I am afraid to say what I think," stammered Anthony Trent.

  "Then put it off until tomorrow," the earl laughed, "Go and sleep, mydear boy, even though it may be in torment. We breakfast rather laterhere than in the country. I don't suppose Daphne will be down until ten.We keep such late hours."