Read The Settlers: A Tale of Virginia Page 8


  Although the object of their expedition had been gained, Vaughan's heartfelt sad as he thought of returning to James Town without his brother.Powhattan had expressed his intention of accompanying the party, withhis daughter, to visit the English governor; no longer, therefore, weredifficulties or dangers to be apprehended, as no foes would dare toattack the powerful chief; while his hunters would bring in an amplesupply of game. Had Gilbert and Fenton not been missing, he would stillhave felt that his great object--the discovery of his father--seemed nonearer than before; for neither from Powhattan nor Canochet had he beenable to obtain any information about him. Canochet gave him hopes thatGilbert and Fenton were still alive, and would be recovered; but tillthe appearance of the party sent in pursuit of their supposed captorsnothing certain could be known.

  The chief having made up his mind to visit the English, was eager to setoff; he was attended by fifty of his braves, dressed in their gayestcostume; he marching, however, on foot, while his daughter was conveyedin a litter, cushioned with skins, and canopied with boughs to shieldher from the hot rays of the sun. Very different was her lot from thatof the other women of the tribe, who were, the Englishmen observed withno little disgust, compelled to labour hard from morning till night,while their lords and masters lolled in the shade and smoked theirpipes.

  While Captain Smith marched in front with the chief, Harry Rolfe oftenfound himself by the side of Pocahontas, with whom in her own languagehe managed to converse. He told her of the wonders of the ocean, of themode by which the ships found their way across it, of England, of itsgreat cities, its magnificent palaces, its superb temples, its armies ofhorse and foot, with their guns, dealing death and destruction amongtheir foes, and capable of battering down strong walls. The Indianmaiden listened with wondering ears; for some time she spoke not, atlength she sighed. Rolfe inquired what grieved her.

  "That I can never hope to see the wonders you speak of. Till now, Ithought my father the most powerful king on earth, and you have shown methat our people are but children compared to those existing beyond themighty ocean."

  To the latter remark Rolfe made, no reply, as he did not wish further towound the maiden's vanity. "Would you desire to visit those distantlands and see the wonders I have been describing?" he asked.

  "I cannot leave my father and my people," she answered. "But go on--tell me more about your country--I will try to bring the scenes youdescribe so well before my eyes."

  Rolfe continued, as desired; and the Indian girl seemed never weary oflistening to him. Thus, whatever others might have done, he found thejourney too speedily brought to an end. The governor received theIndian chief in a becoming manner, with all the pomp he could assume.Banners were flying, music playing, and guns firing. The sound of theartillery especially seemed to affect the chief; and when he saw a shotfired across the river strike a tree and tear off a large branch, helifted up his hands in wonder, and exclaimed, "Who can stand against apeople so armed?"

  Vaughan had hastened home with a sad heart to break the intelligence ofGilbert's loss to his mother. At her house he found Captain Layton, whohad already heard through the forethought of Roger what had occurred.

  "Do not be cast down, Mistress Audley," he said, after Vaughan had givenher the account; "we have certain notice from Gilbert himself that theIndians did not kill him and Fenton when they were first seized; and thesavages well know that it will be more to their interest to preservetheir lives than to take them; and as they tell me that the great chiefwho has just come to the settlement has no small power among the peopleof this country, we may trust to his being able to recover them beforelong. I have much hope, also, that with his assistance we may at lengthfind your husband. I had determined, on the return of my son, to sailalong the shore of the Chesapeake, and to make inquiries among all thenatives I can meet with. Should Powhattan not be able to help us as wehoped, I shall forthwith carry out my plan. My two seamen have now comeback; I will question them afresh. And now that they have seen more ofthe country, they may be able to say whether it was here or elsewherethey met with the poor wretch Batten: would that he had lived--he wouldhave helped us more than they have done, or are likely to do."

