Read The Settlers: A Tale of Virginia Page 2


  Vaughan and Gilbert consented to remain with their friends another day,on condition that Roger Layton would accompany them to their home, inorder to explain more fully than they could do the plans he and hisfather proposed. In truth, Vaughan was not sorry for the opportunityafforded him of enjoying more of Cicely's society, and he knew MistressAudley did not expect their speedy return. Roger undertook afterwardsto proceed to London to search for the _Sally Rose_, a bark of fiftytons, in which Batten had returned home, and which Vaughan had learnthad gone round to the Thames.

  The more Captain Layton talked over the matter, the more his ancientardour revived. "Cicely, girl, wilt thou go with me?" he exclaimed. "Icannot leave thee behind; and yet I should fret if these young gallantswere away searching for my brave friend and I were to remain on shore,like a weather-beaten old hulk, unfit for further service."

  "Where you go, I will go, my father, as you wish it," answered Cicely;"whether in Old England, or in New England across the ocean, there, ifyou make your home, will I gladly abide with you."

  "Well said, girl, well said," exclaimed the captain; "come, let me givethee a buss for thy dutiful love--but I will not force thyinclinations."

  The next day the captain, mounted on his horse Sampson, set off forPlymouth, the distance being too great for him to walk, in order to callon some of his seafaring acquaintances, and to make inquiries regardingvessels in the port of Plymouth and elsewhere, fit for a voyage toAmerica. Roger and Gilbert accompanied him on foot, but Master Vaughanpleaded that, as he knew naught of naval affairs, he could be of noservice, and would prefer remaining to study the captain's sea journalsand some books on navigation, with the prospect of afterwards taking astroll with Mistress Cicely when she should have completed her householdduties for the day.

  "As you like it," said the captain; "Cicely will bring you the books,and pens and paper, should you wish to take notes of what you read."

  Cicely thought Vaughan's plan a very proper one, and it is possible thatshe hastened through her household duties with even more than her usualalacrity, active as she always was.

  The captain, with his son and Gilbert, called on several persons,including among them some shipbuilders and shipowners, from one of whomthey learnt that the _Rainbow_, a stout bark of a hundred tons burthen,lay in the harbour, having a short time before returned from the onlyvoyage she had made to the Levant, her timbers and plankings sound, hertacklings and sails in perfect order; moreover that, in two weeks or so,she might be got ready for sea. On going onboard, the captain and hisson were well pleased with the _Rainbow's_ appearance, though of opinionthat her tackling and sails required renewing, and that the necessaryrepairs would take longer than her owner had stated. The captain, ashas been said, was a man of action; having satisfied himself as to thefitness of the vessel, on returning on shore he concluded the purchase,with such deductions as were considered just by her owner, MasterHoldfast, who, knowing him to be a man of substance as well as a man ofhonour, was content to abide his time with regard to payment.

  The next day found Vaughan and Gilbert, accompanied by Roger Layton, ontheir way to the neighbourhood of Dartmouth. Lettice, who had beenanxiously waiting for their return, seeing them come over the hill inthe distance, hastened down to the gate to receive them. Afterbestowing on her an affectionate embrace, they introduced Roger as theson of their friend Captain Layton, returned from the Indies, who wasready to sail forth again in search of their father. It is needless tosay that he received a warm welcome from Mistress Audley, as well asfrom Lettice. Roger had thought his sister Cicely was as nearperfection as a damsel could reach, but he could not help acknowledgingthat Lettice Audley was her superior.

  Mistress Audley was anxious to hear Captain Layton's opinion and whatplans he proposed. "He is, indeed, a true, generous friend," sheexclaimed, when Roger told her that his father had actually purchased astout ship in which he was about to sail in the hopes of recovering herhusband.

  "But the first thing we have to do is to ascertain, more exactly than wenow know, the part of the country to which he has been carried,"observed Roger. "I therefore propose setting off at once to London, tolearn, from those with whom the seaman Richard Batten returned, theplace where they received him on board; and then, with your leave,Mistress Audley, I will come back here to make our final arrangements.Do you yourself propose accompanying your sons? or will you remain herewith your daughter till we have concluded our search, and returned, as Ihope, successful?"

  "I cannot so far restrain my anxiety as to remain at a distance whileothers are engaged in the search, and if a way is opened out to us, mydaughter Lettice and I have resolved to proceed to Virginia," answeredMistress Audley.

  "You are a brave lady, truly," exclaimed Roger; "my sister Cicelypurposes going for the sake of being with our father, and it would be anhonour and satisfaction if you would take a passage on board his ship."

  Mistress Audley expressed her gratitude, and said she would consult herson Vaughan on the subject.

