Read The Seven Princess and The Gates of Hell Page 12


  Lucifer summoned Mehen to his chambers, and when he arrived Lucifer asked for an update on the slayer.

  “My Lord I believe we have been able to identify the slayer, I believe he carries the name Ryan Simpson and he is currently in the old area of Mesopotamia. I believe that he has already destroyed two temples, one belonging to Lilith and the other to Vepar. It would appear that he is going after some of the female fallen. I have taken the liberty of dispatching a legion of demons to each of the remaining temples in the area that belonged to a female fallen.”

  “Finally someone who is using their head around here. Do whatever it takes and use as many legions as you need I want the slayer’s head by the end of the week.”

  “My Lord, I used Cimeries our finder and I believe he has not only provided the information to me but to Lilith as well. She may be planning her way to kill the slayer and use it as something to force you into doing something for her.”

  “WHAT!!!!! I want to see Cimeries here right away. Did you tell him not to give the information to anyone else?”

  “No my Lord, I did not tell him that.”

  “You fool, I should punish you the same way I am going to punish Cimeries.”

  “My Lord I meant no disrespect.”

  “Get me Cimeries and don’t come back until I send for you.”

  “Yes my Lord.”

  Mehen went in search of Cimeries, no matter what Lucifer did to him he was going to do worse. He was going to regret the betrayal by providing the list to Lilith. Mehen burst into Cimeries living quarters and found him trying to contact Lilith. “Cimeries our Lord Lucifer wants to see you right away.”

  “Do you know why?”

  “Yes for providing the information to both myself and Lilith.”

  “I did nothing wrong, why does he want to see me.”

  Our Lord Lucifer does not report to me about such issues, he will deal with you himself, now go.”

  Cimeries made the long walk to the throne room of Lucifer. “Master you wish to see me?”

  “You fool how could you give the information that I wanted to Lilith?”

  “Master I did not know you wanted the information, Mehen did not tell me that.”

  “Idiot everyone here knows I wanted the information and that I want the slayer’s head, how could you be so foolish?”

  “Master I am so sorry, I wasn’t thinking.”

  “Your punishment will be to go to Lilith and protect her and the other females. If one of them is hurt you will die.”

  “Yes my Lord, it will be as you say.”

  “Now get out.”

  Cimeries turned and left the throne room and went to his living quarters and put together a few items he could use while on the surface. He contacted one of his legions and had them meet him at one of the seven gates of hell and follow him to Mesopotamia. He would not fail his master, he would protect Lilith and the others even if it meant his own life.

  Cimeries met his legion of demons at the gate of hell located in Mesopotamia in the ancient city of Sumer, Cimeries instructed his legion to split into seven groups and go to the temples in the cities of Al Jadihab ,Uruk , Chard, Nami, Balad, Simaria and Babylon. The seven demons in charge of each group were instructed to report the moment they arrived at their temple and update Cimeries. It took less than an hour for two of the groups to report back informing Cimeries that the temples in both Babylon and Simaria had been destroyed and that the groups of demons had been sent to the other cities to help there.