  While Mistress Audley's spirits were somewhat revived by CaptainLayton's assurances, she received a message from the governor,requesting her to act the hostess to the Indian princess just arrivedwith her father. This she could not refuse; and Lettice and Cicely werewell pleased with the thoughts of having the Indian maiden under theircare. Accordingly word was sent to the governor that they were willingto receive her as their guest. In a short time Pocahontas arrived,still seated on her litter, with Harry Rolfe by her side. MistressAudley, with Lettice and Cicely, went forth to meet her, and taking herhand as the bearers placed the litter on the ground, helped her to rise,and led her into the house, followed by Harry Rolfe, who seemedunwilling to give up the charge of the damsel even to them. Thebeautiful young savage, for such, in the presence of the English matronand the two young maidens, she truly seemed, cast looks of admiration attheir fair features, and their dresses, which appeared to her ofwondrous texture. Although they could exchange but a few words withher, they were able with the assistance of Harry Rolfe to answer herquestions; and in a short time she appeared perfectly at home with them.

  At length she asked whether they were Harry's sisters, and hearing thatthey were not so was silent, looking up first to one, and then to theother, and then towards Harry himself; and it could be easily seen thather brain was busy though her tongue was silent. A hut had beenprepared for the chief, suitable to his wants, though bearing littleresemblance to a royal palace. He came the next day to see hisdaughter, and appeared to be so well pleased with the treatment shereceived, that he intimated to the governor his intention of leaving herfor a while with her new friends. His proposal was gladly accepted, asit proved his good feelings towards the English, and the confidence heplaced in them. Captain Layton and Vaughan, with the assistance ofHarry Rolfe, had a long talk with him. Regarding Captain Audley hepromised to make inquiries among the tribes of his nation. While theywere speaking, the head of the party sent out to follow the trail of theIndians who had carried off Gilbert and Fenton arrived. He and hispeople had traced them, he said, far to the north, when they foundthemselves in the country of a hostile tribe, from among whom they hadgreat difficulty in escaping. On hearing this, Powhattan wasexceedingly wroth, and threatened to punish the Annaboles, the tribespoken of, who owed him, he affirmed, allegiance. Rolfe, however,entreated that he would employ mild measures, lest the Annaboles mightretaliate on their two prisoners. This information was on the wholeunsatisfactory. Gilbert and Fenton might, it was hoped, be still alive,but that they had been carried to a distance was certain, and theirrecovery would be difficult, as Powhattan, notwithstanding his boastedpower, could, it was clear, afford them no assistance.

  "It seems to me, Vaughan, that we must trust to our own strong arms andmother-wit to recover the two lads," observed Captain Layton, when theyhad parted from the chief. "What say you, Roger?"

  "I hold to your opinion, father; if we could get together some thirtytrusty fellows, and the means of carrying our provisions, we would marchfrom one end of the country to the other, and compel those knavishIndians at the point of our swords to deliver up their prisoners,"answered Roger; "we might then, perchance, fall in also with CaptainAudley, if he is, as I trust, still in the land of the living."

  "Those `ifs' and `ans' are stubborn things," observed the captain.

  "We might, however, manage to carry provisions on our shoulders for aweek or more," said Roger, "and thus be enabled to march for three orfour days inland from the shore, and back again without the need ofhunting, provided we could keep in the open country, and not getentangled among forests or rocky defiles where our foes might pick usoff without our being able to reach them."

  "I know not whether we should gain much by that, unless we could manageto sur
prise an Indian village, and capture some of their chief men tohold as hostages till they agreed to give up their captives. TheseIndians are very different to the cowardly tribes we have been wont tomeet with on the Spanish Main, as experience should already have taughtyou," observed the captain: "still, with discipline and determination weshall be able, I doubt not, to tackle them. I like your proposal,however, and as soon as we can get a crew together, we will sail up theChesapeake and try what we can do."

  Vaughan, grieved by the long, though unavoidable, delay which hadalready occurred, was willing to take part in any plan his friendsproposed, and they accordingly at once set to work to collect a crew forthe expedition. They had, however, except the promise of good pay, noinducements to offer. Had they proposed an expedition to the SpanishMain they would speedily have collected as many men as they required;but as only hard knocks were to be expected, without the chance ofprize-money, those who would have had no objection to the two combinedhung back. The captain at length, in despair, promised that if menwould come forward, and they should succeed in their enterprise, hewould take a cruise in search of Spaniards, and that the prizes takenshould be divided equally among all hands. This offer was likely enoughto have succeeded, when a party who had been out hunting returned fullof excitement, with the news that they had discovered a vein of gold, oras some said a mine, at a stream some six miles distant from James Town.The news spread like wildfire through the settlement, and every one waseager to be off with spades and pickaxes to gather up the goldentreasure. The seamen who had engaged to serve on board the _Rainbow_were among the first to be off; those who were labouring in the fieldsleft their ploughs; the few who had opened shops closed their doors andset out, for there were no buyers of their wares.

