Read The Silver Seals - Skylar Page 1

Silver Seals- Skylar


  Skiye Brant

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  Silver Seals- Skylar

  Copyright © 2013 by Skiye Brant


  The first thing you need to know about me is that my name is Skylar James Johnson. My brothers are Xavier Nathaniel Johnson and Nicholas Roger Johnson, but we call them Nate and Nick for short. The three of us are near identical triplets. We all look the same, straight black hair, blue eyes, and tall with a lean muscular build. The differences are on the inside. We are not normal, we have superpowers. Nate can read minds and basically can control a person if he was evil, luckily he's not. Nick can lift objects with his mind. Fortunately, people are one of the things he can't lift.

  I am the odd one, instead of my mind having a power, I'm a human generator. Electricity tends to spark off me when I get wet or am in contact with metal. My laptop can last for hours from just being in contact with me. Also I have been known to cause a few power outages. Electricity also likes to surface when I get mad, happy, or extremely scared. If you look close enough during those moods, you can see little bits of electricity sparking off my skin.

  I still remember how we discovered them. We were ten at the time and we were at the park in a heavily wooded area. We were fighting over the rules of a game we would play. We ended up fighting, throwing punches. Nate dodged every one of them. Nick had snowballs flying without touching them. We didn't realize how strange those things were until my power showed. Nate pushed me down after I'd been soaked with snowballs. His hands touched my wet clothes and got shocked. I immediately lost my anger to horror as my brother got electrocuted by me. He quickly removed his hands from me and that was when we realized that we weren't normal. We unanimously decided to help the people and to keep it a secret from our family and friends.

  Our parents don't know about them and they can't know about them. We didn't have them for ten years of our life. Our dad is an officer and doesn't believe in stuff like that. He thinks that those things are inventions or elaborate illusions. Our mom is different. If she knew, she'd tell everyone and be thought of as crazy.

  But in a way they do know about us, they just don't realize it. In fact, the whole world has seen us using our powers in action. They can find us on the internet and on TV. Go into a store you can see us on shirts, posters, book bags, and other things, except, they don't know who we really are. They know us as the Silver Seals or as Electro, The Mentalist, and The Mentalphysicist or MP. We didn't give ourselves the names, our fans did. They see us in silver masks, gloves and boots. Nate in red, Nick in green, and me in blue. After they named us we added the logo. It is two s's overlapping each other with a partial ring around them, all in silver. It is splayed across our chest on our metal and spandex mesh suits for everyone to see.

  We fight a group who calls themselves Tiger's Blood. We call them T.B. for short. They rob the people of New York City. For the most part they were just petty thieves that needed to be stopped, but occasionally one with powers shows up with bad intentions.

  Chapter 1

  I heard the alarm clock go off. I tried to hit the snooze button but the clock had moved out of my reach. "Ten more minutes," I moaned. We had been out till two in the morning fighting muggers and bank robbers. I only got about two hours of sleep after completing my homework.

  "Come on Sky, we have to get up. Mom will think something's up if we're not up," Nate said getting up.

  "Alright," I said as Nick removed my blankets. I got up and took a hot shower. I let the water help wake me up. When I got out I checked on the knife cut I got several nights ago. It was torn again and bleeding. It would probably never heal with us having to go out every other night to fight. It ran down the left side of my chest. Every time I moved I pulled the make shift stitches and reopened the wound. I scrubbed the wound clean and slathered antibiotic ointment in it. I pulled out the needle and thread and started re-stitching. It was extremely painful since I had nothing to numb the cut with. Once I was satisfied with it, I pulled on my shirt. I went downstairs to the kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal.

  "How's your chest?" Nick asked quickly.

  "Same. Won't heal up if we keep up this schedule," I said.

  "Can't you make something to make it heal?" Nate asked. He was referring to my ability with electronics. Usually I invented gadgets to help us out.

  "Not much I can do, except rest, but we all know that won't happen," I said finishing up my cereal. "We have school and I don't think coach would let me sit out of gym because my side hurts."

  "Maybe you could say you’re sick or something for the day," Nick suggested.

  "What about our job?" I asked. "We can't be sick. I'll just live with it." They shrugged their shoulders, grabbed their bags, and followed me to the bus stop. We made it just as the bus came. We took our normal seats. I laid my head back and went to sleep, which was only ten or fifteen minutes. When we got to school I headed straight for my locker. I grabbed a Red Bull out of the vending machine. I guzzled it down. I felt the electricity on my skin spark a little. I opened my locker and got my books out along with my sun glasses. I leaned against my locker waiting for the first bell to ring.

