Read The Sixth Line of Defense Page 40

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  Even though it annoyed her almost endlessly to have strangers wandering through the corridors of a place she considered 'home-turf' and despite the fact that she still felt a kind of faded hatred for the place, Shiva tried hard to keep smiling as she moved through the rooms and past the great many uniforms that had appeared. Even as he strained a little to get his new 'house' in order and recruit the right sort of people to fill in the many vacant slots inside his command, Devin was running full speed ahead with some of his better plans. This would be the seventh of what had been dubbed 'visitors weekends', while a great many officers had followed them on the return trip, most could not simply abandon their duty for an indeterminate amount of time. So even though there had been lots of tears on both sides many had slipped away after the first two weeks, which only made the scenes of their returns during the visits all the more poignant to the slowly increasing crowds of new faces. The first two weekends had been mostly familiar faces, but this most recent one seemed like there were more new faces than old. Half suspecting other things were in the works, Shiva wisely bit her tongue and waited for her chance to interrogate someone. Of course, on their side of things it wasn't just established faces either, by ones and twos and working from the long established 'list' that had been a part of Alex's old scheme concerning those in his care, more and more of her brothers and sisters were being woken up to add to their expanding numbers.

  While surprised to be brought out of stasis into this 'new world' of opportunities, the newly awakened children and young adults were perhaps handling the sudden change far better than those who had been calling the changed Anslaw home during the previous years. For as much as they had all dreamed of one day escaping those tunnels and seeing the outside world they had been dreaming of, the sudden changes were hardest on those like Ayla and Poe who had been woken up to a life in hiding and to the small family of siblings established over the previous two years. With their small inclusive world slowly falling apart at the seams in the face of the sudden changes taking place, it was perhaps only Rei's sanctuary that was able to keep them and some of the others on an even keel. The promise of a home that would soon enough look nothing like a military facility and a place that would not be so prone to extreme changes was comforting to all of them including Shiva whose fate had not yet been established back on Earth. For as much as this lack of news made her want to steal a shuttle and force a landing at Digel base, neither Alex nor Devin needed her causing trouble. Besides which she and the others were more than occupied in keeping the peace and ensuring that their bizarre little 'orphanage' was not a new unprecedented disaster area.

  Those that weren't seeking a life out past the more stable environment already established for them and some of those who were planning to go straight into school when that option became available, and Shiva's new family were all part of that small force that patrolled the rooms to make sure the somewhat nervous strangers did not upset the very uncertain children. With more than four hundred of them already awake their number was still being eclipsed by the number of officers along with their wives and husbands. Perhaps simply trying to establish a base for the many future adoptions, Shiva still wished that Devin would be more careful about insuring the little ones weren't overwhelmed by sheer numbers. But with the older children and established visitors nothing terribly upsetting had happened thus far so he wasn't yet in danger of a beating. Once sure that all was peaceful in that area, Shiva moved on before her now notorious presence could make the prospective parents any more nervous than they already were. Passing through the large space that had been given over to the purpose of being the 'entrance chamber' for new arrivals to establish themselves before moving on towards the more private settings beyond. Shiva merely glared at anyone who got too close and was about to disappear down another corridor when someone caught her eye. Crossing right through the knots of quietly chatting officers and spouses, Shiva's course took her right into a pair of warm arms and a happily chuckling presence at the fair side the room. Seila was perhaps the first welcome sight out of Rei's plan for her future and Vala's appearance at Digel base and Shiva held onto her perhaps just a little too long before she stepped back to have her hands caught in the older woman's fingers.

  "I was so worried when we saw you on the news.." Even though she whispered the silence around them probably allowed those watching the scene with stunned expressions hear her perfectly fine. "Even with those guards you sent to insure I was okay."

  "I'm sorry about that, we didn't know who we could trust after the General.. and things have been pretty hectic since then so we haven't really had the chance to call anyone besides Vala's brothers." Shiva told her a touch guiltily.

  "Well that's okay, I appreciated the fact that you even had the time to think about me during that mess, though I was never really told what happened. I am just glad you two are okay." She murmured with a tender smile.

  "I am pretty sure all of it is classified by now, and I'd probably get you into trouble talking about investigations and pending court cases." She gave Shiva a surprised look, and a questioning gaze. "I'm fine.. just.. potentially more dangerous than before." Shiva gave her a half hearted giggle at that and shook her head at the more probing gaze that followed. "So.. why are you here?"

  "Despite being at least partially involved in whatever happened to you two, no one has been telling me what or why. And Mr. Hornton will answer for that the first time I see him, let me promise you that." Shiva giggled back at her playfully angry look and nodded. "So finally, I practically ambushed General Owen in his office, made some threats, and he told me a little bit about what was happening here. We thought that we could start an accelerated learning program for some of the children who are old enough to start attending school. Think you can help guide us old people through this.. bizarre maze you used to call home?"

  "Of course I can, most of them are probably in hiding, so that the other visitors can focus on the little ones.." Shiva glared around at the silent staring people rather pointedly, many of whom simply chuckled as they took her pointed reminder and moved off. "I could use a break anyways."

