Read The Silver Sheen Chronicle - Emblems of Power Page 25

  Mearto was already in the arena when Kosai arrived. She was barefoot and wore a white shirt with brown trousers. Kosai looked down at his own uniform, concerned that he forgot to change.

  “Was I supposed to wear some sparring clothes?” he asked.

  “No, you will need all the protection that uniform can provide.”

  “I thought you would have understood by now,” he said as he took off his shirt and tossed it into a nearby chair in the viewing area, “I learn best by jumping in with both feet.”

  “You will wear your uniform when the time comes.” Kosai nodded. “Good. First, make a connection with the Faye.”

  Kosai closed his eyes and was on the beach again. Zenith was standing on the beach looking out into the storm. It was much closer since the last time he meditated. He walked up to Zenith and placed his hand on his shoulder. He opened his eyes, feeling the small stream of power flowing into his body.

  “Good,” Mearto said. “Now let that feeling grow, focus on it until you can feel that channel not just in your chest, but every part of your body.”

  Kosai closed his eyes again and focused on the small stream of power that was flowing into his body. To him, the source felt like a small pinprick close to his heart. He focused on the opening and it expanded. More and more of the Faye flowed through his body. As he concentrated, the opening grew until he felt his skin tingle slightly. His mind was empty of thought. His vision blurred, but Mearto’s appearance was clear to him. His breathing was calm, his body relaxed, and with each heartbeat he could feel the Faye filling him with power.

  “Very good,” Mearto said. “This is how it feels to be a conduit. Each time you commune with the Faye, this feeling will grow and at the same time, become less intense as you become use to the Faye flowing in you. The power that you feel inside you will obey you and manifest in any way you will it to. Remember, strong will, strong manifestation. I will begin attacking you. I want you to take the Faye within you and will up a wall to defend my attacks.”

  Kosai nodded. Mearto attacked.

  She threw her hands forward. Two lightning bolts shot out. Kosai dove out of the way, dragging his feet in the dirt. Mearto took advantage of the opportunity and shot at him again. Kosai somersaulted backwards and then towards Mearto. She shot again. Kosai breathed and cast his hands in front of him, thinking and willing up a wall. The lightning bolt struck the invisible wall and spread like a spider web. Kosai began to circle Mearto, fending off her bolts with his newly learned defense.

  “I’m impressed,” she said. Kosai continued to circle her. “Now I want you to deflect my attack, and create one of your own. It is the same way with the wall. Only this time, you need to focus on a type of attack. I focus on lightning.” She shot out another bolt, Kosai spun out of the way and towards her. She shot another and Kosai created another wall. “It is easy for me to picture in my mind.”

  Kosai thought back to his training on the beach and seeing his arms engulfed in flames. He thought of those same feelings and pushed the Faye into his hands. His knuckles ignited and the fire spread over his fists and forearms.

  “I’ve been practicing,” he said. He fell into a left-forward fighting stance, left foot forward, arms and hands at eye level, bent at a ninety-degree angle, as if he were training at the Barracks again.

  “I’m very impressed,” Mearto said, shooting another bolt. Kosai dodged left, turning away from Mearto. He slid his feet in the dirt, almost dancing as he circled her a second time. “Now take that fire and direct it at me.”

  “I thought you would never ask,” Kosai said. The words from Zenith echoed in his mind. The same way you punch somebody. Kosai concentrated on the fire and struck out at Mearto in a closed fist. A fire ball launched from his fist and went straight for her left leg. She moved back and to her right. Kosai did this again, shooting at her legs, moving her with his fire and blocking her bolts with his walls.

  “Come on Kosai! Hit me!” she yelled. Kosai continued to strike at her legs, moving her left, right, back, left again, and turning her with his fire. They moved like two dance partners who stood across the room from each other. Kosai stopped moving, lowered his hands and smiled. Mearto struck at him with another bolt. The bolt stopped an inch from his face and spread around him like a cocoon, but did no harm. She launched at him again and again but Kosai stood unaffected. She stopped and looked down at the ground, back tracking all her steps and saw what Kosai had done. Guiding her with his attacks, and carefully dodging hers, he created a large Circle of Power that defended him from her attacks.

  “You have been practicing,” she said. Kosai dug his foot deep into the ground and dragged it across one of the lines, breaking the Circle.

  “They are useful, but fickle. Let’s get back to training.”

  Each minute that passed became more intense than the last. More than once, Kosai’s barrier broke and the lightning zapped his arms and legs, locking the muscles in place. When a bolt struck at his chest, he fell over and clutched at his heart. Mearto ran over and placed her hand on his chest, healing the wounds. After a half hour, Kosai was exhausted. He held up his hands in defeat and leaned against the wall, close to where his shirt was.

  “You have lasted much longer than I anticipated. Let’s break for fifteen minutes and then start again.” Kosai agreed and wiped the sweat from his face and chest with his shirt.

  “Tomorrow is the day,” Kosai said. “Daius, Viktor, Xidan and Isaac are all with the Seer in the betrayal. That leaves Alkine, Chaerell, Faeris, Emalee, Jacqueline and Wysen either on our side or unaware. I was thinking that tomorrow morning we could have a special training session with them, both to prepare and to let them into our confidence.”

  “How were you able to figure who’s with who?” Kosai reached into his pocket and pulled out the key to Theo’s office.

  “A group of boys wanted to get even,” Kosai smiled and twirled the key in his hand. “And Theo was expecting his own betrayal from the Seer.” He slid the key back into his pocket. “Tell me one thing. It was obvious to the Captain and me that what the Seer and you said was a lie. What really happened?”

  “The Seer actually told him what to do and how to do it. I, because of my… situation with the Seer, had to support him. I wasn’t proud of what I did and had I called the Seer out, I probably wouldn’t be teaching you, and you and your Captain would probably be dead. It is extremely fortunate that you could compile a list of potential allies. You and I will not be able to defeat the Seer and those with him on our own.”

  “You don’t think Daius knew that the Seer was lying? Do you?”

  “I think the Head Teacher knew exactly what he was doing. Theo was a very powerful conduit and the only advantage that the Head Teacher had over him was his knowledge of the Unspoken. The Head Teacher may look gentle, but is a true beast on the inside.”