Read The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Complete Page 21


  Now, in the City of Shagpat, Kadza, spouse of Shagpat, she that hadbelaboured Shibli Bagarag, had a dream while these things were doing; andit was a dream of danger and portent to the glory of her eyes, Shagpat.So, at the hour when he was revealed to Shibli Bagarag, made luminous bythe beams of Aklis, Kadza went to an inner chamber, and greased her handsand her eyelids, and drank of a phial, and commenced tugging at a brassring fixed in the floor, and it yielded and displayed an opening, overwhich she stooped the upper half of her leanness, and pitching her notehigh, called 'Karaz!' After that, she rose and retreated from the holehastily, and in the winking of an eye it was filled, as 'twere a pillarof black smoke, by the body of the Genie, he breathing hard with mightytravel. So he cried to her between his pantings and puffings, 'Speak!where am I wanted, and for what?'

  Now, Kadza was affrighted at the terribleness of his manner, and thegreat smell of the Genie was an intoxication in her nostril, so that shereeled and could just falter out, 'Danger to the Identical!'

  Then he, in a voice like claps of thunder, 'Out with it!'

  She answered beseechingly, ''Tis a dream I had, O Genie; a dream ofdanger to him.'

  While she spake, the Genie clenched his fists and stamped so that thepalace shook and the earth under it, exclaiming, 'O abominable Kadza! adream is it? another dream? Wilt thou cease dreaming awhile, thou sillywoman? Know I not he that's powerful against us is in Aklis, crowned ape,and that his spells are gone? And I was distilling drops to defy theSword and strengthen Shagpat from assault, yet bringest thou me from mylabour by the Putrid Sea with thy accursed dream!' Thereat, he frownedand shot fire at her from his eyes, so that she singed, and the roomthickened with a horrible smell of burning. She feared greatly andtrembled, but he cooled himself against the air, crying presently in adiminished voice, 'Let's hear this dream, thou foolish Kadza! 'Tis aswell to hear it. Probably Rabesqurat hath sent thee some sign from Aklis,where she ferryeth a term. What's that saying:

  "A woman's at the core of every plot man plotteth, And like an ill-reared fruit, first at the core it rotteth."

  So, out with it, thou Kadza!'

  Now, the urgency of that she had dreamed overcame fear in Kadza, and shesaid, 'O great Genie and terrible, my dream was this. Lo! I saw anassemblage of the beasts of the forests and them that inhabit wildplaces. And there was the elephant and the rhinoceros and thehippopotamus, and the camel and the camelopard, and the serpent and thestriped tiger; also the antelope, the hyena, the jackal, and above them,eminent in majesty, the lion. Surely, he sat as 'twere on a high seat,and they like suppliants thronging the presence: this I saw, the heart onmy ribs beating for Shagpat. And there appeared among the beasts a monkeyall ajoint with tricks, jerking with malice, he looking as 'twere hungryfor the doing of things detestable; and the lion scorned him, and Imarked him ridicule the lion: 'twas so. And the lion began to scowl, andthe other beasts marked the displeasure of the lion. Then chased theythat monkey from the presence, and for awhile he was absent, and the lionsat in his place gravely, with calm, receiving homage of the otherbeasts; and down to his feet came the eagle that's lord of air, andbefore him kneeled the great elephant, and the subtle serpent eyed himwith awe. But soon did that monkey, the wretched animal! reappear, andthere was no peace for the lion, he worrying till close within stretch ofthe lion's paw! Wah! the lion might have crushed him, but that he'smagnanimous. And so it was that as the monkey advanced the lion roared tohim, "Begone!"

  'And the monkey cried, "Who commandeth?"

  'So the lion roared, "The King of beasts and thy King!"

  'Then that monkey cried, "Homage to the King of beasts and my King! Allahkeep him in his seat, and I would he were visible."

  'So the lion roared, "He sitteth here acknowledged, thou gracelessanimal! and he's before thee apparent."

  'Then the monkey affected eagerness, and gazed about him, and peered onthis beast and on that, exclaiming like one that's injured and underslight, "What's this I've done, and wherein have I offended, that heshould be hidden from me when pointed out?"

  'So the lion roared, "'Tis I where I sit, thou offensive monkey!"

  'Then that monkey in the upper pitch of amazement, "Thou! Is it forcreated thing to acknowledge a king without a tail? And, O beasts of theforest and the wilderness, how say ye? Am I to blame that I bow not toone that hath it not?"

