Read The Secrets of Parkerville Series - Book 1 - Chased Hearts Page 5


  When the song was over, the girls stood opposite each other, while some of the kids clapped. Skye giggled and put out her hand to Cassie. “Hi! I’m Skye Mackenna, the new kid in town.”

  Cassie returned her shake, “Well, hi to you, too. I’m Cassie Evans, the other new kid in town. Hey, you’re really good!”

  “Well, I gotta say the same for you. Where’d you learn to dance like that?”

  “Watching lots of TV and going to lots of dances, how about you?”

  Skye laughed, “I didn’t go to that many dances. There weren’t that many to go to, but I watch Bandstand and Hullabaloo!”

  “Oh, me too, I love those shows. Oh, wow, we have so much in common!” Cassie grabbed Skye’s hand, “Come on, let’s go somewhere and talk.”

  The girls walked passed Chris and Todd, laughing and talking a mile a minute, neither girl noticed the look on the boy’s faces.

  “Well,” Chris said to Todd, “I wanted to introduce you to Cassie, but it looks like she’s busy.”

  “No problem, Chris, but she doesn’t look much like the girl from the train station. You must be a very happy man. Is she, um . . . living in the same house as you?”

  “Yes, she is,” Chris, said with a sigh, “yes, she is. But so is my mother.”

  They both laughed and started to walk over to the girls, who were sitting on a bench, talking like old friends. Both girls were exhilarated after dancing, when the guys approached.

  “Uh . . . Cassie,” Chris interrupted. “I want you to meet my buddy here, Todd Kane. And Todd, this is my . . . um . . . this is Cassie Evans. She’s the girl who’s staying with us.”

  Cassie smiled up at Todd. “Hi, Todd, it’s nice to meet you.”

  “Hey, Cassie, nice to meet you, you girls are really great dancers.” Todd looked over at the bandstand where the music was still blasting. “Hey, why don’t we go back over . . . or have you two had enough?”

  Skye and Cassie looked at each other and laughed, as if Todd could not have said anything dumber.

  Chris looked at Todd, “Oh, that was brilliant!”

  A Little Competition

  Skye and Cassie headed back to the gazebo and stepped up onto the dance floor. They stood for a moment waiting for the music to start again. It was a slow dance and Skye felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around, expecting to see Todd; however, Michael had gotten there first. She smiled up at Michael, as he took her in his arms and started dancing.

  Cassie moved back to give the couple room, trying to figure out who Skye was dancing with, when Joshua slipped his arm around her waist from behind.

  “Hi, darlin’, you looked a little lonely standing here, how about a dance?”

  “Joshua, do you always sneak up on people, or is it just me?” She turned around to face him and they began to dance. “Joshua,” she whispered, “I think we need to talk.”

  “Shhh,” Joshua whispered back, “not just yet. I just want to hold onto you for a little while.”

  Todd was laughing at something Chris had said, as they made their way back to the dance floor. The smile completely faded from his face, when he saw who Skye was dancing with.

  Chris did the same, when he caught sight of Cassie dancing with Joshua.

  Todd faced Chris and snarled, “This had to be planned. Michael and Joshua must have been waiting for just the right opportunity, then closed in. I’m going to set this straight.” He approached Skye and Michael, with a big smile on his face. He’d be fair . . . even rational. It’s okay someone else is dancing with Skye . . . no sweat. He tapped Michael on the shoulder and asked if he could cut in.

  “No, man,” was all Michael said, as he continued dancing.

  A shocked Skye looked up at Michael. “I don’t think you’re going to get away with that.”

  Todd continued to follow the twosome and once again tapped Michael on the shoulder. “Look, pal, I’m being courteous, which is more than you deserve. Now I’m cutting in, if you don’t mind!”

  “I do mind. Now, get lost!”

  Todd was seething. “I’m trying to be polite and I want to dance with Skye. I’m cutting in, so do the decent thing, Michael.”

  “Are you kidding me? I think you can wait until this song is over, pal. Do you think you own her?”

  Skye lowered her head against Michael, a little embarrassed by Todd.

  Todd’s face turned red, knowing a few kids were close enough to hear what was going on.

  “Um, no, of course not . . . be my guest.” He then walked away and stood at the rail with his arms crossed.

  Skye felt sorry for him, but it was a little too close to something Mac would have done. She was glad he gave up and left her alone. She was enjoying her dance with Michael, but couldn’t help wondering why Todd would do such a thing.

  After the dance was over, Michael stood for a moment to have a word with Skye, but once again, Todd was there to ask for the next dance. Michael just shrugged his shoulders and said he’d see her later.

  “Well, aren’t you glad I saved you from having to dance with him again?” Todd asked, a little too cocky.

  “Saved me? Save me from what? A nice guy who just wanted to dance with me? Todd, I don’t need saving. I enjoyed dancing with Michael. You could have at least waited until the song was over. Why didn’t you?”

  Todd was surprised at Skye’s reaction to his gallant rescue. He was also a little embarrassed. There wasn’t anything wrong with someone else dancing with Skye. He really had acted like a jerk.

