Read The Simple Things Page 7

  A moment later we arrived in our destination. After 10 minutes long of traveling from a rocky road I didn’t let Yhanna eyes open.

  “Just close your eyes” I command.

  “Why?” She smiled w/ a little laugh.

  I didn’t answer her. I’m out of my car I opened the door where Yhanna sits. I supported her, her eyes still close. I put my 2 hands on her eyes as a blond fold. To make sure that she will not going to see anything.

  “What is this all about, August.” She said.

  “You’ll see.”

  I supported her as she walked straight when we are already in a beautiful garden, I let her speak.

  “I smell different scents of flowers.” She said breathing.


  She nodded.

  I release my hands covering her two eyes. And she was totally shocked. Totally surprised. We are in a garden full of different flowers. From the different countries. Actually this is not really a garden, but a meadow I called different shops to put and add flowers on it . And I was successful.

  The wind blew harder and harder wind in our hairs different emotions on Yhanna face. We smell the romantic fragrances. The breath taking lily.Casablauca w/ its dramatic white blossoms and irresistible scent.Gardenia w/ its strong sweet scent.Pink peory that has a compound deeply lobed leaves, and large, often fragrant flowers.Rapping from red to white or yellow, in lats spring and early summer.The evergreen Hydrangea lily of the valley w/ its white tepas. Shaped, and that contains a few large whitish to brownish colored seeds that dry to a clear translucent toward lead. The dark violet Eustoma or Lisianthus flower that grows natively in warm regions of the southern United States Mexico. Caribbean and Nothernsouth America. Red Roses w/ its romantic fumes. The strongly perfumed w/ axy and tabular white flowers of stephanotis red and pink tulips. The saffron w/ its huge lily fragrance from its blue violet petals. The flower that has a heart shaped dark green leaves on long trailing vines of pure white flowers that exude a georgeousfrangrance and the most beautiful and rare flower in the world the kadupul flower. This is the most expensive kind of flower usually pricesless. It has a beautiful white petals a bone and a sword likes acute petals located below the main flower. This flower also has a rich history in Japan. Where it is known as “GrekkaBijin” or “Beauty under the Moon” kadupul can be found from Mexico to Venezuela, as well as Brazil. She took a long moment before she can speak.

  “This is so beautiful” she whispered.

  “You like it?”

  “Very. I can’t believe all of these things” She turned me behind and kissed me on my check “How did you that I like flowers?” She said w/ tears gently flowing on her face.

  “Because whenever I’m your house I can see Myrtles everywhere and in your garden”

  “Myrtles, that’s the only flower I afford.”

  “Now” I hold her hands tightly “Beautiful flowers are everywhere. Surrounding you” whispered. And kissed her forehead. “Come” I said, leading her into a little green hay space. I get the basket full of delicious food and desserts. And a blanket covers the green grasses.

  “Where did you get that?” she asked me, innocently.

  “I had already prepared this” I gaze at her and gave a long lasting smile.

  “You’re so sweet.” She whispered.

  We sat on the blanket and we ate together smelling the fumes of flowers around us and we toss a wine together. After the picnic I grabbed Yhanna’s hands

  “Where are we going?” she asked me laughing.

  “Into a single paradise”

  When we are already in the place I’m calling a simple paradise she jumped because of the too much happiness. And she screamed and screamed. Like a crazy girl.

  “Are you crazy?” I shouted.

  “Whatever you want to call me”

  She still is jumping. I see a smile on her face growing under the wider with a beautiful paradise around us. a breath taking panorama from the top of the mountain.

  “I looked into her eyes so sweet”

  “How much do you love?” I said

  “Forever and always” She whispered.

  “I can’t hear”

  “Forever and always” She said a little loud.

  “I can’t still hear”

  “Forever and always” She screamed it finally “Forever and always!”

  and it’s my turn.

  “I love you forever and always. Yhanna Rose!” I screamed.

  We are now screaming our feelings for each other and their echoes are endless.

  We watched the sunset through the beautiful panorama hold our hands together sitting the bed of grasses.

  “I am like the rain” Yhanna whispered.


  “I am not afraid of falling, because I know someone will catch me.”

  I kissed her hands.

  “You know that I will catch you forever” I whispered.

  I laid down my head on her limb. “Can you sing for me?”

  She laughed. “What song?”

  “Ah... Maybe you could sing me a lullaby”

  “Are you going to sleep?”


  We laughed together. She sang the lullaby w/c our Mom sings to make her sleep every night.

  Hold. Hold my hands together

  As I sing this song forever

  Watch. Watch the sun shine brighter

  As we fall to each other.

  Rain. Rain to feel you’re warm

  As I hold you with no harm

  Break. Break down your fears

  As I touch your face w/ tears.