  Roger Layton did not attempt to conceal the admiration he felt forLettice Audley, and he would gladly have remained another day could hehave found sufficient excuse. Duty had, however, always been hisguiding star, and he accordingly the next morning at daybreak was readyto depart. He had taken leave of Mistress Audley and Lettice the nightbefore, but when the morning came Lettice was in the parlour to servehim with breakfast, and he enjoyed some minutes of her society beforeher brothers made their appearance. They came down booted and spurred,prepared to accompany him part of the way. He promised not to spare hisgood steed; but even so, he could not hope to be back much within afortnight, and soon after that time he expected that the _Rainbow_ wouldbe ready for sea, and he thus could not remain more than a day atMistress Audley's on his way to Plymouth.

  In the evening Vaughan and Gilbert returned home. As they reached thegate, they were surprised to see two stout horses, held by a groom,standing before it. They inquired who had arrived. "Your worships'cousin, master Harry Rolfe and a stranger, a stout and comely gentleman,who has the air and speech of a sea-captain--though he may be, judgingby his looks, some great lord," answered the groom.

  "Poor Harry! I thought after the unkind treatment as he called it whichhe received from our sister, that he would not come back again to thishouse--but I shall be glad to see him," observed Vaughan to his brother.

  As they entered the parlour, they found their mother and Lettice withthe two gentlemen who had just arrived. Their cousin, Harry Rolfe,whose appearance was much in his favour, sprang from his seat to greetthem, and introduced his companion as Captain John Smith, "With whom, inthe company of many other right worshipful gentlemen, I am about to sailfor Virginia," he added. "I could not quit England without coming tobid you farewell: for it may be my lot, as it has been that of manyothers, not to return."

  Mistress Audley sighed as he spoke. "Pardon me, kind aunt, for theinadvertence of my expression," he exclaimed.

  "You are thinking of our father," said Gilbert; "but we have had newsthat he is still alive, and you will, I know, gladly join us insearching for him."

  Captain Smith on this made inquiries regarding the subject of which theywere speaking, and such information as they possessed was given him. Helistened attentively, and promised to use all the means in his power insearching for Captain Audley. His words greatly raised MistressAudley's spirits; for he was evidently a man who would carry outwhatever he purposed. Already advancing towards middle life, hepossessed an eagle eye, a determined expression of countenance, and astrongly-knit figure capable of enduring fatigue and hardship.

  Harry Rolfe further informed his relations that he and Captain Smithwere on their way to join their ship, the _Hector_, at Plymouth, intowhich port she and several others were to put before proceeding on theirvoyage. The countenance of Harry Rolfe brightened as he heard that hisrelatives purposed proceeding to Virginia; but Lettice turning away herhead as he expressed his ple
asure at the thoughts of their coming, helooked disappointed and grieved. Mistress Audley, as in courtesy bound,invited her visitors to remain to supper; but they excused themselves onthe plea that they must hasten on in case their ship should arrive atPlymouth, and expected to sleep some ten miles further on their road.Taking their leave, therefore, they proceeded on their journey.

  Mistress Audley was naturally agitated with many doubts and fears as tothe propriety of proceeding. She herself was ready to encounter anydangers or hardships for the purpose of encouraging the search for herhusband, and for the sake of sooner meeting him, but she doubted whetherit was right to expose her young daughter Lettice to such risk; whileher eldest son, though without him she could not proceed, would be drawnaway from his studies at Cambridge and from the career he had chosen;but her children were unanimous in their desire to go to Virginia, andLettice declared that even without such a motive she would willinglyundertake the voyage.

  She had a near neighbour, Captain Massey White, once Governor so calledof Virginia, though there had been few men to govern, and those veryungovernable. He was now advanced in life and broken in health. Himshe consulted: he spoke cautiously. If the new adventurers acted wiselythey might succeed. The country was of exceeding richness, and thenatives, though savage, might be won over. He could not advise a wifeagainst seeking her husband, though many dangers must be encountered.To him the subject brought sad recollection. His only daughter and herhusband, Ananias Dane, with their infant, a little girl, had beenslaughtered with many others by the Indians, their only other child,their son Oliver, happily escaping, having been left with his grandamein England when they went to the colony. Oliver Dane, a boy of spiritand intelligence some years younger than Gilbert, was a frequent visitorat the house of Mistress Audley and a great favourite of hers. Shepitied him also, for his grandfather could but ill manage him or affordhim the amusements suited to his age. He, like many boys of those days,was longing to go to sea--to visit strange countries, and to engage inthe adventures of which he often heard from the mariners he met with inDartmouth. The result of her conversation with Captain Whitestrengthened the resolution of Mistress Audley to proceed to Virginia.When young Dane heard of it, he was mad to go also. He begged Vaughan,who had a great liking for the lad, to take him. He had no need to askGilbert, who declared that they would not leave him behind.

