Read The Silver Seals - Skylar Page 6

Chapter 6

  Lily and I stood facing each other. Robyn, Nick, and Nate sat off to the side anxiously waiting for it to start. I could feel sweat beading up on my forehead. This was not going to end well. I heard the whistle blow. Lily automatically made her water whips and started to hit me with them. I dodged each of them, so I wouldn't hurt her.

  "Come on," Lily said. "You're not avoiding me because I'm a girl, are you?"

  "No, just trying not to electrocuted you," I said. I messed up on one my flips and she caught me by my ankle. I got real scared, but there was nothing for me to be scared of. I was hanging by my ankle in midair with the water out of her hand. I shot a small bolt to startle her into releasing her hold on the water. I fell down and I felt electricity all in the water and quickly jumped out of it. I looked up and saw Lily on the ground unconscious, but she looked dead. Her foot had been in the water when I fell.

  Robyn got up to check on Lily. I was sure I had killed her. I ran downstairs and went outside and sat down on the front step. I heard the door open and close after a few minutes.

  "Sky, she is still alive," Nate said. "She just woke up."

  "That's good," I said. "God, I can't believe that happened. You guys know about how I can't control them completely in water. Why'd you even want me to do that?"

  "I kinda thought that you were exaggerating the consequences," Nate said. I punched him in the arm.

  "Well, I wasn't," I said. "If I had stayed in the water any longer, Lily could've died. Then we would have to explain to her parents and ours about how she was cooked in a house."

  "If it helps, I think you have the ability to learn to hold in your electricity in water," Nate said.

  "Why are you guys so bent on me holding my power in?" I asked. "First Robyn and now you, in the same day."

  "So that way you won't electrocute innocent bystanders by accident," he said. "Besides, I thought of a way to where no one would get hurt for you to practice."

  "Okay, fine, I'll bite, how?" I asked, sighing.

  "Well, we take one of those clawed foot tubs that can stand on its own, take two metal wire and place them close enough to where electricity can jump between them, and place the wires on the tub permanently. We would fill the tub up with water to where it touched the wires and we'd watch you to help you through it."

  "Why don't we just do that to the tub we have now? And I can practice in peace," I said.

  "No, we are going to help you through this, like a team," he said.

  "Sky you ready?" Nate asked as he finished filling the tub. I stood in my bathing suit. Nate had made the tub how he wanted. He looked at me and said, "Get in." I did as he told me. The moment I stepped in the tub, the two wires lit up.

  "All right, try to turn down your electricity," Nick said.

  "How?" I asked, still thinking their idea was impossible.

  "Try to draw it in like you do with other things," Robyn suggested.

  "Alright," I said. I closed my eyes and concentrated on drawing the electricity in from the water.

  "You're doing it," Robyn said. I felt her reach in the water and touch my chest. I opened my eyes and smiled. She immediately grabbed her hand out.

  "Are you okay?" I asked, worried. I got out of the tub and dried off.

  "Yeah, just a little shock and burn," she said, trying to smile. "I'll be ok. Nothing I can't handle."

  "You sure?" I asked. In response she kissed me.

  "I promise you, I'm fine," Robyn said. "Why don't you go change?"

  "Alright," I said. I dried off, changed, and met her by the front door. "Where are we going?"

  "Getting dinner and then heading to my place," she said. "To get a little me and you time. Your brothers are nice and all but I want to be with just you for a little while."

  "So, where are we going to eat?" I asked as she grabbed my hand and pulled me behind her.

  "I don't know," she said. "Just somewhere that I can be alone with you."

  "Well, let me stop by the bank to get some cash and then we can go to a really nice restaurant," I said.

  "That sounds nice," she said. "Maybe, you could stay the night at my house. My dad is out of town for the weekend."

  "I think we have a plan," I said. I pulled her in close and kissed her.