  The governor and admiral, and a few other officers, remained at theirposts. Captain Layton, in very vexation of spirit, refused to go evento look at the mines, declaring that "all is not gold that glitters;"and it might be, after all, this seeming gold was no better than dross;or that if gold it was, it would stay there till he had time to go andfetch it. Roger and Vaughan were of his opinion; indeed, neither wouldhave left those they were bound to protect, were it to prove as rich asthe mines of Peru and Mexico. Some days had passed away, when some ofthe explorers came dropping in, their backs heavily laden with sacksfull, as they said, of gold-dust.

  "Mixed with not a little dross, I guess," observed Captain Layton, whomet Ben Tarbox staggering along under as heavy a load as he had everattempted to carry in his life. "Let us see, let us see thy preciousgold-dust," he exclaimed. Ben, letting the sack drop on the ground,produced a handful. The evening sun was shining brightly, and the dustundoubtedly glittered.

  "I have seen stuff like that before," observed Roger, who just then cameup, "and what do you think it was worth, lads?--not the pains of movingfrom where it lay."

  "They say it be gold," exclaimed Ben, looking somewhat aghast; "goldglitters, and so does this."

  "There the resemblance ends, my lad," observed Captain Layton. "If nobetter gold is to be got out of the mine up there than thy sackcontains, the settlers have lost many a day's work, and the colony is somuch the poorer; though, from all accounts, it is not seldom they havethrown away their time before."

  "Then what can I do with this sackful of stuff?" exclaimed Ben, who,having unbounded confidence in his captain, fully believed what he said.

  "Sell it to the first fool who will buy it of thee for what he thinks itis worth," answered the captain, laughing. "Make thy bargain when thesun shines, though, or he may chance to set a low value on it."

  Ben, it was supposed, followed his captain's advice, for the next day atnoon he appeared on board the _Rainbow_ without his sack, but chinkingsome Spanish pesos in his pocket.

  Captain Layton, as did the governor, the admiral, and Master Hunt, thechaplain, warned those who returned of the utter worthlessness of thestuff they had brought, but they were not believed; and the idea gotabroad that their object was to appropriate it, and thus to gain thebenefit of their labours. Most of them, therefore, as soon as they haddeposited their treasure in such places of security as they could find,set off for a fresh supply; while the boldest speculator proposed tocharter two or three of the remaining ships, and send them home loadedwith the precious dust.

  The first addressed himself to Captain Layton, offering him a cargo forthe _Rainbow_.

  "There are two reasons against accepting your proposal, good sir,"answered the captain; "the first is that I have other occupation for myship, and the second is that I have no wish to become the laughing-stockof people at home, should I arrive with a shipload of dust not worthcarting on shore."

  Thereat Master Jarvis turned away, highly indignant, remarking, "Foolsknow not their own interest." The captain smiled, but replied not,recollecting that to answer an angry man is but adding oil to the fire.Master Jarvis was more successful with the captains of two other ships,which, as fast as the toiling settlers could bring in their sacks ofdust, took them on board, the vessels being filled up with sassafras andother woods, and a few small packages of tobacco, all deemed, however,but of little value compared to the glittering dirt, as Captain Laytoncalled it. There was no lack of volunteers to man the ships, as allwere promised shares in the proceeds of the cargoes. Not till they hadsailed could Captain Layton obtain a crew for the _Rainbow_. Hesummoned the remaining mariners in the settlement, who, already grownweary of tobacco-planting and digging, and their backs aching with thesacks of dust they had brought from the mine, were ready for any freshadventure proposed to them.

  "Lads," he said, "there are two things I have set myself to do: first,to look for the honourable gentleman who has been held captive for manyyears by the Indians; as also for his son and young Master Fenton; andwhen we have found them, to go in search of two or more Spanish ships,which will put more gold into the pockets of each one of us than willall the dust you have just sent home."