  'Upon that, the lion rose, and roared in the extreme of wrath; but theword he was about to utter was checked in him, for 'twas manifest thatwhere he would have lashed a tail he shook a stump, wagging it as the dogdoth. Lo! when the lion saw that, the majesty melted from him, and in amoment the plumpness of content and prosperity forsook him, so that histawny skin hung flabbily and his jaw drooped, and shame deprived him ofstateliness; abashed was he! Now, seeing the lion shamed in this manner,my heart beat violently for Shagpat, so that I awoke with the strength ofits beating, and 'twas hidden from me whether the monkey was punished bythe lion, or exalted by the other beasts in his place, or how came itthat the lion's tail was lost, witched from him by that villain ofmischief, the monkey; but, O great Genie, I knew there was a lion amongmen, reverenced, and with enemies; that lion, he that espoused me and myglory, Shagpat! 'Twas enough to know that and tremble at the omen of mydream, O Genie. Wherefore I thought it well to summon thee here, thatthou mightest set a guard over Shagpat, and shield him from thetreacheries that beset him.'

  When Kadza had ceased speaking, the Genie glowered at her awhile insilence. Then said he, 'What creature is that, Kadza, which tormentethlike the tongue of a woman, is small as her pretensions to virtue, andwhich showeth how the chapters of her history should be read by the holyones, even in its manner of movement?'

  Cried Kadza, 'The flea that hoppeth!'

  So he said, ''Tis well! Hast thou strength to carry one of my weight, OKadza?'

  She answered in squeamishness, 'I, wullahy! I'm but a woman, Genie,though the wife of Shagpat: and to carry thee is for the camel and theelephant and the horse.'

  Then he, 'Tighten thy girdle, and when tightened, let a loose loop hangfrom it.'

  She did that, and he gave her a dark powder in her hand, saying, 'Swallowthe half of this, and what remaineth mix with water, and sprinkle overthee.'

  That did she, and thereupon he exclaimed, 'Now go, and thy part is tomove round Shagpat; and a wind will strike thee from one quarter, andfrom which quarter it striketh is the one of menace and danger toShagpat.'

  So Kadza was diligent in doing what the Genie commanded, and sought forShagpat, and moved round him many times; but no wind struck her. She wentback to the Genie, and told him of this, and the Genie cried, 'What? nowind? not one from Aklis? Then will Shagpat of a surety triumph, and wewith him.'

  Now, there was joy on the features of Kadza and Karaz, till suddenly hesaid, 'Halt in thy song! How if there be danger and menace above? and'tis the thing that may be.'

  Then he seized Kadza, and slung her by him, and went into the air, and upit till the roofs of the City of Shagpat were beneath their feet, all onthem visible. And under an awning, on the roof of a palace, there was theVizier Feshnavat and Baba Mustapha, they ear to lip in consultation, andBaba Mustapha brightening with the matter revealed to him, and bobbinghis head, and breaking on the speech of the Vizier. Now, when he saw themthe Genie blew from his nostrils a double stream of darkness which curledin a thick body round and round him, and Kadza slung at his side wasenveloped in it, as with folds of a huge serpent. Then the Genie hungstill, and lo! two radiant figures swept toward the roof he watched, andbetween them Noorna bin Noorka, her long dark hair borne far backward,and her robe of silken stuff fluttering and straining on the pearlbuttons as she flew. There was that in her beauty and the silverclearness of her temples and her eyes, and her cheeks, and her neck, andchin and ankles, that made the Genie shudder with love of her, and he wasnigh dropping Kadza to the ground, forgetful of all save Noorna. When herecovered, and it was by tightening his muscles till
he was all over hardknots, Noorna was seated on a cushion, and descending he heard her speakhis name. Then sniffed he the air, and said to Kadza, 'O spouse ofShagpat, a plot breweth, and the odour of it is in my nostril. Fearestthou a scorching for his sake thou adorest, the miracle of men?'

  She answered, 'On my head be it, and my eyes!'

  He said, 'I shall alight thee behind the pole of awning on yonder roof,where are the two bright figures and the dingy one, and the VizierFeshnavat and Noorna bin Noorka. A flame will spring up severing theefrom them; but thou'rt secure from it by reason of the powder I gavethee, all save the hair that's on thee. Thou'lt have another shape thanthat which is thine, even that of a slave of Noorna bin Noorka, and sayto her when she asketh thy business with her, "O my mistress, let thestorm gather-in the storm-bird when it would surprise men." Do this, andthy part's done, O Kadza!'

  Thereupon he swung a circle, and alighted her behind the pole of awningon the roof, and vanished, and the circle of flame rose up, and Kadzapassed through it slightly scorched, and answered to the question ofNoorna, 'O my mistress, let the storm gather-in the storm-bird when itwould surprise men.' Now, when Noorna beheld her, and heard her voice,she pierced the disguise, and was ware of the wife of Shagpat, andglanced her large eyes over Kadza from head to sole till they rested onthe loose loop in her girdle. Seeing that, she rose up, and stretched herarms, and spread open the palm of her hand, and slapped Kadza on thecheek and ear a hard slap, so that she heard bells; and ere she ceased tohear them, another, so that Kadza staggered back and screamed, andFeshnavat was moved to exclaim, 'What has the girl, thy favourite,offended in, O my daughter?'

