Read The Shipwreck Page 10


  The Hurricane.

  In utmost astonishment the sailors looked after the helmsman and thetwo boys as they were led away. All honored and trusted Green as a mantrue to his duty and a brave comrade; the Captain's nephew was thefavorite of the crew, and everybody liked faithful little Peppo. Whatdid it all mean? Now before their very eyes the helmsman had attackedthe first officer and the Captain, and even commanded the Chinamen tobe insubordinate, and the boys openly had taken sides with the helmsman.

  "Green has lost his mind," cried an old sailor.

  "It must be so," answered his companion. "Perhaps he is moonstruck;more than one good fellow has gone moonstruck in the tropics."

  "He must be out of his mind," put in the Captain, "but that's a matterfor the judge to find out. You can testify as to what he said and did,and if the judge sends him to the mad-house instead of the gallows, Ishall be glad. Redfox has fortunately recovered himself after themurderous attack and is going into my cabin." The Captain startedacross the deck. "But hello, here!--What's the matter? The wind haschanged all of a sudden, or rather the breeze has ceased. The sailsare flapping against the mast, and the pennons are not moving. Everyman to his post," he shouted. "I fear the wind will veer suddenlybefore we have time to turn round, and blow harder than will bepleasant for us. Gray, go to the wheel. The rest of you mount therigging, furl the sails, all, even the great topsail. Oh, here, youChinamen, get down stairs."

  The scene which had just taken place on deck had so absorbed theattention of the entire crew that now for the first time they took noteof the change. There was the same long swell on the sea, but thebeautiful blue green waters had taken on a dull leaden hue. The skywas threatening; instead of being azure, as it had been for weeks, itwas of a peculiar grayish color, although not a cloud was visible. Inthe west the sun surrounded by a dark halo was going down. First adark bank of clouds appeared above the horizon; then quickly, like agiant's hand with outstretched fingers to grasp the ship which laymotionless on the waters, it spread until it covered the sun. Withgreatest anxiety the sailors watched the signs of the approachinghurricane, making what preparations they could by furling the sails,locking the hatchways, and fastening every rope securely.

  "We're going to have a hurricane, I fear, Captain. Just see how thequicksilver has dropped in the barometer, and we are right upon thisaccursed island with its coral reefs. God have mercy on us or we arelost," said Gray.

  White with fear he looked at the barometer, then at the sky. Alreadythe rumblings of the storm could be heard, and in the distance sheetsof foam like a mist were being driven before the wind.

  "It will be here in a moment. The first shock will strike us on theside.--If we only don't capsize," said the Captain.

  "I cannot turn the ship against the wind so long as it is lying stilllike this. We must let the waves wash over us--there!"

  While Gray was speaking the storm broke and went howling through therigging, filling the only sail which was unfurled. The mast creaked;the ship groaned in all its joints, as it tipped on its side until theends of the yards touched the water, and for one awful moment it seemedas if it could not right itself. Then yielding to the rudder it swunground to the west, and offered the point of the bow to the storm. Onlythe fact that it was very strongly built saved it from destruction.

  "Keep to the south as much as you can," called the Captain.

  "The first danger is over," said Gray breathless, "but what now? Howam I to steer a ship that won't and can't be steered in such a storm asthis. I wish Green were here in my place."

  "Keep to the south as much as you can. Every inch that we get awayfrom the Soloman Islands is so much away from sure destruction. If wecan only avoid those coral reefs we shall be safe.--Oh, that I was everfool enough to listen to Redfox and steer for those accursed islands."These last words the Captain muttered under his breath, as he realizedhow quickly God's punishment was overtaking him.

  "To the south, Captain, so long as mast and sails remain and the goodship yields to the rudder; but do let Green come and take my place. Iam not capable of steering in such a storm as this."

