Read The Seduction of Alex Parker Page 8

“Has she talked about where she wants to settle yet?”

  “No, and I don’t think she’s going to settle.”

  “We’ll see about that. Listen, I’m sorry for asking what I did, but I had to make sure.”

  “I understand. You’re her big brother and her protector.”

  “Yeah. She’s all I have left.”

  “I know.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “She told me about the accident.”

  “Why? If she told you, then the two of you must be talking a lot.”

  I sighed.

  “I had a health issue and she took me to the hospital. When we were there, she freaked out and had a panic attack. It was after that when she told me.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “I have high blood pressure. Nothing I’m not managing. I’ll be fine.”

  “Sucks, man. I’m sorry to hear that. Is Emerson okay?”

  “She’s fine.”

  “Okay. Thanks again for taking her in, even if she’s a pain in the ass. I’ll talk to you soon, Alex.”

  “Bye, Adam.” Click.

  I let out a deep breath. If and when he found out I’d been sleeping with his sister, shit was going to hit the fan real hard.

  I finished up my work at the office and headed home to shower and get ready for the charity event. As I walked through the door, I looked around for Emerson. I knew she was home because Adam’s car was in the driveway. I went to her room and knocked on the door.

  “Emerson, are you in there?”

  “Yes, but you can’t come in. I’m getting ready.”

  “Okay. I’m going upstairs to shower and get dressed. I’ll meet you in the foyer in an hour.”

  “I’ll be ready,” she yelled.

  Once I was dressed, I walked down the stairs and stopped midway when I saw Emerson standing in the foyer. When she turned and looked at me, she took my breath away. She looked so stunning that I was speechless.

  “What’s wrong with you?” She smiled with her red lips.

  “Nothing. You look beautiful.” I made my way down the stairs.

  “Thank you, Parker. You look very handsome in that tuxedo.” She reached for my bowtie.

  The black Christian Dior dress she wore was captivating, as was the way she wore her hair pinned up with a few strands of curls hanging down. Her face was painted with makeup to perfection and she was by far the most beautiful and elegant woman that I’d ever laid eyes on.

  Chapter 18


  We climbed in the back of the Bentley and headed to the charity event. Alex reached over and took hold of my hand.

  “There’s something I need to tell you, but I don’t want you to get mad.”

  “You sound serious.”

  “Adam called me today and demanded to know if we are sleeping together.”

  I rolled my eyes and sighed. “What did you tell him?”

  “I told him no.”

  “Did he believe you?”

  “I think so. He can’t find out what we did.”

  “It’s none of his damn business. But don’t worry, I’m not telling him anything. Why are you so afraid of him?”

  “I’m not. It’s a friend code sort of thing.”

  “Ah, I see.” I smirked. “Some friend he is that he couldn’t even tell you about his family or even mention that he had a sister who was alive.”

  The fact that my brother was so concerned about who I was sleeping with irked me. I shrugged it off. He was going to be a lot to deal with when he came back. We climbed out of the Bentley and Alex held out his arm to me.


  As I stepped inside the ballroom of the Four Seasons Hotel, I was enthralled by the beauty of it. The light-filled space was decorated beautifully with silver tablecloths that covered each table with illuminated floral centerpieces that easily became the focal point of the entire room.

  “There are very influential people here tonight, so can I trust that you’ll be on your best behavior?”

  “I’m always on my best behavior.” I frowned.

  “As long as you don’t open your mouth, we should be good.”

  I lightly took my heel and discreetly kicked him.

  “Ouch. What was that for?”

  “Your rudeness.” I put on a fake smile as a distinguished-looking man walked towards us.

  “Good to see you, Alex.” He smiled as they shook hands.

  “Good to see you, Edward.”

  Edward looked me up and down before taking hold of my hand and bringing it up to his lips.

  “And who, may I ask, is this beautiful woman on your arm?”

  “Edward this is my friend, Emerson James. Emerson, please meet Edward Hollings.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Edward.”

  “Believe me when I say the pleasure is all mine, Emerson. You are a very stunning woman.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled.

  After their light conversation, Alex and I went to the bar for a drink.

  “Glass of wine?” he asked.

  “Yes, please. Pinot would be great.”

  He turned his back and flagged down the bartender. As I looked around the room, I heard a voice behind me.

  “Emerson, is that you?” The familiar voice made a pit in my stomach.

  I slowly turned around and gulped.


  “Oh my God, it is you.” He smiled. “I didn’t know you were back in California. What’s it been? Eight years?”

  “Yes, and I’m only here temporarily. I’ll be leaving soon.”

  “You look amazing.”

  I heard Alex clear his throat as he handed me my Pinot.

  “Alex Parker, this is Christian Billings. Christian, meet Alex Parker.”

  The two of them shook hands and I could sense something off with Alex.

  “So how do the two of you know each other?” he asked.

  I graciously smiled at Christian. “Would you like to tell him or should I?”

  “We used to date when we were teenagers,” he spoke nervously as he looked at me.

  I placed my hand on his chest. “Oh come on, Chris.”

  “Oh boy,” I heard Alex mumble.