  "If you would, I am really eager to see if they are as smart as you." Seila teased gently as Shiva was turned away from the occupied rooms and pulled in close to the older woman's side to guide her and the strangers clumped together with her away from the closer spaces.

  "Probably smarter, I am part of the first generations of my siblings." Shiva told her speculatively glancing back to see if she recognized anyone else of the three people following close behind them, they all smiled at her words much to her surprise. It was only a short distance before she was drawing them into the nearest transport tube.

  "Visitors are asked to stay in the living area." One of the guards murmured tiredly as the doors closed behind them.

  "It's only me, and some people who aren't here specifically to adopt anyone." She called back, he chuckled and apologized for the interruption as Shiva programmed their destination on the flat panel touch display. "I imagine they are hiding down in the labs.." Shiva commented as the metal chamber was whisked into motion through the bizarre twisting course.

  "Labs?" One of the others asked.

  "Alex, the Lt. Colonel in charge of Anslaw, decided to hell with regulations and started waking up some of us a few years back, they've been working on creating consumer goods to try and establish funding so they could wake up the rest. They are probably down there, hanging out and depressed, most of them have been together for a long time, so it's been pretty hard on a lot of us to see their family being broken up." Shiva explained as much to fill the silence as it was out of the desire to see them informed.

  "Why the sudden change?" Another of them asked gently.

  "I.. am not really ready to talk about it.. and.. you should probably avoid asking them that, but.. there's a huge scandal and a mass of trouble brewing within the military right no
w. A lot of us were needed to make sure things didn't get worse.. if the scandal ever hits the media.. you'll know." Shiva murmured deeply uncomfortable by the topic under discussion, Seila rubbed her shoulders comfortingly. "But.. a lot of us will have seen a lot of horrible things either here during the time when this place was active or recently when.. all of this started, so please keep that in mind. If your schools are anything like Seila's it can be only for the best that they are given the chance to see the quieter side of life."

  "Their schools are much the same as mine." Seila promised her gently. "Only the best for you kids, I promise you that much." Thankfully the doors opened soon after before they tried to get Shiva to go any deeper into that and they were moving through the now much quieter hallways surrounded by many of the old labs. Most of the children who had wanted to go to school were the ones who had been the main force behind the research and inventing that had been going on there during her absence. They were the ones eager to get out into the world and to the schools and colleges that would give them the doctorates and advanced degrees that had already earned through their work at Anslaw. As she had all but expected when she had picked this area to search through first, Shiva soon caught sight of a sentry just before they were spotted. With a patter of little feet, the would be guard darted away leading them right to the sanctuary of solitude she had been meant to protect. As she so rarely did, Shiva knocked on the partially open door and left Seila's side to poke her head into the room beyond. The forty-three who had been bound towards schools by choice had gathered inside the rezoned space of a one time laboratory that had become a lounge and break room before becoming a weekend sanctuary from intruders.

  "Sorry to bring invaders, but all of them risked sedition charges to get here and could probably use a few allies by now." Shiva called inside, there were a few nervous smiles as she swung open the door a little further.

  "That poor General, I think he almost cried as I browbeat seats out of him on the shuttle." Seila called out happily as she peered inside at all the ones who wanted school and had not been needed to help watch over the others. "Shiva no fair, are all your brothers and sister so beautiful?" She demanded teasingly as she peered inside.

  "Pretty much." Shiva agreed with a smile. "Seila runs.. probably the most beautiful school I have ever seen, Madam Felini's school for girls."

  "Hmm, let me introduce everyone. Daren here runs the school for boys just across the lake from my school. Rina has always been an over achiever and runs the number one school for the gifted in the whole Alliance it's in Australia. Marcus is the secretary of the education working for the Prime Ministers office. All of them have been some of my dearest friends for a very long time." Seila murmured as Shiva drew the older woman inside, and easily guessing at her real meaning.

  "Schools for girls?" Zarra asked sweetly bouncing up to Shiva's legs with all the bubbly energy of youth.

  "Yep." Shiva agreed scooping her up and handed her over to Seila as she settled in a pocket of girls who leaned in with interest. "It was like a big garden even bigger than the west garden, and trees and grass as far as the eyes could see. And there were big buildings filled with class rooms looking over huge courtyards. The teacher's there were really nice and some of the girls were nice, but if Seila wants to start a program for all of you, than you might to get to live together down by the lake. And on the weekends everyone can go into town and meet the boys and play around in all sorts of cool stores."

  "Absolutely, and if we can get enough people we can even build a new dorm for all of you." Seila agreed happily hugging the little one in her lap.

  "And then we could sneak across the lake and go visit the boys whenever we wanted." Molly laughed as she moved to settle nearby, her desires to keep an eye on Zara all to clear to anyone who was paying attention.

  "Which is just fine, Seila warned me to expect some quiet mischief on the part of my more gifted students." Daren agreed chuckling from nearby as he moved to perch on the arm of a nearby couch with a group of boys close by. Robert who was the eldest of their number was quick to engage him with questions.

  "Thanks, Shiva." Molly whispered back to her with a gratitude that went down deep.

  "Spread us out over a billion light years and we'll still be a family, ask Seila about her arm and you'll start to see that." Shiva stated to anyone within earshot as she slid to her feet.