  The Captain left Gray and went immediately to the room where thehelmsman was chained. The thrashing of the vessel, and the noise ofthe waves dashing over its decks told that a frightful storm wasraging, and of the dangers of the coral reefs he knew only too well.Consequently he said when the Captain came in, "It is no time now totalk of grievances and discipline, you need my help. I give you myword that when the ship is saved, if saved it can be, I will put on mychains again."

  "I hope it will not be necessary. You will see that there is somemisunderstanding.--What was that awful crash? Death is upon us," criedthe Captain, interrupting himself.

  "One of the masts has broken and gone over board!" cried Green. "Comequickly or we'll go to the bottom. Bring the two boys into the cabinand let them pray. If God will not spare these two innocent childrenthere is no hope for the rest of us. We can only repent and preparefor the end."

  A moment later Green was on deck. The mizzen-mast had broken off, butstill hung to the side of the vessel with all its tackling.

  "Cut the ropes and clear the ship; then try one of the jib-sails,otherwise there will be no such thing as steering," he said.

  The sailors obeyed quickly. They were approaching nearer and nearer tothe reefs, over which the breakers washed with a thundering noise.

  "If only the jib-sail will stand the pressure on it, perhaps we canavoid the reefs. I reckon they are not a half mile away; the shipyields a little," said Green.

  The Captain again came on board, but avoided the helmsman. To Gray hesaid, "Put out the flying-jib so as to be prepared in case the jib doesnot hold, and get ready to cast the anchor." The sailors took theirplaces at the capstan and made ready to lower the anchor. Meantime thenight had settled down quickly, for in the tropics night follows thegoing down of the sun without any twilight. There was a rainbow butthick banks of clouds driven along by the storm hid it. The darknesswas so intense that you could not see the top of the mast, and even onthe deck it was impossible to distinguish objects only a step or twoaway. Now and again a flash of lightning showed the foaming breakerswashing over the reefs and the dark outlines of the island beyond them.Anxiously every eye was turned towards the point of danger.

  "We're not two knots away from those accursed islands," said Gray.

  "The storm is rising. The sails will be in shreds in a moment. Suchwaves I have never seen before," answered Gray.

  The ship danced like a nutshell on the raging waters. The bowspritraised itself high in the air, while the stern was buried in the troughof the sea. All clung to the ropes or whatever object presented itselfexpecting to be washed overboard, as the boat shook and creaked in itsagony.

  Hanging for dear life to the railing near the wheel the Captain lookedupon the uproar of the elements, and must have admitted to himself thatthe helmsman's words of accusation were only too well founded. Afrightful cry shook his soul. "Cain, where is thy brother Abel? Whathast thou done with thy brother's child? What judgment will bepronounced on thee?" Now he did not seek to put the guilt on hiscorrupter, his bad angel, but admitted that he was guilty, and despairalmost broke his heart. "There is no forgiveness, miserable sinner,"whispered the arch enemy. "Thou art a murderer, thy brother'smurderer!" Then came back a happier thought, a picture of his innocentyouth. He saw himself before the miraculous image of the BlessedVirgin, which he then so often visited. There were the lights of manycandles, and her motherly eyes looking down upon him, and at the footof the image written on a little tablet these words: "Mother of mercy,refuge of sinners: pray for us." Like a friendly star in the night ofawful darkness came this bright picture, and in his agony he cried toheaven: "O Lord, give me time to repent and atone for my sins."

  The vessel swept on. The wind tore the sails to shreds. The sailorscast the anchor. With a thud it went into the sea,
and for a momentheld the vessel.

  "Cut the masts," thundered the Captain. The sailors obeyed orders, butwith the first stroke of the ax, above the roaring of winds and wavescame the awful human cry: "The anchor is lost! We're drifting!"

  "God have mercy on our souls," cried Green crossing himself, and theCaptain fell on his knees, moaning, "Mercy, mercy, O Lord, have mercyon us!"

  A dazzling streak of lightning showed the white outlines of the reefand the next moment a wave mountain high washed the vessel upon it.