Read The Slave of Silence Page 35


  There was a thrill of excitement, an electric feeling in the air thatwas not lost to anyone of the little group standing there in thedarkness. That some momentous event was going to happen everybody knewwithout being told. Tacitly, it seemed to be understood that everythingwas in the hands of Inspector Field.

  Previously, on the arrival of his two men, he had sent one of them offwith hurried instructions of some kind. The other man stood by the gatelike a statue. Mark Ventmore, growing restless at last, turned to Fieldand asked a question. The inspector was wiping his damp hands upon hishandkerchief as if he himself was a thief waiting for arrest.

  "We are going to wait," he said curtly, "and there is an end of thematter."

  Mark felt that he could not say any more after that. Mary was stillcrying softly to herself. The misery was with her yet, as she felt thatit would be to her dying day, but the agony of suspense was past. Ofwhat took place in that house from time to time she knew a great deal,but some things had been kept back from her. It was the vague feeling ofwhat might be that frightened her.

  Half an hour or more passed in the same tense, rigid silence, and yetthere was no sign from the house. A figure crossed the road and came upthe drive, making no more noise than a ghost. It was Field's manreturning.

  The inspector turned to him with an eager agitation that seemed strangeto him.

  "Well," he asked, "have you anything definite?"

  His voice sounded hoarse and strange. The other man touched his cap. Heseemed to hesitate before the presence of so many strangers. Field urgedhim on impatiently.

  "Don't be all night," he said. "You can speak before the lady andgentleman. They don't know everything yet, but they will in the courseof a few minutes. Did you manage it?"

  "Managed it all right, sir," the misty figure in the big coat said. "Igot through on the telephone to the Southwark police and told them allthe particulars. They said that they would send round to Edward Streetwithout delay."

  "Of course you stayed to see that they had done so?"

  "Of course, sir. It isn't a very far cry to Edward Street, so I waited.I asked the inspector in charge to telephone me directly the raid hadbeen made."

  "Oh, get on, man," Field cried impatiently. "You're not in the witnessbox now grinding it out so that the magistrate's clerk can take it alldown in long hand. What I want to know is whether or not the raid waseffective."

  "To a certain extent, sir. They took the housekeeper, who doesn't appearto have had much to do with the matter, and an old gentleman who lookedlike a clergyman. So far, there was nobody else in the house."

  Field gave vent to something that sounded like a grunt of satisfaction.Mary said nothing, but she had a pretty shrewd idea who the clergymanwas. Field seemed to be fairly pleased.

  "So far, so good," he said. "Are they going to send round the motor car?I shall be very glad to see our elderly clerical friend here."

  The officer indicated that everything would be done in accordance withField's desire.

  "There was one other man I wanted," he said. "Not that one ever getseverything in cases like this. Unless I am greatly mistaken, there wasanother man in Edward Street, a tall man----"

  "Called the doctor," the officer said eagerly. "I know all about him,because they told me over the wire from Southwark exactly how the raidwas made. The housekeeper called to some 'doctor,' but the policecouldn't find him. I expect he found some way of getting off."

  "He'll come here," Field said emphatically. "He'll come if only to tellhis pals exactly what has happened. He'll come post haste in a cab. Ifhe does I shall bag the lot. This is going to be a fine evening's work."

  Seeing that nothing further was expected of him, the officer saluted andwent beyond the gate. Still there was no sign from the house, and thesilence and suspense were growing intolerable. Mark ventured to suggestthat something should be done.

  Field turned upon him with the fury of a tiger. By his anger he showedthat he, too, was feeling the strain of suspense.

  "Confound you, sir," he said, "allow me to know my business best. Here Iam close to the solution of one of the strangest and most daring crimesof the century, and yet you are asking me to spoil it by the raw hasteof a schoolboy."

  "Perhaps I had better go," Mark said. "Come with me, Miss Sartoris. Letus leave together. It will be better for you that way."

  "No," Mary said gently. "I am greatly obliged to you, but I shall stay."

  "Both stay, please," Field said in a gentler tone. "Mr. Ventmore, let memake you the most handsome apology in my power. I am afraid that thisthing has got a little on my nerves. You see, this is a great case, afar greater case than anybody is aware of. I only stumbled on the realtruth of it more or less by accident to-day. And if there is anythinglike a struggle, your help may be of value."

  Mark let the matter pass. He could quite understand Field's feeling.Another quarter of an hour slipped away; the road was now quitedeserted, so that the wheels of a coming cab could be heard a long wayoff. There was a little discussion between the cabman and his fare,followed by the banging of a door, and the heavy footsteps camestaggering up the street and a big man passed before the gate of No.100, Audley Place. With a sign, Field motioned his companion to stealbehind the bushes.