  So Noorna continued slapping Kadza, and cried, 'Is she not sluttish? andwhere's the point of decency established in her, this Luloo? Shall herlike appear before thee and me with loose girdle!'

  Then she pointed to the girdle, and Kadza tightened the loose loop, andfell upon the ground to avoid the slaps, and Noorna knelt by her, andclutched at a portion of her dress and examined it, peering intently; andshe caught up another part, and knotted it as if to crush a livingcreature, hunting over her, and grasping at her; and so it was that whileshe tore strips from the garments of Kadza, Feshnavat jumped suddenly inwrath, and pinched over his garments, crying, 'Tis unbearable! 'Tis Iknow not what other than a flea that persecuteth me:'

  Upon that, Noorna ran to him, and while they searched together for theflea, Baba Mustapha fidgeted and worried in his seat, lurching to theright and to the left, muttering curses; and it was evident he too waspersecuted, and there was no peace on the roof of that palace, butpinching and howling and stretching of limbs, and curses snarled in thethroat and imprecations on the head of the tormenting flea. Surely, thesoul of Kadza rejoiced, for she knew the flea was Karaz, whom she hadbrought with her in the loose loop of her girdle through the circle offlame which was a barrier against him. She glistened at the triumph ofthe flea, but Noorna strode to her, and took her to the side of the roof,and pitched her down it, and closed the passage to her. Then ran she toKaravejis and Veejravoosh, whispering in the ear of each, 'No word of theSword?' and afterward aloud, 'What think ye will be the term of thestaying of my betrothed in Aklis, crowned ape?'

  They answered, 'O pearl of the morn, crowned ape till such time asShagpat be shaved.'

  So she beat her breast, crying, 'Oh, utter stagnation, till Shagpat beshaved! and oh, stoppage in the tide of business, dense cloud upon theface of beauty, and frost on the river of events, till Shagpat be shaved!And oh! my betrothed, crowned ape in Aklis till Shagpat be shaved!'

  Then she lifted her hands and arms, and said, 'To him where he is, yeGenii! and away, for he needeth comfort.'

  Thereat the glittering spirits dissolved and thinned, and were as tapergleams of curved light across the water in their ascent of the heavens.When they were gone Noorna, exclaimed, 'Now for the dish of pomegrantegrain, O Baba Mustapha, and let nothing delay us further.'

  Quoth Baba Mustapha, ''Tis ordered, O my princess and fair mistress, fromthe confectioner's; and with it the sleepy drug from the seller ofmedicaments--accursed flea!'

  Now, she laughed, and said, 'What am I, O Baba Mustapha?'

  So he said, 'Not thou, O bright shooter of beams, but I, wullahy! I'm buta bundle of points through the pertinacity of this flea! a house ofirritabilities! a mere mass of fretfulness! and I've no thought but forthe chasing of this unlucky flea: was never flea like it in the worldbefore this flea; and 'tis a flea to anger the holy ones, and make thesaintly Dervish swear at such a flea.' He wriggled and curled where hesat, and Noorna cried, 'What! shall we be defeated by a flea, we thatwould shave Shagpat, and release this city and the world from bondage?'And she looked up to the sky that was then without a cloud, blazing withthe sun on his mid seat, and exclaimed, 'O star of Shagpat! wilt thouconstantly be in the ascendant, and defeat us, the liberators of men,with a flea?'