  "What a beautiful sentiment, Shiva. I had no idea you were such a poet." Seila laughed happily as she pulled up her sleeve to proudly show of her Series 3 tattoo. Almost immediately the other adults in the room and were smiling as they showed off their own Series tattoos to an amazed and suddenly relaxed crowd of excited children.

  "It comes and goes." Shiva told all of them with a smile as she slipped out past the door and drew it closed against the burst of questions and happy speculative conversations. She was both surprised and not at all surprised to find Devin standing just outside the door having undoubtedly heard all the recent conversation. She contemplated hurting him just for fun, but decided not to after a hard won internal struggle, but she did glare at him much to his amusement.

  "I couldn't have done that better myself." He chuckled as Shiva slid her hand under his arm and together they moved into the corridors beyond.

  "Well she was the right envoy and knew how to ensure she would be able to gain just a little trust after she had gotten her foot into the door." Shiva whispered back to him as she leaned in and let her eyes drift closed trying hard to ignore how tired she felt by that point in the day.

  "I knew if I just smiled long enough Seila wouldn't be unable to resist opening her mouth, forcing her to put up or shut up, so to speak. Between the four of them they have enough resources, connections, and backing in politics and the military to forge a truly first rate education program. Not to mention all the children that will follow as they are adopted by their well connected foster parents." He stated chuckling happily at the results of his machinations.

  "Don't gloat too much." Shiva hissed at him playfully.

  "He did earn some of it." Alex murmured as he appeared around a corner ahead of their approaching steps. "But you earned most of the credit for keeping this place from becoming an empty warehouse in a few decades." Shiva gave him a look of intense interest to which he chuckled and caressed her hair. "Besides playing a major role in freeing your brothers and sister from their prison, you were the key to unlocking all the research all of you did all those years ago. Some of us even suspect it might take decades for us to catch up, those blades of yours seem to defy several hard laws of physics." He murmured with a bright glowing smile which made it easy for her to see what Kali had seen in him. "Anyways, there are a number of military projects looking for more room, better access to space, or just facilities better suited to their needs. With so many of you expected to move out into the stars, there's plenty of room for a sanctuary in addition to what Rei is building and dozens of square miles that can be re-purposed for other things. Not to mention any one of you would make for one hell of a scientist given the desire and half a chance."

  "I really didn't do anything.." Shiva murmured with a sigh, the two men smiled over her head and decided not to try to contradict her. "What's supposed to happen to me?"

  "Vala didn't tell you?" Devin asked with half a smile, Shiva shook her head with surprised concern. "Don't worry it's not bad news, it wasn't official until this morning, but she seemed pleased that her proposal was accepted so quickly."

  "Did you catch up with Seila?" Alex asked the Captain.

  "Shiva handled it before I could get away from glad handling the brass." Devin told him chuckling when a beeping sound rippled from within his pocket. "Speaking of which.." He kissed Shiva's temple even as she switched allegiances to follow at Alex's arm as he wandered along. With a backwards wave, Devin answered his com-unit and hurried off in the direction of the nearest transport tube.

  "This place is p
retty lively." Shiva commented softly to Alex.

  "Well, let me keep you informed, you are after all part of my command staff." Shiva giggled back up to him as she leaned in close to rest her eyes for a few minutes more. "Devin is handling the arrivals in all three hanger bays, making sure the brass all feel welcome as the shuttle's arrive and depart. Devin's men are handling the arrivals of interested foster parents, my men are making sure no one gets lost and stay out of places where they shouldn't be. I am am handling all the people coming here to inspect the facilities and evaluate their potential needs for incoming projects. Meanwhile, Kali, Rei, and a few of those people who have already been approved for adoptions in the near future are conducting interviews, answering questions, and giving lectures to potential and interested foster parents. The first adoptions should be made official in a week or two when we are close to have things lined up for ones Kali and I woke up here before." He told her with a tired sounding sigh that was almost immediately followed by a chuckle. "All I have to say is thank the heavens for you kids, taking care of your brothers and sisters with all of this going on around you." He paused as they neared one of the transports and the doors swept open, the first thing Shiva saw was a pair of men with rifles slung over their shoulders, a sight that had never been seen inside of Anslaw and one she did not like for an instant.

  "Whoa!!" Alex yelled as he yanked her around and put himself between her and the occupants of the tube carriage. "Shiva, don't!" He forced her eyes into focusing on his, distracting her before she could do something everyone would end up regretting. "Admiral, please send those two men back to your shuttle with their weapons." Alex stated quickly as he snapped back around to salute someone inside the elevator, giving Shiva a chance to calm herself and her raging instincts.

  "Shiva?.. um.. right. You heard the Colonel, I should be fine on my own for a while." Another voice murmured as two shadows stepped out through the doors before they closed. "I apologize, I hadn't even thought about them.."

  "It's all right, sir." Alex told him as he ended his salute and slipped his arm around his back to offer his hand to a now calmer Shiva, who was soon drawn around and into view. "If I had known you were coming we would have arrangements for your arrival, sir. But I think you can understand that it is not a good idea to expose the children to weaponry, especially in light of recent events, better that they feel safe with the current stressful situations taking place."