  (Her voice is so sweet and still continues singing.)

  Hold. Hold my hands forever

  As we sing this song together

  Come. Come into my shoulder

  As the air more became colder

  Sleep. Sleep into my arms

  As the rain falls into my eyes

  Close. Close your teary eyes

  As your head here forever lye’s.

  Chapter Twelve: HOSPITAL GREY

  I thought everything was fine then this is me of the most memorable moment of my life. Never thought that this is also the most unforgettable one.

  We decide to go home at 10 in the evening. Fine rains are falling we travel the slippery and dark road every houses are lightless. I think there’s a black out in the city. The cold air soothes on my skin. I looked into Yhanna her skin was pale and shaking I get my sweater in my bag located at the backseat near and when I got it and back into my normal position she screamed. I saw an infinite white light coming briskly towards us. I turn my way to the left but it’s too late. But before the dump track hit us I moved to Yhanna seat. I covered her through my body. Embracing her I feel the tears on her face and I hear she whispered me I love you.

  “There’s nothing bad will happen to you as long as I am here to protect you to cover you. I’m willing to die for you”

  And everything was happened so fast. I smell our loved. I am not w/ my car blood. I feel the endless pain from my head going to toe. I still feel Yhanna heart beating so slow a few seconds I heard the sound of an ambulance and I pointed and I don’t know what had happened next

  When I opened my eyes, I can see blurred things. And I feel a dizzy. I can’t move every part of my body because of the pain. But I don’t care about the pain I wanna see Yhanna I wanna know if she fins.

  “Yhanna” I whispered even I can’t able to move my jaws.

  I saw Mammoo. I heard her saying my name And Mom w/ dad. A doctor comes to check me

  “He is now fine Mr. Coin” the doctor said to dad.

  “Yhanna” I still whispered and I move my-self little bit.

  “August don’t move your wounds are still bleeding” Mammoo said.

  “I don’t care! Where’s Yhanna? Is she fine? I wanna see her!” I forgot the pain while I am lying to get off my-self from the hospital bed.
Dad called a nurse to stop me from moving. I smell my own blood again. Falling from my head even there’s a bandage hey injected a calming medicine on me. And I became calm and quite for a moment I think they also injected a sleeping medicine because I feel so sleepy but I’m fighting my sleepy eyes to become wide open

  A moment later, the door was opened its mom. She embraces Mammoo and Dad.

  “Mom” I called her.

  She walked slowly into the bed where I am laying when she’s informing of me; I saw her tears still falling.

  “How do you feel?” She asked.

  “I am alright. Where’s Yhanna?”

  She didn’t not answer me.


  And finally she answered me.

  “She’s in a critical condition.”

  I wonder why.

  “No. I covered her w/ my body to make her safe. How she became critical of that?”

  “We don’t know” She whispered.

  I’m starting to move again. The nurses came and injected me a calming medicine. I want to see Yhanna right now. What if she needed me. And I am not on her side. When they will let me go from this hospital bed. If I’m the one who will decide, I will endure my pains just to be w/ Yhanna. To hold her hand’s again. I know she’s the only one who can comfort me

  “Mom they don’t want to let me go to Yhanna’s room. I want you to be there while I cannot on her side.” I whispered to her and my eyes begin to close.

  When I wake up, I feel her warmth again. She’s holding my hands I can’t believe that she’s have w/ me now.

  “I am fine. How are you?” Yhanna asked me.

  “I don’t need to feel bad because I know you’re here and you’re alright” I whispered kissing her hands.

  “Thank you for what have you did. Thank you because your sacrifice your-self just to save me.”

  “Sssshh... I will do anything for you and I will die for you” She embraced me softly. I winced I winced.


  “So it’s okay” I want to endure the pain if the reason of the suffering is the persons you loved the most. “Will you marry me?” I don’t want to waste the time anymore. the moment she smiled my heart also smiled.

  “Yes” She whispered. “I have you, August” She kissed my lips.

  “Forever and always” I said.

  In a beautiful church in Los Angeles, we held our wedding. There were 500 and more guests to witness our endless love. Including Sir Herald, Micheal, Mammoo, My bestfriends, and Specially Mom and Dad.

  The church’s door opened and there she was, standing straight w/ her simple weeding dress. She walks down the aisle w/ Sir Herald besides her guiding her as music begins to play. It was the background music Yhanna and I used in our ballroom dance performance. The melody and is so sweet. It can really makes you fall in love when she’s w/ me I hold her hands leading her to the altar.

  “We are here. Logy to witness the endless love of this two couples” the preacher said. Everyone became silent and holding their breath.

  “August Coin. Do you want to take this woman as your wife?”