  Now, whenever one of the twain, Baba Mustapha and the Vizier Feshnavat,commenced speaking of the dish of pomegranate grain, the torment of theflea took all tongue from him, and was destruction to the gravity ofcouncil and deliberation. The dish of pomegranate grain was brought tothem by slaves, and the drug to induce sleep, yet neither could say aughtconcerning it, they were as jointy grasshoppers through the action of theflea, and the torment of the flea became a madness, they shrieking, ''Tisnow with thee! 'Tis now with me! Fires of the damned on this flea!' Intheir extremity, they called to Allah for help, but no help came, savewhen they abandoned all speech concerning the dish of pomegranate grain,then were they for a moment eased of the flea. So Noorna recognized thepresence of her enemy Karaz, and his malicious working; and she went andfetched a jar brimmed with water for the bath, and stirred it with herforefinger, and drew on it a flame from the rays of the sun till thererose up from the jar a white thick smoke. She rustled her raiment, makingthe wind of it collect round Baba Mustapha and Feshnavat, and did thistill the sweat streamed from their brows and bodies, and they weresensible of peace and the absence of the flea. Then she whisked away thesmoke, and they were attended by slaves with fresh robes, and were as newmen, and sat together over the dish of pomegranate grain, praising thewisdom of Noorna and her power. Then Baba Mustapha revived in briskness,and cried, 'Here the dish! and 'tis in my hands an instrument, aninstrument of vengeance! and one to endow the skilful wielder of it withglory. And 'tis as I designed it,--sweet, seasoned, savoury,--a flatteryto the eye and no deceiver to the palate. Wah! and such an instrument inthe hands of the discerning and the dexterous, and the discreet and thejudicious, and them gifted with determination, is't not such as sufficethfor the overturning of empires and systems, O my mistress, fair one,sapphire of this city? And is't not written that I shall beguile Shagpatby its means, and master the Event, and shame the King of Oolb and hisCourt? And I shall then sit in state among men, and surround myself withadornments and with slaves, mute, that speak not save at the signal, andare as statues round the cushions of their lord--that's myself. And Ishall surround myself with the flatteries of wealth, and walk bewilderedin silks and stuffs and perfumeries; and sweet young beauties shall Ihave about me, antelopes of grace, as I like them, and select them,long-eyed, lazy, fond of listening, and with bashful looks that timidlyadmire the dignity that's in man.'

  While he was prating Noorna took the dish in her lap, and folded hersilvery feet beneath her, and commenced whipping into it the drug: andshe whipped it dexterously and with equal division among the grain,whipping it and the flea with it, but she feigned not to mark the fleaand whipped harder. Then took she colour and coloured it saffron, andlaid over it gold-leaf, so that it glittered and was an enticing sight;and the dish was of gold, crusted over with devices and patterns, andheads of golden monsters, a ravishment of skill in him that executed it,cumbrous with ornate golden workmanship; likewise there were places roundthe dish for sticks of perfume and cups carved for the storing ofperfumed pellets, and into these Noorna put myrrh and ambergris and richincenses, aloes, sandalwood, prepared essences, divers
keen and sweetscents. Then when all was in readiness, she put the dish upon the knee ofBaba Mustapha, and awoke him from his babbling reverie with a shout, andsaid, 'An instrument verily, O Baba Mustapha! and art thou a cat to shaveShagpat with that tongue of thine?'

  Now, he arose and made the sign of obedience and said, ''Tis well, O ladyof grace and bright wit! and now for the cap of Shiraz and the Persianrobe, and my twenty slaves and seven to follow me to the mansion ofShagpat. I'll do: I'll act.'

  So she motioned to a slave to bring the cap of Shiraz and the Persianrobe, and in these Baba Mustapha arrayed himself. Then called he for thetwenty-and-seven slaves, and they were ranged, some to go before, some tofollow him. And he was exalted, and made the cap of Shiraz nod in hisconceit, crying, 'Am I not leader in this complot? Wullahy! all bow to meand acknowledge it.' Then, to check himself, he called out sternly to theslaves, 'Ho ye! forward to the mansion of Shagpat; and pass at a slowpace through the streets of the city--solemnly, gravely, as before apotentate; then will the people inquire of ye, Who't is ye marshal, andwhat mighty one? and ye will answer, He's from the court of Shiraz,nothing less than a Vizier--bearing homage to Shagpat, even this dish ofpomegranate grain.'

  So they said, 'To hear is to obey.'

  Upon that he waved his hand and stalked majestically, and they descendedfrom the roof into the street, criers running in front to clear the way.When Baba Mustapha was hidden from view by a corner of the street, Noornashrank in her white shoulders and laughed, and was like a flashing pearlas she swayed and dimpled with laughter. And she cried, 'True are thosewords of the poet, and I testify to them in the instance of BabaMustapha:

  "With feathers of the cock, I'll fashion a vain creature; With feathers of the owl, I'll make a judge in feature";

  Is not the barber elate and lofty? He goeth forth to the mastery of thisEvent as go many, armed with nought other than their own conceit: and'tis written:

  "Fools from their fate seek not to urge: The coxcomb carrieth his scourge."'

  So Feshnavat smoothed his face, and said, 'Is't not also written?--

  "Oft may the fall of fools make wise men moan! Too often hangs the house on one loose stone!"