  "One of our birds, unless I am greatly mistaken," he said. "Yes, he iscoming this way."

  Mary held her breath now, for she did not fail to recognise thenewcomer. She could see from a casual glance that it was Bentwood.

  He came with a lurch and a stagger which proved his condition. He seemeda little suspicious at first, but the silence of the house, the steadygleam of the light over the fanlight, seemed to dispel any suspicions.Then he advanced more boldly to the door. As he stood on the bottomstep, Field emerged from his hiding-place.

  "Doctor Bentwood," he said, "I fancy I am not mistaken. You will obligeme by taking your hand off the bell. Nobody will answer your ring."

  Taken aback for a moment, Bentwood stepped off the path. He bent andgripped Field by the throat.

  "You little beast!" he hissed. "I'll kill you. If you only knew who youare talking to!"

  But Field was made of whipcord and steel. He slipped away from theother's grip and planted two or three body blows that caused Bentwood togroan aloud. Mark stepped out at once, but there was no need of hisservices. Field was all over his man by this time. As he clenched anddrove his left home, Bentwood came heavily to the ground. Before hecould stagger to his feet again, Field had the handcuffs on him.

  "It's an outrage," Bentwood blustered, though his face was white now andhis big red cheeks shook like a jelly. "What does it all mean?"

  "Case of Sir Charles Darryll," Field panted. "We know all about that. Weshall have your friend Sartoris, in a minute, to say nothing of Reggieand Cora. If you tell us everything and make a clean breast of your partof it----"

  "Shan't," Bentwood said sullenly. "You can find out that for yourself."

  Field pursed his lips in a soft whistle. The two shadows by the gatecame up.

  "Keep him close by," Field said. "He is just valiantly drunk now, butunless I greatly mistake my man, he will listen to reason shortly. Don'ttake him far away, as I may want to make use of him presently. I am gladthat he arrived on the scene before the motor came up."

  Again the tense silence fell on the group; once more they had to possesstheir souls in patience. Field appeared more cheerful and philosophical;the arrest of Bentwood seemed to have taken a heavy weight from hismind. He took out a cigarette and lighted it. Mark turned to Mary.

  "You are sure that you will not reconsider your decision?" he said. "Iwish that I could persuade you not to remain here. It has been quitepainful enough for you already, and you can do no good. Why should youwitness the final humiliation of it?"

  Mary looked at the speaker; a grateful sigh came from her lips.

  "You are more than kind to me," she said. "But I have drunk so deeply ofthe cup of humiliation that a draught more or less
makes no difference.Heaven knows how I have tried to avert this thing, to ward off thedanger that I could not see. And yet all this time I knew that sooner orlater the blow would fall. Mr. Ventmore, how old do you take me to be?"

  Mark could not say. It was rather an awkward question.

  "I see by your silence that you would rather not reply," Mary said. "Itmeans that you would have a delicacy in calling me an old woman. And yetI am barely thirty. When I think what I was three years ago, it seems tome as if ages had passed. Of course, this is all silly talk, but I musttalk or go mad."

  "There is a happier time coming for you," Mark said.

  "I know that. Once that blow has fallen, I shall regard myself as freeof my cares. And now, with that prospect before me, I would avert thecalamity if I could. And yet I have done my best and nobody could domore."

  Silence fell again, for Mark could not think of anything else to say.The silence was broken presently by the clang and snarl of a distantmotor car, and Field pitched his cigarette away. He seemed to havebecome good-humoured all at once.

  "That is good," he exclaimed. "Our patience has been rewarded at last.Another few minutes and we will go and see what the house has in storefor us. There's the other man."

  The motor pulled up opposite No. 100, and two men got out--followed by athird in clerical costume. The latter seemed to be protesting aboutsomething. As he came up the drive Field stepped out, and the two menwho had engineered the motor car saluted.

  "You have done exceedingly well," Field said in a pleased voice. "Youwill just stay where you are, because you may be wanted. So you havebrought the gentleman from Edward Street? I telephoned your chief tomake a raid on the place just now."

  "But this is an outrage," the clerical figure said in a shaky voice. "Totake a gentleman from his lodgings in that way is something that eventhe police----"

  "The police are prepared to accept all responsibility," Field saiddrily. "There is one little matter that I have to clear up, and that isyour identity. As it is not a cold night you are not likely to sufferfor the want of your wig."

  Dexterously Field snatched away wig and hat and glasses, and Richfordstood exposed. He was about to say something when all attention wasarrested by a sound from the house. It was a clear, crisp sound, thering of a revolver shot.

  "Look to your prisoners!" said Field crisply. "I am going into thehouse."