Read The Sheikh's Quadruplet Baby Surprise Page 27

  Bahir was more god than mortal.

  As he turned back to face her, Nicole tried to remove that comparison from her mind. The man wanted to be treated as an equal, at least to some extent. Nicole would try and give him that.

  “I can assure you, Ms. Calvert, princes and presidents are also just regular people. They take showers. They like bagels. Sometimes they might wear the same pair of jeans more than once,” he said with a glimmer in his eye.

  He was teasing her, Nicole thought, and she allowed the tension in her shoulders to ease just a notch.

  “Well then, if we all like bagels, I suppose there’s no reason why we can’t all get along,” she said lightly, pushing down her trepidation.

  Bahir leaned in and placed his forearms on his desk, and Nicole took a small, subconscious step back.

  “All right then, Nicole. Now that we’re on the same level, I was hoping you could accept a promotion.”

  Nicole blinked. “A what?”

  Bahir sat back in his comfortable chair, his gaze intent, even as mirth shone through his eyes.

  “A promotion? You know, like a raise and an elevated position?”

  “But why?”

  “I’m sorry?” he said, his brow furrowed.

  Nicole couldn’t help but be honest.

  “Why would you give me a promotion? I’ve only been here three weeks, and you just met me five minute ago when I nearly bulldozed you in the hallway. What possible reason could you have for promoting me?”

  Bahir reached out for a pen and twirled it between his fingers as his penetrating stare continued to bore into her.

  She could see then how he won out negotiations with business competitors and industry experts. His presence was strong and imposing, all while being somehow warm at the same time.

  Finally, he set the pen back on the desk, breaking his stare.

  “I like you, Nicole. You’re honest, and I don’t get a lot of honesty around here. As you mentioned, people are intimidated by my position of wealth and status, and tend to hold back around me. The reason I’m offering you a promotion is because my personal assistant has decided to abandon me and leave me helpless. Just now I ran into you, a competent, capable employee, and voilà: new personal assistant!”

  Nicole stared at him for a moment before replying.

  “You want me to be your…assistant?” she asked, dumbfounded.

  Bahir sighed. “That’s what I just said, isn’t it?”

  “And how is that a promotion, exactly?” she asked, taking a seat in a plush, leather sofa across from the desk. Her feet were killing her in her heels, and she couldn’t keep thinking straight standing up. What was going on?

  Bahir raised one perfectly-arched eyebrow. “I should think it’s quite obvious. You’ll be working directly with me at all times, traveling with me, ensuring that business is conducted successfully. I can increase your salary by fifty percent, and there are excellent perks.”

  “Does the job require a degree?”

  Bahir waved a hand dismissively. “I don’t know, probably. You already have one, so we’re good there.”

  Nicole leaned in, capturing his gaze and not letting him look away.

  “I have a J.D. in International Business Law, sir,” she said, nearly hissing out the last word. “I think my time is worth more than running errands and currying favor for a billionaire. Besides, do you even know what I earn?”

  Bahir shrugged. “No. Why, you think I won’t double it? I’ll triple it. Please, Nicole,” he said, leaning in, his eyes beseeching.

  Nicole felt her heart speed up at those words. It felt strange to be begged by such a rich and powerful man. Her boss, no less.

  She thought about it for a moment. Of course she could use the money. Her education had cost more than a house, and with triple her salary she could pay off her loans in no time, if Bahir was good for his word. But at the same time, Nicole was a lawyer. She had worked relentlessly hard to become one, studying for night after sleepless night, determined to succeed. Could she really give that up to be his little errand girl?

  “How long?”

  “How long is what?” he asked with just a flicker of a smile, and Nicole felt herself blush even as she pressed on.

  “How long would I work this position before I could go back to the legal team?”

  Bahir shrugged. “I’m sure we can find a replacement soon—in a few weeks, perhaps. You know the hiring process can take some time. I’ll ask you one more time, Nicole, and I’m not a man used to begging, so please put me out of my misery here.”

  His tone carried a slight edge this time. It was almost enough for Nicole to balk, but then another thought caught her mind.

  Her younger brother would be graduating from Stanford in a few short weeks. Maybe she could pass the job on to him, and kill two birds with one stone. Failing that, at the very least, she could hopefully get him a job in the company. Being this close to Bahir could increase her chances of helping him. It was enough to sway her decision.

  “I’ll take double my salary until I am reinstated on your legal team,” she said, and Bahir flashed her a very bright and charming smile.

  “Fantastic. It’s yours. Now, here’s a list of things I need done by six o’clock tonight,” he said, immediately back to business.

  He held out a messy pile of papers and folders to Nicole, who took hold of them haphazardly, trying not to spill everything on the floor. Staring at the pile, she could see a jumble of handwritten notes and typed up memos.

  Bahir was already looking back at his computer. “Can I help you with anything else, Nicole?” he asked, his tone dismissive.