  "Yes, yes, of course you are right. But with the recent arrests, more precautions have been advised after General.." He caught Shiva's eyes and seemed realize that it might not be advisable to continue those words. "After what has happened." He finished uncomfortably.

  "You're safe here, Admiral.." Shiva whispered up to him with a smile for his attempts to be mindful of her feelings. "Most of the children can sense ill intentions from a long way off. Anyone harboring such things would quickly find themselves in a very uncomfortable position."

  "Yes, of course." He agreed with a chuckle and a smiling nod. "After reading some of the reports I found myself more than a little curious about how things were proceeding here, and was hoping to meet some of the children." Shiva felt Alex hesitate and knew that he had all sorts of things happening all over the place.

  "Admiral, if it's all right.. I can introduce you to my brothers and sisters and show you around Anslaw. Alex has like a hundred things going on right now, it would let him free up some of his time to talk with you about all the stuff no one tells me." Shiva suggested hoping at the very least to earn a few Karma points with the higher powers that had been so kind to her recently.

  "Sir, I would be willing to brush everything aside for you, but Shiva does have access to just about everywhere you might wish to go, and she is perhaps the best guide where the children are concerned." Alex stated for his sake and for the sake of the com-unit in his pocket that started beeping.

  "Oh?" He gave Shiva a gentle smile as if to make up for the earlier near incident. "Than by all means, it is far too rare for me to get to escort around a pretty young woman." That teasing compliment and the mischievous light in his eyes was easily enough to pull Shiva across the distance to accept his offered his arm. "As you were, Colonel." With his assistant chuckling in the background and Alex smiling his silent gratitude there was a second exchange of salutes before he answered his phone, nodded, and hurried off. "So.. I can guess you have high level access, do you?" He murmured down to her as she drew him into a slow steady pace through the still empty corridors.

  "Mmm, yes sir. I actually had it before the Series 6 program was mothballed, I.. well I stole from the old command, but it made it possible for me to get access to the vaults and the central databanks where Alex's people could effectively 'change the locks' to Anslaw and put him officially in charge. He let me add myself to the Command staff protocols mostly out of gratitude." She told him with a small smile, he chuckled and patted her hand as if he would have let her do the same.

  "Considering the reports from the Antarctic, there wasn't much you couldn't have accessed before." He commented teasingly down to her.

  "Maybe.. but the vault was designed to stop a talent of even my caliber.. well I suppose you could say I got lucky and I had some help. It was pretty dangerous, but if I was going to have any chance against a prepared force of Series 5 troops I was going to need the added advantage my old research materials would provide. It would have been a lot harder for me to bust into the central core here and still try to get into vault." She told him with a smile.

  "I find that oddly reassuring." He murmured back to her with a warm smile. "I must say you are not quite what I expected."

  "I don't suppose anyone could live up to the cataclysmic force that those reports must have made me out to be." He and his assistant chuckled at that. "Some of the others are pretty good at figuring us out, and they told me once that each of us reacts to different people we meet based on what all of our senses are telling us, not just the normal five. So with another person, I would react in a completely different way, and therefore seem like a totally different person."

  "So you don't think you are a cataclysmic force?" He asked softly as he relaxed a little more.

  "I can be.. it would be a lie to not admit that, but.. I would hope the fact that not everywhere I go and everywhere I have been hasn't been left in utter ruins would count for something." She commented back to him much to his deep and delighted amusement.

  "This is true." He agreed and then seemed to pause as he considered something. "The Advocate General was quite eloquent when she quoted your apology the night of your return to Digel base." Shiva was stunned to hear that and he seemed to know instantly what she was feeling in that moment. "And your requests for you siblings, was quite touching."

  "I.. I.. really wish she hadn't quoted me in something official like that.. I mean I suppose she had her reasons, but.. that was really meant to be private.." She whispered back to him uncomfortably.

  "The most dangerous of the known Series 6 children offering to give up her freedom and her life on the outside so that others better suited to the same chance might get that opportunity. I would have been most displeased if she had chosen to withhold it." He told her in return rubbing her hand affectionately. "We aren't lost, are we?" Shiva smiled back at him and shook her head.

  "I just wanted to be sure that you were relaxed, if you were nervous.. some of the children might react badly to you, I wanted to be sure you got to see them at your best." Shiva told him as she drew him around the turn at another intersection and towards the nearest transport tube in the distance.

  "Appreciated, but I think I am ready." She nodded and gestured off into the distance, he chuckled and patted her hand. "I am curious to know, what do you know about me?" He asked as the boarded another transport carriage.

  "Four star Admiral. Someone important.." She murmured looking up at him as she programmed their destination. "Alex had enough respect
to ask that the weapons removed, and he knew you instantly.. but not much else. I hope you are not offended.. or anything, but I am not really impressed by rank or anything like that.. but you are being nice to me so that counts for more a little. Anyways, Alex is really busy and for all that he has done for my brothers and sisters, I am just as glad to be able to repay him in some way."

  "Nothing for yourself?" To this she smiled and shook her head.

