Read The Simple Things Page 1

The Simple Things

  By John Cabales

  The Simple Things

  Copyright: John Cabales

  Published: August 8, 2013

  Publisher: John Cabales

  Cover Art: John Cabales

  The right of John Cabales to be identified as author of this Work has been asserted by his in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher. You must not circulate this book in any format.

  Find out more about the author and upcoming books online at or and


  “I can’t love anymore. You are the only person who changed me. Who turned me into an angel from being bad” I run my thumb across her cheek going to her lips.


  “Maybe this affair is wrong. But I want you to know…” I took the hardest breathe in my whole life. “Loving you was the best thing that I do.” I whispered I closed my eyes and I gently kissed her soft lips. I will soon miss her lips. When we kissed the stars above was gone. And the rain poured silently.

  The Simple Things

  By John Cabales

  Chapter One: LIFE

  I heard the alarm of the clock beside me. This always disturbs my dreams. I grabbed the clock and I can see the time though it was blurred in my eyes.


  I still feel the tiredness of my body so I decide to kill the freak kind of music from my alarm clock. I clicked the OFF button and I just quickly fall asleep again. But a few moments later, there was a voice trying to wake me up from this beautiful dream of mine. The voice was like the alarm of my clock every morning. Freak.Full of irritation. When I opened my eyes, it was Louisa. My Grandma.

  “Do you want to sleep forever?” says she. I admit that because of her freak voice I’ve got a lot of Punctuality awards in school. I am now in my last year of my high school life.

  “Mamoo, I’m so tired. I wanna sleep, okay?” Mamoo. That is how I call her.


  “Yes.” I answered.

  “Did you go out last night? Did you?”

  “Uhhh…” I cannot think of any lies anymore whether it’s black or white. I have no more things to discuss. Because I know she don’t wanted any explanations. And all I can think is to laugh in front of her.

  “I see…but I don’t care if you did ‘cause today you need to go to the resort to assist every people who enjoys and spend their vacations there.” Her right brow rises every time she speaks.

  “Why should I?” I ask innocently.

  “Your father calls me a while ago. He wants you there.”

  “But Mamoo…”

  “No more buts. Get a shower and dress yourself up! Alright?”

  “Alright.” I said with disagreement.

  I took my shower for 20 minutes. I opened my wardrobe and clothes were hung in line. These clothes are too much expensive. All of these clothes are approximately in a million dollars in total. I choose to wear a red shirt with a checkered style collar. When I’m totally dressed I look myself into the mirror. All I can see is I. The handsome and beautiful playboy. With his hair in dyed with dark bloody red.

  I am myself.

  I am August Coin.

  I am a business man’s son.

  More of my classmates are envious with me. Because all of the things that I want is all mine. But they are wrong. Definitely wrong. I want to tell you that my life is not perfect as what other people says.

  My mother left me when I was a 3 months old. She filed a divorced with my father and remarried to a simple and uneducated man. I am now sixteen. And I never saw her in my whole life. Even in a picture. I don’t know anything about her. All I know is her beautiful name. Stephanie.

  I have a father. He is George Coin. But he’s nowhere to be found because of his business. I have him but I never feel his presence. It’s like I don’t have a father at all. There are no comparisons about it. He’s home once a month. He didn’t care about me. I’m bright somehow but I do not have any reasons to aim an 85% above grades because of him.

  I remember when I became an honor student in fourth grade, I was the second from the class and I have been waiting for George (my sense can’t resist calling him DAD) in school for the awarding of medals. I am full of expectation that he will come but when the time that my name was called by Mrs. Pasugnod, my favorite Science teacher; I walked into the stage without him. I walked alone. Mamoo was sick that time. I’m so jealous with my classmates taking photographs as a remembrance. Their parents are so proud of them. And I? I am in a hiding in a corner, cying.

  I promised that I’ll never gonna be an honor student again. What for? It’s no use.

  When I had finished my breakfast, Mamoo called Joe, our driver to ready the car for he will be driving me to the resort. But I refuse.