  It might be that the remarks of the governor and admiral, and moreespecially those of Captain Smith, had by this time begun to open theeyes of the settlers as to the real value of the said dust. One thingwas certain, that had they devoted their labours to the production ofcorn instead of to the digging and carrying of the glittering soil, theywould not have been so hard-pressed as they now were. Those who hadcome from the Bermudas recollected the ample supply of provisions thoseislands afforded. The good admiral, Sir George Summers, offered, thoughnow sixty years of age, to sail in the _Patience_, the stout pinnace hehad built, and to bring back a supply for the benefit of the colony. Heasked but for a score of men to accompany him; a few faithful heartsobeyed his call, and with the hopes of finding their wants speedilyrelieved, the colonists saw that true knight sail away on his hazardousvoyage. Alas! they were to see him no more; overcome by the hard toilhe had so long endured for the good of others, he had not long arrivedwhen he yielded up his brave spirit at those islands, which were,rightly, for many years called after his name.

  The appeal made by Captain Layton was not in vain. Ben Tarbox was thefirst volunteer, and others followed his lead. "And what, SenorNicholas, are you not going to join us?" asked Ben of his old messmateFlowers, who winced, Ben observed, whenever thus addressed. "Art not tobe tempted by the prospect of fighting the Dons, man, and pocketing someof their gold? Thou canst speak their lingo, for I have heard thee talkit in thy sleep."

  "I have had enough of fighting in my time, and have come out here to endmy days in peace," answered Flowers.

  "Thou wouldst end them with a better conscience by repenting of thymisdeeds and doing a worthy act to prove thy sincerity," answered Ben.His arguments, however, could not move his former messmate, who refusedto the last to accompany him. Vaughan was doubtful whether he ought tostay for the protection of his mother and sister and Cicely, seeing thatCaptain Layton was going away, or to accompany him in search of hisfather and brother; but the governor and Captain Smith promised todefend them whatever might happen, and even Mistres
s Audley urged him togo. Captain Layton could ill spare one good man and true, for with allhis exertions he had been able to collect barely a sufficient number offollowers for his object; and Vaughan, though brought up at college, hada strong arm and a stout heart, and he might, should the first part ofthe enterprise prove successful, return to the settlement without thenecessity of sailing forth again to fight the Spaniards.

  Thus the _Rainbow_ sailed down the river, under the command of CaptainLayton, with Roger and Vaughan as his lieutenants; and young AndrewDane, who had begged hard to be allowed to go.

  In the mean time, the Indian princess, as the settlers called her, wasrapidly learning English and becoming accustomed to English ways andmanners; but the period during which her father had promised to allowher to remain was drawing to a close, when he had said he would returnto take her back to her home. Harry Rolfe was a frequent visitor at thehouse, as also was Captain Smith, who owing his life to her, could notfail to regard her with gratitude, if with no other feeling; but she wasin age compared to him a mere child, and might have been his daughter.Still, when he came to the house, Mrs Audley had some doubts as to thesentiments he entertained towards the Indian girl; nor could shediscover how Pocahontas regarded him. Still, it did not become her tospeak to him on the subject; but when the story became known of the wayPocahontas had saved the life of the brave captain, it was generallyreported that he would certainly, should Powhattan permit it, make herhis wife, and Harry Rolfe often heard the matter discussed. Thegovernor was naturally well pleased at the thoughts of such an eventtaking place, as it would, he hoped, secure the friendship of Powhattan,and the active support of his tribe. Harry Rolfe had at first beenstruck by the unusual beauty of the Indian girl, and had become deeplyenamoured. How matters would have gone had Lettice regarded him withthat affection he once sought, it is hard to say; but his cousin, thoughshe received him in a friendly manner, treated him, it was evident, withindifference, and at length he was fain to acknowledge that hishappiness depended on making the Indian girl his wife. Could he,however, hope to win her, should his commander, the bravest and wisestman in the settlement as all acknowledged, regard her with affection; ifso, he might yield to him who had the prior claim, and he would go onboard the first ship sailing, to make war on the Spaniards, or wouldengage in any desperate enterprise afoot.