  "As long as I can stay with Vala and she's happy.. that's what is important to me now, and I wouldn't want that to ever change." Shiva told him with a bright happy smile. "Anyways, there are a lot of officers up here but since they have been cleared by security and the children aren't.. you know.. doing bad things to them, I would think you are safe enough. However since you are important enough to have security in a secure facility, I promise you that you'll make through this alive." Shiva murmured teasingly, to which he gave a hearty laugh.

  "From you my dear, that is deeply reassuring. But you are right anyone allowed near these children would be above reproach." Shiva smiled up at him as the doors opened onto a busy intersection in the heart of the visitor's area and the Admiral was greeted instantly by sharp salutes and smiles from every virtually officer who saw him. "At ease, just visiting." He told them all quickly returning the gesture before smiling down at all the curious watching children nearby. Those few who took in his large size with a touch of fear saw Shiva smiling as she hung on his arm and relaxed. Sierra one of the recently awakened little ones was by no means intimidated as she wandered up to him and tugged on his sleeve. "Well hello there." He chuckled as he released Shiva's arm to scoop her up. "What's your name?" She giggled and playfully shook her head.

  "This is Sierra, she was just woken up last week." Shiva told him laughing as she tugged on the girl's foot as she guided the two of them to one of the nearby play rooms.

  "That's a pretty name, and what do you Sierra." Giggling even more she created a fireball between her fingers that turned into a ball of ice a heartbeat later. "That's a really great trick sweety." He murmured as they settled in the room of happy children.

  "Martin said that already." She told him before point off to one of the nearby Colonels who was being used as giant doll. They lingered there for an about an hour with the Admiral happy and lighthearted, with the children swirling around them curious enough to gather nearby attracted by his strong gentle aura. After a while he looked ready to move on, and Shiva drew him past other such scenes and took him to visit with some of the older kids on the way to other things.

  "Poe, have you see the twins?" Shiva called as her sister appeared through the crowd, the response was a smile and pointed finger out to the west and the nearest gardened dome that was another gathering point for the visitors. Blowing the younger girl a kiss which made the little ones giggle on mass, Shiva drew the Admiral into that heading. A few more minutes and a great many salutes and warm greetings later they were emerging into the warmer light and cooler air of the massive domed space. It was not at all hard to guess where the twins were in the shifting crowds of adults and children as fast spinning objects dipped, curved and dove through the air in complex patterns above the tree tops. More than interested enough to follow her lead they were soon walking through the fringes of the playing field as the twins were at the heart of the chaos. They were surrounded by nearly all of the telekinetics awake playing in a high flying game of speed and telekinetic finesse as they used dozens of foamed bladed versions of the weapons the twins had debuted at the Hyperion attack. "Trust some of them to find a reason to show off, but.. the children who live in fear of their gifts they will never achieve full control and that is dangerous."

  "Of course." He agreed thoughtfully as the wandered along and he watched with interest.

  "My mother-in-law was telling a few of us about the Series 3 projects the other day." She commented to him when she thought she saw an opening. He looked away from the scene long enough to smile down at her and nod for her to go on. "About the end of the war and how they were put into stasis because of how some feared that if they released into the public there would be some great disaster, and the fears that humanity would change when their altered DNA was added into the gene pool."

  "Ah, yes, your mother-in-law sounds like a very wise woman to bring that up at a time like this one." He commented down to her. "Two of those girls out bear a remarkable resemblance to you, my dear."

  "My daughters, Isis and Athena. My mother-in-law has already been approved to adopt them and Poe, the girl who sent us this way." She told him with a warm smile for the two figures dancing through the air and across the fields quite happily. "The reason I mention it, sir, is because it would allow me to add some context for something I'd like to say to you. We aren't dangerous because we were made to be, we are dangerous because we might not know any better. Series 6 was created to be the weapons of the next war.. maybe they got it right, but they also made us human. Series 5 is dangerous because they don't know any other way, because of the same people who stripped them of that humanity. Those.. truly unfortunate people who didn't know what they were volunteering for.."

  "So very true.." He agreed with a sigh.

  "In time, humanity will probably have to face some sort of turning point as our DNA mixes with yours, but you are already facing that with inclusion of Series 3 into the gene pool. I know because my girlfriend is the result of our would be grandparents." He nodded thoughtfully.

  "You are right, our predecessors brought you into this world, and the blithely pushed all of you into the shadows to be forgotten. It is up to us now to see that the right thing is done, even if it comes a little late. I was convinced of that before I came here, but your tour has done so much to ease even my most intense worries, thank you." Shiva smiled back at his down turned smiling expression.

  "Well.. there is still a lot of work to be done, and some of those still sleeping might have been lost to what happened to us back then, but.. I think it is worth it." She told him softly.

  "You've put a lot of thought into all of this." He commented gently.

  "Most of us probably have, because all of us want to prevent another genetically engineered disaster." She agreed with a slightly sad smile. "Whatever else, there will always be some of us dedicated to helping those that remain behind."

  "Ah-ha.. this.. 'Sanctuary' that Captain Hornton just dropped on some of us." He commented suspiciously.

  "My mother-in-law's new home, sir." Shiva corrected gently, he looked at her with a question in his eyes. "Rei Winters, sir. Devin told me she was teaching a class somewhere nearby."

