Read The Silent House Page 30



  However closely one may study the fair sex, there is no understandingthem in the least. No one can say how a woman will act in a givensituation; for feminine actions are based less on logical foundationsthan on the emotion of the moment.

  Diana had never liked Lydia; when the American girl became herstepmother she hated her, and not only said as much but showed in herevery action that she believed what she said. She declared that shewould be glad to see Lydia deprived of her money and put into jail! Thepunishment would be no more than she deserved.

  Yet when these things came to pass; when, by the discovery that Vrainyet lived, Lydia lost her liberty; and when, as connected with theconspiracy, she was arrested on a criminal warrant and put into prison,Diana was the only friend she had. Miss Vrain declared that herstepmother was innocent, visited her in prison, and engaged a lawyer todefend her. Lucian could not forbear pointing out the discrepancybetween Diana's past sentiments and her present actions; but Miss Vrainwas quite ready with an excuse.

  "I am only doing my duty," she said. "In herself I like Lydia as littleas ever I did, but I think we have suspected her wrongly in beingconnected with this conspiracy, so I wish to help her if possible. Andafter all," added Diana, "she is my father's wife," as if that factextenuated all.

  "He has reason to know it," replied Lucian bitterly. "If it had not beenfor Lydia, your father would not have left his home for a lunaticasylum, nor would Clear have been murdered."

  "I quite agree with you, Lucian; but some good has come out of thisevil, for if things had not been as they are, you and I would never havemet."

  "Egad! that is true!" said Lucian, kissing her. "It's an ill wind thatblows nobody any good."

  So Diana played the part of a Good Samaritan towards her stepmother, andhelped her to bear the evil of being thrust into prison. Lydia wrote toher father in Paris, but received no reply, and therefore was without afriend in the world save Diana. Later on she was admitted to bail, andDiana took her to the hotel in Kensington, there to wait for the arrivalof Mr. Clyne. His absence and silence were both unaccountable.

  "I hope nothing is wrong with poppa," wept Lydia. "As a rule, he isalways smart in replying, and if he has seen about Ercole's death and myimprisonment in the papers, I'm sure he will be over soon."

  While she was thus waiting for her father, and Link in every way wasseeking evidence against her, Mrs. Clear received an answer to hermessage. In the same column of the _Daily Telegraph_, and in the samecypher, there appeared a message from Wrent that he would meet Mrs.Clear at No. 13 Geneva Square.

  Link was delighted when Mrs. Clear showed him this, and rubbed his handswith much pleasure. Affairs were about to be brought to a crisis, and asLink was the moving spirit in the matter, his vanity was sufficientlygratified as to make him quite amiable.

  "We've got him this time, Mr. Denzil," he said, with enthusiasm. "Youand I and a couple of policemen will go down to that house in GenevaSquare--by the front, sir, by the front."

  "Mrs. Clear, also?" questioned Lucian, wishing to be enlightened on allpoints.

  "No. She'll come in by the back, down the cellarway, as Wrent expectsher to come. Then he'll follow in the same path and walk right into thetrap."

  "But won't the two be seen climbing over that fence in the daytime?"asked the barrister doubtfully.

  "Who said anything about the daytime, Mr. Denzil? I did not, and Wrentknows too much to risk himself at a time that he can be seen from thewindows of the adjacent houses. No! no! The meeting with Mrs. Clear isto take place in the front room at ten o'clock, when it will be quitedark. You, I, and the policemen will hide in what was the bedroom, andlisten to what Wrent has to say to Mrs. Clear. We'll give him ropeenough to hang himself, sir, and then pounce out and nab him."

  "Well, he won't show much fight if he is Mr. Vrain."

  "I don't believe he is Mr. Vrain," retorted the detective bluntly.

  "I am doubtful of that, also," admitted Lucian, "but you know Vrain isnow out of the asylum, and, for the time being, has been left to his owndevices. The reply to the cypher did not appear until he was in thatposition. Supposing, after all, this mysterious Wrent proves to be thisunhappy man?"

  "In that case, he'll have to pay for his whistle, sir."

  "You mean in connection with the conspiracy?"

  "Yes, and perhaps with the murder of Clear; but we don't know if theso-called Wrent committed the crime. For such reason, Mr. Denzil, I wishto overhear what he says to Mrs. Clear. It is as well to give him enoughrope to hang himself with."

  "Can you trust Mrs. Clear?"

  "Absolutely. She knows on which side her bread is buttered. Her onlychance of getting free from her share of the matter is to turn Queen'sevidence, and she intends to do so."

  "What did she say about Vrain being Wrent?"

  "Well, sir," said Link, putting his head on one side, and looking atLucian with an odd expression, "you had better wait till the man'scaught before I answer that question. Then, maybe, you won't require ananswer."

  "It is very probable I won't," replied Lucian drily. "What time am I tosee you to-night?"

  "I'll call for you at nine o'clock sharp, and we'll go across to thehouse at once. I have the key in my pocket now. Peacock gave it to methis morning. The scene will be quite dramatic."

  "I hope it won't prove to be Vrain," said Lucian restlessly, for hethought how grieved Diana would be.

  "I hope not," answered Link curtly, "but there's no knowing. However, ifthe old man does get into trouble he can plead insanity. His having beenin the asylum of Jorce is a strong card for him to play. Good-day, Mr.Denzil. I'll see you to-night at nine o'clock sharp."

  "Good-day," replied Lucian, and the pair parted for the time being.

  Lucian did not go near Diana that day. In the first place, he did notwish to see Lydia, for whom he had no great love; and in the second, hewas afraid to speak to Diana as to the possibility of her father beingWrent.

  Diana, as a good daughter should, held firmly to the idea that herfather could not behave in such a way; and as a sensible woman, she didnot think that a man with so few of his senses about him could haveacted the dual part with which he was credited without, in some measure,betraying himself.