  “Chris and I had been dating for almost a year before the accident. When I woke up from the coma, I was told by my friends that he broke up with me and went off to college.” I laughed.

  “Emerson, I—”

  “Save it, Billings. You’re a total douchebag for doing that. At least you could have had the common courtesy to wait until I woke up. You never called me to explain why you left and you never checked to see how I was doing. Not only did I lose my twin sister and parents, but I also lost the one person who I thought would always be there for me. And you know why?” I tilted my head. “Because you said you loved me.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know if you’d ever wake up and I couldn’t put my life on hold waiting for you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I am going to walk away from this conversation.”

  “No. Please, Christian, let me do the walking this time.” I lightly placed my hand on his arm as I took my Pinot and walked away. Alex followed behind.

  “I’m sorry.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Don’t be. Best thing that ever happened to me.”

  “You never mentioned him when you were telling me about the accident.”

  “He wasn’t worth mentioning.”

  Alex mixed and mingled with the elite while I stayed in the background and watched as people pulled out their checkbooks. I left his side to go to the bar for another glass of Pinot. He was so busy chatting that he didn’t even notice I had left. Sipping on my wine from the barstool and looking around, I noticed Alex was gone. I got up and walked around the ballroom, but I didn’t see him. As I stepped out into the lobby of the hotel, I saw him kissing a tall, elegant-looking woman with curly but frizzy brown hair. My heart started to pick up the pace as my stomach bottomed out. I quickly turned around and walked out of
the Four Seasons Hotel. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was feeling at that moment, but I couldn’t let on what I saw. My phone dinged with a text message from Alex.

  “Where are you?”

  I took in a deep breath before responding.

  “Outside. I just needed some fresh air.”

  A few moments later, Alex walked up behind me.

  “Are you feeling okay?”

  “Yeah. It was just a little stuffy in there.” I gave a small smile.

  “Are you referring to the air or the people?” He grinned.

  “Maybe both.”

  “Well, dinner is about to be served. So let’s go inside and have a nice meal and we’ll leave after.”


  The last thing I wanted to do was go back inside and see the woman he was kissing. Alex led us over to our table and he was gracious enough to pull out my chair for me.


  He gave me a nod and took his seat next to me. As dinner was being served, I looked at the table next to us and there she was, staring at me. Or should I say, glaring at me. As I placed my napkin on my lap, I glanced over at Alex.

  “That woman over there keeps staring at me.”

  He looked at her and she quickly turned away. “Maybe she’s jealous of you.”

  “Why would she be jealous of me?”

  “I don’t know, Emerson.” His tone sounded irritated.

  I ate dinner in silence while Alex talked amongst the others around the table.

  Chapter 19


  I hadn’t seen Bella in almost five years. Seeing her tonight was a total shock at best. It wasn’t something I had planned on. Hell, I didn’t even know she was back in L.A. Emerson was being quiet and it bothered me. She was never this quiet and I got the impression something was wrong. When I found her outside, she said she was fine, but I didn’t believe her. I bet it was seeing her ex-boyfriend. I made a promise to myself five years ago to never let another woman get to me. I’d made good on that promise because I never dated anyone too long to let things get serious. Much like Emerson, once they started showing signs of wanting a commitment of some sort, it was time to leave; to walk away and find the next person with the hopes they just wanted to have a casual fling. That was what Emerson wanted. Her thinking was very much like mine and I was grateful for that. Tonight, we had something in common. We both saw our exes after a number of years and old wounds were reopened.

  I looked over at Emerson, who was on her third glass of wine. She kept staring over at Bella and it made me uncomfortable.

  “I see you staring at that woman over there. Why do you keep doing that?” I asked.

  “Why not? She was staring at me first. I think she’s very pretty except for that mess of curly hair. She really should see a stylist about those ends.”

  I chuckled as I took the glass of wine from her hand. “I think you’ve had enough wine.”

  Her head tilted as she took the glass back from me. “Who are you? The wine keeper?” She brought the glass up to her lips and finished it off in one swallow.

  “I’m afraid I’m going to have to cut you off now,” I spoke with authority.

  She put her hand to my face. “You can’t and won’t tell me when I’ve had enough.”

  “Emerson, I’m warning you.” I looked around at the table to make sure nobody heard her.

  She grabbed my cheek and pinched it. “You’re so fucking cute when you think you’re in control.”

  “Okay. Let’s go. We need to get you home.” I softly took hold of her arm.

  She let out a light laugh. “I don’t have a home, Parker. I’m homeless.”

  I put my arm around her to make sure she didn’t fall over. As we were walking out of the ballroom, Bella was standing in the lobby with some guy.

  “That man she’s with is sexy.” Emerson smiled as she looked at me.

  “No he’s not.”


  “Why the hell would I be jealous?”

  She didn’t answer me. When we stepped outside the hotel, Phillip was there, holding the car door open. I helped Emerson in the back seat and climbed in next to her.

  “I think I need to lie down.”

  “Lay your head on my lap.”

  “You’re not going to get a boner, are you?” She smirked.

  “Emerson, just lay your damn head down and close your eyes,” I spoke in irritation but on the inside, I was smiling.

