Read The Shoes Come First: A Jennifer Cloud Novel Page 40

Chapter 15

  Mr. Hawkins and Johnny provided protection while Brodie and Caiyan secured Mitchell in the back of the wagon. Brodie had Mitchell bound and gagged and ready to be transported, but I still didn’t have my key, and there was no sign of Gertie.

  Mrs. Opal came out onto the porch, sawed-off shotgun in hand. She blasted a round off at a Mexican who had moved toward the bathhouse. He dropped his gun and went down, clutching his arm. They were starting to flank out and surround us.

  “She took her,” Mrs. Opal said. “I was coverin’ the front in case one of ‘em rascals got through the trees. The gal with the long hair took Gertie off on her motorized horse.”

  “Oh my God, they took Gertie!” I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing down my face. This was all my fault. What if they killed Gertie because they thought she was the transporter? The air felt thin, and I couldn’t breathe. Caiyan pulled me to him and wiped away my tears.

  “They won’t kill her. They need something to use to negotiate the freedom of Mitchell. As long as we have him, they won’t hurt her.”

  “You swear?” I sniffed, wiping my nose on my sleeve.

  “Yes, now we have to get oot of here before Pancho Villa decides to come back and we spend eternity in 1915.”

  Caiyan began barking orders. “Brodie, summon Ace and have him meet you at the Hobbses’ farm. If Villa returns, he won’t think to look for you there. Jen, go with Brodie, and I will hold them off long enough for you to get back to the town.”

  “No, I can’t leave you here by yourself.”

  “C’mon, darlin’, we need to make a fair go of it,” Brodie begged, looking worried. Caiyan scooped me up and plopped me down in the wagon next to Mitchell. He didn’t look happy about sitting next to me, so he gave me a good kick in the leg. Considering his hands were bound behind him and his feet were tied together, this was a pretty good feat.

  Caiyan pointed his Colt .45 revolver straight at Mitchell’s head and cocked the hammer.

  “If you touch her again, I will let the Hawkinses kill you, and then I will drop your dead body on Daddy’s doorstep.”

  Mitchell’s eyes got wide with fear, and he scooted as far away as possible.

  Mrs. Opal came running down the porch steps and gave me a hug. “Godspeed to you, dear. We will hold them off. Don’t worry, our cowhands are coming up behind them. It won’t be long now.”

  “Get oota here,” Caiyan demanded, and Brodie gave the reins a swish. Gypsy came to life and barreled through the trees and down a dirt path toward town.

  I saw Caiyan take cover behind the shed, giving him a view of any Villistas who might have wanted to sneak in from behind. We passed Dan, securely tied to a tree, on the way out. The wagon took a turn behind a hill, and Caiyan was gone from sight. There was shooting in the distance, but we continued our frantic pace to the Hobbses’ farm. I looked over at Mitchell, but he had his back turned to me. I assumed since this was his first trip and he had gotten himself captured, he would not be high on the Mafusos’ list of promising young time thieves.

  My heart was in my throat. I was worried about Gertie and afraid for Caiyan’s life. My dress was torn at the bottom from the bandage I had made for Caiyan, and I had a big rip down the right side of the bodice, probably from the leap off the train. The bonnet that hid my highlighted hair was history. I couldn’t remember losing it, but it must have come off in the rush to return to the Hawkinses’ farm. I buried my face in my hands and tried really hard not to cry… again.