Read The Shadow Thief Page 39


  The leaves on the trees had been kissed by gold as Keebo and Echo walked along a deer trail through a meadow. Shimmer strolled lazily behind them, nipping at tufts of drying grass as they went. They were giving fae and Aleniah time to rest their wings. Echo reached her arms forward, stretching her back between the shoulder blades. Her scar pulled against her skin, but thanks to the elves’ skillful healing methods, it no longer hurt.

  After Brecker had left home two weeks earlier, Echo and her family had agreed that it was important to find the rest of the Kavalah and bring them home to Thildin--if they were willing. The more of their people they found before any sorcerers or other shadow dwellers did, the better. In the very least, they needed to be united with their Aleniah so the horses could free their wings and fly. Mari and Kiani had, of course, planned everything in excruciating detail, providing a detailed map drawn by the elves to show Echo and Keebo’s course. Thalen and Alena were off in a different direction, also seeking Kavalah. Fae folk, villagers, and elves had all sent out search parties with the strict instructions to be as discreet as possible. They didn’t want to draw the attention of dark magic users who would wish to drain any Kavalah of their powerful light and energy.

  They’d try to gather all the Kavalah in Shae Vale first, and then figure out how to reach the ones that were living in the Other World. Echo’s dad was in no shape for long distance traveling, or he would’ve gladly gone to search the OW for Kavalah. Echo’s mind had gone immediately to Ayden Green--he was from the OW, if anyone could help them in that strange land, it would be him.

  Keebo grabbed Echo’s hand and smiled at her. They were at least a hundred miles from home, on their way toward a village nestled in the hills past the forest west of Thildin Valley. A name on the story wall matched with the name of a villager there. Echo hoped it was the same man and that he’d welcome their news. If he even believed them. But how could he not when he saw Shimmer?

  Echo squeezed Keebo’s fingers and returned his smile. He flexed his wings, causing a rainbow to slide over their surfaces. Echo absentmindedly traced her uncle’s medallion resting against her chest with her free hand. “I’m glad you’re with me,” she said to Keebo. She released the medallion and grabbed the end of her braid, twirling it around her finger.

  Keebo scratched at the hair above his ears. “I’m glad I’m with you, too,” he chuckled. “My dad was driving me crazy at the shop--I needed to get outa there!”

  Echo giggled and asked, “So, did you ever get that camera together and figure out how it works?”

  Keebo shrugged, “Nah. Kinda forgot about it with Belzac coming and my best friend turning into a hero. But don’t worry, when we get back I’ll--”

  Keebo’s sentence cut short as a deep, terrible sound cut through the air. Shimmer reared and whistled, and Echo grasped Keebo’s arm. The noise had sounded far away, but its effect had been chilling. “What was that?” Echo asked in a whisper.

  “I’m not sure. Whatever it was, it wasn’t good,” Keebo replied. Giving Echo a mischievous look he added, “Maybe we should take a detour--we could see what that noise was. Maybe someone needs help. It wouldn’t take long to get there if we rode Shimmer. What do you think? You ready for another adventure?”

  Echo’s stomach tickled with fear and excitement as Keebo leaned on one foot, then the other, then back again, betraying his excited energy. Reaching into her pocket, she wrapped her fingers around the Sun’s Heart. She hated to admit it, but she really did feel the lure of adventure tugging at her heart. Or maybe it was Keebo’s sparkling eyes weakening her sensibility. She gave her friend a wide grin, “You know what? I think I am ready for another adventure!” They continued to walk as they pulled out the map and planned a new course.

  Fifty miles away in a darkened castle, a terrible, guttural yell had broken through the silence as bolts of black energy engulfed the crumbling stone of the castle walls. Something dark and inexplicably horrid was awakening…