Read The Seven Princess and The Gates of Hell Page 36


  Ryan was released from the hospital and cleared to travel as long as he agreed to see his doctor when he arrived back home. Ryan’s medical restrictions would not allow him to do anything for at least three or four months. Maria made the travel arrangements and they were leaving for San Diego in the morning.

  Maria made sure that all of their crates were packed and she called the delivery company and made arrangements to have everything picked up late that evening. She also had all of their luggage shipped. She would have her hands full with the wheelchair and getting Ryan into the house once they arrived back home. She put in a call to Jim Elgin, Ryan’s friend back in San Diego and told him what had happened and he told Maria to call him again once they were on the way home from the airport and he would meet them at the house to help get Ryan into the house.

  They arrived at the airport and the airline had they staff wheel Ryan thru the airport. On the way to the gate Maria spotted a man walking thru the concourse and she thought she recognized a man from Jerusalem that Ryan had paid for his meal.

  The fifteen hour flight was hard on Ryan and the flight was bumpy and each time the jolt hit Ryan he winced in pain. Ryan refused to take the pain medicine because he wanted his mind clear. About half way thru the flight Ryan broke down and took the medicine thirty minutes later Ryan was fast asleep. Maria was glad that Ryan had finally consented to taking the pain meds.

  Once the plane landed in San Diego the airline people met them at the gate and brought the wheelchair onto the plane and helped Maria get Ryan to the exit of the airport. Maria went and got their car and came back and picked up Ryan, she called Jim and he told her he would meet them at the house. Once they had got to the house Jim looked at Ryan and said, “My friend I’ve seen you have the crap beaten out of you and back in Iraq when you got hit by that grenade you didn’t look this bad.”

  Ryan just smiled and said “Shit happens my friend.”

  The two of them got Ryan into the house and into bed. Maria thanked Jim for his help and she gave him a big hug. Jim said “If you need anything let me know I owe him my life several times over. I can’t tell you how many times he saved my life.”

  “I promise Jim if Ryan or I need anything at all I’ll let you know. I know once the crates get here I’ll need to inventory them and we will need some replacement stuff. I’ll need your help doing that.”

  “Just call and I’ll be right over.”

  Jim left and went home. Two hours later the deliveryman delivered all of the crates and luggage. He looked at Maria and said, “Trust me he will be alright, God is with him honey.”

  Maria looked at the man and said, “How do you know?”

  “I do, I just do.”

  Maria thanked the man and gave him the same tip that Ryan always gave him. He left and Maria opened up the crates and put the luggage in the bedrooms and unpacked them. She was thankful that Ryan was sleeping, she was careful not to wake him.

  The next two weeks were hard on Ryan he was almost totally dependent on Maria because he couldn’t do much of anything for himself. By the end of the third week he was starting to walk again and doing things for himself. He was getting stronger every day and the bruises and cuts were healing. Ryan was getting antsy to resume his duty of destroying the gates to hell, he knew that he still had three more to go.

  Maria told Ryan about the man she saw at the Rio airport and she said, “That man you helped out and paid for his meal in Jerusalem, I swear that I saw him in the Rio airport, he was arriving as we were leaving.”

  “Maybe it was, maybe he got robbed in Jerusalem and he was just waiting for replacement credit cards and cash. I was glad I could help him out.”

  “Oh well, how are you feeling today?”

  “If not for the casts on my leg and arm I think I could return to the tasks that God has laid out for me. I feel really good today.”

  “Don’t try to push it too much, I know you are getting bored but you’re not ready yet.”

  :I won’t push it but I want to start planning the next gate. It is going to be the hardest yet. I want to tackle the gate in Africa, I think you said it was under the one of the paws of the Great Sphinx.”

  “I’m not sure but I do remember something about the Sphinx.”

  “Well we have some time to plan what to do, I would like it if you could start the research on it.”

  “Why don’t we do it together.”

  “I think we can do that.”

  They spent the next four days gaining all the information they could about the Sphinx and the area around it and all the theories and claims about there being a gate to hell under the Sphinx. One of the most important things they learned was there was a tunnel that led from the Pyramid of Khafre to the Sphinx. Not many knew about the tunnel and entrance was not open to the public. To gain access to the tunnel required permission of the Department of Antiquities of Egypt. Ryan call a friend of his and he was able to gain unrestricted access to the tunnel.

  Ryan went to the doctor and he finally had his casts removed and the doctor told him he could slowly return to normal activities, Ryan wasted no time at all in returning to his daily workout routine and by the end of two more weeks Ryan proclaimed himself fit.

  Maria wasn’t so sure but she yielded to Ryan knowing that no one knew his body better than he did. Ryan asked Maria to make all the travel arrangements for the following week. She made the arrangements and they would leave for Egypt on Monday of the next week.