  'Tis so, O Noorna, my daughter, and I am as a reed shaken by the wind ofapprehensiveness, and doubt in me is a deep root as to the issue of thisundertaking, for the wrath of the King will be terrible, and the clamourof the people soundeth in my ears already. If Shibli Bagarag fail in onestroke, where be we? 'Tis certain I knew not the might in Shagpat when Istrove with him, and he's powerful beyond the measure of man's subtlety;and yonder flies a rook without fellow--an omen; and all's ominous, andominous of ill: and I marked among the troop of slaves that preceded BabaMustapha one that squinted, and that's an omen; and, O my daughter, Icounsel that thou by thy magic speed us to some remote point in theCaucasus, where we may abide the unravelling of this web securely, oneway or the other way. 'Tis my counsel, O Noorna.'

  Then she, 'Abandon my betrothed? and betray him on the very stroke of theSword? and diminish him by a withdrawal of that faith in his right wristwhich strengtheneth it more than Karavejis and Veejravoosh wound round itin coils?' And she leaned her head, and cried, 'Hark! hear'st thou?there's shouting in the streets of Shiraz and of Shagpat! Shall we meritthe punishment of Shahpesh the Persian on Khipil the builder, while theEvent is mastering? I'll mark this interview between Baba Mustapha andShagpat; and do thou, O my father, rest here on this roof till the King'sguard of horsemen and soldiers of the law come hither for thee, and gowith them sedately, fearing nought, for I shall be by thee in the garb ofan old woman; and preserve thy composure in the presence of the King andShagpat exalted, and allow not the thing that happeneth let fly from theethe shaft of speech, but remain a slackened bow till the strength of mybetrothed is testified, fearing nought, for fear is that which defeatethmen, and 'tis declared in a distich,--

  "The strongest weapon one can see In mortal hands is constancy."

  And for us to flee now would rank us with that King described by thepoet:

  "A king of Ind there was who fought a fight From the first gleam of morn till fall of night; But when the royal tent his generals sought, Proclaiming victory, fled was he who fought. Despair possessed them, till they chanced to spy A Dervish that paced on with downward eye; They questioned of the King; he answer'd slow, 'Ye fought but one, the King a double, foe."'

  And, O my father, they interpreted of this that the King had beenvanquished, he that was victor, by the phantom army of his fears.'

  Now, the Vizier cried, 'Be the will of Allah achieved and consummated!'and he was silenced by her wisdom and urgency, and sat where he was,diverting not the arch on his brow from its settled furrow. He was as onethat thirsteth, and whose eye hath marked a snake of swift poison by thewater, so thirsted he for the Event, yet hung with dread from advancing;but Noorna bin Noorka busied herself about the roof, drawing circles towitness the track of an enemy, and she clapped her hands and cried,'Luloo!' and lo, a fair slave-girl that came to her and stood by withbent head, like a white lily by a milk-white antelope; so Noorna cloudedher brow a moment, as when the moon darkeneth behind a scud, and cried,'Speak! art thou in league with Karaz, girl?'

  Luloo strained her hands to her temples, exclaiming, 'With the terribleGenie?--I?--in league with him? my mistress, surely the charms I wear,and the amulets, I wear them as a protection from that Genie, and asafeguard, he that carrieth off the maidens and the young sucklings,walking under the curse of mothers.'

  Said Noorna, 'O Luloo, have I boxed those little ears of thine this day?'

  The fair slave-girl smiled a smile of submissive tenderness, andanswered, 'Not this day, nor once since Luloo was rescued from the wickedold merchant by thy overbidding, and was taken to the arms of a wise kindsister, wiser and kinder than any she had been stolen from, she that isthy slave for ever.'

  She said this weeping, and Noorna mused, ''Twas as I divined, thatwretched Kadza: her grief 's to come!' Then spake she aloud as toherself, 'Knew I, or could one know, I should this day be a bride?' And,hearing that, Luloo shrieked, 'Thou a bride, and torn from me, and we twoparted? and I, a poor drooping tendril, left to wither? for my life isround thee and worthless away from thee, O cherisher of the fallenflower.'

  And she sobbed out wailful verses and words, broken and without ameaning; but Noorna caught her by the arm and swung her, and bade herfetch on the instant a robe of blue, and pile in her chamber robes ofamber and saffron and grey, bridal-robes of many-lighted silks,plum-coloured, peach-coloured, of the colour of musk mixed with palegold, together with bridal ornaments and veils of the bride, and ajewelled circlet for the brow. When this was done, Noorna went with Lulooto her chamber, attended by slave-girls, and arrayed herself in the firstdress of blue, and swayed herself before the mirror, and rattled the goldpieces in her hair and on her neck with laughter. And Luloo wasbewildered, and forgot her tears to watch the gaiety of her mistress; andlo! Noorna, made her women take off one set of ornaments with everydress, and with every dress she put on another set; and after she hadgone the round of the different dresses, she went to the bathroom withLuloo, and at her bidding Luloo entered the bath beside Noorna, and thetwain dipped and shouldered in the blue water, and were as when a singlestar is by the full moon on a bright midnight pouring lustre about. AndNoorna splashed Luloo, and said, 'This night we shall not sleep together,O Luloo, nor lie close, thy bosom on mine.'