  She cleared her throat, straightening her pile and heading towards the door. “No, thank you, sir,” she said, not knowing what else one said when they’d just had their salary doubled.

  “Bahir,” he said, still looking at his screen as he started typing.

  “Bahir,” she agreed.

  As she was exiting the room he called out her name one more time. Turning, she raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to speak.

  “Your new office is right next to mine, there on the right. Feel free to move in at your convenience.”

  “Oh…thanks,” she said, trying not to sound as disappointed as she felt.

  Nicole clicked back down the hallway, feeling even more uncomfortable in her heels. When she reached the legal offices she was surprised to see everyone’s face turn up to look at her. Her supervisor stood up.

  “Nicole, can I see you in my office, please?” his tone was curt.

  “Of course,” she said. She knew he was about to reprimand her for being so late. Boy, was he in for a surprise.

  “Nicole, I know you’re new here,” the supervisor began, sitting in his chair and gesturing for her to sit across from him. “But coming in thirty minutes late is completely unacceptable. We have high standards in this department, and I would hope that you follow them moving forward.”

  Nicole sighed. “I would love to, Perry, but I’m afraid I’ve just been transferred to a new department,” she said, suppressing a smile as she watched his eyebrows shoot up to his hairline.

  “What?” he asked. “Who sanctioned that, and why wasn’t I informed? This is extremely unprofessional behavior, Nicole, going over my head like this. Who is trying to steal you out from under me?”

  “Mr. Al-Jabbar. I can only apologize, but I think you’ll agree that he has the right to do pretty much whatever he wants.”

  Perry stared at her. “Perhaps you should tell me exactly what happened, just so I can be clear.”

  Nicole told him the edited version of what had happened—that Bahir was in search of a new personal assistant and had liked her work ethic, offering her the job on the spot.

  “As you can see,” Nicole finished, holding up her untidy pile of paperwork. “I already have my work cut out for me.”

  Perry’s expression was dull as he looked from the pile back to her face.

only temporary,” Nicole added, her voice rushed. She didn’t want to burn any bridges here. “Mr. Al-Jabbar was very clear on that. He is searching for someone to fill the position, but asked me to work as the replacement in the interim. Trust me, I can’t wait to get back here, Perry.”

  After another pause, Perry sighed. “Well, I hope for your sake that it is temporary, Nicole. You’re an asset to this team, and personally I think your time is worth more than fetching coffee.”

  “You and me both,” she mumbled, and Perry grinned, rising.

  He held out his hand for her to shake, which she did.

  “Good luck then, Nicole. Not that I’m one for gossip, but that position has seen a lot of turnover over the years. I’m hopeful they can find someone soon so you can get back to what you’re good at.”

  “Thanks Perry,” Nicole said with a wry grin. “I hope to see you soon. He’s asked me to move offices for now,” she said, thinking back on her conversation with the CEO.

  She cleared out the meager piles of knickknacks on her desk and headed over to the office next to Bahir’s. It was more spacious than her old desk space, but Nicole still didn’t like it. It felt too big. Too impersonal.

  Setting down the pile of tasks on her desk, she gazed out the window at the city for a moment, processing the dramatic change to her daily life that had occurred out of the blue, before turning to her desk and getting to work.

  That was six months ago.

  Now, as she sat in the cool air of a fancy car, driving through a chic, metropolitan city, Nicole wondered for the millionth time if Bahir would ever replace her. Since that first day, she’d worked nonstop for him, round the clock. He’d asked for her cellphone number and since then had never ceased to call and text her at any time, day or night, asking her to schedule things into his daily routine. At first she had hated every minute of it—until she had gotten her first paycheck. At that point she had realized that the hours justified the money she was making, and had placated the voice in her head telling her she should just quit.

  That had worked for a little while longer, but as Bahir’s demands had increased, and she’d found herself constantly jetlagged, she’d started asking him how the search for a new personal assistant was coming along. He’d brushed her off every single time. His excuses were lame, paired with a charismatic grin meant to shut her up. Shut her up it did, but Nicole had reached her breaking point. She was tired of being tired. She wanted a regular job, in America, where she could get used to one time zone and maybe pull a few late nights here and there, but not every single day.

  She was burning out, fast, and Bahir was so wrapped up in his work that he didn’t seem to notice, or care. Nicole pulled out her cellphone and opened her email. She rubbed two fingers along her closed eyes, trying to find a way to scratch out that sandpapery feeling of exhaustion. The email was still there.

  Dear Ms. Calvert,

  I am writing to inform you that your candidacy is still under consideration. Thank you for taking the time to meet with us last week. Your credentials are very impressive, but as you are undoubtedly aware, this field is very competitive, and we have a difficult decision ahead. We will be in touch in the coming weeks.

  Thank you once again for considering employment with Simon and Jenkins Associates.