  They departed for Cairo and the flight took thirteen hours. Ryan went over all the information that he and Maria had found and committed it to his memory. Once in Cairo they checked into their hotel and waited for the delivery of their SUV and their crates. Maria had gotten with Jim and everything that Ryan had used had been replaced.

  Maria instead that Ryan take a day or two off to recover from the travel but he told he that he wanted to go out to the Sphinx and the Pyramid of Khafre just to scout out the area and maybe walk the tunnel between the two wonders of the world. Ryan agreed to wait until tomorrow to go out to the two marvels.

  The next morning Arrived and Ryan was up early and ready to go. He woke Maria early, so they could get a good start to the day. The trip to the Sphinx and the Pyramid of Khafre took them less than half an hour as the pyramid and the Sphinx lay on the outskirts of Cairo to the southwest. They walked the Sphinx first and spent five hours touring it and walking around it, and didn’t see anything that would indicate that there was a gate around it, but it was said the gate was under the left paw. The Sphinx is also known as the Abu al Hol which in Arabic means Father of Terror

  It was close to one in the afternoon when they went into the Pyramid of Khafre. King Khafre was an evil and heretic Ruler in the forth dynasty of Egypt about 2570 BC it is believed that King Khafre was in league and worshiped Lucifer. Ryan and Maria showed the credentials they received from the Egyptian Department of Antiquities that gave them unrestricted access to the pyramid. They asked the guide where the tunnel was that led to the Sphinx. She looked at her boss who spoke to her in Arabic and told her to take care of them they were VIP’s with diplomatic status from the United States.

  The guide told Ryan and Maria she would take them to the tunnel but that she would leave them there as they were not allowed to enter the tunnel. They ensured her that would be fine. The guide unlocked the gate and handed Ryan the lock asking that he relock the door when they were finished.

  The tunnel was wired and there were lights as far as they could see, about twenty feet in front of them was a golf cart and they walked to it and sitting in the seat was a sign that said “provided for Ryan and Maria.” They got into the golf cart and started to drive to the other end of the tunnel

  “Why are we getting the royal treatment?”

  “Did you look at the credentials that we have? We are listed as US VIP’s and have diplomatic status.”

  “Wow your friend has some kind of pull.”

  “I will agree
he does have a lot of pull in DC.”

  “Who is he?”

  “We served together in the Navy and he works for congress now, I’ll tell you more about him later.”

  Ryan pointed ahead and the tunnel split three ways, one each to the right and left and the third went up. Ryan eased the cart into the left side of the tunnel they had traveled a quarter of a mile into the left tunnel when the pavement stopped and Ryan could see a red glow from up ahead of them. “Look ahead I think we just found the gate.”

  “Wow, the red glow down here looks pretty.”

  “That maybe so but think what’s there.”

  “I know such evil. Do you see any demons or other things?”

  “Surprisingly no and I can see the gate it’s self. They must think because they are down here no one will find the gate and it’s safe.”

  “Either that or something is going on that we don’t know about.”

  “I doubt that. Let’s head back to our hotel and get things ready, I think this will be an easy one instead of a hard one.”

  They drove the golf cart back to the door they came thru when they entered the tunnel. Ryan relocked the door and they made their way back to the tour guide desk. Ryan informed them that they would be back sometime in the morning and would be going down into the tunnel again.

  After leaving the pyramid they did a bit of sightseeing and Maria took pictures of all the pyramid’s and the Sphinx. It was starting to get late and they were both getting hungry, they stopped and ate on the way back to the hotel. Ryan was feeling the activities of the day. He knew he still wasn’t a full hundred percent but he would not tall Maria that.

  Ryan took time to pack a gym bag with C-4 and the detonators along with a timer. He was going to set the timer in the tunnel for six hours after they left the gate. That would give them plenty of time to make it to the airport and leave before the C-4 exploded. They packed all of the crates and luggage and called the delivery company and the driver arrived in less than half an hour. They had two o’clock plane reservations and they intended to be in the air long before the C-4 blew.

  They arrived the next morning at the pyramid and went thru the same check-in that they had gone thru yesterday. They drove the golf cart to the gate and there we still no demons. Ryan walked to the gate and looked in and he spotted a ledge about thirty feet down. He set the timer and tossed the bag onto the ledge. He walked back to the golf cart and he and Maria left the pyramid and drove right to the airport. They were able to get on a plane that left three hours before their scheduled plane was to leave. Ryan checked his watch and saw that they still had five and a half hours before the bag blew up.

  When they got home they saw the news and they were talking about a small volcano that was under the Great Sphinx and after sitting dormant for thousands of years the volcano had erupted damaging a large part of the Sphinx.