  It happened that day that Pocahontas, who, though an Indian princess,had the fancies and foibles of many of her sex, had taken it into herhead that she would be dressed as her companions. Cicely's gown was tooshort and somewhat too wide; and Lettice, willing to please her, dressedher in the best she possessed; putting on her a hat with feathers in it.Scarcely had the three damsels appeared in the parlour, when who shouldarrive but Captain Smith, Mistress Audley coming in directly afterwards.He gazed with more astonishment than admiration at the young Indian,for the costume, though becoming enough to the fair complexion ofLettice, sat but ill on the Indian girl, accustomed to the free play ofher limbs; its colour harmonising worse with her dark skin. Forgettingthe progress Pocahontas had made in English, he said with slight cautionto Mistress Audley, in his blunt fashion, "You will spoil the littlesavage, Madam, if she is thus allowed to be made ridiculous by beinghabited in the dress of a civilised dame. I owe her a debt of gratitudefor saving my life; but that does not blind me to her faults, and thesooner she is sent back to her father the better for her, I opine."

  "My daughter simply wished to please her, and it is but a harmlessfreak," answered Mistress Audley, "though I acknowledge that her Indiancostume becomes her best."

  Pocahontas, who had understood something of what was said, casting anangry look at the captain, burst into tears--then, taking the hand ofLettice, she rushed out of the room.

  "I had no intention of offending her," said Captain Smith, "but hermanner proves that if she stays much longer here she will be spoilt."

  "Heaven forbid!" said Mistress Audley; "our great wish is not only toinstruct her in English manners, but to teach her the simple truths ofthe Gospel, that she may assist in imparting them to her benightedcountrymen, and for that purpose I would fain keep her here as long asher father will allow her to stay. Master Hunt is assisting us in thework, which God's grace alone can accomplish, we being but weakinstruments in His hands."

  "That alters the case," observed the captain. "If you have any hope ofsuccess by all means keep her with you, but let her not indulge thefancy that a silk dress will enable her to become like an English maidenof high degree."

  Mistress Audley promised to follow the captain's advice. Cicely put ina word in favour of their guest.

  "Well," observed the captain, "I leave it with you, kind ladies, to makemy peace with her;" and before Pocahontas returned he had taken hisdeparture. Soon afterwards Harry Rolfe appeared; the agitation of herfeelings had brought the colour into the face of the Indian girl, who hethought looked more lovely than ever, habited as she now was in hernative costume. His eye showed this, if his words did not, and sheunderstood him.

  "You would not laugh at me," she said, in her artless way, "if I were todress as your countrywomen; and such I wish to become;" and Rolfe toldher honestly that in his eyes she would be lovely however habited. Sheshowed her satisfaction in a way he could not mistake; he left the houseconvinced that her heart was his. Soon afterwards, meeting CaptainSmith, he frankly told him of his love for the Indian maiden, adding,"But should you, my dear friend, entertain thoughts of her, I amresolved to quit the country and seek my fortune elsewhere."

  "Stay and be happy with her," was the answer, "if wedding with one whois half a savage can make you so."

  Whereat Master Rolfe, thanking the captain from his heart, assured himthat so rapid was the progress she had made that ere many weeks wereover she would be fit company for the proudest dames in England, andmuch more of the same nature; at which the captain smiled, and pattinghim on the back, assured him that it mattered not, provided MistressAudley and her fair daughter, who were the proudest dames in Virginia,were content to treat her as their friend.

  So Harry Rolfe went back and asked Pocahontas in plain language tobecome his bride, to which she willingly consented, telling him to lether settle the matter with her father. Harry Rolfe looked forward withno little anxiety to the arrival of the king, who came at length,attended by fifty warriors; at which the prudent governor, not knowinghow many might be behind, got all the men in the settlement under arms,as if to do him honour, but secretly keeping a strict watch on hismovements. He was convinced, however, that the king's intentions werehonest, the more so when, after visiting his daughter, he announced thatshe had his full permission to marry the English chief, Harry Rolfe. AsMaster Hunt, after consulting with the governor, was willing to performthe ceremony, the marriage took place before Powhattan quitted JamesTown, much to the satisfaction of all the colonists. The long haranguedelivered by Powhattan need not be repeated, nor need the replies of thegovernor, Captain Smith, and the happy bridegroom. He, being nosluggard, had built a house for himself, to which he at once took hisbride. Flags were hoisted, guns were fired, and the bell of the church(hung to the bough of a tree, as there was no steeple yet built) rangright merrily, and the people shouted till they were hoarse, believingthat from henceforth war with the Indians was at an end, and that theymight go on and prosper in the land.