  “Mamoo, it’s okay. I can drive the car for myself.”

  She took a deep breath.

  “It’s better to be safe than cure, August.” She said meticulously.

  I can do no more things but to follow her.

  We’re on the way going to the resort. I feel a little boredom. I know Joe is getting angry with me because of the too much loudness volume of the music I’m playing inside the car. I can see the smiling sun in a blue sky through the rear view mirror. A moment later, I see a billboard. It’s the resorts.

  “We’re here!” Joe says after hitting the break.


  The words are perfectly carved in a foreign wood above the entrance gate. I opened the door of the car and I get down. People watched me like a superstar. I stood as high as I can. Joe parked the car in a space lot.

  “Good morning Mr. Coin” Mr. Ben greeted me. He’s our entrance guard by the way.

  “Well, George wants me here”


  “Yeah. He wants me to deal with the strangers.”

  He laughed when I say it.

  “Good luck, Mr. Coin” He said.

  Employees greet me as I pass by.

  I went inside the Light House. It’s our own personal rest house. WOW is the best word to describe the interior designs of our rest house. The ceilings, the wall colors, the chimney, the fool, the theme. Everything is perfect in this house. Every month, George spent two to five million dollars to change the design our rest house though were staying here for a few hours only. Especially George.

  I went into his table and had nothing to find. I sat on the couch for a while looking around. Then I went to an open window. I can see beautiful things.

  I went outside.

  I sat on a bench that is made up of foreign wood like the one located at the entrance. When people pass by I greeted them Good Morning and saying “Welcome to forestland resort!” over and over again to every single person coming. I’m sure they think I am crazy.

  My phone vibrates inside my pocket. Francis is calling.

  “Hey!” I said over the phone.

  “Where are you? Today is my birthday. All of us were already here except you.”

  I forgot that it’s his birthday today.

  “Oh…I’m so sorry. I can’t be with the group today. George sent me in the resort. By the way happy birthday! See you all soon!” I put down the phone.

  A moment later, sleepiness is attacking me again. I went to the lighthouse and slept fot the mean time.

  When I’m awake, I feel the heat of the burning sun outside striking my face thro
ugh the open window. I looked at my watch. It’s already one in the afternoon. And I didn’t still have my lunch. I went to the open window to exhale some fresh air. My eyes became so wide when I notice something happening in the pool. My sleepiness had gone so fast.

  I briskly went to the pool where the drowning kid is. There’s no one in that pool except for that little kid. I jumped into the pool and saved the kid. Because of that kid I swam still wearing my clothes.

  Mr. Ben, the guard came and helps us.

  I saw a girl running toward us. I guess she’s the sister of this kid. I saved.

  “Micheal!” She scream. “Is he alright?”

  “He’ll be alright girl, don’t you worry.” Mr. Ben said.

  I know she’s too worried about what had happen to her little brother.

  And I? I’m too worried too. But not to the kid. I’m worried about myself. What clothes I’ll be wearing now? I didn’t brought extra shirts. I’m not expecting this to happen. Not really!

  I took a shower in the bathroom of our rest house. I’m only wearing a white towel to cover my whole naked body while waiting for my clothes to dry. A few minutes later, there’s a knock in the door. I opened it. A waiter greeted me hello and placed my lunch on the table.

  It’s five in the afternoon. I checked my clothes and hopefully, they are dried already. I wore them.

  After my dinner, I found a bench outside and there I sat. I take a look at the brilliance of the last quarter moon. It’s smiling. And also the spark of the stars forming like half of a heart. While I watched it, I fell asleep.


  I hear the alarm of my clock again. I want to sleep but not this time anymore. It’s time to go to school. I jump off of the bed and went into the bathroom to shower myself. When I’m finished, I wore my irritating uniform again.

  Mamoo cooked me a delicious breakfast and after I’m finish eating I kissed her goodbye.

  “August, always take care of yourself”

  That’s always her words for me before I’m leaving the house. I just simply give her a warm and lovely smile.

  Thanks God! I am free again!