  Thereat, Luloo wept afresh, and cried, 'Ah, cruel! and 'tis a sweetthought for thee, and thou'lt have no mind for me, tossing on my hatefullonely couch.'

  Tenderly Noorna eyed Luloo, and the sprinkles of the bath fell with thetears of both, and they clung together, and were like the lily and itsbud on one stalk in a shower. Then, when Noorna had spent her affection,she said, 'O thou of the long downward lashes, thy love was constant whenI stood under a curse and was an old woman--a hag! Carest thou so littleto learn the name of him that claimeth

  Luloo replied, 'I thought of no one save myself and my loss, O my lostpearl; happy is he, a youth of favour. Oh, how I shall hate him thattaketh thee from me. Tell me now his name, O sovereign of hearts!'

  So Noorna smoothed the curves and corners of her mouth and calmed hercountenance, crying in a deep tone and a voice as of reverence,'Shagpat!'

  Now, at that name Luloo drank in her breath and was awed, and sank inherself, and had just words to ask, 'Hath he demanded thee again inmarriage, O my mistress?'

  Said Noorna, 'Even so.'

  Luloo muttered, 'Great is the Dispenser of our fates!'

  And she spake no further, but sighed and took napkins and summoned theslave-girls, and arrayed Noorna silently in the robe of blue and bridalornaments. Then Noorna said to them that thronged about her, 'Put on,each of ye, a robe of white, ye that are maidens, and a fillet of blue,and a sash of saffron, and abide my coming.'

  And she said to Luloo, 'Array thyself in a robe of blue, even as mine,and let trinkets lurk in thy tresses, and abide my coming.'

  Then went she forth from them, and veiled her head and swathed her figurein raiment of a coarse white stuff, and was as the moon going behind ahill of dusky snow; and she left the house, and passed along the streetsand by the palaces, till she came to the palace of her father, now filledby Shagpat. Before the palace grouped a great concourse and a multitudeof all ages and either sex in that city, despite the blaze and the heat.Like roaring of a sea beyond the mountains was the noise that issued fromthem, and their eyes were a fire of beams against the portal of thepalace. Now, she saw in the crowd one Shafrac, a shoemaker, andaddressed him, saying, 'O Shafrac, the shoemaker, what's this assemblyand how got together? for the poet says:

  "Ye string not such assemblies in the street, Save when some high Event should be complete."'

  He answered, ''Tis an Event complete. Wullahy! the deputation from Shirazto Shagpat, and the submission of that vain city to the might ofShagpat.' And he asked her, jestingly, 'Art thou a witch, to guess that,O veiled and virtuous one?'

  Quoth she, 'I read the thing that cometh ere 'tis come, and I read dangerto Shagpat in this deputation from Shiraz, and this dish of pomegranategrain.'

  So Shafrac cried, 'By the beard of my fathers and that of Shagpat! let'sspeak of this to Zeel, the garlic-seller.'

  He broadened to one that was by him, and said, 'O Zeel, what's thy mind?Here's a woman, a wise woman, a witch, and she sees danger to Shagpat inthis deputation from Shiraz and this dish of pomegranate grain.'

  Now, Zeel screwed his visage and gazed up into his forehead, and said,''Twere best to consult with Bootlbac, the drum-beater.'

  The two then called to Bootlbac, the drum-beater, and told him thematter, and Bootlbac pondered, and tapped his brow and beat on hisstomach, and said, 'Krooz el Krazawik, the carrier, is good in such acase.'

  Now, from Krooz el Krazawik, the carrier, they went to Dob, theconfectioner; and from Dob, the confectioner, to Azawool, the builder;and from Azawool, the builder, to Tcheik, the collector of taxes; andeach referred to some other, till perplexity triumphed and was a cloudover them, and the words, 'Danger to Shagpat,' went about like bees, andwere canvassing, when suddenly a shrill voice rose from the midst,dominating other voices, and it was that of Kadza, and she cried, 'Whotalks here of danger to Shagpat, and what wretch is it?'

  Now, Tcheik pointed out Azawool, and Azawool Dob, and Dob Krooz elKrazawik, and he Bootlbac, and the drum-beater shrugged his shoulder atZeel, and Zeel stood away from Shafrac, and Shafrac seized Noorna andshouted, ''Tis she, this woman, the witch!'

  Kadza fronted Noorna, and called to her, 'O thing of infamy, what's thistalk of thine concerning danger to our glory, Shagpat?'