  “I am August Coin Accepting Yhanna Rose as my Wife and as my life for richer and poorer. For joy and sadness for laughter and pain forever and always”

  “Yhanna rose do you want to take this man as your husband?”

  “I am Yhanna Rose. Accepting August Coin as my husband and as my life for richer and poorer for joy and sadness.For laughter and pain forever and always”.

  “You may now kiss the bride”

  We gaze at each other.

  “I love you.” I whispered.

  “I love you” She whispered back and kissed her lips then. And the preacher pronounced us Husband and Wife. Finally as the crowd inside the church clapped the rain falls to congratulate the newlywed.

  I’m awake by an infinite cold and realize that the weddings not real. Our weddings not real it was just only a dream. I wished I hadn’t opened my eyes.

  I hear sudden cries. I turn my gaze to find who’s crying I finally saw them. My bestfriends, Francis, Brett, and Tiffany, James, Carmeo, John, And Emy.There’s no such Smiles on their faces. Only tears falling from their eyes.

  “What’s your tears about” I wonder.

  A long break passed us by I asked them again but they’re speechless. Until the door of my room opened, I saw my mother with Mammoo. Coming near at me I recognize they were also in tears. And this time fears are with me. Fears that I never felt before.

  “Mom? Why you’re all crying?” I said but they were quite for the rest of the moment. “Mom I’m okay I wanna see Yhanna”

  “August... Yhanna’s is rest.” Mammoo whispered.

  Her tears began to fall.

  “It’s fine I wanna see her sleeping” I said.

  “No she’s not sleeping” Mammoo said.

  “She died.” Mom Comforts me.

  I want to laugh. This is not true, this is not real like the dream I dreamed. Yhanna is still alive. I know they are Crying to me.

  “No you’re Both lying to me!”No!’ I scream. I forced my-self to get down on bed. Never minding the dextrose still attached on my arms. I don’t care if I bleed again I wanted to go to Yhanna room and see her fine. A moment there are 4 nurses who stopped me and injects me a calming medicine. Just a few seconds I cannot fight anymore. I’ve no strength.

  “Please…” I whispered “Let me see her” and the light was swallowed by the dark.



  Three days after Yhanna's burial, I found myself in her room. Gently lookin around. I now miss her so much. I miss being with her. Her touch and her breath. Her innocent scent.

  "She loves you." Mom said behind me.

  I take a breath cause my tears wanted to fall from my eyes. Mom bowed down her head an left md alone in Yhanna's room. She knew that I wanted to be alone for the moment. In this moment. Right here.

  When I'm holding my tears back, I noticed a paper lying on the rough floor. I picked it up and I recognize that it was a letter. A familiar handwrite. It was Yhanna's letter for me.

  I slowly open and start to read it.

  My Sweetest and Dearest August,

  Hi! You made me feel how precious I am. More than a gem stones. More than diamonds and golds. You loved me for who I am, not who I was. I thought you'll leave me alone when hard time comes. Thank you so much for loving me. For being with me. For all the thing you've done for me. I'll stay and I will be always on your side as long as I could. Even death can't take us apart.

  August, thank you for the moments we've shared in those beautiful times. Forever that I will be yours and you are forever mine. I love you, until I die.

  Forever with you,

  Yhanna Rose


  As I read the letter, the memories are flashing back to me. All of those simple moments. All of those simple times. And all of those simple things. The memories of her. The memories of me.

  The first time that I saw her. She introduced herself infront of the class and sat beside me. She given me a beautiful smile.

  The feelings that I never felt before when we're practicing the dance.

  The moment that my heart really admit that I'm inlove with her. We're dancing. She's beautiful. And I told her that I love her, but there's a flow of confusion in her eyes.

  I apologized with that.

  And through the rain, I had my first kiss and she became mine.

  I left when hate was all I felt. I left her. Like I didn't care so much about her.

  But I return again and still can't hide the love I felt for her. I love her, more than words.

  She sing me a song while we're watching the panorama view.

  I finished reading her letter. I cried. I felt her kiss on my cheek. It was impossible. She's kissing. I feel it. I know she doesn't want me crying. I cleared those tears in my eyes f
or her.

  For the girl I always wanted to be with, I love you so much more than you could love me. Your memories will never fade in my mind. I'll never lost you in this heart of mine. You changed my whole being and I'm really greatful because you came here with me. To show how beautiful life is. To light up my world and gave me hope and strength, to face all the fears in my life. You're always with me so that I would never feel alone. You opened my eyes that there's a lot of things in this world that are simple but really ignites and truly beautiful.

  Thank you and I love you for giving me joy.

  Because of you, I realized the importance and beauty of THE SIMPLE THINGS in our life.

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