Read The Serpent Bride Page 63

  “Today,” Isaiah said, concluding his tale, “Maximilian has stepped out from under the shadow of Escator and into the light of Elcho Falling.”

  “What the hell did you do to that general, Maxel?” Malat said. His voice was very quiet, and he looked shaken by what he had heard.

  Maximilian made a small gesture with his hand, but otherwise did not answer.

  “Lamiah, Kezial, and Armat will have forgotten that small trick by the end of this week,” Ezekiel said. “Maximilian, I am still bemused by this tale, and I do not know whether to believe in it or not, or whether to believe in you or not. Suddenly my world, as everyone’s, is turned upside down. Isaiah, you say that Isembaard is finished? That this…Kanubai…and his army of Skraelings shall trample it into thralldom?”

  “And worse,” Isaiah said.

  Ezekiel gave a small movement of his head, as if to try and shake his thoughts into order. “I cannot comprehend this, and I wager that every single Isembaardian outside this tent, including the other three generals, will find difficulty in comprehending it. Maximilian, do not think you have won a victory here today. Do not think that you have won hearts and loyalties. Shock and sleight of hand has won you the initial skirmish…but…gods, man, how do you expect to win the respect and loyalty of a million people who shall shortly learn that their homeland, and all their relatives and friends left behind, their homes and memories, lie dying under the terror of an appalling horror? What advantage you won today with surprise will be gone within a week, maybe less.”

  “We have a long journey ahead of us,” Maximilian said, “and we can all take it but one step at a moment.”

  Ezekiel made a small sound of disgust. He turned to Isaiah. “And you…no wonder you changed after that month you vanished during your campaign against the Eastern Independencies. Are you the true Isaiah, or did he die during that month, and you replace him?”

  “He died that month,” Isaiah said. “No loss, surely.”

  Ezekiel just gave another shake of his head, and turned away.

  Axis exchanged a glance with Isaiah, then looked at Maximilian. “Now what, Maxel?”

  “We wait here for Light—Lister—to join us,” said Maximilian, “and then we march north to Serpent’s Nest, there to rebuild the Mountain at the Edge of the World, Elcho Falling.” He paused, and a look of consternation came over his face. “Gods, Isaiah, the crown of Elcho Falling! It remains in Escator!”

  Isaiah gave a small shake of his head. “No, Maximilian. I think you will find that when Lister arrives, he will have what you need with him.”

  Maximilian grunted. “Vorstus, I suppose.” He shifted his gaze to Axis. “In the meantime, my friend, while we wait for Lister, I try to win hearts and loyalties. As Ezekiel has so correctly pointed out, my small trickery today will not impress for long. A title is a pretty thing, but it will not win me allegiance.”

  He looked about the tent. “What loyalty do I command among those in this tent?” he said, softly. “Tell me, that I might the better understand the task ahead.”

  “Mine,” said Isaiah. “I am your servant.”

  “And mine,” said Axis. “You know that.”

  Maximilian gave both men a nod. “StarDrifter?”

  “Mine as well,” said StarDrifter. “As all the Icarii. I spoke with Broad-Wing briefly before I came to this tent, and I know how he feels about you. You have our hearts, Maxel.”

  “But can I trust Salome?” Maximilian said, with a small smile.

  “Ah,” said StarDrifter, returning the humor, “for her I cannot vouch.”

  “Ezekiel not, I think,” Maximilian said, looking at the man.

  “My loyalties cannot turn on a whim, Maximilian,” Ezekiel said. “I admire what you did today, but the story Isaiah has told…it is too much. My heart remains reserved. Isaiah had my respect and thus my loyalty. You have yet to earn either.”

  Maximilian gave him a nod, accepting his words. Ezekiel would be a hard man to win, but once he gave his word and his loyalty, he would be true. “Malat?” Maximilian said. “Georgdi?”

  Malat gave a great sigh. “Yes, you have my loyalty, Maxel,” he said. “This has all been so much to comprehend, but somehow I am not surprised.”

  “Thank you,” Maximilian said. “Georgdi?”

  The man sat for a long moment, looking at Maximilian, considering his position and the words he would speak. “This is my land on which we stand,” he said. “The Outlands. Why should I hand my loyalty to a man who comes to take it from me?”

