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The Princess and the Gates of Hell


  Steve Wharton


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  Copyright 2013 Steve Wharton

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  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblances to persons, living or dead, or places events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are products of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.


  Lucifer had not heard from Barbados for three days, his temper was being felt all over hell. He summoned Allocen a Duke of hell and Astaroth the Grand Duke of hell, when the two fallen angels reported to Lucifer he started to scream and yell at both of the Dukes. He wanted the head of the slayer and he wanted it now. “I don’t care how you do it but make it happen and now.” Lucifer yelled at the Dukes.

  Before either of the Dukes could say anything to Lucifer, Lilith came barging into the throne room. “Lucifer, what is wrong with you, you have let my husband die, if you cannot handle the problem I shall take care of it myself. I want revenge for the death of Satan.”

  “What do you mean the death of Satan? I sent Barbados with two legions of demons to prevent that. I am waiting for the report from him now.”

  “One of my husband’s minions returned to me this morning and told me of his death at the hands of the slayer. You have failed to protect him.”

  “Woman, watch your tongue, this is my realm, I will not tolerate your insolence. Now leave, I am working on this problem.”

  Lilith turned and stormed out of the throne room. She went to her abode and sent two of her minions to find and have Regina, Amy, Marchosias, Enepsigos, Naamah and Vepar come to her. She wasn’t going to wait on Lucifer to solve the problem; with the help of the six other fallen females she would stop the slayer.

  The six fallen females arrived at Lilith’s abode and she welcomed the females and said, “I have summoned you here to work out details on how to put a stop to the slayer. Lucifer has failed to protect the fallen. My husband Satan was one of the last fallen to meet his fate at the hands of the slayer. The slayer must be stopped!”

  Regina spoke, “What can we do, if the males can’t stop the slayer what hope do we have?”

  “The wrath of a female has always been stronger then the hate a male has we should be able to lay out a plan to seduce the slayer, and either bring him to our side or kill him ourselves.” Said Lilith.

  The female fallen all nodded their heads in agreement. Take some time and come up with an idea that we can use. We must all be in agreement as to how we proceed. Let us meet back here in two hours and set our plan and then put it in motion.

  The fallen females all left Lilith and were already thinking of a plan.

  Lucifer wanted to put an end to the slayer and would go to any length to stop him. He tasked Astaroth to ensure that all of the fallen had at least one legion of demons around them at all times. He then tasked Allocen with determining who the next fallen would become the target of the slayer. After dismissing the Dukes he summoned Mehen, Lucifer spoke, “Mehen I have a task for you that is most important, I want you to find out who the slayer is, do not try to confront him. I want to know all the information about who the slayer is and all that surround him. I want to know what his weakness’s are. I want a way to defeat him.”

  “My lord and master it will be done, but I caution it will take time for find the information you seek.” Replied Mehen.

  “Do not toy with me Mehen, I know you have sources in many places. Use whomever you need but I want answers and I want them soon. Now leave me and return to me soon with the answers I seek.”

  Mehen departed from Lucifer and called upon his head minion Cimeries. “I have a task of the most importance for you Cimeries. You have the use of all of my legions; I want you to find out who this so called slayer is. I do not want you to do anything that would make him attack you. I want to know everything about him, do not fail me or you shall pay the price of your life should you fail.”

  “Master I shall find the slayer and report to you.”

  “Go make haste and return with the information.”

  Cimeries was going to enjoy this task he had not been used to find anyone or anything in centuries. He would use all of his resources to find the slayer and deliver him to his master. His resources in the human world would be of use. His first contact would be with his informant in the FBI.