  When we arrived home, I helped her out of the Bentley and then picked her up, carrying her into the house and to her room as she laid her head on my chest. I set her down and unzipped her dress, letting it fall to the ground. Her body was a dream and I wanted nothing more than to fuck her into oblivion. But I wouldn’t. She had too much to drink and I would never take advantage. I grabbed the nightshirt that she had sitting on the bed and slipped it over her head. Pulling back the covers, I helped her climb in, and the moment her head hit the pillow, her eyes closed. Softly kissing her forehead, I placed the back of my hand on her cheek.

  “Sleep well, Emerson James.”



  As I lay in bed, I couldn’t help thinking about what I had seen last night between Alex and frizzy curly-haired girl. Seeing them kissing cut deep into my soul and it pissed me off. Why? I couldn’t tell you. I liked Alex a lot and he was there with me, not her. For him to go off and kiss another woman when he was with a woman was a total douchebag move. And then to sit at the table and pretend not to know her was even worse. I gave him the opportunity to tell me, but he didn’t. He played dumb. Typical man. I was going to put an end to my wandering thoughts so I climbed out of bed and marched to the kitchen. He wasn’t there. I stomped up the stairs and opened his bedroom door. He wasn’t there. I walked through the entire house and I couldn’t find him. It was apparent he wasn’t home. Where the hell did he go? It was Sunday.

  As I stood and watched the coffee brew, mug gripped tightly in my hand, waiting for it to finish, the patio door opened and Alex walked in. He was drenched in sweat.

  “Good morning,” he spoke as he wiped his face with a towel.

  “Where were you?” I demanded to know.

  “I went for a run. Can’t you tell?” He smirked. “I’m surprised you’re up already. I figured you’d be in bed all day, hung over.”

  “Is there a reason why you didn’t make coffee when you woke up?” I asked with an attitude.

  “I wanted to wait until I got back. I don’t like to run after drinking coffee.”

  It was gnawing at me. The question that I had since last night. “Are you going to tell me who the frizzy curly-haired woman was that you were kissing last night?”

  His eyes narrowed at me and he pursed his lips. Leaning against the counter, he folded his arms.

  “No. Actually, I’m not going to tell you. I’m sorry you saw that.”

  “Sorry? You’re sorry? Fuck, Alex. Could you be any more of a douchebag?”

  “A what?” He cocked his head.

  I took my phone from the counter, googled the word “douchebag,” and handed it to him.

  He arched his brow as he read it out loud from the Urban Dictionary site. “‘Someone who has surpassed the levels of jerk and asshole; however, not yet reached fucker or motherfucker.’ Well, at least I’m not a fucker.”

  “Not yet anyway, but you’re sure close.”

  “Umm. You just received a text message from someone named Keith.”

  I grabbed my phone from his hand and looked at it. Rolling my eyes, I set my phone down and poured myself a cup of coffee.

  “Are you going to tell me who Keith is?”

  “Actually, I’m not going to tell you. I’m sorry you saw that.” I took my phone and my coffee and strutted to my room, shutting the door behind me.



  I watched as she walked her sexy ass, which was barely covered by her shirt, away from me. And who the hell was Keith? Why
did a fire erupt inside me when I saw his name? It was none of my business, just like Bella was none of hers. As I left the kitchen and started walking up the stairs, I heard Emerson’s voice.

  “You can’t shut me out, Parker. We’re friends and friends talk. I told you things that I had never told anyone before.”

  Standing on the steps, I turned and looked at her. “You expect me to believe that in all your worldly travels and of all the men you’ve fucked, you never spoke about your family or the accident?”

  “Yes, I do expect you to believe it because it’s true. I’d never opened up like that to anyone.”

  Narrowing my eyes, I slowly walked down the stairs until I was standing in front of her.

  “Why me, Emerson?”

  “I don’t really know, Alex. Maybe because it’s being back here and you were there.”

  I placed my hand on her cheek and stared into her beautiful eyes.

  “I appreciate you telling me, but I’m not talking to you about Bella. There are some things that are off limits.”

  “Oh really?” She backed away. “Guess what? There are some things that are off limits for me as well and that includes sex. Bye, Felicia,” she spoke as she put up her hand and walked away.

  “What? Who the fuck is Felicia?” I yelled.

  I placed my hands on my head and went upstairs. Slamming the door, I took a shower to cool off. I could feel my blood pressure rising because of one Miss Emerson James and I was no longer going to stand for it.

  Chapter 20


  “There are some things that are off limits, my ass,” I mumbled as I showered and got dressed. He was irritating the fuck out of me and the best thing to do was separate myself from him for a while. I was suffocating here anyway. I packed a small bag and climbed into Adam’s car. I was taking a road trip to Napa Valley, the one place that me and my sister always said that when we were of drinking age, we’d go visit and get drunk off the amazing wine they had there. I never had the chance to go because I left California when I was eighteen. But now that I was back for a short period of time and Alex Parker was being nothing but a douchebag, I was off to explore the wineries. I had one credit card that I saved for emergency purposes only and this was an emergency situation. As I was making my seven-hour drive to Napa, my phone rang. It was Adam.