Read The Seven Princess and The Gates of Hell Page 21


  Ryan pulled Maria close to him and they sat on the couch in their living room, “Maria I want you to know that I love you so very much.”

  “I do know that babe, and I love you so very much.”

  “Maria we are in a dangerous job, but I want to ask you a question and that question is will you marry me?”

  “I was so hoping that you would ask me that and the answer is yes.”

  “You have just made me the happiest man on earth.”

  Just as Ryan said that a white light started to appear in the living room and the figure of an Angel started to appear. The form started to become sharper and it formed into the Angel Gabriel.

  “My children the Lord God has sent me to congratulate you upon you decision to get married. The Lord will bless this union. Before you do, this last task is not yet complete,”

  “It isn’t, I thought all we had to do was dispatch the female fallen?”

  “That was the first part of the task, your figurines will not give you the last part of the task. You are to locate the seven gates of hell and destroy them. Though this will not stop all of Lucifer’s followers from coming to the surface it will slow them down.”

  “That should not be too hard.”

  “My child each gate is guarded by seven hellhounds and seven demons. The hellhounds and demons are nothing like the few hellhounds you have faced or are the demons like any of the ones you have faced so far.”

  “Very well Gabriel when do we start?”

  “Tonight my children. Start planning tonight.”

  The Angel disappeared and left Ryan and Maria to ponder where to start. Seven seems to be a common number with Lucifer. First the seven princes then the seven princess and not the seven gates of hell guarded by seven hellhounds and seven demons.

  “This is going to be a fun search for me. I’ll not only use the regular internet as well as religious sources.”

  “I hope destroying the gates is as much fun for me as it will be researching it is for you.”

  Maria spent the next day and a half searching all of the information available to her. It appears that there is one on each continent the only one specifically name was on Antarctica and it is said to be the south pole its self..

  “Ok babe I have the information we are going to need.”

  Ryan came over and sat next to Maria and said go ahead with the info.

  “The seven gates are located on Antarctica at the south pole its self, the next one is in Australia at the Rookwood cemetery in Sydney, the third is in South America in Rio near the large statue of Christ, the forth is in Asia at Sumer, Mesopotamia which is now in Iraq, the fifth is in Africa in Egypt somewhere under the left paw of the sphinx, the sixth is in Europe at the Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris and the last one is in North America on Lebanon Road in Collinsville Illinois.”

  “Does it matter what order that we take them out?”

  “No I don’t think it does.”

  “Then I think we will take Antarctica first. It’s summer down there so it won’t be as cold.”

  “That sounds like a smart thing.”

  Maria went back to researching travel to Antarctica and came up with the only way to get down there was to be invited as part of the scientific expeditions that will spend six months on the ice before coming home or hire your own boat. Maria explained this to Ryan and he said to hire a boat of their own.

  Maria went about making the travel arrangements and they would fly to Lima Peru and then catch a small ship out of Lima’s sea port. The trip from Lima to Antarctica would take nine days there and nine days back so they would have twelve days on the ice. They went shopping and bought all the extreme cold weather gear they would need for the task on Antarctica.