  I can only do whatever I like when I’m in school. With my friends, I will be bored less. My day is totally uncompleted without being with them. We always hang out after class. Never minding if we have exams or any homework’s to be done.

  When I arrived there is no student in the campus. Except me. I realized that I was too early for school today. A sort of excitement perhaps. I just laughed with myself and sat on a porch and I wait for the guard.

  A few minutes had passed by, the school guard arrived in.

  “Oh, you are too early huh.”


  A few seconds, I saw Francis in a taxi. He paused and pays the taxi driver. So cheap, I think. But I cannot blame him because he’s not rich to buy an expensive cars.

  “Oh, you’re punctual for this year’s first class!” He said.

  “Yeah. Always I” I said.

  “So how’s your visit in the resort?”

  “I just sat there, you know. I welcome people. And saved a poor drowning kid.”

  “Haha! That’s great!” He laughed. “And it’s awful I think ‘cause you’d never came with us.” He added.

  “Exactlt it is. By the way, Happy birthday to you!!” I greeted him.


  Finally Brett, Tiffany, James, Carmeo, Jon, and Emy arrived. We are noe complete!

  Before anything else, I would like to introduce them to you.

  Brett Claffin.

  He’s a vocalist, guitarist, drummer, and a pianist as well. He really loves music. He wants to be with his girlfriend Tiffany all the time.

  Tiffany Cristianne.

  A sexy, white complexion, like her boyfriend Brett she can also sing.

  James Conne.

  He’s a teacher’s lone son. He’s one of the honor student in our class and I think he’s pursuing to be valedictorian this year.

  Carmelo Parker.

  The boyish girl. She’s beautiful but we really don’t know why she’s acting like a boy. She wants us to call her “Carmeo”.

  Jon Eric.

  He’s the quite one. He’s “Hush”. He’s also running for valedictorian. He’s a product of a broken family and now he is living alone on his condominium unit he bought.


  A holy girl who loves reading bible.

  When I’m out in this school, I will never forget them. Friendship makes prosperity more brilliant, and lightens adversity.

  Noise filled the empty classroom again. We’re waiting for Mrs. Nille, our teacher in Biology. My classmates are chitchatting like they were not seeing each other for a hundred years. Talking some issues, talking about their boyfriends/girlfriends, Talking for their new phones, Talking fashions talking about their vacations, Talking everything, and I know they were also talking to me.

  “The girls there are talking to you August.” Says Francis

  “Yeah, I noticed, too” Said James.

  “So?” I said. “It’s not new. You knew that I’m so popular in this school. People here normally talks about me”. I added.

  Carmeo breathe deeply. “I guess so...” She said in the corner, white talking with Sophia. Her crush.

  A moment later, Mrs. Nille came carrying her biology and Science books. We noticed that she changed she’s not wearing an eyeglasses any more.

  Her lip is now a thick-red than before. She looks beautiful in her way. Her hair was also fully relaxed and bouncing straight. She looks young by the way. Maybe that is her new year’s resolution. She sat down on the teacher's table and laid the books in the table.

  “Good morning seniors!” She said.

  “Good Morning Mrs. Nille” We said back together.

  “How’s your vacation?”

  The Whole class is now in the chorus answering her.

  “It’s Fine.”

  “It’s awful!”

  “That was my unforgettable vacation.”

  “I love this vacation so much because we’re gone to New York City”

  “We tour around the world too”

  “I’m not satisfied with the vacation.”

  “I was sick!”

  I hear my classmate notions. And it’s irritating in my ear so I just put my hands in my ear and press it harder and harder as I can so that I cannot hear the awful noise anymore. Francis is laughing at me Tiffany and Brett, too.

  “Well vacation is over everything’s back to normal.” Mrs. Nille said.

  Everybody sighed.

  “But today, since this is our first meeting for this year. I wanted to know your new year’s resolutions.” Mrs. Nille added.

  She begins calling names and when mine was called she stare gently at me.

  “Mr. Coin, Mr. Coin, Mr. Coin.” She said repeatedly. “What’s your new year’s resolution?”

  I stood quietly and breathe slowly.