  Lucian was somewhat of this opinion himself, yet he had an uneasyfeeling that Vrain might prove to be the culprit. The fact of Vrain'sbeing often away from Mrs. Clear's house in Bayswater, and Wrent absentin the same way from Mrs. Bensusan's house in Jersey Street, appearedstrange, and argued a connection between the two. Again, the resemblancebetween them was most extraordinary and unaccountable.

  On the whole, Lucian was not satisfied in his mind as to what would bethe end of the matter, and had he known Mrs. Clear's address he wouldhave gone to question her about it. But only Link knew where the womanwas to be found, and kept that information to himself--especially fromDenzil. Now that he had the reins once more in his hands, he did notintend that the barrister should take them again.

  Punctual to the minute, Link, in a state of subdued excitement, came toLucian's rooms. Already he had sent his two policemen over to the house,into which he had instructed them to enter in the quietest and mostunostentatious manner, and now came to escort the barrister across.

  Lucian put on his hat at once, and the two walked out into the darknight, for dark it was, with no moon, few stars, and a great manyclouds. A most satisfactory night for their purpose.

  "All the better," said Link, casting a look round the deserted square;"all the better for our little game. I wish to secure this fellow asquietly as possible. Here's the door open--in with you, Mr. Denzil!"

  According to instructions, a policeman had waited behind the closeddoor, and at the one sharp knock of his superior opened it at once sothat the two slipped in as speedily as possible. Link had adark-lantern, which he used carefully, so that no light could be seenfrom the window looking on to the square; and with his three companionshe went in
to the back room which had formerly been used by Clear as asleeping apartment. Here the two policemen stationed themselves in onecorner; and Link, with Lucian, waited near the door leading into thesitting-room, so as to be ready for Mrs. Clear.

  All was so dark and lonely and silent that Lucian's nerves becameover-strained, and it was as much as he could do to prevent himself fromtrembling violently. In a whisper he conversed with Link.

  "Have you heard anything of that girl Rhoda?" he asked.

  "We have traced her to Berkshire," whispered Link. "She went back to hergypsy kinsfolk, you know. I dare say we'll manage to lay hands on hersooner or later."

  "She is an accomplice of Wrent's, I believe."

  "So do I, and I hope to make him confess as much to-night. Hush!"

  Suddenly Link had laid his clasp on Lucian's wrist to command silence,and the next moment they heard the swish-swish of a woman's dresscoming along the passage. She entered the sitting-room cautiously,moving slowly in the darkness, and stole up to the door behind whichLucian and the detective were hiding. The position of this she knewwell, because it was opposite the window.

  "Are you there?" whispered Mrs. Clear nervously.

  "Yes," replied Link in the same tone. "Myself, Mr. Denzil, and twopolicemen. Keep the man in talk, and find out, if possible, if hecommitted the murder."

  "I hope he won't kill me," muttered Mrs. Clear. "He will, if he knowsI've betrayed him."

  "That will be all right," said Link in a low, impatient voice. "We willrush out should he prove dangerous. Get over by the window, so that wecan see a little of you and Wrent when you talk."

  "No! no! Don't leave the door open! He'll see you!"

  "He won't, Mrs. Clear. We'll keep back in the darkness. If he shows alight, we'll rush him before he can use a weapon or clear out. Get backto the window!"

  "I hope I'll get through with this all right," said Mrs. Clearnervously. "It's an awful situation," and she moved stealthily acrossthe floor to the window.

  There was a faint gaslight outside, and the watchers could see herfigure and profile black against the slight illumination. All was stilland silent as the grave when they began their dreary watch.

  The minutes passed slowly in the darkness, and there was an unbrokensilence save for the breathing of the watchers and the restlessmovements of Mrs. Clear near the window. They saw her pass and repassthe square of glass, when, unexpectedly, she paused, rigid and silent.

  A stealthy step was ascending the distant stair, and pacing cat-likealong the passage.

  Lucian felt a tremor pass through his body as the steps of the murderersounded nearer and clearer. They paused at the door, and then movedtowards the window where Mrs. Clear was standing.

  "Is that you?" said a low voice, which came weirdly out of the darkness.

  "Yes. I have been waiting for the last half hour, Mr. Wrent," repliedthe woman in nervous tones. "I am glad you have come."

  "I am glad, also," said the voice harshly, "as I wish to know why youpropose to betray me."

  "Because you won't pay me the money," said Mrs. Clear boldly. "And ifyou don't give it to me this very night I'll go straight and tell thepolice all about my husband."

  "I'll kill you first!" cried the man with a snarl, and made a dash atthe woman. With a cry for help she eluded him and sprang towards thebedroom door for protection. The next moment the four watchers were inthe room wrestling with Wrent. When he felt the grip of their hands, andknew that he was betrayed, he cried out savagely, and fought with thestrength of two men. However, he could do little against his fouradversaries, and, worn out with the struggle, collapsed suddenly on tothe dusty floor with a motion of despair.

  "Lost! lost!" he muttered. "All lost!"

  Breathing hard, Link slipped back the cover of the dark lantern andturned the light on to the face of the prisoner. Out of the darknessstarted a pale face with white hair and long white beard. Lucian uttereda cry.

  "Mr. Vrain!" he said, shrinking back, "Mr. Vrain!"

  "Look again," said Link, passing his hand rapidly over the face and headof the prostrate man. Denzil did look, and uttered a second cry morestartling than the first. Wig and beard and venerable looks were allgone, and he recognised at once who Wrent was.

  "Jabez Clyne!--Jabez Clyne!" he exclaimed in astonishment.

  "Yes!" cried Link triumphantly, "Jabez Clyne, conspirator and assassin!"