  "Do you think I could meet her?" He asked gently as if afraid that to make that request.

  "As long as she won't be displeased to see you for some reason." She warned just a little he shook his head and gave her a look that made it clear that he was concerned more about the death of her husband. Shiva nodded and drew them to a stop as she turned to reach out and grab one of the spinning objects as it raced over head. She redirected it and fired it down towards Athena's exposed back. Being far too into the game to ever be fooled by that kind of attack, she launched in a high arching backwards flip as she caught another weapon to launched right down towards Shiva. Rather than continue the back and forth attacks, Shiva held out her hand and caught the center of the spinning foam and canceling its' momentum in a heartbeat. "Where's Mom?" She asked as a giggling girl dropped in to the edge of the field. She smiled at the Admiral before closing her eyes and clearing her mind to point off to the south and outside of the dome.

  "She's with a lot of people near the border of the next quadrant." Shiva nodded, smiled, kissed her forehead as the weapon was passed into her keeping and she was telekinetically tossed into sky and sent back into the fray.

  "That was Athena, the other one is Isis." She told him as they moved off towards quieter pastures.

  "That toy?" He asked simply.

"A hybrid, of a hybrid, of a hybrid." Shiva told him and laughed at his sudden confused expression. "It was part of my research into telekinesis, types of metallic objects that react uniquely under telekinetic pressure. The twins took some of that research and created lethal versions of those those foam toys that they used quite effectively during the assault on Hyperion, and then they made those toys when we got back. Anyways they are very good exercise and perfect practice for telekinetic gifts."

  "You are not dangerous because you were made that way, you are dangerous because you might not know any better." He agreed with a thoughtfully pleased expression as they left behind the dome and entered the nearest transport. "Too bad there aren't many who could benefit from such a toy, that looked like a lot of fun." They all shared in a warm happy laughter. Shiva used the security systems to locate the occupied rooms in the area Athena had indicated and set the destination as she figured out which room of the three that where Rei could be found. Within a dozen minutes they were slipping into the back of the space.

  “.. all of them will probably have a trigger. A sound, a smell, my daughter-in-law reacts to motions seen in her peripheral vision.” Rei was saying to the massive crowd of people settled in the tiered seats of the large lecture hall. “The point is, it’s important to watch for those signs, and help them become less reactive. It’s pretty much agreed that this is fall out from the attempts at military psychological conditioning most of them underwent at one stage or another. Fortunately, this conditioning doesn’t seem to have any permanence in terms violence or less desirable things, and unfortunately there are side effects.”

  “Just how dangerous are they if something does set them off?” One of the people in the audience called out.

  “It depends on the child. Most of the children who will need foster parents are pretty young so their exposure to violence and the conditioning is minimal. The real danger lies in not doing your best to make sure they know how to control their gifts.. because it is a good idea to encourage them to experiment and practice. The better they understand what they are capable of, the less likely those gifts will do something unexpected. Fortunately the children have taken it upon themselves to pass the most up to date techniques along similar talent groups, and we plan to have regular visitations so as they learn, all of them learn.” The Admiral gave her a questioning look.

  “Telepathic implants.” She murmured softly to him, he smiled, nodded, and patted her hand.

  “This is also why we would hope that the children be adopted in pairs. The emotional support of having someone going through the exact same thing they are, provides something none of us can. She probably wouldn’t be happy if she knew I was telling people this, but my daughter-in-law was alone for nearly two years. She had no friends, no family, and no one to talk to about her problems. She was expelled from twelve schools, had problems with violence, and was considered to be extremely anti-social. Until the point when she met my daughter and now people who knew her before don’t recognize her half the time. She still isn’t a social butterfly, but she has become more open and will even smile once in a while.” There was a chuckle from the crowd. “We realize that asking people to bring two children into their homes is a lot more of a burden than just one child. But ultimately, we believe that it is better for the children, and will prove easier on the parents. These children have grown close, some of you may have noticed when they talk about the other children they often refer to them as being their brothers and sisters. They understand that they can’t stay together as a family, but it seems unfair to try and break them up completely.” There was a long silence. “Any other questions?... Ewan will take you back to the gardens if you would like to follow him.” The lights rose up and the people began to filter down the steps and out through the front. They waited until the last in the back rows were leaving before she guided the Admiral down the steps. Taking a few moments to answer some last minute questions, they lingered in the background until the last of them had left.

  “Walter.” She smiled warmly as she crossed the room to hug him, Shiva stepped away and watched as they spoke quietly for a few minutes.

  “How much of that did you catch?” Rei asked after their quiet conversation came to a conclusion.

  “It doesn’t do me any more harm than it already did, and if it helps them understand the children they may be bringing into their homes just a little better than I certainly don’t have any grounds to complain.” Shiva told her with a smile and shrug, Rei smiled warmly at her and nodded in grateful understanding.

  “I know they had the tunnel dug, but I have no idea where it’s suppose to connect.” Rei commented giving Shiva a questioning look.

  “Did you want to take the Admiral to the dome?” Shiva asked as she consulted her mental maps.

  “If it isn’t too much trouble..” Rei gave her a pleading smile.