  “Because that is the only way you will ever keep it alive, Georgdi,” Maximilian said.

  “I am with Ezekiel,” Georgdi said. “My heart remains reserved.”

  “I can accept that,” Maximilian said, “if you can stay your knife, the both of you, until I have a chance to prove myself.”

  Georgdi laughed, and even Ezekiel raised a reluctant smile. “You have a great task ahead of you,” the Isembaardian general said.

  “Oh, aye, I know,” Maximilian said. “And somehow I think the two of you shall be harder even than Kanubai.”

  Axis and Maximilian sat alone in the tent, everyone else having departed.

  “That was some stunt you pulled today,” Axis said. “Why did you do it?”

  “Because it was time.”

  “Had you discussed it with Isaiah beforehand?”


  Axis gave a small laugh of admiration. “You have balls, Maxel, I’ll give you that. But how confident are you? There is an appalling journey ahead for you…for all of us. How good are you, my Lord of Elcho Falling?”

  Maximilian gave a great sigh. “Axis, can I confide something to you? I have told no one this, although Isaiah and Lister will need to hear it eventually.”

  “Why do I feel like this is going to be bad news, Maxel?”

  “Because you have experience behind you, Axis.” Maximilian paused, then told Axis about the Twisted Tower. “It is our memory palace. Where is kept all the knowledge needed by whichever poor bastard had to shoulder the burden of Elcho Falling. But so much has been lost. It is well over half empty. I don’t know what to do…” Another small pause. “I hope that when I get to Serpent’s Nest, when I raise Elcho Falling—”

  “You can do that?”

  “Yes, I can do that, at the least. I hope that when Elcho Falling rises out of Serpent’s Nest, somewhere within its corridors I will find enlightenment.”

  “Stars, Maxel…what if you don’t?”

  “Then I shall be running to you for advice, my friend.”

  “Ishbel doesn’t know?”

  “No. She has no knowledge of the Twisted Tower.”

  “But she was archpriestess of the Coil. You’d think that if the answer was in Serpent’s Nest, then—”

  “Thank you for your thoughts, Axis,” Maximilian snapped. “Do not think I haven’t worried over that as well.”

  “Well, perhaps Isaiah or Lister—”

  “Yes, perhaps.”

  In DarkGlass Mountain, Kanubai turned his dog snout north and sneered.

  So, his adversary had opened his mouth to spout drivel and declare himself.

  Kanubai was not perturbed. The Lord of Elcho Falling was weak; the stink of his vulnerability could be smelled even from this distance.

  The man might once more wear the title, but Kanubai doubted very much he would be able to wield the power that came with it.


  Entrance to the Sky Peak Passes, the Outlands

  I watched you, Maxel. I watched what you did today in front of that army.

  You constantly amaze me.”

  Maximilian had been walking back to his own tent when Ishbel spoke. Now he stopped, looking at her as she emerged from behind a line of tethered horses. It was late at night, and Maximilian was weary beyond belief, but something in his heart lifted at the sight of her, at her beauty, and at the softness in her eyes.

  How he wished he had not lost her.

bsp; She smiled, a little teasingly, walking much closer. “But I should not have been so very amazed, eh? You are the same man who walked into my chamber in Pelemere, and led me straight to the bed. You overwhelmed me, and I could not resist you.”

  “I wish the Isembaardian army were as easy to seduce as you, Ishbel.”

  She laughed. “I will try not to take that as an insult.”

  He smiled, too, thinking how ironic it was that now they were torn apart, how close and easy they could be with each other. Oh, to have had this camaraderie when they had shared a bed.

  Her amusement faded. “Do you have a few minutes, Maxel?”

  “Yes, of course. What is it?”

  She hung her head, as if gathering courage, then she lifted her face, and looked him straight in the eye.

  “I have been such a fool, Maxel. I have let go the one thing that could have made of my life a paradise. You.”

  Maximilian went cold. No, Ishbel. Not this, I cannot stand it. Not now, when it is too late.

  “Maxel, I love you.”

  He made as if to speak, but she hurried on.

  “I have made so many mistakes, so many ill choices. I have said so many foolish things. I—”

  “You have visions of despair engulfing your life because of me, Ishbel. You cannot—”

  “I am your wife! We have never formally ended the marriage.”