  Mistress Audley and Lettice were pleased at the thoughts of having himwith them.

  Strange to say, the old man was willing to part with him. He must erelong go into the world to seek his fortune, and he could not be placedunder better superintendence than that of Vaughan Audley, for whom hehad a high esteem, and who would afford him instruction and watch overhis interests. It was thus settled, to the great delight of OliverDane, after much more had been said than need be repeated, that heshould accompany Mistress Audley and her family to Virginia.

  Such of their goods as they considered likely to be of use, were packedup in fitting packages for stowage on board ship, and such otherarrangements for the disposal of their property as were deemed necessarywere made with the help of a trustworthy lawyer at Dartmouth. Seeingthat the task was new to all of them, it was only just accomplished whenRoger Layton arrived from London, accompanied by two men, Ben Tarbox andNicholas Flowers by name, who had belonged to the _Sally Rose_, in whichRichard Batten had escaped from Virginia. They were both willing toreturn to the country, and gave so circumstantial an account of the partthey had visited, and were so certain that they could find their way toit again, that Roger had no doubt about the matter. Vaughan, whoexamined them much as a lawyer would a witness, was well satisfied onthat score, but not so in other respects with one of the men, NicholasFlowers, whom he set down in his mind from the first as an arrant rogue.Of Ben Tarbox Vaughan formed a better opinion, that he was an honestfellow, with a fair amount of wits.

  Roger brought also a letter from Sir George Summers, to whom he had beenintroduced in London, and who had known and esteemed Captain Audley,offering to give a passage to Mistress Audley and her family on boardthe _Sea Venture_, which ship was about to sail from the Thames, and tocome round to Plymouth, where she was to be joined by seven others, sothe letter stated, though their names were not mentioned. Sir Georgewas most kind and pressing; for the regard he bore her husband, heassured Mistress Audley that she should be put to no expense, and as theship was large and well-found, she might hope to have a prosperousvoyage, with fewer discomforts than are the lot generally of those whotempt the dangers of the sea.

  "For Sir George's offer we should indeed be thankful," observed MistressAudley, when she came to the end of the letter; "it seems like theguiding of Providence, and we are in duty bound not to refuse it."

  To this Roger could raise no objection, though he confessed that he wasdisappointed at not having Mistress Audley and her daughter aspassengers on board the _Rainbow_. They would, however, sail incompany, and in calm weather he might hope to pay them a visit, and atall events they would meet at the end of their voyage. Roger found aletter waiting him from his father, stating that the _Rainbow_ wasnearly ready for sea, and advising that Mistress Audley and her familyshould come round by water from Dartmouth, as the easiest means oftransporting their goods. Roger was glad of this opportunity ofremaining longer in the company of Mistress Lettice, and of offeringthat assistance which his experience enabled him to give. He at oncehastened to Dartmouth, where he engaged a pinnace with eight rowers, themaster of which undertook, the sea being calm, to carry them to Plymouthbetween sunrise and sunset.

  There were many tears shed by those on whom Mistress Audley and Letticehad bestowed kindness, as they set out from the home they were leaving,probably for ever, mounted on pillions; the pack-horses with their goodsfollowing in a long line. Mistress Audley rode behind Vaughan, andLettice sat on the horse with her younger brother, beside whom rodeRoger Layton, while Oliver Dane on his grandfather's nag--seldom nowbestrode by the old man--trotted up now to one party, now to the other,but found Vaughan more ready to talk than was Roger, who had ears onlyfor what Mistress Lettice might please to say. Thus they proceeded tillthey reached Dartmouth, close to which lay the pinnace Roger had hired.The goods were placed on board that evening, that they might sailwithout hindrance at dawn on the following morning.

  The calm harbour lay in deepest shade, although the summits of the rockson the western side were already tinged with the rays of the rising sun,as the pinnace, propelled by eight stout rowers, glided out towards theblue sea, rippled over by a gentle breeze from the eastward. Thepinnace coasted along the rocky shore till the long, low point of theStart was rounded, when, altering her course, she steered for PlymouthSound, keeping well inside that fearful rock, the Eddystone, on whichmany a bark has left her shattered ribs. Roger talked much to Letticeas he sat by her side. He told her of the voyages he had made, of hislast ship, when their brave pilot, that renowned navigator, John Davis,with many of his followers, was treacherously slain by the crew of aChinese ship they had captured,--Roger himself, with a few fightingdesperately, having alone regained their boat as the Chinaman, burstinginto flame, blew up, all on board perishing. Lettice gasped for breathas she listened to the tale; then Roger changed the subject and told herof the wonderful islands of the East, with their spice-groves andfragrant flowers; of the curious tea-plant; of the rich dresses of thenatives; of the beautiful carved work and ornaments of all sorts whichhe had brought home.