  Todd took Skye’s hand and they walked over to the edge of the dance floor, as another slow song started playing. As they faced each other, Todd looked sincerely into Skye’s eyes. “I’m so sorry. You’re absolutely right. I shouldn’t have interrupted you and Michael. He had every right to dance with you, and you have every right to dance with anyone you want.

  Chris had been watching, when Todd interrupted Skye and Michael, but he knew Joshua wouldn’t give up so easily. He also felt Joshua was a real danger to Cassie and wondered how he was going to convince her of that. He was still deep in thought when a voice sounded behind him.

  “Hey, handsome, how about a dance?”

  Chris turned around, as Amanda Stewart put both of her arms around his neck and began kissing him. Chris, caught off guard, put his arms around her waist.

  Joshua smiled as he watched them kiss and turned Cassie around, so she would now be facing the couple.

  “So, what did you want to talk to me about, darlin’?”

  Cassie’s eyes were closed, as she felt so comfortable dancing with Joshua, but this sudden outburst startled her and she opened her eyes. She was unable to speak, as the sight of Chris kissing a strange girl mesmerized her.

  “Darlin’, you alright?”

  “Sure,” Cassie finally managed to say, as she pulled her head back to face Joshua. “I was just curious if you heard all the rumors that are going around.” But as soon as the words left her mouth, he saw her eyes go back to Chris.

  Joshua smiled again, grateful for this little bonus Chris had just handed him.

  “Now, darlin’, don’t you worry that pretty little head of yours. I’d never do or say anything that would hurt you. That little kiss we shared was just between you and me; it was private . . . and very special.”

  Cassie heaved a sigh, smiled, and looked back up at Joshua. “Thank you, Joshua; you’re just so sweet to me.” She put her head back down and they continued to dance. Joshua turned Cassie back around and watched as Chris tried to come up for air.

  “Hey, there, Amanda,” Chris said, as he tried to push her away. “You do know there are little kids here.”

  “Well then, why don’t we go somewhere less crowded?” Amanda reached up to try and kiss him again, but he pulled her hands from around his neck. “Amanda, I’m serious. I’m already in hot water and I don’t need this right now.”

  “Don’t need
what? You know, this is the second time this week you put me off. I’ve had it, Chris, you can go back to your little teenage dance. I won’t bother you again.”

  At this point, the Beach Boys’ Help Me, Rhonda, started to play. Chris just threw up his hands and walked to the edge of the dance floor. “Oh, yeah, help me too, Rhonda, while you’re at it.”

  Todd and Skye walked back out onto the dance floor. Todd was holding Skye’s hand and they began to dance, when out of the blue, someone tapped Skye on the shoulder. Without waiting for a response, Skye was shoved aside. Once again, Todd’s startled expression was taken the wrong way by Marabelle.

  “Surprised? Well, I just figured if you guys can cut in on us girls, then us girls can cut in on you!” Marabelle took Todd’s anguished look as a look of approval, and started to dance around him in her weird, clumsy way. Todd didn’t move an inch. He just stood still not knowing what to do, as she danced throwing her arms in the air and shaking her head to a rhythm only Marabelle could hear. “Come on, big guy! Let’s get down with the music! Come on, you can keep up with me. I know you can. Boogie on down, baby!” she cried as she continued to writhe, or so it looked, to the music.

  Todd was mortified. A few of the kids stopped dancing to watch the spectacle. Skye was off to the side of the dance floor, holding on to the banister, still in a bit of shock from what just happened. But from the look on Todd’s face, it was all she could do not to double over with laughter.

  Cassie watched as most of the other kids started doing the jerk or pony to the faster beat, but Joshua kept on slow dancing.

  “Joshua, the music changed. Do you know how to pony?”

  “Naw . . . I just like to slow dance. Doesn’t matter much to me what song happens to be playin’. I’m having a great time, darlin’ and I’m not ready to let go . . . not just yet.”

  Cassie smiled and looked over at Todd and Marabelle. She started to laugh and both she and Joshua stopped to watch.

  The music finally ended, much to Todd’s relief and Marabelle’s chagrin. She really didn’t notice Todd hadn’t danced with her at all. She felt exhilarated and couldn’t wait for the next song, which happened to be a slow one.

  Todd looked around for Skye, but she was now nowhere to be seen. Margie came to Todd’s rescue, as she yelled for him to come down and help pack things up.

  Marabelle looked at Todd in a rather sad way and said, “Mama calls . . . you better go. Don’t worry though, honey, there’ll be other dances.” She lumbered off the dance floor, down the steps, and into the night.

  Chris walked over to Joshua and Cassie. He tapped Joshua on the shoulder and said, very politely, “May I cut in?”

  “Why, certainly, Christopher, it’s gettin’ late and I need to help my folks pack the truck and find my little brother.” He looked down at Cassie. “I’ll be seein’ you Wednesday evening.” He tipped his hat and walked away.

  Cassie’s heart skipped a beat as she watched Joshua leave.

  “You wanna dance?” Chris asked as he followed her gaze.

  “Sure,” Cassie said in a distant voice. She gave Chris her hand and smiled. They began to dance, but neither one said very much. Both had too many unanswered questions on their minds.