Read The Secrets of Parkerville Series - Book 1 - Chased Hearts Page 7


  Next door, Carol Jean was up bright and early, dressed and ready to start school. Normally she would have dragged herself out of bed and dreaded the walk to school, but this morning she had a new friend; not exactly a best friend, but Skye was really nice and she could talk to her. So, this was going to be a very interesting semester, and she was looking forward to it.

  She stood in front of her mirror and tried her best to do something with her hair. First, she teased it . . . that looked really dumb. So, she brushed the rat-tails out and combed it straight. Still dumb. Finally, she brushed it into a ponytail and left it at that.

  Across the street at the Fludge's, other style disasters were occurring in front of their mirrors.

  Homer had a brand new green plaid shirt and plaid tie, not the same plaid, of course. He slicked down his hair and parted it in the middle. He got out his tube of Clearasil and dabbed it all over his pimples. By the time he was finished, he looked like he had pink measles. But that's not what Homer saw. He looked deeper into the mirror, scrutinizing every inch of his face. Gave himself a big ‘thumbs up’ and said, "Not bad . . . not bad at all."

  Homer was out of school. He’d graduated the year before . . . and Homer had a plan. He’d walk Skye to school her first day and then off to work at Mr. Pennypacker’s store. If he were lucky, he’d learn to run the cash register. Now that should impress Miss Skye Mackenna!

  Upstairs, down the hallway, someone was humming. Marabelle was also looking in the mirror. She just wasn’t sure what to wear this first day. She kept parting the curtains, looking for a sign from her competition.

  “Gee, I wonder what she’s wearing today. Well, you can be sure Todd will come walking down the sidewalk ready to take Miss Cutie Pie to school."

  She parted the curtains once again and saw Carol Jean walk across her yard to Skye's back door. She waited. Skye answered the door and came out on the step for just a moment, but that’s all Marabelle needed. She searched through her closet and found just the right thing. She smiled a devious, nasty smile and started humming again.


  Kids were gathering all over Parkerville. The sidewalks were literally filled with children of all ages.

  Teddy Kane bounded out his back door with his mother shouting that he’d forgotten his lunch. His buddies joined him and off they hurried. He waved to Todd who was standing on the front porch with a cup of coffee in his hand. His mom knew why he was there, as he’d hoped to get a glimpse of Skye on her first day of school. If things had been different at the picnic, he’d be holding her hand and walking her to school, instead of standing there alone and feeling sorry for himself.

  Skye was headed out the back door with Carol Jean, when she ran smack into Homer. He gave her a goofy laugh and offered to walk her to school. Skye was speechless but Carol Jean saved her by announcing that she would be escorting her friend to school. Homer shrugged and asked if he could just walk along with them.

  "Only if you walk behind us, Homer,” Carol Jean pointed out. “We’ve got things to discuss."

  That seemed to please him.

  Skye was halfway down the driveway when Sara called for her. Skye turned around, once again bumping into Homer.

  "I just want to make sure you have enough money for lunch, sweetie. Lunch has gone up to 45 cents now. Do you think you have enough?"

  Skye reassured her, "I have enough money for at least a month’s worth of lunches. Please don’t worry, I’m fine."

  As they passed by the Kane house, Todd was leaning against the banister drinking a cup of coffee. To Todd’s surprise, Skye walked up his driveway and up to where Todd was standing. She looked at him and said, “Aren’t you going to give me a kiss for luck my first day?”

  “Todd threw his coffee cup down into the bushes and said, “Of course.” He took Skye in his arms and gave her a warm passionate kiss.”

  “Now, that’s spontaneous!” Carol Jean smiled.

  “Yeah, I guess,” Homer groused and walked on.

  “I’ll have a really boss day, now,” Skye said breathless.

  “Me too,” Todd said, with a big smile on his face. “So, are we okay?” Todd asked.

  “Yeah, I think so,” Skye answered, as she practically floated back down the driveway, while both girls waved to him as they continued up the walk.

  He smiled and waved back.

  “Hey, what happened to Homer?” Skye asked.

  “Are you kidding?” Once he saw you kiss Todd he was out of here.”

  “Oh, poor Homer, it’s just something I had to do I didn’t plan it. But it certainly made my day.” Skye smiled remembering Todd’s warm lips still tasting of coffee.

  Carol Jean grabbed Skye by the arm and rushed her over to a bench. She practically slammed Skye down onto the bench and stared intently at her.

  “Okay, so what happened at the picnic, I got the impression you two weren’t such good friends after Todd cut in on you and Michael?” Carol Jean asked.

  Skye gave her a weak smile. She hadn't intended on telling anyone but Cassie, but Carol Jean was a friend too, so she asked her for secrecy and told her everything.

  "Now, Carol Jean, I know you’re friends with Marabelle. I don't care what she threatens you with; you must never tell her anything about my relationship with Todd.

  "You’re my only true friend, Skye, and I will never betray you. I promise!"

  "It’s not really that big of a deal. He just thinks he already owns me. I just want to have some fun, not be someone’s girlfriend right now. Todd made such a scene about Michael dancing with me, so I had to put him in his place before we left the park. Do you think I did the right thing? You know, my getting so mad at him?”

  "Well, I just don't know. Things seem to happen fast around you, given your looks. I’m not surprised, but I think I would have been flattered beyond belief if two guys wanted to dance with me. That’s never happened to me, and it looks like it never will. I don’t know, I guess you had every right to get mad. Most of the girls in this town would give their eyeteeth for Todd to dance with them, let alone his being jealous. Good Lord, you fought with Todd for being jealous? Yeah, you did the right thing, Skye. Now let’s get to school."


  Carol Jean showed Skye to the office where she signed in and got her schedule. They were both in the same homeroom, so Carol Jean waited for her to show her the way.

  When they entered the noisy homeroom and closed the door behind them, all male eyes were on Skye. She smiled and introduced herself to the homeroom teacher, Mrs. Jones.

  Skye and Carol Jean headed to the back of the room, and found seats together. Just as they were seated, the intercom came on.

  "All eyes front," Mrs. Jones demanded! The class recited The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and after that, a student on the intercom read a psalm from the Bible, followed by the announcement for the day.

  Since there was no homework yet to work on, they were allowed to talk quietly among themselves and get to know one another. When chairs started turning around toward Skye, all at the same time, Mrs. Jones rolled her eyes and said, "Would you boys please give the young lady a break and turn your seats back around?"

  The girls were not so impressed. They got into their own tight circles, and started giggling and laughing. Much to their utter amazement, Skye got up from her desk and walked over to one group.

  "Hi, I was wondering if any of you girls have first period in English. I'm not sure where it is and I thought I could walk with someone to that class, if anyone’s going that way."

  "I am," remarked a tall slim boy with a shock of blond hair. "You're welcome to walk along with me."

  About that time several other boys spoke up, but Skye was focused on the girls, looking rather helpless.

  "I also have that class. You can walk with Mindy and me. I’m Sylvia
Miles and this is Mindy Lunch."

  At the sound of Mindy's last name, the boys started snickering. Skye looked over at the boys and gave them an icy stare. They stopped immediately.

  "Well, I’m Skye Mackenna, glad to meet you. Thanks so much for helping me out. It's rough going to a new school and I really appreciate it." Skye smiled and went back to her desk beside Carol Jean.

  Carol Jean just looked at Skye, totally in awe of her.

  "Now that was very smart of you. I've been in Sylvia's homeroom for years now and I've hardly spoken five words to her. You’re something else! Oh, and that guy over there, who offered to walk with you, that's Sylvia's twin brother, Sid. He thinks he's going to take over for Chris Keaton this year. Huh, that'll be the day!"