  Then Noorna replied, 'I say it, O Kadza! and I say it; there's dangerthreateneth him, and from that deputation and that dish of pomegranategrain.'

  Now, Kadza laughed a loose laugh, and jeered at Noorna, crying, 'Dangerto Shagpat! he that's attended by Genii, and watched over by the greatestof them, day and night incessantly?'

  And Noorna said, 'I ask pardon of the Power that seeth, and of thee, if Ibe wrong. Wah! am I not also of them that watch over Shagpat? So then letthou and I go into the palace and examine the doings of this deputationand this dish of pomegranate grain.'

  Now, Kadza remembered the scene on the roofs of the Vizier Feshnavat, andrelaxed in her look of suspicion, and said, ''Tis well! Let's in tothem.'

  Thereupon the twain threaded through the crowd and locked at the portalsof the palace, and it was opened to them and they entered, and lo! thehand that opened the portals was the hand of a slave of the Sword, andagainst corners of the Court leaned slaves silly with slumber. So Kadzawent up to them, and beat them, and shook them, and they yawned andmumbled, 'Excellent grain! good grain! the grain of Shiraz!' And she beatthem with what might was hers, till some fell sideways and some forward,still mumbling, 'Excellent pomegranate grain!' Kadza was beside herselfwith anger and vexation at them, tearing them and cuffing them; butNoorna cried, 'O Kadza! what said I? there's danger to Shagpat in thisdish of pomegranate grain! and what's that saying:

  "'Tis much against the Master's wish That slaves too greatly praise his dish."

  Wullahy! I like not this talk of the grain of Shiraz.'

  Now, while Noorna spake, the eyes of Kadza became like those of thestarved wild-cat, and she sprang off and along the marble of the Court,and clawed a passage through the air and past the marble pillars of thepalace toward the first room of reception, Noorna following her. And inthe first room were slaves leaning and lolling like them about the Court,and in the second room and in the third room, silent all of them andsenseless. So at this sight the spark of suspicion became a mighty flamein the bosom of Kadza, and horror burst out at all ends of her, and sheshuddered, and cried, 'What for us, and where's our hope if Shagpat beshorn, and he lopped of the Identical, shamed like the lion of my dream!'

  And Noorna clasped her hands, and said, ''Tis that I fear! Seek for him,O Kadza!'

  So Kadza ran to a window and looked forth over the garden of the palace,and it was a fair garden with the gleam of a fountain and watered plantsand cool arches of shade, thick bowers, fragrant alleys, long shelteredterraces, and beyond the garden a summer-house of marble fanned by thebroad leaves of a palm. Now, when Kadza had gazed a moment, she shrieked,'He's there! Shagpat! giveth he not the light of a jewel to the housethat holdeth him? Awahy! and he's witched there for an ill purpose.'

  Then tore she from that room like a mad wild thing after its stolen cubs,and sped along corridors of the palace, and down the great flight ofsteps into the garden and across the garden, knocking over theablution-pots in her haste; and Noorna had just strength to withhold herfrom dashing through the doors of the summer-house to come upon Shagpat,she straining and crying, 'He's there, I say, O wise woman! Shagpat!let's into him.'

  But Noorna clung to her, and spake in her ear, 'Wilt thou blow the firethat menaces him, O Kadza? and what are two women against the assailantsof such a mighty one as he?' Then said she, 'Watch, rather, and availthyself of yonder window by the blue-painted pillar.'

  So Kadza crept up to the blue-painted pillar which was on the right sideof the porch, and the twain peered through the window. Noorna beheld theDish of Pomegranate Grain; and it was on the floor, empty of the grain,and Baba Mustapha was by it alone making a lather, and he was twitchinghis mouth and his legs, and flinging about his arms, and Noorna heard himmutter wrathfully, 'O accursed flea! art thou at me again?' And she heardhim mutter as in anguish, 'No peace for thee, O pertinacious flea! and mysteadiness of hand will be gone, now when I have him safe as the hawk hisprey, mine enemy, this Shagpat that abused me: thou abominable flea! And,O thou flea, wilt thou, vile thing! hinder me from mastering the Event,and releasing this people and the world from enchantment and bondage? Andshall I fail to become famous to the ages and the times because of suchas thee, flea?'

  So Kadza whispered to Noorna, 'What's th
at he's muttering? Is't ofShagpat? for I mark him not here, nor the light by which he's girt.'

  She answered, 'Listen with the ear and the eye and all the senses.'