  I watched as people walked away from the middle of the hallway and from me. I let out a sigh as I saw Michael Winchester. He was the guy you didn't want to have on your bad side, and unfortunately I was. The reason for that was I stopped him from hurting a couple of nerds and computer geeks. His dad was the principal so he got away with just about anything. He was captain of just about every sports team that allowed you to run and hurt others. His lackeys were Marcus Williams and Vincent Simmons. All three had about half a brain, maybe even less, and managed to become seniors on passing on just D's in every class, except gym. They were about the size of two of me. I was also convinced that they were on steroids even though Nate hasn't proven that theory.

  "What do you want?" I asked as he stopped in front of me.

  "Just time for your daily medicine, Johnson," Michael said raising his fist. I watched as Nate and Nick came up soundlessly behind him.

  "I would recommend that you don't do that," Nate said. Michael laughed and hit me in my left eye. Nate and Nick went after him. Vincent and Marcus jumped in going after my brothers. I got in to try and stop the fight which went wrong. My blood started to boil releasing electricity, not enough to kill them or do major damage but enough to hurt. The six of us were pulled apart by at least ten teachers.

  "What is going on here?" Mr. McGillory asked. He was the new science teacher and the head of the disciplinary actions at West Mount High.

  "Xavier and Nicholas started it," Michael said immediately.

  "That's bull Winchester and you know it," Nate said. "You punched Sky after we gave you a fair warning."

  "Yeah, then why did we get electrocuted?" Vincent said.

  "Maybe your brains finally got fried from lack of use," I said. It took the three of them a moment to realize what I saying. Once they realized, Michael hit me square in the jaw. I felt my tongue get cut along with my lower lip. My mouth filled with blood, a taste I was now used to.

  "Mr. Winchester, you have an in school suspension for a week. Mr. Simmons, Mr. Williams, I suggest you leave before you get in trouble like your friend here," Mr. McGillory said. "As for you three, come with me." We followed him to his office on the third floor. "Take a seat." He gestured to the three plush chairs. I let out a sigh, waiting for the lecture that was surely going to come from Mr. McGillory for us easily being in our tenth fight this year.

  "Mr. McGillory, I'm sorry about what happened. I should've just let Michael punch me and not let my brothers get involved," I said.
That statement usually got my brothers out of the clear and me a less fierce punishment with Mr. Derkinson.

  "What?" he asked.

  "Wait, are we in trouble?" Nate asked.

  "No, of course not," he said. "I wanted to know why you three have gotten in so many fights this year with Michael Winchester."

  "Oh, well Michael has it in for me," I said. "I stood up to him and now he wastes all his energy on making me regret it." He nodded. "We can go now?"

  "Yes, thank you," Mr. McGillory said. We nodded and left. I stopped by a water fountain and rinsed my mouth out. I looked and saw a girl with red hair and blonde streaks. She was wearing a dark green tank top with knee length khakis. She was fair skinned. She stopped just in front of me.

  "Uh, hi," she said. "I'm Robyn Henson. Do you know where Mr. Lancaster's room is?" Robyn, it fit her well.

  "Yeah, it's down the hall on the left," I said. "My name's Skylar but most people just call me Sky."

  "Maybe I'll see you around," she said. I nodded and then headed to the nurses’ station to get some ice for my face. I heard the bell ring for homeroom. I sat down, put my sunglasses on and began to sleep. Nate let an alarm go off in my head when the bell rang. That was how my day went. I'd fall asleep with the bag of ice on my jaw as my eye swelled half way shut. By lunch I was well rested and ready for whatever I had to do tonight. I took off my sun glasses. Not worried about what the school would think of me having a black eye. I got a vending machine sandwich and another Red Bull.

  "Mind if I join you?" I heard someone ask. I looked up and saw Robyn.

  "Sure," I said smiling, even though it hurt.

  "What happened?" she asked sitting down.

  "Michael," was all I said. I let Nate and Nick tell her what happened, since it was one of my least favorite topics. Once they finished I said, "So, are you new here?"

  "Yeah, my family just moved here. My dad got a job with a major contracting company," she said. I nodded and finished my sandwich and guzzled down my drink.

  "Well, welcome to West Mount High," Nate said, "and New York City, home of the Silver Seals."

  "Who?" she asked.

  "The Silver Seals, the superheroes that fight against Tiger's Blood. Keeping New York safe and such," Nate said.

  "Oh, them, the wanna be superheroes," she said. "They're nothing compared to Python."

  "How are they wanna be's?" I asked. "Whenever someone is in need, they go to help whoever it is. They don't pick and choose who they want to save. They also have actual powers. Electro has electricity, Mentalist can read minds and know what bad things are going to happen, and Mentalphysicist can grab objects with his minds and throw them. They stopped countless bank robberies in the past month. What has Python done? Attack a handful of bad guys and gave herself a name. The Silver Seals didn't choose theirs, the people did."