  He laughed, harsh and lost. “I think our marriage is well and truly over, Ishbel.”

  “I can accept whatever you bring into my life, Maxel. Whatever it is, because that will be easier than losing you completely.”

  “Oh, gods, Ishbel…I’m sorry, but—”

  “No!” Ishbel literally threw herself against him, desperate for his touch and for his warmth. His hands closed about her shoulders, and she leaned back to gaze at his face. For an instant, he leaned down to her; she was sure he would kiss her, she could feel his breath wash over her face, she willed him to kiss her, then he pushed her away and stood back.

  “We can’t,” he said. “I’m sorry. What was once between us must be ended.”

  “What was between us was misunderstanding and blindness, Maxel, and I agree that it should be over. What can be between us is—”

  “We can work, we will work, together to raise Elcho Falling, Ishbel. I can’t do that without you. But our marriage is over.”

  “You love me,” she said. “You do.”


  “He doesn’t love you, Ishbel. You tore his world apart. He will never forgive you.”

  Ravenna walked out of the darkness, a cloak wrapped tightly about her. “Maximilian was always mine, from the moment I first laid eyes on him. I helped free him from horror—what have you ever done for him? What Maxel and I have between us is not something you could ever understand.”

  Ishbel stared at Ravenna, then looked at Maximilian, pleading with her eyes for him to refute what Ravenna had just said.

  He dropped his eyes away from hers.

  Ravenna let the cloak fall free, and one of her hands rested on her as yet flat belly. “I carry his child, Ishbel. His heir. Maximilian Persimius will cleave to me now.”

  She stared at Ishbel’s stricken face for a long moment, her eyes gloating, victorious, then she turned on her heel and walked away. “Maxel?” she called over her shoulder.

  “I’m so sorry,” Maximilian whispered, staring at Ishbel. “So sorry.”

  Then he also turned, and walked away.

  He paused, just before he vanished from the faint light, and turned his head, ever so slightly, to look over his shoulder at her.

  I’m sorry.

  Then he was gone, lost to the darkness and to Ravenna.

  Ishbel stood, tears streaming down her face, hating Ravenna more than she could ever imagine hating anyone, but feeling above all a tide of despair and sorrow and loss wash over her as she watched the Lord of Elcho Falling walk away from her into the night.

  It was then she understood, finally, what her visions had been trying to tell her: that it would be the loss of the Lord of Elcho Falling that would disfigure her life with despair, and she sank slowly to her knees in the snow, weeping with wrenching sobs as her world shattered into a million pieces.


  Alaric: a nation in the extreme north.

  Allemorte, Baron: a nobleman from Pelemere.

  Aqhat, Palace of: the home of Isaiah, Tyrant of Isembaard. Armat: one of Isaiah of Isembaard’s generals.

  Axis: see SunSoar, Axis.

  Aziel: archpriest of the Order of the Coil.

  Ba’al’uz: court maniac in the Tyranny of Isembaard. Ba’al’uz is pronounced


  Baxtor, Garth: a physician who employs the Touch (the ability to determine sickness through touch). Garth was primarily responsible for freeing

  Maximilian Persimius from the Veins eight years before this tale begins. Bingaleal: one of the Lealfast.

  Borchard: son of King Malat of Kyros, and friend of Maximilian Persimius.

  BroadWing EvenBeat: an Icarii, and friend of Maximilian Persimius.

  Brunelle, Lady Ishbel: an orphan from Margalit, raised to be archpriestess of the Order of the Coil.

  Cavor, Count: cousin to Maximilian of Persimius, Cavor kidnapped Maximilian as a fourteen-year-old youth, imprisoned him in the gloam mines, and seized the throne himself.

  Central Kingdoms: a loose term for an alliance between Hosea, Pelemere, and Kyros.

  Coil, Order of the: an order that lives in Serpent’s Nest. They worship the Great Serpent and use the bowels of living men to foretell the future.

  Coroleas: a continent in the west of the Widowmaker Sea, renowned for the immorality and cruelty of its peoples.

  DarkGlass Mountain: an ancient pyramid originally built to provide a pathway into Infinity. Once it was known as Threshold.