  Now, presently they heard Baba Mustapha say in a louder tone, like onethat is secure from interruption, 'Two lathers, and this the third! apotent lather! and I wot there's not a hair in this world resisteth thesweep of my blade over such a lather as--Ah! flea of iniquity andabomination! what! am I doomed to thy torments?--so let's spread! Lo!this lather, is't not the pride of Shiraz? and the polish and smoothnessit sheddeth, is't not roseate? my invention! as the poet says,--Oaccursed flea! now the knee-joint, now the knee-cap, and 'tis but a hopfor thee to the arm-pit. Fires of the pit without bottom seize thee! isno place sacred from thee, and art thou a restless soul, infernal flea?So then, peace awhile, and here's for the third lather.'

  While he was speaking Baba Mustapha advanced to a large white object thatsat motionless, upright like a snow-mound on a throne of cushions, andcommenced lathering. When she saw that, Kadza tossed up her head and herthroat, and a shriek was coming from her, for she was ware of Shagpat;but Noorna stifled the shriek, and clutched her fast, whispering, 'He'ssafe if thou have but patience, thou silly Kadza! and the flea willdefeat this fellow if thou spoil it not.'

  So Kadza said, looking up, 'Is 't seen of Allah, and be the Genii stillin their depths?' but she constrained herself, peering and perking outher chin, and lifting one foot and the other foot, as on furnaces of firein the excess of the fury she smothered. And lo, Baba Mustapha workeddiligently, and Shagpat was behind an exulting lather, even as one peltedwith wheaten flour-balls or balls of powdery perfume, and his hairinesswas as branches of the forest foliage bent under a sudden fall ofoverwhelming snow that filleth the pits and sharpeneth the wolves withhunger, and teacheth new cunning to the fox. A fox was Baba Mustapha inhis stratagems, and a wolf in the fierceness of his setting upon Shagpat.Surely he drew forth the blade that was to shear Shagpat, and made withit in the air a preparatory sweep and flourish; and the blade frolickedand sent forth a light, and seemed eager for Shagpat. So Baba Mustaphaaddressed his arm to the shearing, and inclined gently the edge of theblade, and they marked him let it slide twice to a level with the head ofShagpat, and at the third time it touched, and Kadza howled, but fromBaba Mustapha there burst a howl to madden the beasts; and he flung uphis blade, and wrenched open his robe, crying, 'A flea was it to bite inthat fashion? Now, I swear by the Merciful, a fang like that's common totigers and hyaenas and ferocious animals.'

  Then looked he for the mark of the bite, plaining of its pang, and hecould find the mark nowhere. So, as he caressed himself, eyeing Shagpatsheepishly and with gathering awe, Noorna said hurriedly to Kadza, 'Awaynow, and call them in, the crowd about the palace, that they may beholdthe triumph of Shagpat, for 'tis ripe, O Kadza!'

  And Kadza replied, 'Thou'rt a wise woman, and I'll have thee richlyrewarded. Lo, I'm as a camel lightened of fifty loads, and the glory ofShagpat see I as a new sun rising in the desert. Wullahy! thou'rt wise,and I'll do thy bidding.'

  Now, she went flying back to the palace, and called shrill calls to thecrowd, and collected them in the palace, and headed them through thegarden, and it was when Baba Mustapha had summoned courage for a secondessay, and was in the act of standing over Shagpat to operate on him,that the crowd burst the doors, and he was quickly seized by them, andtugged at and hauled at and pummelled, and torn and vituperated, and as awrecked vessel on stormy waters, plunging up and down with tatteredsails, when the crew fling overboard freight and ballast and provision.Surely his time would have been short with that mob, but Noorna madeKadza see the use of examining him before the King, and there were inthat mob sheikhs and fakirs, holy men who listened to the words of Kadza,and exerted themselves to rescue Baba Mustapha, and quieted the rage thatwas prevailing, and bore Baba Mustapha with them to the great palace ofthe King, which was in the centre of that City. Now, when the King heardof the attempt on Shagpat, and the affair of the Pomegranate Grain, hegave orders for the admission of the people, as many of them as could becontained in the Hall of Justice: and he set a guard over Baba Mustapha,and commanded that Shagpat should be brought to the palace even as hethen was, and with the lather on him. So the regal mandate went forth,and Shagpat was brought in state on cushions, and the potency of the drugpreserved his sedateness through all this, and he remained motionless insleep, folded in the centre of calm and satisfaction, while this tumultwas rageing and the City shook with uproar. But the people, when they sawhim whitened behind a lather, wrath at Baba Mustapha's polluting touchand the audacity of barbercraft wrestled in them with the outpouring ofreverence for Shagpat, and a clamour arose for the instant sacrifice ofBaba Mustapha at the foot of their idol Shagpat. And the whole of theCity of Shagpat, men, women, and children, and the sheikhs and thedervishes and crafts of the City besieged the King's palace in thatmiddle hour of the noon, clamouring for the sacrifice of Baba Mustapha atthe feet of their idol Shagpat.