  “Well Alex, did tell me to take him where ever he wanted to go.” Shiva murmured as she hopped up to her feet to lead the way. “Anyways, you’d need me to get through everything that is probably in the way.”

  “You’ll forgive me for being forward, I hope, but what kind of budget is this enclave going to require?” The General asked diplomatically.

  “None.” Rei told him, he gave her a startled look as the three of them followed Shiva onto a nearby transport.

  “None?” He asked after a long silence.

  “All of the children who are thus far electing to stay close to Anslaw will be here helping their newly awakened brothers and sisters, doing research, and otherwise providing useful services for their family as a whole. Alex already figured in salaries for all of those we know about, they saw no reason why they couldn’t help pay for food and other essentials we all will need. The dome is mine, free and clear, the purchase agreement provided for a full upgrade so we don’t expect any problems for at least 20 years. Water and power are self sufficient, and we will even be growing crops to help keep our budget down to a minimum. Since the dome was designed for nearly a 2,000, I am certain we won’t have much to worry about. I am certain that Devin only mentioned it because he was quite proud of his solution to allow us an easier commute back here once everything has been built.” Rei told him sounding quite pleased with the plan as a whole and her new home specifically. Even Vala had been forced to admit she liked it a great deal once the gardens were looking less jungle like.

  “Can I ask why?” He murmured gently as they were moved towards their destination.

  “When I first came here, I was running for my life, blinded by the first attack and barely strong enough to get off world. And these children were so amazing to me.. Just when I thought I had lost everything, I found a purpose here.” She told him with a choked voice. “Poe, probably won’t ever be comfortable outside of a controlled environment for a very long, but she wants to stay and help the others. All of this is going to be the hardest on those who do stay behind, because even though the Anslaw they knew is changing for the better, the family they created to survive those times won't be here with them. At the dome, they can have that.. a family that isn't going to go away, a home that will be theirs to change or to keep exactly the same. It’s their refuge and mine, we all need that. And because.. we couldn't be sure how bad things were going to turn out for Shiva." He smiled and nodded smiling back at Shiva's glance.

  A little while later they were stepping off the transport and almost immediately leaving through a shiny new security door that lead from the old tunnels of Anslaw to the new tunnels that crossed the northern border. At the halfway point was the three way air lock that separated Anslaw from the Dome and the Dome from Devin's new headquarters still under construction nearby. After an hour long tour of the dome's gardens, the bare walls of the tunnels that hadn't yet seen much redecorating, but a very thorough cleaning. Alex and Kali soon enough caught up to at last greet the Admiral and spend a quiet time explaining some of the changes at Anslaw, their
status as tenants of the dome and a dozen minor details as they settled in the shade of the large trees beneath the light of the large artificial sunlight floating down from above. The Admiral's approval of Devin's work, Alex's efforts, and Rei's Sanctuary was made clear soon after and with those assurances the last bit of tension seemed to drift away. It was not until much later that Shiva would learn that he was Admiral Walter Tesla, the supreme commander of the Fleet and a person who answered only to Prime Minister and the Alliance Senate.

  The Visitor's Weekend had passed and the rare quiet of the weekdays was already almost over, racing by quietly in comparison to the total nightmarish chaos of the two day invasion that would soon follow. Devin's staff was nearly all assembled and their nearest neighbor was moving in to their new facilities, or at least the parts that were ready for occupancy as the remaining finishing touches and last few parts and pieces were added to tunnels below and connected on to the spaces above. The speed of construction had amazed a lot of them, but was a clear sign of the changing times and how eagerly the brass were pursuing this peaceful resolution with Series 6.

  Alex's own command had expanded by even more than Devin's as he added scientists, researchers, doctors and security forces, as he began the dynamic shift away from running an empty locked down military facility towards creating a strange combination of sanctuary space along side the restored research facilities and office spaces. The new security protocols being put into place would confine the spaces where those still asleep were still waiting, locking down the embryo storage facility to all but command staff and cutting off the northern sector for the use of Series 6. And hopefully preventing any of those new arrivals from wandering into trouble and disturbing the newly awakened and the ill-adjusted that were starting to appear with a bit more frequency. The first adoptions off of the base were beginning by ones and two, slowly filtering away those that had gotten to know the transitory stage of Anslaw's changing faces as those recently awoken adjusted to their changed world and would be ready to assist those who would follow them.

  For the moment, the military forces were handling the Series 5 units that they were uncovering and it had been implied in their hearing that a sizable number were being located still in stasis and in the keeping of the military leaders that were being arrested in droves, or the civilian criminal elements who had obtained them through the black market. While Shiva and others doubted that this would be the case across the board, nor that they would be left in to linger in the background forever. The 43% of Series 5 soldiers that had been smuggled off-world over the previous 15 years totaled nearly 10,000 souls and the small handfuls that were being collected did not even stack up in comparison to that whole number. It was already suspected that while the smuggling operations had been massive and expansive within the structure of the military that there had been an even greater conspiracy whispering in the background of those events they were learning about. While that was hardly a reassuring prospect it was easier to focus on nicer things.