  "Dude, we have to go," Nate said a second later. The three of us left and ran down the hall. I paused a moment to make the fire alarm go faulty and go off for the rest of the day. We ran a couple of blocks to where Tiger's Blood was at. We ducked into a public restroom, took off our over clothes, and put on our boots, gloves, and masks.

  I saw a robot laughing. "No one can stop me. Petty little people, your weapons are powerless." he said in a nasally voice. Correction, it was a person in a robot suite.

  "So, is this like a promotion?" Nick asked. "We beat the snot out of regular idiots and now we get to beat the snot out of slightly smarter idiots."

  Robot guy turned around slowly. "You will pay for that insult weaklings, for I am Meglo-Robotor! You will scream my name in mercy!"

  "Yeah, I'll do that when I don't have to do homework at two in the morning anymore," I said dodging a rocket that he sent after me. "Mentals, get the street evacuated. I'll keep Mega- Dork busy."

  "On it," Nate said, just as Meglo-Robotor screamed, "My name is not Mega-Dork! It's Meglo-Robotor! You will pay for that you ignorant whelp." He pressed a couple of buttons and more rockets flew. Asphalt chunks flew as well as melted globs of the stuff. Some hit his glass dome, blocking his view or cracking the dome.

  "Dude, you make this too easy. I'm pretty sure that this is a demotion," I said as I did a back flip to miss a laser. The more I taunted him, the more frustrated he got, and the sloppier his shots got. I slowly drained his battery for the machine. He pressed a button and the dome opened when the machine had died. He ran down the street. I pointed a finger at him and shot a bolt of electricity. It was the same as being tasered. I watched as the cops got him.

  Sky, we have an issue by the bank. T.B. is trying to lift some jewels and a couple million dollars. Nate thought to me. In response, I ran down the street dodging in and out of crowds, flipping over cars to get there. I felt some of my stitches pop.

  "Fuck," I said under my breath. I got there quickly. I felt my suit getting soaked with blood.

  "You want to sit this fight out?" Nick asked noticing the blood. I shook my head and got ready for the fight. I watched as sixteen guys came out of the bank holding cash and jewels.

  "They're going to split into four different groups and split," Nate said in a low voice. I braced myself for the fight. One group went for me, one went for Nate, and one went for Nick. The guys holding the stolen goods went in the opposite direction. We each had four guys to fight. I was already feeling light headed from the loss of blood. They circled around me. I grabbed one guy and gave him enough electricity to make him pass out. I punched with my left to hit the guy on my right, tearing and popping the rest of the stitches. One of them grabbed my shoulder. I grabbed his arm and flipped him over my shoulder. His head hit the cement, making him go unconscious. The last guy ran off. I raised my arm and shot him down just before I passed out.

  I woke up to find myself in an ambulance. I saw Nate and Nick standing over me. I vaguely noticed that my shirt was missing and that I was wearing just a pair of jeans. "You feeling ok, man?" Nate asked. I nodded trying to bring myself up to a sitting position. The paramedic tried to stop me. I ignored him and did so any way.

  "What happened?" I asked, I started having a feeling of vertigo.

  "We were watching the Silver Seals outside the bank when one of the guys put a knife to you and you bled until you past out," Nick said.

  "Did they stop the guys with the goods?" I asked talking in the same code.

  "No, Python did," Nick said.

  "I thought she was in D.C. What is she doing in New York?" I asked out loud, mostly to myself.

  "We were wondering the same thing," Nate said as the ambulance pulled into the hospital. I was rushed to the E.R. to get appropriate stitching done.

  "Alright Mr. Johnson," Dr. Rickton said. "You want to stay in bed for a couple of days and don't do any strenuous activity for a week." I nodded, even though I had no plans on doing any of that. "Alright, you are free to go." I got up and stood in the waiting area as my mom signed me out to be released.

  "What happened?" she asked when the four of us walked home. Nate and Nick told her the fabricated story they told me earlier. She nodded and said, "Well, I guess that could've happened to anyone. Just be more careful when you're going to work. What did the doctor say?"

  Nate started before I could say anything. "Sky needs to stay in bed for a couple of days. Then for the next week, he can't do anything strenuous."

  "I'll call the school up tomorrow and let them know," she said. I glared at them. "I'll take off work to take care of you for the next couple of days."

  "Mom, you don't need to do that, I'll be fine on my own," I said. My mom would definitely not allow me to leave my bed or do anything when it came to doctor's orders.

  "It's fine," she said. "It'll give me time to finish some house work." I let out a sigh.