  "I have had them placed in my father's house, and they will please youto look at, Mistress Lettice," he observed; "for it may be some daysbefore the fleet sails, and as my father could not bring himself to partwith his house, it will afford you a home while you remain at Plymouth."

  Gilbert and Oliver Dane were interested listeners to Roger's tales,though the descriptions of battles fought and hair-breadth escapesproduced a very different effect in them; while she trembled and turnedpale, they only longed to have been with Roger, and looked forward tothe opportunity some day
of imitating him.

  Both wind and tide had favoured the voyagers, and before sunset thepinnace lay at anchor directly in front of Captain Layton's house. Thecaptain had seen them coming, and with Cicely beside him was on theshore to welcome them. With becoming gallantry he pressed MistressAudley's hand to his lips, while he bestowed a kiss on Lettice's fairbrow, telling her how glad he was to greet her father's daughter.Cicely then took her hand, and led her towards the house, while thecaptain assisted Mistress Audley up the steep ascent.

  The captain having well calculated the time they would arrive, ahandsome repast was already laid in the hall, to which the superiorofficers of the _Rainbow_, and some of those of gentle birth intendingto go passengers by her, were invited. Three of the other vesselsdestined to form the fleet had arrived, but the admiral's ship, the _SeaVenture_, had not yet come round from the Thames. The time was spent bythe young people with much satisfaction to themselves, and so wellpleased was Mistress Audley with Cicely that when Vaughan told her thathe wished to make her his wife, she did not object to his pledging histroth, though she warned him that the present was not a time to takeupon himself the cares of a wife and family, and that all his thoughtsmust be employed in the sacred duty in which he was engaged.

  At length a tall ship was seen sailing up the harbour with gay flagsflying from the mastheads. The other vessels as she approached salutedher with their guns; the captain, who was on the watch, pronounced herto be the _Sea Venture_, the ship of the good admiral, Sir GeorgeSummers, commanded by Captain Newport, with Sir Thomas Gates, the newGovernor of Virginia, on board. Soon after she dropped anchor theadmiral's barge was seen leaving the ship, and Captain Layton went downto beg that he would remain at his house till the fleet was ready tosail. Sir George, whose shipmate he had formerly been, was well pleasedto accept his offer; Mistress Audley had thus an early opportunity ofthanking the admiral for his generous offer.

  "The thanks are due from me, Mistress Audley, that you condescend totake passage with your family on board my ship," he answered, withproper gallantry.

  Mistress Audley told Sir George of Captain Layton's desire that sheshould sail on board his ship. "I will not act the hypocrite, and saythat I am sorry to deprive him of the pleasure," answered Sir George,"and having gained your promise to sail on board my ship, I intend tokeep you to it."

  Sir George was accompanied by several cabin boys, one of whom he broughton shore, and introduced as the son of his old friend, that bravesea-captain and good knight, Sir Edward Fenton, lately deceased. NedFenton, who was now going for his first voyage, and Gilbert soon becamefast friends, and were well pleased to find that they were to continuetogether. The remainder of the passengers of the fleet now arrived,most of whom were gentlemen of good family, though of broken fortunes--aclass ill fitted for the work before them; while the remainder wereartisans far more likely to succeed than the former in a new colony.

  At length the whole of the fleet to which the _Rainbow_ was joinedgathered in the Sound, and a brave appearance they presented as seenfrom the windows of the captain's house, their flags flying and theirsails hanging in the brails ready to sheet home as soon as the admiralshould give the signal to weigh anchor. The wind, however, continuedblowing from the westward, and eager as they were to depart, the admiralknew that it would be useless to proceed to sea when no progress couldbe made towards their destination.

  Gilbert and Oliver spent most of their time on board the _Sea Venture_,to which, through the kindness of Sir George Summers, they had beenappointed as officers, that they might receive wages from the company;but Vaughan, who had no fancy for a sea-life, found ample occupation onshore in attending on Mistress Cicely, while she had no objection to beso attended. She consenting to his proposal of marriage, he had spokento her father. "I would not desire a more worthy son-in-law," answeredthe captain; "but she and you are young, and can afford to wait till wehave founded our new settlement, and have houses to dwell in, and landswe can call our own to cultivate. You may deem me unkind; but I weremore unkind to grant your request, judging as I do what is best for youboth. A sea voyage, even though you are in different ships, will notcool your love, and if, as I am sure will be the case, some months henceyou are of the same mind, your mother and, as I hope, your father alsoagreeing thereto, I will no longer prohibit your marriage."

  Thus Vaughan and Cicely, as many other young people have had to do, hadto wait patiently, looking forward with hope to the future.