  Escaping from the mixture of efforts to improve the tunnels of the sanctuary and ready them for occupancy and the efforts to waken their brother's and sister's as well as prepare them for the next invasion of strangers, Shiva slipped into the deeper tunnels below the dome to get a few minutes of quiet. She would not have expected that Kali would be there doing the same thing as she was, nor that the older woman would be so distracted that she would remain unaware of Shiva's presence. Under normal circumstances there would have been no way anyone could have sneaked up on a talent of her caliber, but as she stood in the heart of the room stacked with crates of supplies staring down at her belly as she touched her stomach uncertainly, Shiva's time on Earth provided her the reason why she would be so very distracted.

  "Congratulations." Shiva whispered to her. Kali snapped around in an intense glare more than half ready to attack.

  "How.." She demanded with a narrowing gaze.

  "I saw a couple of pregnant women on Earth who looked just like you did just now." Shiva whispered back to her as she slipped inside and moved to perch nearby on one of the plastic crates. "How long?"

  "I ah.. a little less than two months.." She whispered as her anger faded and was replaced with bone deep worry and intense uncertainty.

  "And Alex doesn't know.." An accusing glare returned even as she shook her head slowly. "Why not?"

  "I.. at first.. thought.. what if the baby wasn't healthy so.. I.. ran a genetic analysis, and.. then.. I thought maybe the results weren't.. so I ran another, and then another.." Kali whispered to her.

  "What did all of them tell you?" Shiva asked without hesitation.

  "A healthy boy, telepathy, pyrokinesis, and a touch of geo-sensing." She murmured back as a smile appeared on her face as she seemed to be imagining what their son would look like. "What am I going to do Shiva, what if the brass.."

  "Let's start with the father first." Shiva announced hopping up to her feet.

  "Shiva, no!" Kali ordered hurrying across the distance to grab her arm.

  "Kali we are family.. you can't do this on your own, so let me handle this part." Kali took in that scary shadow in Shiva's eyes and let go of her arm.

  "Don't scare him.." She whispered back.

  "It's the brass that should be afraid if they think they can violate the rights that we have earned by surviving Anslaw." Shiva told her as she wandered off. Wasting little time, Shiva had little trouble reaching the tunnels of Anslaw and easily located Alex using the tracking signal of the com-unit constantly in his possession. He was on the far southern end of Anslaw and the time it took to home in on him gave her more than enough time to consider the words she would soon use, and to truly take his measure once and for all. For as much Shiva might respect him for all that he had done for her siblings, she had not yet been convinced that he was worthy of her sister. When Shiva entered the the massive chamber at the southern end of the tunnels that connected to Aerisa military base to the south, she was surprised to find Vala and Devin there with an unknown woman wearing a Fleet uniform. Pushing that aside, she approached straight across the chaotic space, took Alex's arm and excused the both of them rather hastily before pulling Alex towards privacy.

  "What is it Shiva?" He demanded with a ghost of anger in his expression.

  "What would you do if one of us was pregnant?" That question quickly faded his anger and it was replaced by a very strong and determined expression.

  "Who.." He demanded with a narrowing gaze.

  "I was told in confidence, now answer my question." He tried to glare her down but Shiva was not about to break under that gaze. "Try your scary act on someone else, it doesn't work on me."

  "What does the girl want to do?" He murmured dropping the glare even as that look of determination grew by some measure.

  "She wants to keep the baby but she is worried about the brass." Shiva told him quickly.

  "Series 6 deserves whatever happiness they can find in this world, if the brass really wants to try to pull something stupid, we fight them. All of you might have once been military property, but I'll be damned to a firey afterlife before I let them try the same with your children. I don't care if I have to betray this uniform and reveal the truth to the public, I won't let that happen. Better we make a stand now when our standing in the eyes of the brass couldn't get any better." He told her with an echo of pure and absolute truth that was enough to make Shiva feel just a little proud. "Now tell me who it is so I can make sure of her feelings."

  "Convince your wife of the same thing and then maybe you'll learn the answer to that." Shiva told him, he nodded and hurried off with a presence that bristled with determination and unwavering resolve. When Shiva turned Vala was watching the scene with a touch of concern even as she gestured Shiva over to her side.

  "Problem?" Shiva shook her head and smiled as she let herself relax.

  "So I assume this is the other of my newest students." The unknown naval officer
commented as Shiva's arrival was noticed by the adults. Shiva looked up at Vala who gave her a look that pleaded for good behavior in the next few minutes.

  "I don't know, ma'am.. some people do things on my behalf on occasion." Shiva commented back to her.

  "We wanted to be sure that you would be willing to dealing with Shiva's.. 'unique' situation before we discussed Vala's plan for the two of them at the Fleet academy." Devin confirmed giving her a pleading half smile.

  "I would hardly object to adding a psuedo, under-aged Lt. Colonel to my student body." She agreed with laughter in her gaze and a relaxed posture.

  "I would guess there are worse options.. as long I was expected to salute all the time, or follow orders.." Shiva commented to them with a sigh, clearly sensing that Vala had more than enough reasons to make this kind of decision.

  "At least within reason." The commandant agreed with a smile. "The Aerisa research division is eager for the chance to add you to their 'math class', and we have access to just about anything you might wish to learn." Shiva smiled at her as she nodded, willing to give it a chance for Vala's sake.