  Doyle: a member of the Emerald Guard and former assassin.

  Egalion: captain of the Emerald Guard, and friend to Maximilian Persimius.

  Eight, the: Ba’al’uz’ eight companions in his journey north of the FarReach Mountains.

  Eleanon: one of the Lealfast.

  Embeth: lady of Tare in Tencendor. Former lover of Axis and StarDrifter. Now long dead.

  Emerald Guard, the: Maximilian Persimius’ personal guard, composed of former prisoners of the Veins.

  Escator: a poor kingdom on the coast of the Widowmaker Sea. It is ruled over by Maximilian Persimius.

  Evenor, Rilm: an experienced battle general of the Outlands.

  Ezekiel: Isaiah of Isembaard’s most senior general.

  Ezra: son of Salome, Duchess of Sidon.

  First, the: the top caste of Corolean society comprising the Forty-four Hundred Families. The First commands virtually all of the wealth and power within Coroleas.

  Fleathand: the steward of a house in Pelemere.

  Forty-four Hundred Families: see the First.

  Fulmer: King of Hosea.

  Georgdi, Chief Alm: general of the Outlander forces.

  Gershadi: a nation to the north of the Central Kingdoms.

  Hosea: a city state of the Central Kingdoms alliance. It is ruled by King Fulmer.

  Icarii: a mystical race of winged people who once lived in the mountains of Tencendor. The Enchanters among them wielded the Star Dance to produce powerful enchantments. A scattered remnant from the destruction of Tencendor live in the lands about the Widowmaker Sea.

  Inardle: one of the Lealfast.

  Insharah: captain of a band of Isembaardian soldiers. Friend of Axis SunSoar.

  Ional: a former archpriestess of the Order of the Coil at Serpent’s Nest.

  Isaiah: Tyrant of Isembaard.

  Isembaard, Tyranny of: a massive empire below the FarReach Mountains, currently ruled by Isaiah.

  Jelial: Lord Warden of the Eastern Plains Province of Gershadi.

  Kezial: one of Isaiah of Isembaard’s generals.

  Kyros: a city state of the Central Kingdo
ms alliance. It is ruled by King Malat.

  Lamiah: one of Isaiah of Isembaard’s generals.

  Lealfast: an Icarii-like race of the frozen north.

  Lixel, Baron: Maximilian Persimius’ ambassador to the Outlands.

  Madarin: an Isembaardian soldier.

  Malat: King of Kyros.

  Margalit: the major city of the Outlands, and Ishbel Brunelle’s childhood home.

  Maximilian Persimius: see Persimius, Maximilian.

  Morfah: one of Isaiah of Isembaard’s generals.

  Outlands, the: a province to the east of the Central Kingdoms, renowned for its wild nomadic culture.

  Pelemere: a city state of the Central Kingdoms alliance. It is ruled by King Sirus.

  Persimius, Maximilian: King of Escator. Maximilian endured seventeen years in the gloam mines, as a youth and young man when his cousin Cavor seized the throne.

  Prata: master of a small Corolean fishing vessel.

  Privy Council of Preferred Nobles: also Privy Council.

  Ravenna: a marsh witch-woman who patrols the borderlands between this world and the Land of Dreams. Her mother is Venetia.

  Sakkuth: capital of the Tyranny of Isembaard.

  Salamaan Pass: the only relatively easy access through the FarReach Mountains into Isembaard.

  Salome, Duchess of Sidon: the most powerful woman in Coroleas, and perhaps the most hated.

  Second, the: the Thirty-eight Thousand Families who comprise the second caste within Corolean society. The Second is comprised mostly of the educated intelligentsia, traders, and minor landowners.

  Serge: a member of the Emerald Guard and former assassin.

  Serpent’s Nest: a mountain on the coast of the Outlands.

  Sirus: King of Pelemere.

  Skraelings: wraithlike creatures inhabiting the ice and snowbound wastes of the far north.

  Star Dance: Enchanters among the Icarii wielded the music of the stars (the music made as the stars move about the heavens, and which the Icarii call the Star Dance) in order to create powerful enchantments. The Star Dance is no longer available to those Icarii remaining alive, because the Star Gate, which filtered the Star Dance through to them from the heavens, was destroyed during the final Tencendor wars.